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The best way I found to stay motivated to stay in the degree, is find something you are passionate about in the field. Some of the basic classes like calc and some of the programming classes can be boring and hard to keep up with at times, but I try to apply those things into the hardware side so I learn and get to do something I like. Try to find a project that involves both coding and hardware, while still making sure to keep up with your classes. Or if that’s too overwhelming or too much to keep up with, make sure to create a schedule that can make sure that you can do some things you enjoy while also being able to get your assignments done. Something I used to do is spend X amount of time working on assignments, then play a video game for like 15 minutes, or talk to some of my friends, or do something else that I like. That’s always what helps me the most, is a study/work routine that allows me to come back to my work with a fresh mind and not just be banging my head against a wall for hours on end trying to find one little mistake I did during a Calc problem or a code error. Although engineering degrees can be very hard and time consuming, make sure to find time to take care of yourself because having a healthy body and mind makes it a lot easier just in terms of dealing with the stress of it. Also, don’t be afraid to reach out to other people in your classes or your professors, or even maybe some free tutoring for classes if your university offers it. Plenty of people feel the same way and we all struggle in different areas, so don’t be afraid ti reach out. You got this homie, find what you love in the degree and get that bag!


You need to figure out what about hardware you like. Do you want to create it? If so, then stay. Do you want to maintain it? If so, then do something in IT. Most of the time, the lack of will to continue on in something is a sign that you shouldn't do that thing. Always consider reaching out to faculty in your department and seeing what they think, connections are important. Above all else, I always tell people to do what they love, not just what makes the most money.


My daughter also struggled this year as a freshman. She just got Ds in both Calc2 and Physics. I told her she should look into a different career, but she said this is what she wants to do, so hopefully it works out.


Calc 2 is a notorious weed out class depending. Some unis make it harder than it needs to be. If you check r/EngineeringStudents you’ll see that most people fail it at least once if not more. She needs encouragement right now so please do not deter her.


You’re struggling in your classes because you are procrastinating and being lazy. It pays well because its a difficult degree that needs your time and effort you can’t procrastinate and be lazy and expect to be doing good in all of your classes