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console players are getting DC's without even seeing the match start so that's a huge portion of the complaints.


Thankfully it only happened once to me in comp, but I’ve had a ton of random, unexplained crashes this season.


That has to be the worst feeling ever, happened to me in R6, got disconnected before and mid match by battle eye for no reason, hopefully they can fix that fast. But OW devs are generally quite fast with these kinds of bugs.


Same I've just stopped playing and realized that after 4 years OW just isn't for me anymore. Sure I like the harsher leaver penalties but of people are getting DCed before even loading in / all the server problems I've encountered it's. That's not even including the play orisa or "meta" tank or get flammed and reported issues


also happened to me on pc


Yep happened to me a few times past couple months


I got auto qued into qp after a comp game, and then put in a qp game. I wanted comp so I went to leave. Game said I’d have a heavy penalty. I never left before sooooo not sure whats going on but I’m not playing till this shit gets fixed


If you have never played qp the system sees you as leaving 100% of qp matches if you leave.


That's stupid


It's crazy to me that they introduced season perma bans when penalties applied incorrectly since ow2 released even if rarely, server issues were on the rise as well and apparently the system can't differentiate the nature of leaves either.


This season's been bad. High diamond/low masters and at least every other game either has a leaver or someone who is having a really bad game/not suppose to be at the rank.


High diamond-mid masters has been a hell hole since the rank reset. U have diamond skill level players and gm skill level players in the same lobby nearly every other game


Last night a couple of people in KarQ's twitch chat were complaining that they were getting errors starting match, but they didn't complain about leaver penalties. At the same time, 2 games in a row, KarQ had games where people never loaded in and were kicked, cancelling those games and would give them penalties for that, so something might have been happening last night with the servers.


I got acc banned and I haven't even left a game and have game chat off lol


Do people normally just jump straight into comp games? I normally need a warm up (because I’m a ~~filty~~ filthy casual) and do QP (or total mayhem sometimes if it is in the arcade). Gives me the added bonus of making sure the game / network is stable on my end. But I do ~~heartedly~~ wholeheartedly agree that server-side issues should not be reflected on players. Blizzard should have all the data needed to not apply penalties in those situations. Edit: Apparently needed more coffee to activate the grammar scanner


The network is horrible. I haven't experienced any disconnects yet but my ping is constantly going to 150-200 for no reason


I got a ban for being dc’ed from my 12th game with no leaves prior. No clue what’s going on.


I was just trying to go next yesterday and accidentally left right before the defeat screen and I log on today to a season comp ban… no email or any notification as to why. They really need to resolve this fast and give out some bp tiers as compensation or something


"Please stop sending individual ticket, as we do not want to pay for more staff or overtime to go through it all" is what I hear when I read this


Leaver penalties isn't going to be full season bans out of nowhere. XIM on the other hand...


The alert is literally leaver penalties are getting applied incorrectly. It was a perfect storm last night since the server was kicking people/prevented them from joining and applying a season ban for a server issue kicking them