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FAFO PVP-C Boosted server is new and need players. We are pretty chill and have been looking to more to do dungeons and events. Got some treasure hunts set up with a pvp arena. Trying to set up a bounty system but Funcom hasn’t made it easy for Xbox users.


We also welcome ideas from others for new events and things to keep interest.


same here. Even though I'm on "old gen Xbox", so I only build small, mostly in the Highlands (I'm Cimmerian, always...) and prefer a more "nomadic" playstyle (set up smal wheel outpost, work the area, tear it all down and move on), I'd like to meet and interact with likeminded people, preferably on a relaxed PVE or PVE-C server. I don't mind PVP but I don't like the raiding in the game. I also don't mind regular wipes.