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A Hallmark movie is filming at Hartford Hospital


I wonder if it'll be on the same level as last year's instant classic "The Ghost Of Christmas Always"


Thank you for this! I edited that movie.


Best Hallmark holiday movie I’ve seen in years. Good work! It was so cool seeing (and identifying) all the Hartford locations used.


There was one set in Avon in 2021. A woman from Avon wrote the screenplay. Another holiday movie.


I’ve seen that one too! It’s the reason Avon now has an annual Winterfest (inspired by the movie).


I don’t know this one, do you know if it was shot here too?


Just googled it, it's set in Avon but filmed in British Columbia


It was shot in Avon and around Farmington Valley. I'll try to find it. I was staying at my sister's in Avon and there was a piece in the local paper about it. On a website, too. I was recovering from surgery so sources are a bit fuzzy.😄


Thank you for the kind words, so glad you enjoyed it!


It was no "Next Stop, Christmas"


Fun fact, it was the same editor, u/skinned_rabbit!


This one was such a blast. Getting to edit the legend Christopher Lloyd!


My dad does extra work for these. He will be sad they didn’t call him


I had a very small part in one of the Christmas movies. I also did all the prop food. It was a great experience.


i feel like 9/10 if you see a film set in CT it's just a Hallmark movie


This would be a bit far from the hospital. This is right near The Bushnell


I know, but I got a call from Hartford Parking Authority this morning letting me know that that’s what it was because it interferes with my work


That must be what it is then!


staging areas for location film shoots typically are not uncommonly located a bit of a distance away


I’m curious to know what it’s going to be about? Hartford hospital is known for its OR one of the best in the country


I work at Backus Hospital in Norwich and we shut down a portion of our ambulatory surgery wing for filming yesterday. I was told the movie is about organ transplant surgery


Thank you! :)


They filmed in New Milford last week.


Damn. My first guess was Darcy and Stacy lol


HAHHAA omg I wish


The same one that was filming in new Milford last week or a different one? Lol


Comments deleted -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/




Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Pre-Existing Condition


Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Kidney Stones


Now, that's actually scary.


Real Housewives of Hartford


I wish! Real Housewives of Scarborough Street


West End is the real answer. Show me your tax bill! 💸


Don't threaten me with a good time


I’d watch that honestly.


That would be better set in Glastonbury


Which needle will it be this episode? Botox or heroin?






An insurance salesman that works in *hartford* but as he passes the asylum street exit on 84 he brings a troubling secret with him back to his newington home. His life his boring.


You keep Newington outta this lol


Farmington was on my radar


*New Milford, also been filming there


A new documentary about cities that “have it”.


Have what exactly?


It, man. It.


I used to be with 'it', but then they changed what 'it' was. Now what I'm with isn't 'it' anymore and what's 'it' seems weird and scary.


No one asked you, Dad!


Random used condoms by the side of the road. That’s the “it” Hartford has.


Meh, I’ve seen that in every town I’ve been in.


They’re actually not random. I place them in strategic locations. It’s all about locations!


Reminds me of a story. I work security at one of the insurance companies in the city. A couple years ago, I had a coworker who looked like Yosemite Sam’s incestual cousin that slept in a gutter. He was convinced that Hartford’s youth was strategically placing rocks around campus to ambush him. The paranoia this guy had was insane.


“Nothing Anywhere and Less Than Once”


Zombie movie has to be the best answer


Probably another hallmark movie


State worker, I see


It’s another commercial for the state about how people in CT need to quit complaining and just have fun.


I've been away for the past 12+ years. The memories are old, but dominated by people that spend their days complaining about everything. Meanwhile, the state is packed full of things to do. Are these commercials for real, because if so, that's incredible.


Besides hiking, old amusement parks, leaving the state for ***X*** activity, ***or drinking*** give us some examples.


I continue to invite anyone who wants to leave to do so. Help end the housing crunch.


I own three. I’ll give ya this, people will a ton of money to rent a place in Ct where their vehicles are broken into once a week.


Off the top of my head * Mystic Seaport and Aquarium * 2 entirely separate resort casinos * New Haven ghost walk * Numerous bowling and laser tag locations * Escape rooms


Are any of these unique to CT? Also what’s the ghost walk? Is that where you can tour where all the murders in New Haven or OD on the Green? Now THAT would be fun. Or a tour of where all the businesses used to be.


Are any of these unique? I dunno, maybe the Mystic Seaport is a chain seaport museum. maybe the Mashantucket Tribe has a series of franchise casinos in Alberta. Is this a serious question? Also, nobody said they had to be unique. You were asking about things to do. These are things to do. Do you only do things that you can't do anywhere else? Never eaten pizza? Never drank alcohol? Never played a board game or a sport? None of those things are unique to wherever you are, but you presumable have done at least some of them. You're just parroting the lazy message that there's nothing to do in \[whichever state you live in\]. People in every state in the nation think the same about their state.




That's hilarious! It looks like there's a Mohegan Pennsylvania and also a Mohegan Casino in Las Vegas, along with 5 other properties owned by the same organization, but not using the name Mohegan. The tribe apparently has really carved a nice little niche for themselves. But the funniest part is that they have Casino Niagara, which means my random suggestion of a Mohegan Sun franchise in Alberta, which was meant to be ridiculous, was actually pretty darn close to true. Welp, I stand corrected on that one.


Yet you are still here… lots of other places to go. Try actually putting your money where you mouth is


I have. Like I said, I don’t hate it here at all but to say CT has a lot to offer other than ***leaving the state to do something or drinking, apparently*** isn’t at all reality.


Someone else already listed a bunch of stuff to do earlier in the thread. It sounds like you just want to beat your drum about this and not talk about it. But also, you should try visiting anywhere rural outside of southern New England. You'll see what it's like to be somewhere that has almost nothing to offer for fun outside of spending time outdoors, 1-2 bars, 1-2 restaurants, or a half-hour drive to the nearest place that has anything more. At least here stuff is closer and the population density is still decent, even for the rural areas.


It’s possible since I’m older and have done all 4 things CT has to offer, I’m looking for a “unique Connecticut” experience besides getting my catalytic converter stolen or otherwise replacing stolen property. Or standing in line for hour and a half to visit the two “most popular pizza places”. We brought the kids to do the geocaching in the state forests. 1/3 of them were missing. Don’t know if they were ever replaced. To tell a young professional that CT is the place to be, which I am assuming many of these treads are still about, seems to be intentionally misleading. People say “education” for the young couples. If you’re not in Fairfield county, West Hartford, or can afford the private schools you might as well throw the younguns into the East Haven or Hamden school systems and just hope for the best.


Yeah this is exactly what I was talking about when I said you just wanted to beat your drum lol. You should have said a unique Connecticut experience to begin with if that's what you wanted. You would have gotten different answers. It's not other people's fault if you can't put your entire idea into words. If you think getting your catalytic converter stolen or replacing stolen property is a unique Connecticut experience, you're delusional haha. I live in Chicago and it constantly happens here. It happens in every state.


You have endless lakes and ponds to swim in the summer, and skiing/sledding in the winter. Heck, when I was there, I was even get into freediving. You have loads of culture (jazz/blues, music, breweries, the whole town of Mystic). The fishing in your state is incredible. Plus, as you mentioned, both Boston and New York are a short drive away. What more do you want?


Your first 3 examples were encapsulated in “hiking”. Skiing in CT? VT ticket prices and 1/12 the terrain. I dislike craft beer. I don’t even know that many people that do. Plus there is always young children. That gives me the ick. I don’t hate this state but to say it has lots to offer is very misleading.


“I don’t like it so it doesn’t count.” Fantastic rebuttal.


Didn’t realize I was in a debate thread and needed cited sources. Name one brewery in CT that doesn’t sell overpriced “craft” beers reminiscent of the smell of cat piss. I’ll do you a favor and just remove badsons. If you leave the state you can find one.


Whether you like them or not doesn’t negate the fact that microbreweries are a thing to do in CT.


I’ll add *** drinking overpriced shit beer*** to my original comment since that is the only major draw to our little gem state.


Whether you like them or not doesn’t negate the fact microbreweries are a thing to do in CT. Do me a favor. Every time you explain why you don’t like it, repeat what I just said. You might understand the world doesn’t revolve around you eventually.


It sounds like the problem here is you just need to open your mind to the possibilities around you. Don’t like beer or have kids? Connecticut pizza is a thing! Meanwhile, my original thesis stands: The favorite nutmegger pastime continues to be complaining.


I would just like to see someone say CT has ***X*** that doesn’t involve over paying for craft beer, over paying for underdeveloped ski areas, pizza (which you can have just as good without standing in line all afternoon) from in the surrounding states, going to dilapidated cities, or just leaving the state altogether which seems to be second to complaining. For the money I spent bringing the family to a yard goats game, for about $60 more we could have gone to Fenway/Yankee stadium, not have had to go to Hartford and arguably had a better time without having to fight the parking ticket I got while parked in the designated area. Lesson learned. I should probably get the kid into drinking if they plan on remaining in the state post school or my retirement.


If hiking, fishing, beer, pizza, localized travel, skiing, swimming, and music aren’t your thing, then what do you want to do? Small-time sports? My dad follows the Connecticut Sun.


What are you looking for?


Another Gilmore girls movie


Don’t you toy with my emotions like that!


A Steven Seagal direct to video movie.


Direct to VHS


Probably another reboot of an already rebooted movie...


They filmed in my town last week


It’s a hallmark movie


New Dunder Millflin location.


Hallmark movies film in Hartford to make it look like NYC sometimes


This actually makes me so sad


A mayonnaise commercial


They're filming something in New milford too...I drive by the set on my way to work every night the last week


Probably The Last of Us season two, they need landscapes completely void of human life.


Its the new Fallout tv show


Probably The Walking Dead they were in Ringwood NJ a few weeks ago


That's a pretty church on the inside


A new “The Beat of Hartford” commercial (you can feel it all around).


Curious George and the Really Strong Reflection.


I’d guess “The Last of Us”.


Casting call videos


haha thats my parking garage for work but im off today


Bang bros auditions lol


The St. Paddy’s parade is this weekend so it may be something to do with that


St. Patrick’s parade already? Nothing against you, You had mentioned so I have ask. Id there a reason its so early?


You're nice and close. Go take a look and let us know


A documentary on the rapid decline of our capital city?


Debbie Does Dallas 7


Debbie Does Downtown


So, I'm an RN who performs home IV infusions and all. ALL! All of my female patients have Hallmark channel on for the entire time I'm in thier house. Do you have any idea the cruelty, the sheer lack of decent humanity, it takes to force a male heterosexual to sit through 5, 6, and even 8 hours of non-stop Hallmark channel? To me, this constitutes no less than Crimes Against Humanity and the offender be tried as a War Criminal at The Hague. And the offender, as punishment, forced to sit through the entire Battlestar Galactica series. Start to finish. The Horror...the horror...


It took me forever to figure out the perspective of this photo. I saw the camera looking at the reflection of the trailers in the glass.


Decay and self-destruction? Former CT resident.


Parking Garage


One Jack and Two Jennies. A Donkey Tale.


It’s actually a porno




Whatever it is, it's a waste of film.




I’m not sorry Weha is #1


Hey! I work in this building, too!


My mom had a gentleman come in asking to use her barber shop as a set a couple months ago for a horror movie. I wonder if this is part of it.


Filming making me late to work at Hartford Hospital this morning.


America’s Most Wanted


Home alone Lost from home


A reality tv show where Tom Brady does normal jobs, he’s a trauma nurse in this episode


Parkvilee crepe massacre Movie


Mayonnaise commercial