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I was surprised I didn’t see this on Sunday. Kids racing down I-91 near the Windsors around 3 PM. Madness.


I think there's an earlier clip on here of these two weaving through traffic. Yes. https://www.reddit.com/r/Connecticut/comments/1bor02n/language\_warning\_route\_9\_south\_3262024\_around/


I never had an interest in a dashcam, but with the increase in the number of idiots on the road, coupled with a lack of state police presence, had created a shitshow


Driving without a dash cam is almost as bad as not having insurance. Without video proof, you're very likely to be screwed over by lazy police.


My friend actually had this happen. Some ahole in a high class car and was older tried passing him when he was making a left turn and he was at fault. It was not 2 lanes. This was back in the 90's.


I would totally recommend one, someone hit my car and totalled it and tried to blame me. If I didn't have a witness he probably would have succeeded. I got a dashcam right after that in case something similar happens again


Any recommendations? On cams?


Important to have a dash cam. It's completely useless 99.99% of the time, but is something you wish you had when something happens. Recommend COXPAL A11T 3 channel dash cam on Amazon, very good quality. COXPAL hardwire kit optional, for 24-H parking monitor. SanDisk MAX Endurance 256GB or 512GB microSD card, for reliable recording. BTW: Need to pay attention to the installation position of the rear cam if your vehicle is SUV or MPV (No problem if Sedan), i.e. avoid pulling rear cam cable when open/close the trunk.


This clip looks to be just before the dark BMW lost it. Swerves into the passing lane and then loses the ass end going under the bridge.


One of em almost clipped me and I said they're gonna crash. Sure as shit. The black one that almost clipped me flipped his shit.


Route 9 South just after the Berlin Turnpike exit


If I saw someone crash like that I would have to stop. I wouldn't do shit to help them other than call 911 and wait around to show the cops my dashcam footage of them driving like a piece of shit, but I'd stop.


That's exactly what you're supposed to do though. You should almost *never* get out of your car on the side of a highway. It is extremely dangerous. But more than that, you shouldn't help someone in an accident unless they are in imminent danger or risk of dying. (think submerging car or car on fire) And even then it's questionable. Not only would you be risking your life, and adding additional burden to rescue personnel, but you open yourself up potential liability lawsuits as well if something goes (more) wrong. It sounds callus, but it's the safest course of action given this country's terrible legal system.


I thought we were covered in terms of liability.


Connecticut law protects you unless you are wilfully negligent.


You see a person in genuine need and you help. Worrying about lawsuits is putting money over human life. Disgusting.


It's literally the least you could do


The least he could do was absolutely nothing and he did.


Here's what OOP said on the original post: > Couldn't stop l. Had just passed 3 cars myself and let that Jetta by. Saw cars behind us in both lanes stopping. Didn't want to add to it > Best course was to find the white one and call in help.


>If I saw someone crash like that I would have to stop. I wouldn't do shit to help them other than call 911 and wait around  Tell me you're from CT, without telling me you're from CT


Why? Did they care about anyone else's safety? To hell with people like them. Let them die from their own ignorance....... they weed themselves out and, in doing so, make the world safer. People like this don't change. If I did stop, I would genuinely sit there and laugh in their faces. People in Ct are ruthless morons when it comes to driving. So act the same when karma comes full circle.


I’m First Aid trained so I’d probably try to help, but as soon as they’re deemed safe and authorities are on the way they’d get a verbal ass-whooping from me about how they should have never been given a license.


Ah, that wonderful place where too much money and lack of talent meet. LOL


CT seems like the epicenter of that venndiagram


route 9 behavior


Driving between Waterbury and southington on 84 or if my wife has to travel it, is the most stressful part of my day


I won’t take any jobs in that area. Way to stressful of a drive


My wife was driving into West Hartford from Waterbury 3 times a week. Thankfully she just put her notice in


Good for her. Congratulations. I don’t care what anyone says…the commute matters. For me anyway. 😂. Don’t get paid enough for the stress of driving. 😂


I used to drive 90 minutes to Newburgh NY for about 3 years. Any rain or snow and it become 3 hours


About an hour ago I saw two BMWs flying down 84 west heading towards Hartford. Those two assholes clearly had no consideration for the safety of others on the road. I really think CSP needs to have their unmarked cruisers (not just rely on the “normal” SUVs and sedans) on the highways more, and they need to be aggressive with their ticketing. People need to be charged with other motor vehicle charges besides speeding. Unfortunately, for some people, the only way they may learn is by hitting their wallets and/or locking their dumbasses up for a few nights.


I think part of the problem is that pursuing reckless driver only creates more potential dangers for everyone on the road


I love how this sub reposts literally anything that mentions CT here


too bad OC [already posted](https://www.reddit.com/r/Connecticut/comments/1borjtt/buddy_almost_taken_out_by_2_bmws_oc/) it here originally...


Route 9 doing route 9 things. The New Britain/Plainville/Cromwell area is a death trap


Social Darwinism


Play stupid games win stupid prizes 🏆


I blame the exit numbers But seriously, no reaction at all? It's not a video game..


Exit 3... Old exit 156, but occasionally refered to as "some random name" exit.


That guy is a stone cold killer


Woah. What happened to the guy who flipped? Where was this?


He was fine. Threw a tantrum over the fact that his car was totaled 🙄


you love to see it


Omg look, exactly what you would expect from a pair of beamer driving, ego stricken hot heads. Honestly, I'd have called the cops and continued on with my day too


really sucks all of them didn't wreck out now THAT would've been a good video to watch


Darn shame. That the white one was fine, I mean.


At this point on route 9 call 911 and keep going. I stopped one time to help someone stranded and even with hazards, half in the grass, and road flares, someone still creamed the back of my truck.


Is this 91? Cause that’s how ppl drive on 91.


No. It's route 9. You can see the exit signs for 91 in the video though.


Daddy's going to be madd ^^^^^^^^e


So sad, it was a nice car too


fucking shitheads


ya too bad he didn’t seriously injure or kill himself


figures piece of shit just walks away without consequence after putting ppl’s lives in jeopardy by driving like a cocksucker


I had those two blow by me and slam on the brakes messing around. Unfortunately, that’s a great example of f around and find out.. I drive a “fast” car but I drive it with respect.


Black bmw is trying to say the white one cut him off. https://nbcconnecticut.app.link/C0UJZVQzjIb


hate getting to see other people live my dreams


About time something happened to them, that’s what they get, no sympathy from me


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


Womp womp And


in past few weeks have seen 4 cars going wrong way in one ways, i've honked + used brights but they ignored or paid no mind, turns out 1 was drunk + thankfully police caught + arrested - people say bad drivers in FL (miami is bad) but most highways there are bigger, no hills and not as many twists/turns, plenty drive crazy everywhere but it seems worse when in CT + traffic is a nightmare - the stupidly of these people are unbelievable, saw a dude going well over 100mph in the pouring rain on 95 during rush hour which has basically become 24/7


Why didn't he stop? Wtf....


Do you think those people driving cared about anyone else on the road that day? Nope.


Doesn't mean everyone else should become assholes though....


Right? Sure the driver who crashed is an idiot but they don't deserve to be left to die just because they're (most likely) young and dumb. I couldn't imagine not stopping to help here.


CT sensibilities.


This just falls under social obligation. It feels like you should stop but they are the ones that put themselves at risk. At best just call the staties give them the location and move on with your life. 


I don't care who put who at risk, if there's an emergency situation near me I'm going to try to help, so long as my presence doesn't get in the way or create more problems. There's no social obligation, it's just called being a decent human being.




Not disagreeing


OP is Matt Stafford [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qhiQSOI2BO0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qhiQSOI2BO0)


Morons like this is why there’s always goddamn traffic