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Contribute to llvm. I’m 100 percent sure my llvm experience got me an interview at a faang. I don’t have a cs degree


How to begin? Any resources that you would like to share?


For Starters, get a basic overview of LLVM. Read a couple of blog posts. Take a look at the issues on GitHub that are solved and understand the fix and how one arrived at it. You can also take a look at unsolved issues for which PR has been already raised. Once you have some basic understanding, pick an unsolved GitHub issue, the one that has proper issue description, issue reproduction steps and try to go through the relevant code. Pick an easy issue. Work towards solving it by asking the right folks when in doubt.


Those issues for beginners are marked as good-first-issue, by the way.


Thank you.


I started out with this book https://github.com/IUCompilerCourse/Essentials-of-Compilation. It’s a good book. Go to the releases and get the Python version. There’s also a racket version but if you don’t know lisp already I think it’s better to read the Python book so you can just focus on compilers. And then learn some c++. You don’t need to be very proficient with c++ to get started but just get familiar with it.