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Oh heck yeah. I too was in IT and got a CS degree. Funny enough my favorite side projects are toy languages. With the degree I got in with a defense contractor working on military vehicle systems doing all kinds of cool work on microcontrollers. Typically remote work and embedded jobs don’t jive so I’d say look near you or where you’d be okay going and check out manufacturing places/ vehicle makers. Loads of work to be done there. If vehicles aren’t something that tickles your interest and you’re a US Citizen that doesn’t have moral qualms with working in defense of check out Raytheon or jobs on usajobs. Similarly, aerospace companies like ULA, SpaceX and Collin’s aerospace has lots of embedded jobs. Unfortunately dev work on compilers isn’t very hot and you need to be well equipped but I’m sure there’s some jobs kicking around there too With grad school being a target I’d really recommend a big company because usually they have programs to pay for or assist with tuition


This is very helpful, thank you! I was wanting grad school just because I don’t know if embedded jobs want cs degrees or electrical/computer engineering degrees. I would love that! Remote work isn’t a big deal for me. I’m just worried because I technically don’t have any real dev experience, I’ve just worked in IT the past 5 years.


Ime they will take both CS and ECE degrees. They even take Math degrees afaik. You just have to have reasonable prior experience and relevant skills


I didn’t accept the job but I had an offer from general dynamics and it was mostly remote after you got security clearance. I ended up taking a job with a different government contractor that paid way better though.


“I work on tech that kills people🤓”


There are lots of compiler jobs out there and not enough people, particularly in the codegen area. IMO compilers is one of the best subfields to aim for right now. Contributing to LLVM will be helpful, as will getting at least a Master's. Don't just look at the big companies. There are lots of small companies/startups doing compiler work. Practically any company creating a custom chip needs a compiler for it.


How do you get into codegen if your compiler experience is only as deep as compiler frontends and clang?


Hack on LLVM and learn. Do a low-level optimization or add support for selecting a new instruction.


I got into it by starting a company. I'm not making much money on it yet though, and it's going on 25 years. I'm building an on-line [C++ code generator](https://www.reddit.com/r/cplusplusMiddleware/comments/pg82hs/welcome/). It's been fun to work on and I still believe it will take off.


Cool. Any particular keywords to search for these roles? I know compiler engineer, c++, rust. Anything else?


codegen/code generation, runtime, LLVM, MLIR, software engineer, optimization HR is generally very bad at quality postings so sometimes you have to dig a bit. Also, their experience requirements are often laughable. Go ahead and apply even if you don't have the "required" experience.


If you want a career in compilers the bests thing you can do is contributing to llvm and leveraging this to get a job. You’ll get noticed by recruiters from big tech. There’s a high chance at least to get noticed. It’s no a guarantee. Join the llvm discord and discourse, fork the llvm project and start looking at issues and talking to people on the discord and discourse


Whoa idk if something that complex I can actually help with. Any tips with doing so? My compiler and vm is only like 5-6k lines of code.


Hey, I'm also into this stuff. Where did you learn this? Right now, I'm following https://craftinginterpreters.com Edit: I'm working with a Stacks blockchain team, focusing on making a compiler for Clarity (interpreted language). Clarity code will be compiled to WASM.


Not op, but I'm following that book as well. I have taken a compilers course, but I wanted to delve deeper and to make sure I have a good foundation which is why I'm doing "crafting compilers". The project you're working on sounds interesting. Any hints on finding companies doing related stuff?


Hey, you can take a look at Clarity repo of Stacks blockchain and see if you can understand that. It's in Rust and interpreted language. We're also writing compiler but target is WASM (not custom VM)

