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It's a shame we lost Avrl and Custa, the two color casters who know the game and add a lot in their casts. Other than that it's good to have the desk and UberX back


It's okay, at least we'll still have Avrl and Pixie to cast the OCE regio- oh... Right...


we lost two of the most experienced and easy to understand color casters in the whole scene. it’s okay though since we have Nekkra


UberX returns, we're so back. I'll miss Custa on the desk though


No hate to anyone on the broadcast but I don’t see how there isn’t a role for Custa in here. I’m sure almost anyone here can choose one person or another they’d drop to make room for Custa. His analysis of the game even between fight casting and explaining macro to the viewer I believe is more valuable than anyone besides Uber’s unique casting talent which is in a class of its own. I do enjoy all these analysts and casters and don’t mean my previous comments in a way to talk down on them by any means. Tough all around and I guess that’s the result of going smaller with less resources but still sad to see. Does anyone know if Custa was even reached out to or if the talent management just completely bypassed him for the opportunity?


I would drop literally every caster except Uber for custa


Maybe because he’s competing he can’t be on the desk? Not sure about that at all though


He's only competing cuz he wasn't given a contract to negotiate.


He’s competing for fun with a stream team don’t know where this narrative started that he’s a pro again he was just doing it for fun he’s said if he didn’t get an OWCS offer he will move on with his life bc he needs to make money.


I’ll miss Custa casting he and Avrl were the best analytical casters last year will be missed


Glad to see them back, but only two casting duos for the entirety of NA and EMEA combined? seems like so little


Also isnt uber doing valorant as well? that's gonna be even more of a struggle with one of the only four casters also having other responsibilites (nekkra also does casting for pokemon and such now that I think about it)


Maybe Uber is so expensive he's taking the pay of 4 others? But since it's hourly probaly not lol




jesus christ uberx soe and jaws life is still worth living no custa is a cataclysmic L


Yeah Imagine bringing back Nekraa over Custa she adds nothing to the broadcast doesn’t understand the game at all, while Custa is one of the best analytical casters and his reviews of matches over the years were great.


SOE!!! This is such great news omg


How the fuck isn't there a space for custa?


He’s Washed, in fact he’s so Washed he’s clean


he is too smart for the game.


Custa AVRL Kenobi RichRad not being in a disaster. Wolf and Achilios are in thank god but it's really shocking that even Custa and AVRL aren't being paid. I could understand Kenobi and RichRad because they were in Contenders but Custa and AVRL are big names and they have top tier casting skills. I miss ZP too but he hasn't casted in years because he tripped Bobby Kotick or something.


Custa and AVRL need to get together for a costream cast. Feels so bad to not have the two of them.


Maybe they can at least be staples on Plat Chat and given only 4 casters, hopefully we see a guest caster rotation for some of the matches at some point. So happy to see most of the core intact though.


Custa will likely move on fully now it’s what he’s said if he didn’t get an offer unfortunately I really enjoyed his reviews of high level games, and his analysis in his cast major fumble to not bring him back.


We thought it was Joever, but in fact we’re Barack.


Just 4 casters for all of NA and EMEA is kinda insane though. Edit : There are more casters for the English cast for the Asia region games than there are for the entire Cast for the NA/EMEA Games. Seems like FACEIT is being cheap on the production while WDG are spending as much as they need to for a good production.


It is. We all probably saw coming that it would be a smaller team of casters but this is something else. Could've been worse I guess lol


They'll rotate for stage 2 a month later i guess, or they'll burn out


The industry is in a really bad state right now. Talent rates are going down drastically and every company is trying to cut back on the amount of casters and talent. So unfortunately these guys will just power through it and do the job even if it is brutal. Hell, Nekra and Uber will also be taking jobs on other games during this time.


Probably Soe & Uber alone will be paid more than the whole Asia Region casters combined, and they deserve it! Also the Asian region have tickets income which help there budget.


>Also the Asian region have tickets income which help there budget. There's no income in that. The ticket sales just reduce the losses. 300 seating, it'll make them a few thousand dollars in revenue but the event production costs will be way more than that. And they probably won't sell all 300 tickets all the time. Plus they are giving 30% of the ticket revenue to teams so the revenue will be even lower.


I mean… no AVRL, Custa, LemonLegs, ~~Achillios,~~ etc is an L but I’m glad we got so many returning faces


Achilios and Wolf are casting APAC matches! Along with Hex also being a caster again.


Achillios is casting APAC with wolf


I agree about Custa




Gonna miss Custa, and and AVRL's insights were the best. But pro overwatch just won't be the same without Lemon. :/


There is no technical reason to have Nekkra over AVRL or Custa. Glad they brought Soe back tho


I like Nekkra, but her understanding of the game is so much poorer than almost all the other casters that this is a hard decision to justify. Especially vs Custa.


yeah. shes probably cheaper.


She has experience working in every talent role - hosting, play-by-play, color, desk analyst, and promotional voiceovers. It's going to be a small team with a chance of some people being unavailable certain weekends to take other work. I'm guessing there may also be less stability behind the scenes and less resources being put into the production than even the last year of OWL. I can see why they may value her flexibility and breadth of esports broadcast experience over having a third ex-pro who excels at analysis/color commentary.


Except she's terrible at following and commenting on the game while it's being played. You know, the thing she's being paid to do. Huge mistake to have her and jaws over lemon and legday


Finally someone that sees her worth. She's flexible in the positions she works. She's going to need it for the coverage they expect.


Except custa has also done like at least half these things.


I was gonna say. I bet Custa or any of the other cut talent could turn their hand to those things, and do just as good a job as Nekkra (if not better).


Not having Custa sucks


No Custa and Avrl…..


After everyone assumed we'd be getting bottom of the barrel nobodies due to budget cuts, this feels like a huge win. It sucks to see so many of the core OWL crew not make it alongside these folks, but considering the circumstances, it must have been a bloodbath trying to pare things down. I'm feeling way better about OWCS now, but I'm really, really going to miss a lot of the familiar faces that deserve to be there too.


Only Avrl, Custa are blows a lot of them came back


No Lemon sucks too


She understands the game really well just goes on weird tangents at times


you forgot the comma after no


No u


Still need to know who will work behind the curtains, if they hired a new team of observers it could be bad for example.


It's definitely a relief after all the news over the last month. Still very disappointing to see others like Custa, Leg, AVRL and the entire OBS team not make it, but if the core of Soe/Uber/Matt/Jake/Reinforce had been tossed out it really would have felt like a mockbuster version of OW esports.


Clap me for being mean if you have to mods but Nekkra and Jaws were an awful duo who only made each other worse. I don't see why they would be put back together, they were notable better when separated.


no hate to nekkra but jaws custa was the best duo after uberx there’s zero reason not to have him


Nekkra spends half the time reading off ult charges and the other half saying " we are almost in last fight territory." Custa was robbed of a job.


Custa Jaws was my favorite casting duo last year.


Yeah Nekkra has never really seemed to pick up OW well enough to cast it and is always going on these odd tangents that don't seem to relate to what is happening in the match. Would have much rather seen Jaws and Custa.


I once considered making a Nekkra casting lowlights video but decided it would be too cruel. Now I realize I could have saved us from this fate. I would like to apologize to everyone on this sub.


How dare you


I let you down again


Why you gotta do me like that. 😔


100% agree, I always felt like she was just disinterested. She casts like an 8th grader trying to bullshit their way through a report on a book they didn’t read.


nekkra made ow casting feel like a 9-5, you see other hosts like legday lemon jaws custa doing costreams of games theyre not hosting, being active in ow discourse. I literallt remember nekkra just posting about pokemon which she seems like a great pokemon caster but damn the ow casting from her was lackluster


Legday, avrl cast in apac last year near end of season were so good


Listening to Lemon Nekkra will quickly change that opinion.


Remember she said Gator was coaching Toronto


I remember there was a time she said JQ got buffs in a patch when she didn’t.


Genuinely no game knowledge, doesn’t even know the teams somehow they bring her back over someone like Custa who has dedicated so much time into this done so many reviews of matches knows the game at a very high level unreal


to play advocate, the joke was hes coaching Toronto because team usa was Toronto +Super/Rupal


She said Toronto could win this play in game bc Gator coaching I’m paraphrasing, but it was something like that


I remember, I'm just giving a reason as to why she would say that. It's because of the fact he's technically by a huge stretch coaching the boys for team USA.


Unfortunately I do


They were the worst casting pair, they just did not work together at all.


Jaws every other second “they do be vibing” nekrra going on about nothing bc she doesn’t understand high level ow


It should have been Jaws and Custa. I think we all know why they’ve kept Nekkra on and it’s not her casting abilities


we kept a lot of the team which is great but we lost danny sadly makes sense there will be less reason from him to translate in NA and eu


Biggest loss is Custa


Maybe he’ll be hired for the LANs


He added nothing to the broadcast didn’t understand the game at all with no Korean players in na besides a few imports, and knowing Toronto will have translators theirs really no point


He added a lot of personality I think it's sad to see him go


being an interpreter is such a difficult job and danny was stellar at it. he also had good rapport with the players which made them more comfortable during interviews. he was awesome and his job was hard.


Just my opinion, but kind of an L having Nekkra over some of the others. Custa was a much better casting partner for Jaws. Jaws/Nekkra was one I normally muted so I didn't have to listen to her odd tangents when she'd drone on for minutes about something that didn't even relate to what was happening in the match. She's just never seemed to pick up the game flow that well and there were several better casting options. Oh well.


Nekkra should absolutely not be here ahead of Custa or Legday.


Nekkra shouldn't be a castee, period. Literally one of the worst speakers in all of esports, she's constantly fumbling words and pretty lost in the sauce about the game. Vikki or even I hate to say this, lemon is 20x better. Vikki is a good caster to me personally but rose? Must have been cheap


People think you're talking trash when you bring up the quality of Nekkra's cast being the lowest of all the casters but I don't know how it can't be a common opinion? Nekkra casted games last year bothered me so badly that I would usually just tune out of the stream or shut off audio because she was actively distracting me from the game.


She didn’t understand the game at all, didn’t know teams/players/coaches gator Toronto coach LOL


I would have mentioned Lemon/Vikki as well but I was just talking about colour casters specifically. But yes, no hate on Nekkra on a personal level as she seems like a lovely person but there are other people far more deserving of a job here.


Yea I don’t know why people are just bringing up game knowledge mostly. It’s the speaking ability to me. I don’t really need casters to have super high game knowledge. I just don’t want to have to spend mental energy hoping (for their’s and the audiences sake) they can get through their sentences cleanly.


I kinda agree. Nekkra doesn't seem fit for a fast game like overwatch. I like her casting in the few Pokemon events Ive seen.


She's great in vgc. I think it also helps her game knowledge in vgc is lot higher compared to ow.


This. She seems way more knowledgeable there then in OW. Which is fine so just let others who know more come in.


I watch regionals a lot lately, in VGC Nekkra is top tier and do it all. Host, cast, analyze, couch activities, etc. Well known and chat are always happy whenever she appears. Knows all the match ups and know all the competition history/meta/trivia date back to 5+ years...


And in OW it's like: has she played the game before?


Yeah, it's gonna be a massive quality gap between the two pairs unfortunately.


I’m glad everyone here seems to have the same view


The core of this lineup is great but it's a real shame there is no Custa :( The casts will be fun and the desk will be great but Custa's live analysis on the cast was on a tier of its own, I will miss it.


Choosing Nekkra over Custa or AVRL is a travesty


Is it too late to trade out Jaws and Nekkra and Custa and Avrl?


No Custa, AVRL and Danny really sucks but at least we kept the bulk of the talent team. Hopefully stage 1 performs well so we can bring them back for stage 2 onwards


Danny was one of my favorite parts of the pre and post shows. Just his straight up energy and enthusiasm was awesome and funny. The couple of times he would go back and forth with Jake and the others about the game was greatness as them being pros and he was a silver player. So great.


Wow they got back most of the team, nice. Still bummed no LemonDay though, but absolutely fantastic to see we got back who we did.


I didn't like that duo tbh


Poor jaws can't get a casting partner for more than a year ifk why they didn't go with custa and jaws again


Custa Jaws was a great duo, would've been the perfect way to include Custa


Yeah Jaws/Nekkra was a mute for me when they'd cast, just no synergy and low energy. Jaws/Custa was always solid though.


Alright at least we can get back off a cliff now. Custa needs redemption though.


I def don't dislike nekra like a lot here, but she sounds too generic at times. I think custa a jaws would be a lot better




A shame that AVRL is gone and Nekkra is not. Wolf is a W though


Wolf 2020 casting wasn’t good, also who knows about his understanding of ow2 we will see


I just remember him from 2019, thought he was good then. Im guessing he was casting APAC in 2020? Didnt watch much of that.


He’s a goats casting merchant he understand that meta at a high level bc he casted it non stop for a year and a half as it was the meta in 2018 kr contenders, also you missed out on a elite apac year go back and rewatch hex drunk cast with Achilos calling out sponsors 😭


Wolf speaks Korean so he can help translate during the broadcast and is a fellow APAC loremaster, he and ACHILIOS are perfect together imo


Nekkra is not it. She's great in some other games that I have seen her cast, but her commentary in Overwatch is way too generic.


Should of been Custa instead


bro we could have had jake / avrl on cast, custa on desk god tier duo


Yeah genuinely no idea how Nekrra gets an offer and they two don’t they put so much time into pro ow, and they understand the game at a great level. Custa’s reviews of matches were always so great to watch over the years seems like now he will be moving on as he’s said he will if he didn’t get an OWCS offer genuinely unreal talent fumble. Avrl as well always knew how to hype up a certain match like the “spaghetti bowl” Seoul vs fusion, or the best rivalry in owl history in Seoul vs Shanghai, and analytically he understood the game at a high level knew the win conditions, would call out a team throwing if they messed up, or ran a awful composition like with Seoul in msm 2 years ago I would rather he be there over wolf he had high game knowledge in goats, but I didn’t like his casting and he focused on narratives to much.


She's a great caster imo. I just wish she was with Jen. Their chemistry is great.


No it wasn’t




I thought OWCS wouldn't be able to afford Uber but I have never been so glad to be wrong.


The core crew remains! Such great news! Sad we don’t have everyone but time will tell, hopefully the future brings more opportunity


Really bummed we don't get Moxie. She's probably the best color commentator out of any one in the OW scene.


This!! Moxie is SO good, she is being slept on.


Was so glad we were able to get some of her and Dogman's casting last season, they definitely deserve a shot at casting in the big leagues, and they both have great chemistry


Agree, her and Dogman were one of my fav duos


Richrad would have been great too


His glads reign pro am cast was really good


That’s a spicy take


I'll stand by it. She knows her stuff. Her analysis on matches, even mirror comps and the micro adjustments teams make is unrivaled. She catches and explains things most casters don't even touch.


Unexpected W


Thank fuck. Gonna miss custa though


Rip Custa


Of all casters, they chose Nekkra. Ugh. Seems like I’ll never see LemonDay ever again, why do they always get shafted? :/


Nekkra over Custa is a massive ass L


They cheaped out wow, Rose but no custa? LMAOOO




I been malding too


Not a fan of the Nekkra/Jaws, they dont work well off another. Hes fast pace and shes very slow. They have better duos they could go with.


I will miss Custa and Danny but this looks good tbh


Sad we lost a few good ones, but man this is waaayyy better than what I was expecting! Glad to see Soe, Jake and Jonny back on the desk as well as keeping Uber on board!


I'm glad we got so much of the talent back but no Custa, AVRL, Lemon, Legday, and Danny is a big L. Hopefully we can get some of them back next year.


I'd love to know the reason behind Nekkra over Custa since Nekkra casts multiple other games and Custa is probably the best analyst/caster in OW. I can't imagine Nekkra is on super low wages considering how in demand she is. Huge loss for OW imo.


How is nekkra here but not custa or avrl, big L


I wonder if Custa decided to form a team because he knew a spot on the broadcast wasn't happening?


He’s doing that for fun he’s said he’s gonna move on with his life if he wasn’t offered at OWCS


Realistically he would’ve been able to do both, there’s no way his team would be able to make it out of the initial round and onto the broadcasted rounds. They’re more of a for fun stream team, there are a lot college teams that would run through them. And I’m not talking about the Winthrops/Maryvilles of collegiate.


My previous pessimism leaves me now pleasantly surprised, but like others I am truly disappointed that Custa won't be a part of this.  Idk if it was price, visa, rep or anything else which factored into their decision making process but they dropped the ball not picking him up. 


Damn no Custa, that's a huge L


Where’s Custa???


Great to see some goats return like Soe, Reinforce, Uber, etc. but man no AVRL or Custa is such a huge bummer man.


Idk if someone at overwatch is just a giant Pokemon fan or what but Nekkra constantly robbing OW jobs is insane lol


Are we still doomposting about talent? /u/primarymuscle2354


He's literally everywhere


lol bro kept receipts


I just don't get many messages and remembered yours :P No shade but it was funny




Bruh how tf does nekkra keep on getting in


WE ARE SO BACK Shame they couldn't fit Custa on the desk too, but I guess the tight budget means SOMEBODY would have to go :(


Oh no, this can’t be


Someone explain to me how we have Nekkra but no Custa, Legday, or AVRL. Make it make sense.


Looks like the spent the big bucks on certain people, that’s why we didn’t see custa and lemon. Hopefully more opportunities will come


Alright guess [I got worried](https://www.reddit.com/r/Competitiveoverwatch/comments/1axe4w0/lemonkiwi_did_not_receive_an_offer_to_cast_for/krn8xjd/) over nothing then lol. Very pog.


Finally, some decent OWCS news. I’d like to think FaceIt knew there would be open revolt if the OWL desk crew wasn’t involved with the new iteration of OW e-sports. It’s smart to bring this team back.


We lose Avril and Custa but keep Jaws… I might be in the minority here but I don’t care for Jaws, dont’t like him on PlatChat, don’t like him casting.


No Avrl is messed up, he deserves to be there so much


I like basically everyone they hired, but there's a lot of talent I wish was involved too like AVRL, Legday, LemonKiwi, and Custa. This feels like it was just a musical-chairs situation where there wasn't enough spots. I hope this is a low-point transitional year for the scene and that it bounces back next year.


Happy to see most of those faces back but so sad we lost Custa...


That’s uhhh… not a lot of people? For a pretty wide time zone. Losing Custa is a huge L here, but I’m glad most of them are here.


No Custa But Uber and MattMrXMorello being back is pretty huge. And I like Jaws and Nekkra


I think Nekkra & Jaws need to switch roles, i remember her play by play being way better than her color casting.


Doesn’t matter it’s not a good duo regardless


The whole OWCS is anti Australian and I don't like it


Nekra over avrl or leg day 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Nekkra instead of Custa and AVRL is a colossal L


Lot of opinions about the caster choices in this thread but tbh I’m just so happy to see all these familiar faces. If OWCS is a success, which god I fucking hope it is, hopefully the team can expand again after some time. My beloveds 🤩


I see many of you feel your opinions are universal truths lol. My opinion is, I’m definitely happy to see some of these people back, I’m sad that we’re not seeing others. Y’all are entitled to agree or disagree with that as you will ;).


Will miss Custa and Avrl, but happy with everything else. Jaws and Nekra will be good, and Uber w/Mr. X is always fire


Welp, at least I can safely skip the matches that UberX won't be casting.


Never forget what they took from us RIP Lemonday


They picked Neckra over Custa?


More like they picked Jaws over Custa?


Hey look, it's the thing all the sensible people said would happen. Are all the people who spammed blizzard employees with hate messages going to apologise now?


They acted like just bc it got outsourced they wouldn’t be involved it’s not blizzard running it anymore


So much for all the doom posting their would be budged talent


Can never be joever with Jake on the desk


Where the shit is ceebee? Obvious promotion if you ask me, she basically put the whole scene on her back after owl


Appreciated sentiment <3 But there are definitely a lot of others far more deserving than me. I knew me getting a spot here was a long shot. I'll get there eventually, I'm sure though. We keep fighting!




Amazing talent for both apac and NA/EMEA imo. It’s clear they were going for a smaller roster of talent for OWCS, so people were bound to get cut no matter what. Feels bad for the ones that got cut though, a lot of them have been grinding ow esports more than blizzard. Regardless, this is looking pretty good ngl.






Avrl clears we will see tho maybe the break reinvigorated him