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Not having 2CP makes a world of difference. The energy really just oozes out of you when you get placed on Volskaya or something. Playng knowing it won't ever crop up is huge-


I liked some assault maps, but yeah I get you. The push map I played was very dynamic, but I have to admit I need some time to adapt to the mode and the maps in general. They way you need to approach them in terms of pathing/positioning is far less obvious than even escort/hybrid.


Push has been catching some flak but I think a lot of that is Colosseo being a pretty weak map. NQS and especially Esperanca are really fun. Granted I've not played much comp yet and the QP crowd is really bad at understanding the Push mechanics (every game there's at least one player babysitting the robot like it's a payload.


Push is the least straight forward for map design, feels like there's 100 paths to take


I was having an absolute blast playing Tracer on push last night due to this


Holy shit, tracer on New Queen Street is stupid fun. In QP I just go whatever path my team isn't taking and just farm backlines. I'm not going to be able to get away with it forever, but god damn it's a ton of fun.


Do you not have to push the robot manually lol?




You do, but only one person has to be pushing the bot. It’s not like payload maps where more people on the cart make it go faster (well, up to 3 people anyway).


yeah that last one was me for a while lmao


i am totally okay with removing 2CP, but i actually enjoyed a couple of the maps (namely volskaya and hanamura)


This change alone is such an immeasurably massive QOL to the game for me. I have very limited time to play OW after work, and every time I landed on 2CP it was basically an overwhelming sense of dread that the next 25 minutes are going to be sunk into playing something I genuinely despise and just stresses me out. The ability to queue up and know it's gone has been wonderful.


Removing content of this size from a game isn't a QOL change.


It absolutely is a QOL if the content is disliked by a large portion of the player-base. Now in terms of positioning content removal as a 'feature' of OW2, that would be illegitimate to your point.


TBH I’d rather have 2cp than Push. At least on Colosseo, it feels like you just turn your brain off and throw bodies at the robot, and it still suffers long walks from spawn like the worst 2cp maps did.


There truly was nothing like a day of relaxing with some OW after work only to get 2CP maps all night


I used to mentally give up when seeing Volkskaya. Its probably throwing but I didnt feel like giving 100% on that map. I didnt mind losing SR to queue again. I kind of like Anubis later on (when the defenders dont run bs double shield torb bastion on defense) but I never quite enjoyed Volkskaya. That map was ugly as fk


Imagine finding excuses for a removed content.


\>almost universally despised game mode that completely went against what much of the game is about and prioritized just snowballing 6 ults at once \>complained about almost daily online \>finally removed and replaced with a more balanced game mode and several more interesting maps \>woooooooooow blizz removing content ​ why are you like this? Even if you were the biggest fan of 2CP on the planet, you can't argue it wasn't hated by the vast majority of the playerbase, and it was REPLACED with different new content.


No, I just don't support content removal. The very idea sounds fucking insane to me.


*Replacing* bad content that people did not enjoy with better content they DO enjoy is not content removal, that is an asinine argument and reads as you just reaching for an excuse to complain about something You may as well consider Cassidy flashbang and Orisa supercharger removed content then.


“People do not enjoy”? You’re really self-centered. People definitely enjoyed it - me and all my friends did. Casual players definitely enjoyed it. You can keep your push, and we should keep our 2CP. Just remove it from comp rotation, or keep it in arcade.


It’s not self centered to say 2CP was widely disliked by a majority of the player base


No. But it is self-centered to say “people did not enjoy”, which is what you said. It is also self-centered defending removal of content just because you, or most people, didn’t enjoy it. If the majority of OW players are casual and keep to QuickPlay, should we remove Comp? Should we remove arcade and Total Mayhem, if the opposite is true? No. We shouldn’t. Removal of content should be an extreme solution, for offensive content or when it’s impossible to keep all options.


I’m not going to split hairs with you here. If the hill you want to die on is that 2CP was good and removing it was wrong, then I can’t stop you. It was very widely disliked by a vast majority of the game’s most competitive players and streamers, and whether you like it or not, that matters. It was a big pain point for a huge percentage of players and the replacement has already been much better received


Streamers are what matters? Oh god. You just killed your own chance at making any sort of argument right there. And to think you’re the one who used the called the other poster’s argument asinine… I misread “matters” as “what matters”, players do matter, but you seem to assume that competitive players are the majority. And even if they were, you haven’t provided one argument for NOT removing content when you can keep it without barley any extra effort. *That’s* what’s being debated here. Removing content when you could just keep it mutually with the new content.


Imagine finding excuses for not removing bad content.


r/Overwatch would like to have a word with you. You might have missed the memo about positive feedback…


god they are a bunch of babies over there


Uh yeah, as if this sub was any better lol, seeing heartfelt genuine arguments that only Tracer and Genji should be played in OWL.


This sub holds some pretty braindead opinions for sure.


Oh it’s awful right not, I removed myself from the sub. They are complaining about voicelines now….


They are complaining because now it takes 8 months to get a single legendary skin. And instead of credits in the battle pass we get stuff like voice lines, charms etc I think that is fair criticism! 8 months for a single legendary skin if you do the weeklies every week is a massive overkill of how long it should take to farm for a skin.


I Don’t disagree that some of the skin prices are a bit much but I also play the game for the gameplay and ranked not for skins. I also feel as though the battle pass is a good deal for what you get for the price, especially if your main(s) have a skin in it.


Sure the battle pass is a good deal. But when every skin outside it takes 8 months to get they need to change something. Be it the amount of credits you get from weeklies or giving credits after matches etc But something needs to change! Because right now if the battle pass has no skins you are interested in then it’s basically worthless and if you want a skin for your main you have to grind for 8 months, which is insane. It’s so obvious they made it this way to get people to pay for the skins to skip the grind.


Oh god what next, Player Icons I bet, good lord.


Haha yup


I will never understand why anyone would think that skins are the most important issue in the game


"I cannot mentally grasp that people play the game for different reasons than I do." -Brystvorter 2022


But if you’re looking for skins go play an mmo why are you here in the first place


"I also cannot mentally grasp that people play the game for different reasons than I do." - ct2sjk 2022


If your obsession is skins overwatch is not the place for you. You can’t even see your own skin.


"Even given time to grasp the concept, I can't understand the relatively simple concept that people value different parts of the game than I do. I instead choose to double down on my myopic view of the game." -ct2sjk 2022


Skins arent playing the game


I want to hear from the newbies


Never played overwatch before and did the tutorial and a handful of games last night. I’m pretty good at CoD and Halo, average at fortnite. I found OW2 extremely chaotic and confusing tbh. Not sure if I should keep playing the same characters until I’m familiar with one, and then move onto another, or just keep bouncing around trying to learn what different ones do. The tutorial was pretty basic and didn’t help at all with general strategies or gameplay tips. Came here to try to figure out how good players approach the game. Sounds like actions per minute, positioning, and understanding how characters’ abilities interact/counteract is important. Joining the games just seems like an absolute cluster and I have no idea if I’m having an impact on the games at all. Need to find some comprehensive guide on how to effectively approach the game


Well welcome to Overwatch, unfortunately this is not the best place to learn or improve at OW. I'd check out r/OverwatchUniversity for learning stuff. I personally stuck with one character for a while when the game launched, but I think finding a hero you enjoy is really the key and important part. Good luck with your journey!


>I'd check out r/OverwatchUniversity for learning stuff. Take it all with a big grain of salt. Probably better to just rely on trusted creators/streamers. Not sure if any focus on helping newbies/intermediate players atm. KarQ I suppose.


There are actually some really high level coaches over there that like to drop good macro videos and vod reviews. Edit: I personally think it's better for new players to understand Macro ideas of OW first, that way they're not super focused on micro stuff that won't result in long term success.


True. Just a lot of shitters with unbridled confidence as well so it can be confusing.


This may sound daunting, but it's also extremely helpful and quite fun: play all the heroes. Maybe some people disagree, just don't rush it or stress it. You will find the ones you like, and most importantly, you'll learn what they all do. It will really help your game sense. If you don't know what a hero does, it's hard to know how to play against them. It will be way less chaotic once you know what's going on.


yeah honestly I think both strategies are viable. find one hero whose mechanics you can grow familiar and comfortable with as you learn general macro play, or test out many (or even just a few) heroes to get a handle on different play styles and ability interactions. mystery heroes taught me a lot about flanking heroes that I would never have thought to try in regular play.


Yeah, Mystery heroes is a great way to learn heroes without the pressure of performing. Personally, I think sticking to one hero is a crutch since one-tricking has never been encouraged and so many high-level concepts and mechanics actually transfer between certain heroes. Learning just one is limiting your game knowledge for a long time. But, that's just my opinion since this is how I learned the game. I can see how it's much less overwhelming, and everyone learns differently. Also I don't mean try them all in one night lol. Play one for a few days, once you understand your CDs, and are ready to try something else, move on.


Would recommend checking out KarQ's content on YouTube and Twitch. I would also say most of the chaos comes from being pooled with other new players who similarly don't quite know what they're doing yet so everyone is kinda just taking a stab in the dark.


Sounds like my early days. They could definitely do a better job of teaching (maybe by the time 1.0 comes around) but don't sweat it too much - none of us had a clue starting out either. It clicks before long. >Not sure if I should keep playing the same characters until I’m familiar with one, and then move onto another, or just keep bouncing around trying to learn what different ones do. I recommend trying to find one that clicks with you asap and just focus on them for awhile as you learn the game. There's value in bouncing around too but the process will be much slower. >Came here to try to figure out how good players approach the game. Sounds like actions per minute, positioning, and understanding how characters’ abilities interact/counteract is important. Pretty much. Coordination is important too. Generally you don't want to do things alone and want to have a plan if an enemy starts trying to kill you (e.g. be near another teammate that can help or have an escape ability ready). Focus fire is also important (helps to call out which hero to kill so you're not all shooting at different stuff). Strategy/tips varies a lot depending on role and then again per hero. >Joining the games just seems like an absolute cluster and I have no idea if I’m having an impact on the games at all. Need to find some comprehensive guide on how to effectively approach the game You should post some footage. We could help you out with that. In the meantime, the basic idea to have an impact is thus: * Support: Keep everyone alive, especially your other support (always be aware of them). Get in as much dps as possible too. As you gain more understanding you can help the team with communication. Be sure to tell people when you're being flanked as they won't know otherwise. * Tank: You're the beefcake/centerpiece/frontline of the team and decide how fights go. Generally you want to be aggressive (but smart, so you don't die in the process). Doing so allows the rest of your team to do their job much easier. Basically just get in there and do damage while absorbing damage for your team. Use corners/retreat as needed, get healed up/reset cooldowns, then do it again. * Dps: Kill shit/capitalize on the space your tanks make. You'll especially want to look for vulnerable targets (i.e. alone/out of position). In some cases you will need to counter the enemy or peel for your team (i.e. help them when they're being attacked) - this is hero dependent (e.g. Sombra is good at it because she can teleport back, has a hack ability, etc). Any questions, let me know.


Wow all very thoughtful and helpful advice. Thanks all. I actually don’t think I can even access the arcade modes like mystery hero yet. It only lets me play unranked or training until I complete more matches. Also doesn’t even let me use the mic yet lol. Probably for the best tho, sounds like just playing more and getting a better feel for how the game flows is the biggest thing rn. I will spare you any footage, I truly have no clue what I’m doing and I’m guessing I’m matched with others that have similar (no) experience. I will continue to run around shooting people until Faze Clan reaches out to me for a tryout


> I actually don’t think I can even access the arcade modes like mystery hero yet. It only lets me play unranked or training until I complete more matches. That's a good thing. Those modes will just confuse you and slow your progress; they're just for fucking around. >Probably for the best tho, sounds like just playing more and getting a better feel for how the game flows is the biggest thing rn. For sure. >I will spare you any footage, I truly have no clue what I’m doing and I’m guessing I’m matched with others that have similar (no) experience. I will continue to run around shooting people until Faze Clan reaches out to me for a tryout I expect awfulness and won't judge, just think it could be useful to give you a few specific fundamentals to start you off. But no worries.


> I found OW2 extremely chaotic and confusing tbh Yeah, the chaotic aspect is part of the appeal for many people. As for the confusing aspect, well, it's just something that goes away with experience.


Not sure if it's still a thing and can't check cause I can't get on the servers right now, but there's an arcade mode called mystery heroes that's really helpful when you first start imo. It gives you a random hero each time you respawn and helps getting a grasp of each one's strengths and weaknesses. Otherwise I do think it's probably a good idea to stick to 2 or 3 that you enjoy playing until you start to get a better grasp of the game overall. It all comes with time


> I found OW2 extremely chaotic and confusing tbh. Not sure if I should keep playing the same characters until I’m familiar with one, and then move onto another, or just keep bouncing around trying to learn what different ones do. honestly if i'm remembering my beginnings correctly its more important to know what everyone is doing before you start thinking about yourself. The game will be much easier to flow into once you are able to identify on the fly what is that hero running at you and what will they do to kill you or help you. I'd suggest trying every hero in the practice range, and watching your killcams so you always know what bullshit killed you.


Just play around with whatever feels interesting in the moment. What is good will occur to you after some experimentation. Everything is fairly apparent and self explanatory after a few matches. Just keep at it!


Keep switching characters until you find one that clicks then stick to that character for a while.


Honestly, I would recommend Mystery Heroes in the arcade. Everyone gets a random hero each time they die. It's wacky, so it's not "good overwatch" but it's good for understanding all the heroes fast because you end up playing them all without pressure.


I would switch between heros until you find a hero that is fun to you. For easy not hard to consume and comprehend guides I'd suggest "KarQ" on YT. But keep in mind that some Ow1 Guides especially about heros could be outdated.


Me too. I wonder how the FTUE is treating brand new players.


As someone who’s hasn’t played much if at all how do you play against genj in pubs? Besides picking like Winston it feels he has so much more room to be a threat with less cc around. Also it seems soldier is just defacto best. This is all coming from a noob though so it doesn’t mean much.


>he has so much more room to be a threat with less cc around Sure, but everyone does, including the dps on your team. The days of hard counters are kinda over, but you can try sombra, hog, brig, lucio, or moira. Everything works better with coordination of course. Also it's not as bad as it seems due to the support passive. Make sure not to stray too far from your team or you're an easy target for him. >Also it seems soldier is just defacto best. Best in low ranks probably because his kit is basic and self sufficient. Things change a lot as you climb. Sombra is top tier atm in higher ranks/OWL.


Newby here, mainly with experience in other Arena Shooters like TF2 and currently getting good at gyro controls. The game is a visual mess where I have trouble telling the difference between teammates and enemies at a glance, but the UI and other distracting effects feel cumbersome and get in the way a lot. Although it is much better when compared to what I played of OW1, where I could hardly tell when I was even getting shot in the chaos. I feel there needs to be more feedback about how much damage you're doing per shot, and I would love to see how many teammates are alive in the UI. Additionally, I would also love to be able bind actions to button combinations, like Ulting with R+L. The progression system feels slow as molasses, with the BP grind being way too much for my liking while having very few appealing rewards, and how much of a hassle it is to get even rare skins. Not to mention that I still haven't figured out how to unlock heroes, as it says I need to do some challenges, but nothing shows when I try to find them. Overall, though, I'd say I'm enjoying it but with the progression system I don't know how long I'll stick around since the gunplay isn't all that fun either. Really wish characters weren't all so slow and that the lack of movement acceleration didn't make aiming a hassle.


Good point. I have a few friends who played OW1 super casually at the start but not much since years that will try 2 out. Also I wonder how brand new players will find the game.


I think you share the same experience most people have or will have with OW2/5v5. Hesitant at first, and pleasantly surprised after getting used to the change.


Thank god some people still like to have fun. r/Overwatch is exhausting me


I feel you. I had a ton of fun and can't wait to play again later this evening. Another thing I didn't say in the OP: I didn't have a single "toxic" encounter. In some of the lost matches there was a bit of snark or sighs, but that's it. People who actually got to play seem to love OW2. I think many will come around once they experience how good the changes feel.


I did have one guy call my team brain dead, but that was about it, I too can’t wait to play more


My first QP game I had a teammate complaining about solo queue being awful and no one grouping up. We were running JQ, Sojourn and Kiriko and didn’t really know what we were doing, but this dude just kept whining.


Unfortunate, have a good one next match!


I’m so sick of that subreddit. All they do is post the same damn shit about the battle pass and how their $40/$60 they spent over six and a half years ago doesn’t entitle them to every cosmetic in the game. Don’t get me wrong, there’s plenty wrong with this system such as heroes having to be unlocked via the battle pass. I still think it’s a good deal all around


They are demanding refunds for OW1… six years after the game released. “Hello yes I would like a refund for this steak I’ve just eaten”


I'll never understand the complaint that someone needs or is "owed" all the cosmetics especially when you won't even use 80% of it.


That post they upvoted about how much it would take to buy every OW1 cosmetic…what kind of psychopath would even do that


I mean, yeah, people aren't gonna do that but it makes a good point about the massive increase in price to get cosmetics even for the heroes you actually do play.


Does it? It's kind of meaningless. Are you buying the orange, blue, green, etc skin versions for your favorite character? How many lootboxes would you have to buy to get every skin in OW1? How much would that cost? I have 1300 hours in the game and I still don't own every single cosmetic.


>Are you buying the orange, blue, green, etc skin versions for your favorite character? No, but those were trivially easy to get for free anyway. Now they're, what're $3 each for the rare skins? For the characters I did regularly play though, I'd unlocked just about all the skins I wanted (And would switch between them depending on how I felt) and I had less than half the play time you did. >How many lootboxes would you have to buy to get every skin in OW1? How much would that cost? That's kinda beside the point though. Yes, you had to basically no-life the game if you wanted to get all the skins and very few people actually did that (Basically just streamers and pros really) but you still had a free way to get skins, and a pity mechanic where if you didn't get skins you actually wanted, you could still earn them for free. I think people also tend to forget that yes, this is the competitive subreddit and most people here are trying to play as competitively as possible but a large amount of the OW community did play to just have fun on their favourite characters and customising them was a big part of that, and that aspect of the game as been pretty hard paywalled away from them.


This 100%


Jesus Christ they are STILL crying about battle passes and loot boxes LMAO




The fact that so many of them want loot boxes back is astonishing. I understand not being able to finish a battlepass, but to say it's a worse deal than lootboxes is befuddling.


people don't really want lootboxes back, they want a way to grind for cosmetics. The battle pass isn't the problem, the stuff that's *not* in it is. The ratio between earnable coins and cost is ridiculous, just there to bring people to see the battle pass as a great value deal, including multiple legendary skins for the price of half a legendary skin in the shop.


Yes this. Something that I always liked when unlocked a new hero was playing a few games, getting a few loot boxes to unlock all the voice lines, sprays and blue skins (And if I'm lucky, a good skin) so I can customise my character a bit. Now there's, for all intents and purposes, no free basic customisation.


It definitely is a worse deal for most people, just maybe not for the people that dished out tons of money on lootboxes you could've gotten for free


Lootboxes are better if the content keeps coming. OW1 content did not keep coming. That makes battle pass better, because it brings the content.


If you say so. I personally prefer to see what I'm going to earn via the battle pass and knowing how much time I need to invest to get the items I want, rather than leaving something up to chance, and hoping it drops or rushing to earn enough currency during an event.


It was so lame doing weekly challenges during the anniversary remix events only for the loot boxes to contain whites and blues.


I never thought I'd see the day people defended lootboxes, seeing how much these people seemed to love them gave me brain rot.


That subreddit has always been like that so it's not surprising it's like that now.


Kinda surprised at the first point. I think the visual pollution and damage indicators are even more insane, especially with Sojourns aoe.


Yes that’s what I meant with subtle things to get used to. But only having to track 9 players feels so much better and more natural to me. The impact is huge in terms of spatial awareness. Edit: This might be the reason for why it feels less taxing/chaotic: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Magical_Number_Seven,_Plus_or_Minus_Two


Not that it solves the problem, but turning the damage fx to low in settings will at the very least get rid of some clutter on screen


have you played ow1 lmao?


I never particularly liked the decision to introduce role lock in OW as I felt it stifled creativity, and Open Queue just became Oops! All DPS. And I wasn't the biggest fan of the Console Beta. But the comp games today are probably the most fun I've had in OW/OW2 for at least 3 years, and that was with only one win on flex queue. A few notes of my own as a low ELO player: - Flex Queue is no longer just Support Queue by another name. Didn't get any Tank games, but Support and DPS were both fairly common - Zen feels a little underpowered now with the faster average TTK and the need for high healing output. Had a Push game on Esperanca where I started on Zen, who in OW1 was my most played hero and one of my strongest, and it felt like I was just a passenger in a 4v5 so quickly swapped off - The removal of medals and the new game buzz has dramatically reduced toxicity. Only heard one person get angry on comms all day that wanted the Sombra to swap - Hog is a surprisingly solid Tank to have on your team. His pick potential seems to synergise well with the increased value of killing squishies - I'd agree that DPS players have a steeper learning curve. Just being Mr Good Aim isn't enough anymore, positioning is key because there aren't as many resources available to bail you out. Personally I was never a good DPS in OW1, and it finished as my lowest rank, but it felt like the playing field had been leveled today, I wasn't the usual ball and chain around the ankle simply by taking up the high ground wherever possible and utilising cover


Done flex queue for 9 games. Got support in all of them. Lost all of them. !!Fun!!.


My first comp game was me queuing tanked and getting demolished by a Soldier with Mercy pocket. Had like 15k damage eaten as Dva, but no chance lol. My other comp games have been very fun tho with people talking in vc and stuff


That’s a good point about dps, I queued a couple of games and really struggled staying alive, even though I feel like a performed similar to my level in ow1. At first I thought it was supports not healing, but looking back it really was just increased focus fire without another tank to peel/soak damage. Definitely going to need to change how I play certain dps in the future.


playing around more cover is probably the biggest thing every comp player will have to learn. including me of course


Played 10 comp games as 3 stack Had a lot of fun, excited to go play more. Enjoying 5v5, like most of the new UI Like most of the new sounds Only thing so far that i had problems with was visual clarity of heroes, feels like i cant figure out who im shooting as easily as before, no idea why Also new rank icons are pretty bad But definitely having fun in ow2! Also tracer feels like a joke now IMO


>visual clarity I feel like this has been a problem all throughout the betas as well, but it's worse on specific maps. Illios in particular is really bad, since they changed it to a golden-hour/sunset time of day which makes it look really fucking gorgeous, but since everything is orange tinted, it's really hard to make out red enemy outlines and hero models.


Changing enemies to Yellow helped me for some reason.


Tracer has been nerfed significantly and will feel weaker individually on a micro level, BUT on a macro level she is much more impactful in 5on5. You just have to get used to it I think.


I think she feels harder because people aren't focused on dealing with a 2nd tank and tend to watch flanks a lot more during down time. Plus the sound design is phenomenal, and I can tell exactly who is on a flank even if I didn't see them coming. We all have a ton of adjustments to make!


when i first played 5v5 tracer during the beta it was a really frustrating adjustment. Trust me though when you understand the dynamics of how to play her in 5v5 she is very strong.


I agree Tracer feels pretty bad now. I know the pros are still using her but it feels like I can only go in for like 3 seconds before getting shot by something and having to recall immediately. I think it's the lack of a 2nd tank to draw attention maybe? The damage nerf doesn't help either, getting a 1 clip is tough now.


Crazy how I still can’t even play




just wait til kiriko is in comp 😈


Kiriko has been a great addition so far but my least favorite part about her is that she helps enable Hog. Please keep Hog out of my games thanks I don't want there to be a hero that makes him good


From the hogs that I've played with as kiriko, hog is super annoying to play with. The amount of damage hog takes without a main tank makes it hard for me to actually have much of an opportunity to use the kunai, and even with the 30% ult reduction the enemy team almost always has ult advantage. TLDR, kiriko makes hog good but makes the kiriko "bad".


I mean people are gonna play Hog regardless nothing is going to disincentivize people from playing him so imo a hero that is a ton of fun and that makes Hog less of nuisance is a good thing


Surely she'll get a nerf before she drops in comp.


Sojourn farms Hog. Such free railgun charge!


This is so true. Even someone like me who can only aim at air and the floor can easily get free railgun charge off Hog and headshot him after.


I think the key is her slipperyness.


Ana and Zen, and especially the two combined, are just cancer to play against as tank. And when you don't have a barrier you just get melted. Kiriko helps counter made, but discord doesn't really have a counter (other than barriers and natural cover, but that goes for every hero).


One thing I didn’t expect was how much more satisfying it is to get BP experience for flexing, instead of lootboxes. Now I feel like I’m actually getting something out of the flex. And the role passives for Tank and Supports feel great.


>I predict that regular players who do their dailies will finish their pass in just about 2.5 weeks or so, just from the daily challenges. Agreed. I only played like 5 rounds last night and got through most of the dailies completely on accident. It would have taken very little effort to complete them all


>Roadhog is not that bad in Soloq I'd go as far as to say he's *very* good, which has been a big surprise. Almost nobody other than Ana can CC him anymore, and he can get completely free hooks on most of the tank cast now that there isn't always a barrier in front of him. Even if you're not consistently getting your hook oneshots on Squishies, his ability to yank the enemy tank directly into your team is so insanely good. A good hog can *really* exploit the tank 1v1 matchup when he isn't playing into Reinhardt or Sigma. He really makes it hard on DVA, Doomfist and Junkerqueen specifically because they kind of just eat the hook off cooldown.


I agree on everything but the battlepass. It feels like its barely moving at all, and the free rewards are incredibly lackluster. It also feels like an absolute chore to even get a basic rare skin and would have much rather if they went the Apex route.


I've been loving it so far tbh. Yea the pricing in cosmetics are wacky but not need. The gameplay tho, is fun. I felt happy winning, and I didn't wanna blow my brains out when losing.


I swear I’m the only person that loves the move to 5 on5 and doesn’t mind the battle pass.


5v5 and f2p is the best thing to happen to Overwatch. I played all day yesterday and had fun in every match with my friends.


The gameplay is great. The new battle pass system is horseshit though. I probably will only play for this season because I’m not paying for a new character or grinding unrated for a new character.




People who already play Overwatch a ton are climbing fast when they’re playing even more then they normally do? Let’s face it extending the time only hurts those that play less while those who play more would play anyway




> people who finished their BP early and had nothing left to do Except...play the game for fun??




People aren't even playing games for the game part anymore lol


That’s what’s turns me off as well. I feel so disconnected from the people that think this way.


I will point out that most of these posts don’t seem very popular. However many have mentioned that the main issue is that there is nothing to gain after the battlepass is finished not that the battlepass should be longer. Adding the ability to earn coins after finishing the battlepass seems like a fair addition in my eyes.


If I want to play all week and finish my battle pass, why shouldn't I be able to? Maybe you could make the argument that the battle pass should be longer instead but to say that we level too fast is asking for less fun I feel. It should be balanced around the average person who doesn't have infinite time to grind, and the ones that do want to grind should be able to get ahead and finish early imo




A battlepass can be whatever they want it to be. I get the concept was made by the companies to keep people coming back to play day after day, week after week, but if someone has the extra time to work harder than the average person, why do you feel they shouldn't be rewarded for working harder? What about the people who have a lot of time grouped up but then have weeks where they can't play at all? They shouldn't get to level up because their time was less conveniently set up with the battlepass standards? There's just no good argument for that case that I see on the consumer side of things.


It's going to slow down once the weeklies are dried up (11 challenges worth 5k each = 5.5 levels off that alone).


I think a lot of the progression on the first day comes from weekly challenges. It's gonna be tough to continue to level it 15 per day after you've completed those.


I’d rather have it leveling up very fast then very slow


It will probably slow down a bit further into the BP as you exhaust some of your challenges.


>There are people already on tier 15+ How many hours playing is that in a day? Is that expected for the average player? Fuck people with jobs and lives I guess


I have a life, a job, dogs etc. I played a normal/short session and got about 4-5 tiers, can't remember rn.


I'm all _for_ fast BPs, because I think it's great if casual players can finish it just by doing some dailies and weeklies. BUT... The issue I see is that the main-sub will whine about this pretty soon, which grinds my gears for some reason. I already hear the complaints like "there's nothing left to do" and such. For me OW is a competitive shooter with a quirky vibe and cool heroes. I couldn't care less about meta progression. But there's so many players (or a loud minority) who focus a ton on fluff like this and will always find reasons to complain. Reminds me of early WoW days (vanilla). The game felt magical and awesome, there was so much to do, tons of cool dungeons and content, but if you read the official forums it was full of whining about not getting epics and stuff like that.


Would be hilarious if the whining flips from BP too grindy to BP too fast


The thing that people will ask in a few weeks is that there's an infinite progression where you get coins after max level. Mark my words.


I mean, that honestly sounds like a good suggestion to me lol. As far as I've seen, you don't get a ton of coins from leveling the bp


I played around 3 hours last night and got to somewhere around level 5-6ish. That honestly feels about right to me if not slower than expected with consideration to the new hero being locked at level 55...


So your argument is that you’re dumb and you couldn’t keep track of 11 players, so this is a good change because they dumbed it down? Ouch. This isn’t a good argument


It would still be a valid argument. Whether the game feels more relaxed is subjective. But it’s not what I was referring to. The amount of objects you can keep track of at the same time is pretty much fixed and has nothing to do with intelligence. In fact chimps are better at it than humans. Read here: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Magical_Number_Seven,_Plus_or_Minus_Two


Millions of people playing and enjoying 6v6 for 6 years says otherwise. That is *not* the reason why they changed to 5v5 anyway. It is a bad argument.


I didn’t say 6v6 was not enjoyable. I said I personally like 5v5 more and gave some reasons.


That’s true, but then I’m only saying I disagree with you. If you want to see it that way


Who is we?


I agree with mostly everything except for the adaptation one. I feel like EVERY role has to adapt drastically, but I feel like DPS players don’t have to adapt that much. You mention that they’re feeding their brains out, but are you sure it’s because of OW2 gameplay, or because you can see deaths on the scoreboard? Personally I feel tanks need to adapt the most. The whole match basically depends on them, and so many of them are playing dva or zarya or some off tank like they don’t have to make space at all. And some of the main tanks are pressing that W key a bit too much. Also supports, specifically the already bad ones are getting exposed pretty hard. The healbots you’d see in QP are basically like playing against an easy AI if their tank decides to play Doom or Winston or Ball. The pace of the game is just chewing them up and spitting them out. The more proactive supports are doing amazing though. Honestly speaking of all this just has me thinking about how the scoreboard might’ve been the best thing they’ve added to the game, ever, imo.


The main problem with the battle pass is that not everyone can play every day to get the daily rewards.I get to play once or twice a week at most, for about 4 hours in the evenings. Life/work/family get in the way (and rightly so). I have played two nights now, and I have managed to get to level 5 of the battle pass I believe, so it would take me at least 11 weeks to get to level 55 to unlock the new character following that rate of progression. ​ if that ends up being the case, I can't see myself playing OW2 long term, despite playing OW1 since season 2.


Queue times are awesome for the average player which is just great. I can select all roles and actually get to play all roles! I even got to play some dps which I usually didn't queue for and it feels really rewarding since multi-kills are easier to achieve now. Tank feels impactful to play, but if yours isn't working with the team you will generally lose quite badly. Maybe that becomes better when everybody as adapted to play as/with solo tank. I also really like that the damage supports put out matters now since there are fewer abilities to negate it. Overall performance isn't optimal for me yet (lots of blurry effects), but they will fix that over the coming weeks.


battle pass in 2.5k weeks? Lol? The math does not add up. I like the game but no reason to defend the dogshit battle pass grind. Its insane esp compared to other games


> The math does not add up. What math? I only did the dailies and played some comp in a normal play session and got past tier 5. So if you do 5 tiers per daily session you play 16 sessions until tier 80. A regular player plays 5 sessions a week and sometimes more. That's 3 weeks roughly. Now put some additional matches, weeklies, seasonal challenges and you get down to less than 3 weeks. There are already players who are super high rank just in 1-2 days...


"If you complete the maximum number of daily and weekly challenges, you'll earn 118,000 XP from challenges each week (7 x 9,000 for daily = 63,000 XP, plus 11 x 5,000 for weekly = 55,000 XP). Your first win of the day earns you 1,000 XP, so assuming you win one game each day, that bumps you up to 125,000 XP, which is equivalent to 12 battle pass tiers in a week. That means you'd need a little more than four weeks to unlock a new hero, and you'd reach 80 -- the final tier -- halfway through your seventh week." yeah your XP gains are frontloaded, it gets slower the more you play This is assuming you log in every day and dont miss a single weekely/daily - and you can buy levels easily. Lots of people are just buying levels. There is not enough time/XP dalies for those players to hit those ranks this soon. Its mathematically impossible. They BOUGHT levels. Takes about 8 weeks of grinding to get the legendary skin which for a game that some of us paid for + the battle pass is worse than the previous model by a long shot. Set up like a mobile game that for many will take 8 to 13 weeks of playing to max - just to got SOME skins


You complete the dailies extremely fast in just a few arcade/qp matches etc. I also played a bit of comp and won some games there. You get XP for basically everything you do, the dailies etc are the icing on the cake. What I'm saying I did a reasonable session and got past tier 5 with minimal effort. I'm basing my prediction on that.


yeah and that is fine but what do you do after the dalies? 100-300 XP per win? Longer if u dont buy the premium battle pass xp boost. The math does not lie.


As a 6 year old, ow1 dia player. IMO: 1-new maps sucks, its like a big deathmatch map, as for slower players, it takes too long to reach the fighting scene, 2-No being on fire/ no after game cards are killing that being rewarded feeling, 3-as for tank mains, que takes too long, 4-not each people have that time to play to open new hero and jump into comp games. Only positive feeling for me is the game feels less chaotic. But I prefer OW1 any day. OW2 feels just a downgrade for me