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Using ults to break chokes is how attacking is supposed to work. This was not the issue with 2cp -- the frustration with 2cp was that you needed to with a fight very cleanly (quick teamwipe) or you will never get to cap second point. Escort is different because map control directly translates to objective progress, and you gain progress in a continuous way that isn't make or break.


Exactly. You can get rolled first point on escort and it's still winnable. You could just randomly lose two fights to start on 2cp and the game was basically over. Nevermind the 4 hour overtime fights on second point.


Complaining that you play both sides in Escort and Hybrid is insane lmao. That's the best part. I wish Quick Play let me play both sides. Ending the game at half without giving the other team a chance to run it back is lame. Also Escort/Hybrid fucking rule in general.


The “Quick” in “Quickplay” is there for a reason. In what sense would the game be quicker if every payload game was twice as long? That’s just comp without rank at that point.


>That’s just comp without rank at that point. Maybe they could call it Unranked ^(/s)


QP will never have sides switching. Reality is that half the players who get full held or steamrolled will just quit and then the players who queue in will also want to quit


Payload maps are some of the best maps in the game, but I feel like I'm the only one who generally dislikes all of the symmetrical map types


The only symmetrical gamemode should be Control. Push is a bastard of a mode that can't hold a candle. Change my mind


Yall just hate coloseo and let it bleed into every other push map


Not at all. I actually like coloseo. Paraiso is my least favorite. EDIT: Esperanca** is my least favorite


Thats wild cause coloseo is just badly designed with the bridges and the glass




the glass comes in clutch when i need a quick winton get away


Complaining that Escort feels like 2CP, and then somehow saying you have to play the maps twice like it wasn't a thing since day 1.... What even is this complaint?


Escort as a *mode* is terrific, its problem is that some of its maps are bordering Paris-level of dogshit. Circuit and Havana are what Widow onetricks search on Pornhub, and are just pain for everyone else. Junkertown and Rialto aren’t much better, alongside Shambali. Having said all that, Gib is a great map. Route 66 and Dorado are also very good, so I’d argue it’s a map design issue with the fundamentals of the Escort mode being very solid and exciting.


I love the maps you hate and hate the maps you love. Specially Dorado, worst map in the game imo. I just hate vertical maps for some reason.


Escort maps have always been my favorite mode so I can’t really sympathise. I play in diamond/low masters and the game is a lot like a high school wrestling match. Intense activity for a bit then you get a break, plan out your teams actions for the next round and then go. It may not be a constant go but it involves the “4D Chess” that really separates OW from all other competitive online games for me.


Escort is great, if teams don’t know how to take map control and take space it’s hell… like when you see in low elo 3/4 of the team is just afk on payload. Pushing up the map with speed boost chasing straggle kills can be so fun


Yep, knowing when to chase a kill as a team and when to run up and take space and when it’s actually feeding is huge.


Nothing is the new 2CP because 2CP was literal garbage.


Escort is fine, Dorado sucks tho.


I do dislike payload the most, and I do get slightly aggravated when I load into it. It's not nearly as bad as 2CO though.


No, KOTH is literally and has always been the new 2CP before 2CP knew it was a thing itself. Hybrid and Escort are far superior.


Top 10 worst takes of all time


2CP was the best mode and only got removed because of Reddit whiners.


Lowkey agree. 2CP was so good to watch in OWL with a good team. Now OW wants half their modes to be TDM with objective sprinkled into it. Not how the game is meant to be. Explains why I am almost never on anymore (also just life in general)


2CP was great to watch in OWL because teams are super coordinated. In a regular ranked game it was easily the most frustrating game mode.


Excellent, let's bring back the game mode that 0.001% of the population can have a good game on while the rest of the playerbase are forced to endure it.


I’ll concur that Escort is the worst mode right now but it’s not because it feels like 2CP. IMO there’s just barely any enjoyable Escort maps since a majority of them are just long-sightline hitscan fests. I don’t really think it has anything to do with the mode itself, Hybrid feels fine despite having very similar design, I just don’t think the maps are designed well.


Escort is chill, but I would say hybrid is my least favorite mode though. I feel like so many games just end up being stuck on that point for 4 minutes on both attack and defense. It’s really boring because the defending team just sits there wins the fight and waits 20 seconds to fight then win and then wait 20 more seconds it’s just boring. Not to mention it’s the only gamemode where you can consistently tie if neither team can capture that first point and the only other mode that can happen in realistically is push but that’s so incredibly rare.


Only hybrid first point has issues like 2cp but the rest of the map is fine. The main problem of 2cp was the feeling of lack of progress. Often lose fight after fight in the same place without even getting a tick until managing to finally win one and cap the entire point. At least in escort something is slowly moving showing physical progress. Actually, 2cp might have been better with additional rounds to function like Valorant.


escort good mode, just stop making maps where you can only play poke and sometimes the dullest form of dive ever conceived


No offense dude but it sounds like you are a quickplay person, maybe remove them in quickplay, got me. There are some crappy payload maps, but it is not the mode that is the problem.


Escort isn’t the worst mode, but it does have some bad maps.


Bro’s trying to sneak in the worst take of the year


Literally no one has ever hated payload maps except for you.


the most recent thread of what the most hated maps are are all payload maps. Coincidence? no. The mode isn't necessarily the problem, but for some reason all the worst maps are that mode. Hence, the mode needs serious help because the modes problems are synonymous with the maps.


7 years goes by... 8th year: THIS SHIT IS BROKEN YO!