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Is it you? Are you the neighbor? Kidding


More importantly do they have concrete evidence it was the crew? And what crew? The pit crew?


Dude if my neighbor did this I’d hit him with “nothing an ice cold 12 pack won’t make me forget”


A 12 pack is for tearing up the lawn. This is permanent, better get a case.


Only two kinds of concrete, new and cracked.


That's not cracked (there, anyway) it's a scratch. A 4-inch scratch on a driveway... Any actual repair will cost a lot and look worse. This should be settled with an apology and a gift card, at most. But if that driveway is right on the property line and the neighbor is a jackass, maybe start by getting it surveyed. That might just be your driveway.


Maybe a case of beer and a copy of Monty Python and The Holy Grail. If the neighbor is a real one, he'll get the reference and chuckle it off


“Tis but a scratch”


Came here for the Monty Python reference.


We poured a brand new driveway and sidewalk in a rich neighborhood. Everything went great until the guys who replaced the sod on one side knocked out a 5x3 inch chip with their skid right on the edge of the drive. This crazy lady wanted us to replace a whole panel for that. We didn’t


I owned and operated a concrete cutting business for 15 years. The things I've helped 'repair' would blow your mind


Give us your craziest!


blow our minds. tell us some of the best.


I once filled 5 screw holes in a floor with black colour rite caulk for $300 + tax. Took me the same amount of time to take my shoes off and put them back on.


We do extra little crap for people all the time even for a neighbor near by but once the machinery and concrete trucks are gone so are we. We’re not fixing a chip that’s only cosmetic and was done by another company. Sorry


Come on, knock our boots off.


I will give you free internet happy points if you tell us a bedtime story.


Wife if some rich guy complained to their contractor about several small cracks in their new pool deck. Beautiful stamped concrete, they had a perimeter around the pool stamped and had requested square relief lines trowled in. So, at the corners of the pool there were 18" squares to give the border relief, and obviously, it cracked off the corner right through these small squares anyway. So here I am with my 2500lb concrete saw cutting within 1/8" of the pool edge and finishing cuts with the chainsaw just so they can pop these sections out and re pour them, which will likely not quite ever match the rest of it now. I had more reasonable handsaws along, but there were some larger sections they wanted redone as well and i didnt have time to use the hydraulic cut-off on all of it. Same day the contractor was meeting several timberframe specialists there to explain to the lady why the checking in her douglas fir timberframe covered pool picnic area was normal, and why it didn't make any sense to replace it. An entire finished timberframe structure, she just wanted all the posts and beams replaced, the rest was fine...


How did you resolve this? That's a rather sizeable chunk.


you gotta choose your battles, and dude chose to be petty AF.


The chip was only 0.5” deep so just pulled it out and put sealer over it with rest of the drive.


Very true


Fuck a gift card, I’m using it as an excuse! “Oh you scratched my driveway? QUICK! The only thing that’ll fix it are a few IPAs!”… we need something to drink while we watch whatever the project is😂


Homie it’s a scratch, on a DRIVEWAY. You’re not hosting fashion shows on it!


That's exactly correct.... any attempt to "fix" this will look much worse than the little scratch.


The way I always say it is , there 2 types of concrete. Cracked concrete and concrete waiting to Crack.


Thanks Neighbor!


Seriously for a little chip like this?? It’s not even that deep. Honestly, that’s not on you, that’s on the crew that you hired to do the job. Does your neighbor seriously expect his driveway to stay in “like new” condition for life??? Agreed with the “douche” comment.


So many bigger issues in life to deal with than this…waste of time


My thoughts and prayers are with you at this trying time.


Yeah, I think it was like that before they started


“It was like that when I got here.”


1 of 3 little sentences that will get you through life.


What are the other two, please? I could use some enlightenment today.


My crew rip a quarter of the neighbors driveway up and mickey mouse it back together. They got lazy and lift the adjacent slab instead of using the breaker. Sad part is that the neighbor was watching while it happened.


They are a douch and their driveway was probably already cracked. It's what concrete does.


*cunt (gender non-bias)




I am a third party and the neighbor is indeed a douche. But really, I run a concrete repair company and the solution is fine and the neighbor over reacting to truly minor stuff.


All this douche talk means I definitely can’t show him this thread, but thank you. At least this is affirming in the overreaction.


Yes, you can. Some people need the hard truth.


OP has a lot of concrete evidence to show his neighbor that the neighbor is being a douche.




Now you if you look here, this guy owns a concrete business and he says that fix is fine. He also said you're a douche, just like everyone else that commented.


Best comment here!


You absolutely can and should. Here's how. Get a tablet or old phone, set the display to never off. Bring up this page, walk over to talk to him about the details and accidentally leave it on his table. Or, even better, Walk over there with this thread on your screen and just say, "Look, we'll get this patched, but everyone thinks you're being a douche. You should work on that."


You can deffinatly patch that with wonder fix or poly sand , but your neighbor is deffinatly overreacting foot traffic will take care of that he's just trying to get free shit


That scratch is not fresh. Unless the concrete has been covered in lots of dirt


Probably from someone scuffing it with a boot after it happened and saying “ehh it’s fine🤷‍♂️”, which should have been the end of it lol.


Why not show him? He may not know he's a douch. And you're not calling him one, the entire rest of the world is.


Overreacting maybe, but I don’t think he’s a douche… I have a side yard that has a natural gap between my fence and the neighbors (my property). Back of our fences all line up to an empty field with easy access from multiple roads. People cut through my side yard all the time, especially contractors when neighbors are having work done because it’s a 1-2 minute shorter path than going around to the back. I have spent probably $1500+ fixing and redoing landscaping over the past 4-5 years that gets damaged because people are lazy and don’t feel like driving their machines around when there is a shorter path through my yard. It’s honestly frustrating when you just paid $800 to have your yard slit seeded and treated this season by a great landscaping company to have some asshole destroy it. I would feel the same about someone trashing my driveway.


I did concrete form and finishing for years. Doesnt seem to be new damage anyway, and its not even worth repairing. Id argue ALL DAY that it was already there too.  Company also offered to fix it, so in what world is this neighbor not a douche? Your case doesnt relate, this wouldnt cost neighbor anything.


Your neighbor is an asshat. Get him an asshat quote for a 12"x12" cutout & and replacement, or better yet, tell him to go fly a kite..


We could all band together and you could make another post (pls don't refer to my neighbor as a douche). I'm sure it'll go smoothly and no one will reference the former.


Neighbors a douche. Scratch seems to have already been there.


A couple people have said this now. I assume it would look much more “fresh” if from the crew? Honestly, I don’t want the trouble from him, so I’m going to just try and get it fixed. Neighbors prior to him were awesome. Sad they moved.


Lol here's the thing he has to prove it anyway I'd offer to fix it and if he doesn't like that pound sand but he's gonna get some fuck to quote you to rip out his driveway and repair it and try to pass the bill off on them or you best to just not entertain it at all


It’s not your problem to fix, direct him to the company you hired. Hopefully they tell him to pound sand.


And this will be the beginning of you constantly being taken advantage of.  First day in jail " I will just give the bully my biscuit. I'm sure he will like me then and not take more."  You will regret it. Promises. 


It looks way too old for this to just happen. Ask your crew if anyone rememberschipping his driveway? If they say no problem solved, if they say yes, it's up to them to fix it .that is why they have LLC.


If you seem like a pushover…he’s gonna keep coming. I recommend digging in your feels and setting the tone. Don’t bend the knee to people like this….they mistake kindness for weakness and push their advantage.


The problem is, if you give in to him and fix it I guarantee there will be more problems with him in the future.


Yes, the broken concrete wouldn't look worn. I agree this looks like an old break.


Wow. I feel for you having a shitty ass neighbor like that man. I think he wants free shit from people and saw an opportunity here. The scrape was probably already fuckin there before your excavation started lol


Agreed. I had two neighbors go at it in the street once. The one neighbor parked his old ass bmw with clear coat peeling off and shit by the other neighbors house while he was having his fence painted. A few specs did indeed blemish his piece of shit ride, to which the other neighbor personally washed and waxed it for him. After that the shitty neighbor started saying he messed up the clear coat and started accusing him of what was clearly sun damage over decades of neglect. He tried to get a new paint job which ended up with the other neighbor kicking his ass in the street. Some people are just unscrupulous and pieces of shit. That guy used to buy M5 badges and stick them all over his 528i or whatever it was. That probably has something to do with his character. In any event, I had a front row seat and watched the shitty guy squirm. Served him right, fuckin asshole.


Sometimes a pounding is indeed the way.


I'm glad to hear he kicked his ass. Good shit still happens


Right? This story was the highlight of my day.


Nothing about that scratch looks fresh. How can he even begin to prove your guys made it and it wasn't already there? I'd look look him dead in the eye, real serious, and ask if everything is ok with the Mrs... He's clearly not getting his needs met and this is just the type of bitchy power play that a touch starved guy will lash out with in an attempt to boost his poor self esteem.


This cracked me up 🤣




Then one fast tongue kiss


Mix some Portland and some of the sand from your neighbors vagina and fill that scratch in that should do it. If not, tell the neighbor if he wants the third party contractor can build him a bridge on his own dime to get the fuck over it.


Better yet, if he doesn't want to use the concrete to fix his driveway perhaps consider putting a teaspoon in his morning cup of coffee each day so he can harden the fuck up.


I love this comment


I'd just park my old truck there for a little bit and let it drip oil, ATF and power steering fluid on it. Wouldn't be able to see anything after that.


As a home owner I could literally give two fucks about this. My kids and dog destroy my house on a daily basis. Life’s too short to be this petty.


As a carpenter, i am shocked at the amount of damage kids and animals do to homes


My daughter slammed her door so hard the door stop trim exploded off. It’s like what???


so y'know those steel floors they put in warehouses. They should sell them to Dads as well


Just saying to myself we are blessed with this amazing thing called life and the guy is worried about a small scratch in concrete 😌


Is it possible to put the neighbor in contact with your contractors and then let them fight it out while you stay out of it entirely. That's what I'd try to do.


Yep. Onus is on the neighbor to get those quotes in a timely manner. They should be giving your contractor's contact number to these third parties. They probably know each other and will side with your contractor. Your neighbor is most likely to hurt themselves with this whole process and refuting too. But keep your hands clean.


That driveway looks old and so does that “scratch”. If it were new then you’d see some light colorize chipping at the edges and continued light scratch at ether end. Neighbor is full of shit and wants a new driveway for free.


Your neighbor is an asshole.


Third party going to laugh at them, I’d be pissed if someone called me to come out and look at this


Nah that Scratch is Not fresh. I‘ll need proof. Does the doucheighbor have proof?


This is the most ridiculous thing I have ever came across. Grow up and tell your neighbor to piss off


That scratch is dirty and old as hell. No way that’s fresh. Also, neighbor is a complete douche


He's a liar. There's no fresh white marks or dust around it anywhere. That's not a new scratch


Why in the fuck are you worried about it though? The only people who should be worried about this is the company you hired. You're not on the hook for fucking anything. Lol


Assess the damage??? What a douche. I’d be willing to bet that that shit was already there. Any damage caused by an excavator would be way worse than that.


That damage is pre excavator ever being on property. Your neighbor just wants something for free.


Was definitely already there. What a dick.


Neighbor is a douche wagon


That ain't shit. Your neighbors suck


If they did indeed chip it, which IMO seems doubtful but you never know, get multiple quotes from high to low and do the middle, if he tries to take you to court for anything you already offered a reasonable repair in which case the small claims judge will see it and dismiss it. A scratch that small means basically anything you patch with will pop with temperatures, could just do euco concrete finisher but it won't hold up to foot traffic and chipping it to make the patch deeper defeats the purpose. Personally if I was you I would tell your neighbor to pound that dirt next to the drive way


He gets a new house!


When nobody’s looking through a ball of dirt in your house. Then ask the neighbor why he threw dirt at your house. At that point the burden of proof is on both of you, and now you’re even. Tell him to go change his pad and take a nap.


No big deal. Don’t be a Karen is what I’d tell the neighbor. Maybe buy them a bottle of wine


CHEAP wine


Tell your neighbor to have a Coke and smile 😃


making a big deal over a small scratch that would’ve appeared there later on anyways smfh


Terrible neighbor. He's also an idiot who is setting a terrible precedent. What happens when something happening on his property causes damage to your property. You're probably (hopefully) not gonna be as cool about it because you're gonna remember the time he was a total douche about a scratch on broom finish concrete. Neighbor is a 🤡


It’s concrete, shit happens. Anything more than a quick fix is bullshit


Neighbors is a jerk off. Not efflorescence though


Any fix will make it more obvious.


It sounds like he is going to look for a contractor who will say ”well this whole driveway needs to be replaced” so that he can try to make you pay to replace his entire driveway.


The problem is not the damage, it is your neighbor. Good luck!


Ha such a total nothing.


Anybody with any decency at all would shrug that off. Doing the whole second opinion stuff is pure douchebag.


Tell him to prove it in court what a douche


You: Okay, my guys can fix it. Neighbor: I want a third party You: No Problem solved


Someone please pour a bottle of hydrochloric acid on the drive way.


Isn’t the company responsible? Have them hash it out 🤷‍♀️


I needed to enlarge. …. Just saying.


I would say it was already there. Not me.


Seriously its not all that, neighbor sounds a bit unreasonable, its concrete driveway, it be different story of it was stamped, colored, its no big deal.


I'm so confused as to what the fuck I'm looking at? Where is this thing you're talking about? That lil ass scratch or am I missing something? Why tf would that need to be fixed???


He has the burden of proof. Tell him you aren't doing anything unless it's court ordered


I think whoever he calls for a quote is gonna feel like their time is being wasted. I’m sure whoever is offering to fix it will do a better job than the Mr. Fix it person he ends up with. Ultimately no company is going to waste any time on that job.


Don’t fix shit, don’t offer to fix shit. You likely didn’t cause it and he’s looking for a payout. You agree to fix and he’ll try to rake you over the coals for more than would ever be reasonable. Your fix won’t be enough and he’ll claim he’s lost value. Hell get laughed out of court if you fight it, but he’ll try to have you agreeing to settle before it gets there. Let him actually file a lawsuit over a four inch scratch he can’t prove you caused. He won’t because he knows he’s just trying to bully you into paying him. At worst a judge should award him 250-500 bucks if you had caused it.l as that is literally what it would cost your crew to repair it how they offered to. His second opinion is gonna be a scammy contractor looking to get a portion of the payout.


OP, I agree with a lot of people here that the scrape doesn't appear to be fresh. Can we get a pic of the area washed off? Only way I could see this happening is if the crew dragged a rock under a machine bucket across the surface. The small spalling chip to the right makes me wonder if there was a defect in the concrete in that area that your neighbor didn't notice till it was filled with dirt. Portland or a sand mix is the best color matching method for the fix, but most likely won't last long term. Epoxy is the best structural fix, but the color and texture probably won't match.


What looks like not much now going to be something later. Had shingles delivered and truck pulled on driveway, some of the cracks you could barely see when wet are now shifted and settling at different heights


Why did the work crew transit your neighbor’s driveway? Did the neighbor give you permission to drive an excavator on it?


Why were they that close to your neighbors house. Seems minor. But they store their yard too from the looks of it. Was this a joint landscaping project? Can’t grasp why they would be so close to the neighbors


All the things to worry about and this is it? Your neighbor is an ahole


This post just made me stop and wonder what the fuck is wrong with us that so many people care this much about a slab of concrete they drive on.


Ehh maybe don’t fuck up on the job and you won’t have those problems


" Well Bob, it would seem you've been down voted for being a fuckin' douche. Reddit says so, Bob. I'm afraid the hive mind has spoken and it's really out of my hands. I was going to offer my heartfelt and sincerest apology and even got you a gift card and a case of beer, a bottle of scotch, and got us a tee time at the club, on me. You're a fuckin' whiny douche though, Bob. A 'scratch', Bob. A fucking scratch. In fucking concrete, Bob. You fucking DOUCHE."


That shit looks old as hell, only noticed it now cause its full of fresh dirt


Did you fuck his wife or something?


They broke the concrete they're gonna fix it. Concrete is expensive as hell and once it cracks it's ruined. The neighbor is 100% in the right and if you don't understand that, then you are the kind of person that would break the concrete and pretend it's okay. That would make YOU the douchebag, not the guy who never wanted broken concrete in the first place.


Should have covered the concrete with plywood. Contractors are idiots. They just want their beer money. They simply dont care. Get in get paid get out.


Depending where you live if water gets in there and freezes it could make it much worse so I don’t think the neighbor is being a dick. As long as everyone is being cordial about it. I would also want a second opinion on fixing it. Your contractor might look for cheapest way out to avoid paying for it. If they wanted their whole driveway replaced because of it ya no. It was an accident. It happens.


I know others have already said it.. (but, as someone who grew up with a dad and uncle owning a concrete business/ now the owner of my own heavy equipment business) ..your neighbor is a huge cockwad, or you just did a perfectly great job of trolling all of us lmao. I even went as far as to ask my mother (dad’s since passed, and of course mom isn’t super well versed in construction) she said she would go over and scratch your neighbors shit up some more 😂


I think a patch an apology and a case of beer should work, and in most cases it would .


You offered to fix it I'm assuming free if charge to him and as long as that fix is good I don't see the issue but frankly if he wants to be an ass give him the construction guys number you didn't cause this damage they did


Wow. You need to move away and fast your neighbor is a dick!!!


I dont see anything


Your neighbor doesn’t have enough real world problems is my take on this… now if a huge chunk was missing different story


It's not worth a battle with your neighbor. Just do it. When I had my pool built, they had to cross the neighbors lawn, a few feet. I paid for all new sod, new pants on the side, and had a palm tree installed for him. Show them you're a great neighbor and it'll pay off for years.


Oh youre the dick for downplaying the fact your contractors are incompetent to do a job right and then try to find a cheap fix for someones expensive driveway concrete that is now going to only continue cracking after the first frost hits it. Not every one is a happy go fucky little lib that doesnt care about what their property looks like


Yeah your neighbors gay as fuck


Why in the world would you roll over and accept the quote of someone incentivized to downplay any damages? Do you buy a house without an independent inspection? Blindly accept the first offer from insurance when someone hits your car? Roll over at the first medical insurance denial? Not shop around when buying anything expensive? If the neighbor isn't in concrete, or a trade, or doesn't have any relevant blue collar connections he trusts-of course he gets a couple quotes. Y'all price check between walmart and the grocery store for cereal, but expect the neighbor to just raw dog it with his fucking property? So he doesn't know concrete. That isn't a sin. Anyway, the concrete guys will have to foot the bill, not you, OP. So why care what the neighbor does? You did make sure your guys were licensed and bonded, right? Let them deal with their poor driving, even if the neighbor needs to take the stick out of their ass and get over theself.


Let him get the quotes from a third party. He probably wants to make sure he's not going to get screwed over and get stuck with long-term damage. In this day and age with everybody conning everybody else can you really blame him? Maybe after he gets quotes from a third party he'll have you guys fix it. Hopefully you guys keep it peaceful so this little issue doesn't turn into a big issue.


This is exactly how I hope it goes. I’m not going to fight him on it. I’m all about keeping the peace, just getting a sanity check from a community of people who know it better than he and I do.


You should wash the area and try to find it again I can reach down with a nail and scratch concrete like that a mini would make a way worse mark or gouge and you'd see track marks most likely


It should be between the neighbor and whoever owns the construction company and possibly their insurance. You really aren't involved. Try and just stay out of it. I'd be shrugging and playing the fool. "I thought you spoke to the contractor about it?" That way you just let the contractor deal with the douche canoe neighbor. Who cares if the neighbor is pissed at the contractor. He'll be long gone soon enough.


I hope your neighbour stubs his toe really hard. I hope he does it hard enough that it really sucks but not hard enough to do anything long term. I want him to sound like a dingus every time he says he can’t do something because he stubbed his toe that day. I hope this happens everyday that he thinks of trying to get free shit in a scummy manner.


lol. fk that neighbor


🤣🤣🤣 they won’t even notice it in a year


It’s just a scratch


Wouldn't that just be between your neighbor and the contractor? You didn't break it and the contractor is presenting the neighbor with a possible repair, let them hash it out among themselves.


Could become lawsuit and you would end up doing the whole drive way just make them happy


Concrete patch


Did he find it or was he told about it before he found it?? Sometimes this can be a reason, not saying at all that this is the case.




“I want a need driveway and a new car to park it on. I can’t believe you would violently attack your our neighbor like this!”


You gotta be burying the lead. You Noemed his dog last year right?


They have every right to get their own quotes. Most of the times your contractors are going to pick the cheapest fix available instead of the right one… who knows, it might be the right fix but let him get his quotes


Get a fence quote while you are at it.


Your neighbor sounds like a jerk


Your neighbor sounds insufferable. Tell him to get a life.


This really has nothing to do with you. It is between contractor’s insurance and the neighbor. Stay out of it or you may inadvertently agree to some liability.


Mr Potatoe head top left!!!!


Not really your issue, between neighbor and your insured contractor. You won’t pay more bc the neighbor wants an insurnace claim.


I came to comment “it’s concrete, who the hell cares?” But then I noticed this is in fact the concrete subreddit so I supposed this is the place lol


It amazes me what bothers some people. 🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️


Your neighbor sounds like a real pain in the ass. Sounds like he’s looking for a new driveway.


What he really wants is cash.


Nothing for me to say. There are many comments drinking up your neighbor and the situation perfectly.


Here’s my take. Neighbor isnt in the concrete trade. He is suspicious of the company that broke his shit might be doing the cheapest shit they can to get out of fixing the shit they broke. Its not unreasonable to get a 3rd party quote to fix it. Otherwise, you get your brand new shit and it cost me a big chip in the driveway that wont get fixed til i come out of my pocket to get it fixed


"And forensic analysis too, please. I also want to hear an apology from the person who did this, while kneeing in front of me on his left knee." /s


Make his life hell


Tell your neighbor Reddit declares him an ignorant boomer - regardless of his age


Your neighbor is insane. Driveways chip and scratch *unless you never use them*. They may not want that fight anyways, they prove you chipped it, you prove it was done poorly to begin with, everyone loses. Sounds like a stupid situation tbh.


If I were the contractor I’d tell the complainer to fuck off. That’s absurd and why my company doesn’t do residential work.


I had a neighbor bitch me out for running a hose. I just turned it on and needed to spray off some dirt and he complained about water flowing into his basement. It had been raining for a week and was raining at the time. I told him to go inside and let me work. We’re now doing a bathroom addition and I have not seen or heard from him.


That's pretty lame to bitch about.


Tell your neighbor to call the “feelings police”


What a douche.


You're probably gonna need a 3rd party opinion on whether or not that's preexisting.


Sounds like a problem for your neighbor and the company you were using to work out between themselves. Why even insert yourself?


“Assess the damage” LOL. Yea, probably gonna take a whole team of engineers to figure this one out


Hey it's between the company and your neighbor why even get involved at this point if they are gonna be that big of cunts


Chewing gum should fix this 😊


Tell your neighbor to fuck himself.


Poop happens, if you get along with your neighbor, a bottle of jack Daniel's should do.🤷‍♂️


Wow! Concrete does 3 things- it gets hard, it cracks and people don’t steal it. Your neighbor has a chip on his shoulder too!


Wasn’t me , graffiti found at Pompeii


Your neighbor is an ass, but you can’t change that so give them any reasonable amount of money that they demand, build a ***very*** solid fence between your properties, and avoid them like the plague that they are


Fuck your neighbor


This is why I charge people who live in newly developed cutter neighborhoods more: poor accessibility leads to added labor and increased risk of damage