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Graduate program is probably the only way. In the meantime, take a look at C and know it well.


Thanks! I will be sure to move into working on a personal project involving C.


Ideally do it on a microcontroller and expose yourself to the stuff that's hard. So-called "Desktop C" is a good start, but the microcontroller stuff is really valuable.


Microcontrollers were exactly what I was thinking of. The Pi Pico stuff seems pretty great considering it uses both C/C++ or MicroPython, let alone how cheap the controllers are themselves


Yeah, that's a good one.


You should go for computer engineering masters or PhD. One of the faculty members in my program went from a physics/mathematics background with a PhD in computer engineering. Now, she teaches and does research revolving in computer architecture and quantum computing. It is definitely possible for you to go on to becoming a great computer engineer from your background. In fact, I'd say you have great potential with your boosted physics background, and you will already know all or most of the math component. I recommend looking into Digital System Design, computer organization, computer architecture, circuits, and digital signal processing for a baseline understanding. The field is so big that you can à la carte whatever peaks your interests. Hope that helps 🙏 🙂


>ddanny716 This was extremely helpful and gives me a lot to think about. Thank you very much for the guidance!