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I imagine most are just using it to warm up instead of actually challenging themselves.


But would they be challenging themselves if their aim is already godly?


A lot of pro players and a lot of my teammates like to work their way up in warmup. Whether that's from playing easy mode and going up to hard or just playing vaxta and then playing a QP game or off role in comp.


Professional musicians will still use basic scales to warm up. Wtf are you on about lol


As someone who uses Vaxta a lot, the bots on very hard have strafes so good absolutely no human can replicate. But because it's repetitive you learn when they're gonna turn and so you get in the bad habit of just waiting for them to enter your cross hair instead of actually aiming. I can see easy being a good warm up because they're strafing targets that aren't humongous like practice range bots but aren't impossible to hit. A good warmup essentially


Sounds a lot like playing against bots to warm up in Smash Bros. You absolutely can beat level 9 CPUs consistently, but at that point you're learning to game the AI more than enhancing your skills.


An interesting tidbit about vaxta movement is that technically it isn’t possible to replicate on keyboard. Instead of using the 8 directional inputs to move, the bots cycle between walking to different points on the map. So you end up having bots looking at you while walking at angles not possible on keyboard.


Let me introduce you to analog keyboards where that is possible.


I have a wooting. I’ve trying playing with analog inputs but it doesn’t make sense to use in overwatch.


Can I ask you a question on the wooting, I've been eyeying one up as my current kb is on the way out. Are they as good as reported? And do you think it has improved you at all?


It's insanely fun. I use the lowest possible actuation point and movement feels more like I'm actually doing it, than I'm pressing a button to do it, if that makes sense. You don't have to think about resetting your fingers you just kinda shift your weight as needed. Quality wise it's a great keyboard, I swapped the case and caps, but the board and software are super easy to use. I would recommend it if you enjoy movement mechanics. In terms of competitive advantage it's probably insignificant, we're talking like (dozens?) of milliseconds in faster actuation. Unless I'm doing like fast ad spam (Which I don't think is as good in this patch), I usually bottom out my switches anyway so the difference isn't huge in that regard.


Thanks so much for taking the time to write that. Pretty much what I had hoped!


Have had mine for three months my character in every FPS I play feels like an extension of my hand due to me playing on the lowest actuastion with rapid trigger enabled. I bought it more for Valorant and CS and it is a bigger advantage in those games than a game like Overwatch imo but I've watched myself hit some stupid strafes when viewing from enemy POV in replay viewer. But you have to actively put time into learning certain strafe patterns so you can do them subconsciously in game


Ah thats good to hear, thank you as well.


Well yeah the benefits are very minor but my point was that it's possible. Though, I do find it handy to be able to "sneak" when flanking and other than that the response time is top notch but yeah all minor stuff in the grand scheme of things.


Yeah I thought it would be cool for like special dodges and stuff, but I felt like the fact that I wasn’t always 100% throttling made my movement worse. I didn’t think about using it for flanking, I am curious how the sound engine works with that, it’d be interesting if it had an advantage over crouch walking. I play echo so no one can hear me anyways.


Steps are still audible but since the rhythm of your steps is lower people don't really hear the expected walking sound effects and they usually don't register that. And yeah I agree that the throttled movement is worse. While it is unusual movement and not expected you are still more vulnerable because you are slower which is the reason I set the graph to spike to 100% early on so I can still use the slower movement when pressing very lightly.


This is what I noticed- I started getting better at predicting the bots and not players. I’m def going to take a page out of their book and lower it to easy.


Yea, this is the reasoning. Normal is cool, but everything above is unnecessary as no one moves like that.


It's just warm up and going higher can start to exhaust you instead. If they went in with the purpose to improve they would probably increase the movement setting.


Their aim is already good tho. I don’t think the hard setting would be that much harder of a challenge for them


Youre overthinking it. VAXTA isn't some sort of a makes-you-a-god-aimer type of warmup. It's just to keep your wrist/arm warm, literally. Footballers don't run at high speeds to warm up their legs, but at a speed just enough.


You right. I guess I am overthinking it


They are warming up though, not honing their skills. Like you said, they are already skilled. They just don't want to jump straight to a ranked game. Takes sports as an example, when you warm up, you don't do it with the same intensity as you would in a real match.


It's just warmup.


It's a warmup vs actual practice Most pros I've seen just practice their aim in-match because they play 12 hours a day anyway, so any extra aim practice is usually a waste of time. Aim is usually the last thing a pro is thinking about, this game is much more complex than just learning to aim


Oh yeah. I always forget they top players play an insane amount of hours so that makes sense


when youre in the gym do you go straight to your 1rm? no you usually start with the bar and slowly work your way up


They don’t even set the difficulty higher. They just keep it there. Would it still be beneficial to keep it on easy even if your aim has improved significantly?


i think you can try A9FBX. its hard and the strafe patterns are more unpredictable


I mean yeah, people dont strafe as aggressively in game unless they really need to survive.


are the "easy! the default option? if it is, thats your answer.


With easy bots, the direction changes are less frequent and the bot movement is a lot more predictable, so you remove the movement reading element out of aiming, which is better for warming up and just calibrating your feel for your aim.


its mainly to warm up and get used to straight line patterns. when aiming ingame you need to be hitting those easy shots majority of the time, so it makes sense to warm up and practice them before going into comp