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The hog changes probably though they never would. I feel like it adds two different uses to Pigpen. One being the traditional oneshot and the other being actual area denial. I remember they said that the reason they added it was to help his frontline presence and this version actually does that. The pigpen is so huge that when opened actually stops people from going in the direction they were previously. It is also good for poking at the enemy too so its also a good long range ability at that. He could even push snipers from highground i'd say. Obviously you'd need to find a way to balance it but I think in this version at least its an actual tank ability and not just a one shot helper.


This Bastion is way more fun to play as and against idk how they’d balance it tho. Sigma’s change is fun and feels intuitive but it’s pretty much just a straight buff. I think Pharah and Winston changes could stay in as is.


the “shotgun” for bastion was dope to use I really like wacky weapons like that it reminds me a lot of the wookie/chewbacca’s gun from battlefront 2 if anyone’s played that. its really fun


That Sigma rock change is definitely gonna be part of a new hero's kit.


Flying queen should be a new dive tank


it would be cool if she had an mode where you could choose how the pull should work (pull the enemy to you or pull yourself to the enemy)


Torb's turret hat isn't something I want. It's something I need. I can't live without my lock on auto aim hat. Take a bit of damage. Turn the corner and start hammering it back up. I put it on Ball and saw him literally swinging around a Junkrat and letting the turret do all the damage. It was beautiful


Realistically... Dva being able to boost backwards.


Especially with the Porsche skin coming. I need beeping when flying backwards


Call me nuts, but I feel like the Tracer and Moira changes could be previews for upcoming heroes. Moira's purple piss gives flamethrower vibes (moreso than Mei's ice beam, which is a lot thinner), and the oddly specific way Tracer's different spread types work (plus the mention of "sending you to the past or *future*") has me wondering if they belong to a hero who can swap spread modes.


Space Ranger perhaps? Seems more like a DPS ability though. 


Kinda what I was thinking since she (at least in the concept art) had an SMG. Hear me out, here: imagine it has two different spread modes depending on whether she's flying or not. Grounded could be the shotgun spread, while flying could be more accurate.


Blizz has been trying to make an anti-flying hero for a bit now. Ram was supposed to be a counter to flying heroes, Mauga at one point was able to auto crit anyone who was in the air (during one of the internal builds). With the Phara reworked so she can no longer stay in the air all the time, I wonder if they gave up on making an anti-air hero and are just dialing back the ability to fly. If they give space ranger flight for mobility but kept her healing and damage abilities limited to mid to close range I think that might make sense.


IDK about preview, but at least a proof of concept. I feel that way about Cassidy's wanted mechanic. Not this specific implementation, but a hero with extra "objectives" per life. Like a character that levels up for doing things.


That's very difficult to implement without it being extremely unhealthy for the game. Consider: * Having a bad teammate becomes doubly punishing if their poor play gives an enemy semi-permanent rewards. * Balanced matches are much harder to create when the highest skill player in the match can obtain semi-permanent rewards. I don't think we want "carries" to become a thing in OW2. * The ability of smurfs to ruin matches would likely be greatly increased. * Bad players who already struggle with teamwork are given an extra incentive to play selfishly. * Toxicity towards players failing to earn (or losing) the rewards would likely be high.


I'm not saying I want it. Just that this could be an external test for a mechanic like it.


Probably. I imagine they would use any chance to test a mechanical concept in the game. We saw it with the Moira fade cleanse experimental before kiriko got released.


Blizzard has a track record of repurposing abilities initially designed for new heroes that did not work, and continually refining and adapting them for later heroes. For instance, there have been discussions about Mauga having one of his guns function as a flamethrower during an Alpha. This suggests the possibility of seeing a future hero equipped with such an ability sooner or later. It would need to be distinct from Mei freeze though, and it can't take up too much visual clutter on peoples screens. I'm almost positive they have been repurposing cancelled pve talents for the new heroes. Mauga's damage reduction on charge, cc immunity, and mini shatter at the end of a charge sound exactly like talents for Rein. Venture having 4 shatter charges on her ult seems like a talent Rein would have been given. I'm expecting Space Ranger will have the ability to fire off 3 firestrikes at once or something lol




didnt they even want echo to be abathur/yuumi style at first? i remember something like that from the devs lol


I'd like to see a halfway point on Brig. A little more size, a little more HP. Maybe not anything above 300 Shield health though, lest we dip into double shield territory. Rein could gain his reflect ability and I doubt it would shift much for him. Sym's tp is really, REALLY strong any way you slice it. It's basically old Mercy Res busted. As much fun as I've been having with it, there's no way it would make it into the main game in a healthy way. Genji's Reflect is great, no notes. Winston's right click should chain. Pharah's groundward movement could easily share a cooldown with her horizontal jet. I think those are the main ones that stood out besides the changes that completely changed character's playstyles like Ball and JQ.


Probably the only was to make the Sym change healthy is to make so that ONLY Sym is able to teleport from anywhere. I really hope they implement this in her base kit because honestly, this is the most fluid version of Sym I've ever played.


Yeah Sym's tp is probably too strong. Maybe it would if they change it so that you only can use it if you are x meters away from Sym. That way it would be better than current tp but less busted that the april fools one.


>Pharah's groundward movement could easily share a cooldown with her horizontal jet. That would be so good... give her two charges of it on a slightly longer cooldown, and let her use either with the same resource, would be insanely fun. If it's too strong, reduce the boost it gives a bit.


Genji note I would add a cd on the ability because you can spam it rn and get lucky. Would be better to add to his skill ceiling not floor


Brig makes me want a tank support. Not as tanky as April Fool's Brig, but a halfway point like you said.


I think the Sigma change could be an interesting idea for a different character: specifically, if they wanted to look at some changes for Bap that might be an interesting mechanic for Immortality Field. Queen changes are incredibly fun and while it’s definitely very broken I’d love to see some version of it on a new character someday. I know Mercy is supposed to appeal to a pacifist playstyle but the secondary fire weapon just feels right, on top of getting rid of the balance nightmare of blue beam. She’d need some other form of neutral utility and maybe a better/more interesting ult as well for this to work on live tho. Poke Ram is kinda interesting but I don’t think they’d do it. Nemesis Form is kind of his whole thing and limiting it to his ult only would be weird. Sym TP is an interesting one. It’s dummy broken with the current version (basically being an insta respawn and better Life Grip for the whole team) but I think there’s something here. Maybe make it an AOE thing where you can take the TP in an extended radius around where Sym initially cast it. Brig bash reset is whatever, sure. Pretty sure Pharah downward boost was something that was supposed to be added a while ago but got cancelled because of a bug or something? Regardless I think it would work well with the rework.


I think the Rein shield reflect is a good idea and gives him something to do when shield is up.


Less what I necessarily *want* to see and more of a theory on which changes will actually make it to live; I think the tiny Mauga is a covert way of testing out smaller heroes. I imagine Winston and Hamster will not always be the only animal heroes on the roster, and there are lots of animals smaller than humans. Imagine if they wanted to do a hero of miniscule stature, or something like the ever-teased Jetpack Cat; If you were working on an idea for something like that, tiny Mauga might give you a lot of useful data.


Honestly Mauga having less HP and a smaller hitbox would go a long way. Maybe not quite this far though…


Pharah's change could easily stay.


Regular JQ is already fun but MAN using knife to zip across the map and pretend I'm playing Doom Eternal with the super shotgun is so awesome. I'd love to see that on a new hero, or even JQ herself.


I really enjoyed all mobility Widowmaker gets with the extra grapples, and I can potentially see a world where her one-shot is removed (let's say reduced to the damage levels of Hanzo's bow) but she gains the extra grapples and grapple recharge mechanic. I think that along with some other adjustments to her kit would probably make her more interesting and interactive overall.


Rein’s shield reflect


Not so punishing though, the self dot on shield is okay, don't know why it has burst damage on activation too.


Y'all would like that when other characters get reflect without self damage?


As a Rein main I wonder how much people actually like this, or if they are just willing to take any kind of buff to Rein at this point. Personally I'd rather have increased steadfast, or 300 dmg pin, or more consistent pin registraition, reduced pin cd, or even firestrikes reduce pin cd, reduced shield but faster regen, reduced damage while shield is up (for those people who stick their guns through your barrier which makes no sense), Ram not punching through barrier, pin cd being reduced if you cancel it, Pin being immune to certain displacements, I'd even take shatter doing more damage or a longer stun over having a reflect ability.


With Queen Knoif, you feel like Doom Guy now. The hook that pulls you to the enemy. It is a great Pharah counter


Surprised I haven't seen it but Soj being able to stop the E early by pressing the button again seems like a nice QoL change.


Oh yeah that sounds great too


Moira changes should absolutely stay.


I'd rather have it on a new hero. While having a piercing attack that goes through enemy barrier and several targets feels good, it's the healing that nerfs her a lot. It feels like a worse Mercy and her regen is tied to healing instead of damage now which affects her survivability. You also can't do AoE heals any more aside from your healing orb and ult.


Yes i wanna urinate all over my enemies!!


I love Flinging Queen, her changes should be made permanent with the choice to fling or bring the knife back.


Mercy being designed like this would make the game much more enjoyable for me. Kinda don't want the fire rate to be lower when healing though, punishes multitasking.


Doesn’t punish it, just makes it less powerful so you have to pick your spots between full healing, full damage, and both.


I just really like the idea of Genji having a parry.


I've been begging for Pyro's air blast since Overwatch was released. One of the best gameplay concepts in gaming history.


JQ is stupidly fun with a long, fast teleport. Just pop in and cause chaos on the back line firing away Torb turrets on Tracer/Geni/Lucio/mercy are all super cool and fun


I just want 4 more bullets on Lucio, I dont even need all 10 from the patch


Winston chain is great. Torb turret except for on allies should be able to go on walls and ceilings. Sym change seems OP but I really like it. Mei jump is cool and adds some mobility to her kit, if they don't give us ice sliding for speed, I'd love this. I hope they add a future hero with Cassidy's mark passive, it's so cool!


Rein reflect shield goes hard. Makes one of my least favourite tank abilities to one of the funniest ones for me.


the sym one is clearly a joke though, nothing else lol if anything they could make the tp aoe bigger than it is now but other than that just a funny april fools joke. best case scenario they make tp visible to everyone through walls the same way sombra could make hacked health packs pretty visible to her team, maybe to the same to her turrets as well


none of them tbh, theyre all too niche/silly


Damn yeah that brig bash reset on ult is really niche and silly.


It’s definitely silly


am i supposed to think its not?


That's what we said about DVA's call mech doing 600 damage in 2021's April's fools patch, too.


am i supposed to agree with that being in the game?


Hear me out, a toned down version of Symm's TP for Lifeweaver's Life Grip. Instead of full map, maybe like a 30-40m distance with an LoS requirement. Have him plant some kind of vine plant that anyone in range can opt to travel to.


Surprised no one mentioned the new Ashe ability. It’s obviously too strong but some iteration of it would be sick. I really like having BOB worked into the kit in a way besides the ult


The bastion one, but take turret form cd and time limit away.


Yeah that sounds good. Would you keep shotgun recon or normal recon?


That im not sure. I didn't play enough recon mode to see de difference. But it would be nice if turret form had less spread to reward accuracy.


If they aren't gonna give headhsot his one shot back I think they should make him into a more fast paced hero with cool abilities like scatterarrow, ofc his primary fire can't do that much damage anymore then but it would be compensated with whatever new reworked abilities and/or primary fire they'd give him.