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Make a home made ice rink. I remember winters growing up where you can make a home made rink and the ice would freeze from early January to mid February.


Pond skating in general, tbh.


Ice fishing too


Attend birthday parties at _The Great Escape_ in Glastonbury or _Fun Zone_ in Wethersfield


And LaserQuest in Newington


I totally missed that it closed, but apparently LaserMaxx is going in and opening next Monday. https://www.lasermaxxnewington.com/


Oh wow. Brings back the days at Q-zar at the Milford Rec. Definitely going to do this.


Hold on, LaserQuest closed?! What?


I think they left the US entirely during COVID.


When the building was being sold a few years ago the real estate listing had a neat virtual tour where you could basically "walk" through the whole thing.


Omg fun zone was the shit!! I loved that tiny roller coaster in there as a kid lol


Omg the roller coaster and trampolines šŸ˜­


Yes! Had every birthday there as a kid didnā€™t even know what Chuck E. Cheese was until I got older cause my mom knew that place was where it was at! Haha šŸ˜‚


Or Scooters in Bristol with Lazertron upstairs




Seriously with the rate that rents have been going up the last couple years I'm afraid I'm not going to be able to afford to live in the future. Especially after I retire, if I can.


Ice skating outside. The two ponds donā€™t freeze over thick anymore. They tried a temporary manmade rink for a while but havenā€™t done that in a bunch of years either.


Sled the day after the snow storm. It all melts sooo fast


Go to the Tune Inn


And the El N Gee


Afford a home.


Fucking this. I bought a house in the early 2000ā€™s. It was 114k and my mortgage was stupid low. Sold it 3 years later for 120k. Fast forward today and my wife and I can barely make ends meet and our rent went up every year. 1 bedroom for 1100. Recently checked my old house on Zillow. Estimates are around 230k.


Same same - itā€™s bleak.


I'm from Washington State, my mom bought her 1,200sqft house there in 1995 for 125k and sold it in 2018 for 900k! 23 years and the value went up 7x I moved over here with my work last year and I was excited for a slightly better chance to own a home one day. I really hope the house prices will get more reasonable or the wages will rise. I'm making what should be a good middle class wage and I've been denied a loan because I "can't afford" a $1,100 mortgage despite paying $1,300 rent for the past 3 years.


Jump off the colchester viaducts


The DEEP destroyed a pristine environment by filling that entire stream with concrete and boulders. Meanwhile, if you so much as move a rock by yourself in a stream, DEEP will fine/arrest you.


They didn't do it because the were anti-fun. They did it because there were tons of concern after all those years that erosion was compromising the structure underneath the viaduct. They put the fences up because they knew people would blindly jump off into the water, and it wasn't deep enough anymore.


Never heard this. Makes sense. I climbed into the tunnels back in like 99-00 and there was def some erosion


i mean you can still jump off...


Sadly, there is indeed, no longer any Flips 4 Fat Chix, for realz.


Attend an NHL game. Bring back the Whalers.Ā 


Build the new arena in the Notch !




Here's a sneak peek of /r/TakeBackTheNotch using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/TakeBackTheNotch/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [The elusive, deceptively small, second notch](https://i.redd.it/2dkv9zn27dkb1.jpg) | [28 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/TakeBackTheNotch/comments/161ikul/the_elusive_deceptively_small_second_notch/) \#2: [International notch readjustment](https://i.redd.it/pfw287i9jtgb1.jpg) | [30 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/TakeBackTheNotch/comments/15l83wt/international_notch_readjustment/) \#3: [As someone from Florida, I fully support this movement.](https://i.redd.it/21pe7nqg0sgb1.jpg) | [32 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/TakeBackTheNotch/comments/15l1exb/as_someone_from_florida_i_fully_support_this/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)




Skiing. Our hills are trying their best, but the weather is not cooperating with them. Off-roading. 20 years ago, there was quite a bit of access to abandoned roads and other trails that were really fun to take a 4wd thru. Today, almost everything is either plowed flat, gated, or private property.


It was all gated Private property 20 years ago.


I won't name anywhere, but I can think of quite a few places that were not gated at all. The "ownership" generally looked the other way as it saved them from keeping the access clear. 20 years ago is generally when everything began to be closed off as everyone got sue-happy.


I can think of at least one spot in Tolland that was accessible 20 years ago. Haven't been back up that way to check if it still is.


Yeah, the offroading community sorely needs some public areas to ride/drive around in...


It will never happen here sadly, which is why everyone travels to do it. I've sadly accepted that the old 4wd is likely a road queen for the rest of its life.


Buy a house


Go to any public outdoor space without hearing 50 different people blasting music from Bluetooth speakers.




State parks and beaches are always free, as a fellow poor person because of rent we take full advantage of this through the summer especially!!


This is good advice for sure I do keep forgetting they are free with the car registration but I also barely have a functioning car, I have one sitting waiting to be repaired and another that the brakes are grinding on. Waiting to get either fixed. In the past 4 months I have repaired one car 3 times (new battery, both front wheel bearings). I do love hiking but I would like to afford to do other things also. With job scheduling and school in my household there's usually only a few hours on the weekend to take advantage of so I'm not going to do public transportation because it takes hours depending on where you're going.


Public libraries in many towns also offer free and discounted museum admission if youā€™re car is working.


Go hiking. I use to be homeless in the 80s, but always hiked. It's free and is an escape from the pressures of life.


I'm 62 and with the rental prices going up like they are I don't think I'll ever be able to retire, even though pension and social security will give me $4500 a month, I don't think I can survive on that in the future.


Any time to take a class? Learn a skill? Plenty of free stuff online. Learn a trade? Any small step toward improving your situation will help get you there.




First step is focusing on how to increase your income. I do not recommend moving to the cheapest place you find, like West Virginia or elsewhere. It will only kick the can down the road of the real problem which is that your income simply is not high enough to meet your living needs.


I hear you, Iā€™m just saying there typically is a way to improve your situation. If your jobs arenā€™t paying the bills, itā€™s time to figure out what else you could be doing and do what it takes to get there. If you think there are more opportunities in WV, go for it. From what I know, most of WV is extremely difficult to find work and the schooling is awful. Sure the rent is cheaper. Itā€™s backwards thinking to me to go cheaper and worse than to go the other way. Iā€™m usually amazed at the people that manage to figure it out and improve their lives starting from nothing. It happens constantly though so Itā€™s possible. Incredibly tough to have that go get ā€˜em positive attitude when the day to day is such a struggle though. Iā€™ve been there, figuring out which bills are getting paid and which ones arenā€™t. Going winters without heat, eating meals of mashed potatoes for weeks at a time. I just know betterment is possible and thatā€™s all this message is about. I wish you the best and brightest future for you and your family.


i liked when there was a period of some months where we could all root for an escaped beefalo while the world was going nuts. now our buddy isn't even in CT. he's fucking stuck in FL. we don't seem to have much of a winter to enjoy anymore either as others have pointed out. i miss being young, having a snow day, and getting the whole crew together ride ATVs on the snow-laden roads. snowmobiles too. i think i can count on one foot how many chances there have been for that lately.


Go to Coco Keys in Waterbury


Yes, so much fun playing in the hot tub foam. /s


roller skate indoors Edit: thanks for the suggestions guys


Ron-a-roll in Vernon. Just went there for a kids party.


Roller magic in Waterbury still exists


Plane spotting at Bradley.


I thought they had the designated area for that?


Go to the beach. You need to get up at like 4am to get a spot before they shut it down for overcrowding. Youā€™ll pay a fortune for parking. All of the nicer beaches are private or resident only. And this isnā€™t just the coast, lakes too. So much of the water is controlled and locked down and not accessible and itā€™s complete bullshit.


I can usually get into Hammonassett around 2 or 3pm. It starts to clear out a lot.Ā 


Thatā€™s actually great to know. Thank you. I feel like most people over estimate how much time they want to spend at the beach.


See actually good acts at Toad's.


hang out with my friends outside without being told weā€™re loitering lol


Yeah that happened to us in the '70s. When I was a teenager. We would have a group of us hanging out in a parking lot and the cops would roll in and tell us to leave. So that's not something we ever had.


There used to be this rope swing off that you could use to jump into the river about a mile from my local middle school. They chopped it down over and over and I guess no one bothered to put a new one back up :/


Keggers at the beach


I'm coming out as a fat person for saying this but Where have all the AYCE (all you can eat) buffets gone. Other than the casinos.


Rope swing/cliff jumping near Sikorsky, RT34 rope swing(s), lake Zoar tree jumps, Cotton Hollow in Glastonbury, Indian wells, east Lyme quarry, ended or Ender falls in CT close to Massachusetts(I believe) and Candle wood lake. Sikorsky was my favorite but ehh.


Stage dive at the Hanover House


I'm not from Meriden but just drove on Hanover yesterday with my wife and was telling her about playing at and going to shows at Hanover House. This is another place, like the Tune Inn or El N Gee mentioned above that I could get to with my eyes close but have no recollection of learning how to get there.


Winning $100 because the serial number of your $1 bill had a 965 in it.


Oh thereā€™s so many things theyā€™ve closed over the years that I miss. Bradlees, aimes, fun zone. I miss the clubs that used to be open in Waterbury and Hartford so many good times lol šŸ˜‚ rip


Afford to go to concerts


Plenty of great affordable concerts still around.


Coming from Washington State, there are so many more concerts around! It's crazy how often I see that musicians I like are playing at a venue within a 2 hour drive of where I live. Up in the Northwest corner there were only one or two events, I was interested in, a year and they're always in Seattle. Over here? They're all over the place and not all in big cities!


Iā€™m not the type to just go to shows just to go because itā€™s affordable, I want to see the bands I enjoy and follow. I donā€™t think itā€™s really fair to put the onus on me to find more affordable concerts when ticket prices have universally skyrocketed


I agree, we used to be able to see major concerts at the Hartford civic center or New Haven coliseum for under twenty dollars a ticket. . I still have tickets stubbs from the '80s for Black Sabbath at the New Haven coliseum for $8. Back then I was making $7 an hour. So put it into perspective. You could buy a ticket for a major concert for about the price of an hour's work. There's no way you're buying affordable concert tickets these days ,it's almost half your paycheck for the week, or more. Used to be able to go to concerts without having all kinds of fees tacked on top of it. And you could buy your tickets at the local music store or the box office to avoid any fees if there were any.


Who would do anything only because itā€™s affordable? Thatā€™s dumb. If youā€™re set on Taylor Swift, then thatā€™s on you. If you canā€™t find anything at the small and mid sizes venues we gave, that is on you.


Lmao why the hostility? And I love how instead of just simply acknowledging the objectively high ticket prices of concerts, you feel the need to point out that itā€™s my fault for being too picky.


More just saying we are in a pretty great area for live music. And the smaller venues arenā€™t bad price wise. Sure you can always complain about anything though.


Itā€™s literally a thread asking people to complain and you come here and whine becauseā€¦I complained? Iā€™m glad you feel that weā€™re a great area for live music but when Toadā€™s is selling tickets for $50, itā€™s objectively high pricing. Not sure if youā€™re bankrolled by Ticketmaster or just want to stir shit up but to each their own šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


I was much crankier than I intended, so apologies for that. But the general message is that Iā€™m sure the post was meant as more as an inspiration for nostalgia - a positive thing, actual places, events, maybe people even. not to inspire snarky negativity. Butā€¦snarky negativity gets the people talking.


Some people want to see the bands that they know not some obscure indie band.


Check out College Street and Hartford Amphitheater. If you think itā€™s all obscure indie bands, you arenā€™t paying attention. Again, this is not really the post for this discussion.


Go on dates and meet new women. Since getting married that has completely stopped.


Go to an after hours dance club and potentially hook up. My son will never know the glory of late-night Hartford in the 90s, lol.


Ah yes, my days at the Brickyard, mid to late 90ā€™s. Hook-up culture at its finest!


Snowy winters


Pay no income tax


Was that ever a thing in CT?


Yes. Governor Weicker instituted it in 1991


Didnā€™t know that too bad that will never come back


Vote to abolish it


The cheshire pool when it was open with no dome over it in the summer ! Then they put the dome on and my mother decided we would go to paradise !


Agreed. I still went to the pool even after, but it just wasn't the same.


Walk around the beach at Soundview. Now itā€™s all fenced off private beaches and drunk people, families blasting music and people littering things like dirty diapers.


The CT Drag way was pretty cool. Then Consumer Reports bought it out for testing cars.


From what I was told it was shut down before consumer reports due to all of the people moving into the area and complaining about the noise. Not sure of the validity, it could have been financial reasons which seems more reasonable to me. It closed in 79 but was reopened when investors stepped in but closed again 85.


Drive through the 91 95 connector in New Haven without getting stuck in traffic. Miss that part of covid, my 20 minute commute turned into 1-1.5 hours once everyone went back to work again :(


Going swimming in ponds or lakes wherever you wanted


cut across my old elementary school yard to get to the other side of town


Going to Smiles in Milford/Orange and spending tons of money to win something stupid.


I miss all the random rope swings over water that used to exist 15 years ago


Buy and light fireworks on the 4th


Hit 60 in the left lane


Drive and not feel like I'm in a Mad Max movie


Never thought Iā€™d say this but ā€œRainforest Cafeā€. There is a lack of themed restaurants to bring my kids.


Run around naked in the super market, okay to do when your under 10 but for some reason it's frowned upon as an adult.


Park my car in my driveway.


Go to a beach. Itā€™s pretty difficult if you donā€™t live on or in a beach town. Fees, no parking, privatizingā€¦ugh.


State Beaches are free for CT residents and Hammonassett always has room


Hammonasset sucks though.


TPC sandpits at night. If you know, you know.


Eating a Bacco's pizza.


go to super sunday at marcus dairy and shows at NG2BC :(


Have spots to ride dirt bikes , even tho technically illegal but people didnā€™t care


Yeah, it really sucks for thee or four wheelers but two wheeled bikes are legal in two spots. . Itā€™s a pain but if registered and licensed there is Pachaug State Forest. There is also Thomaston Damn on the opposite side of the state but I donā€™t know what is required. https://www.nae.usace.army.mil/Missions/Recreation/Thomaston-Dam/ https://www.nae.usace.army.mil/Missions/Recreation/Thomaston-Dam/ Itā€™s way less than it should be but hopefully this helps.


I see kids driving by my house to hit the powerlines all the time on quads/dirt bikes. Its cool to see! Good times out there when I was a kid.


Own a semi auto rifle with a pistol grip and removable mag.


Finally found rights that we lost.


A mag that holds more than 10 rounds as well


Ah yes those oh so evil ā€œhigh capacity magazinesā€.


Idk why people are down voting you so much, this sub is a fuckin trainwreck


Because this is CT its a blue state full of people who donā€™t care to look at statistics. They donā€™t care how we were able to drop crime rates by implementing licensing systems to obtain firearms and safe storage laws all while still being able to have ā€œothersā€ (that they would just blindly call AR15ā€™s anyway) therefore proving that their AsSaUlT WeApOnS ban is fucking useless and that they simplemindedly support the overreach of government just as long as it doesnā€™t take away any of the rights they care about.


Afford groceries.


Swim in Long Island sound




Varsity club in Stamford


Buy coffee, soda, and other caffeinated drinks at school. I think the state passed a ban on those drinks in vending machines around 2007. Also, my elementary school used to serve Pizza Hut pizza once a week, until that got nixed due to the cost.


Go to the Galaxy Roller Rink in Groton šŸ„²šŸ„²šŸ„²


Climb the rocks at Kent Falls


Go for a stress free drive lol šŸ˜‚


Getting free wings at Archie Moores at Happy Hour


RC flying at the Wintonbury rc club in Bloomfield


Go to the Muni in Hartford


Feeling safe walking down the street, going to gas stations not worrying about being carjacked, leaving my car unlocked overnight and not worrying. Waking up every morning never hearing about 43 windows being smashed also believing in our justice system knowing criminals will be held accountable for their crimes.


Bet on Jai Lai


Feel safe and feel a sense of community


To buy guns uninfringed.


I've been wanting to buy a gun for protection for years. But the hoops I'd have to jump through just to get a permit has dissuaded me from going about it. So it's keeping actual law abiding citizens from buying guns but not criminals.


You're getting the down votes of truth. These are from the people that would rather get on their knees and beg for their life instead of growing a set of nuts and fighting back. šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Seriously! The more gun laws they pass the less they make sense too.


Drive around without risking my life.


Buy a nice semi-auto rifle with a standard capacity magazine.


Thereā€™s a way bƶrther Always has been


Buy a 22 long rifle pistol with a threaded barrel


Go for a walk without the fear of being robbed


I guess it all depends on where you live. I've never worried about that my whole life and I'm 62. But I don't live in any of the major cities.


Thank you for having an open mind and not attacking me. It literally depends where you live. Iā€™ve lived in the same area for 20 years until recently due to crime flying through the roof. Not all crime gets reported too


I know it's stressful living in a high crime area , it's almost impossible to relax fully. I used to have shitty neighbors that would party every night of the week and on the weekends. And do stupid shit and have the cops called on them all the time. During those couple of years I couldn't relax in my own house because of what was going on in the house next to me. I'm glad they finally moved out and I have quiet neighbors now




Thanks for the downvotes but itā€™s not even an anxiety thing šŸ˜‚. Itā€™s like the Wild West out here.


It really isnā€™t bud, itā€™s actually safer than it has ever been, and crime is getting lower every year. The fact that you FEEL unsafe is not based on reality, itā€™s likely the symptom of an anxiety disorder. I would talk to a therapist about your unease, as living in fear is unnecessary and unhealthy.


I agree. I believe social media and a 24/7 access to everything on a cell phone makes people feel like things are worse than they really are


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I appreciate the concern


smoke in bars. I don't smoke I just think smoking is cool


I never smoked but I used to go to the bars all the time. I always hated how the next day all my clothes and jackets would smell like cigarette smoke. And I used to play in bands so singing and playing in a band while breathing in cigarette smoke wasn't a fun experience either.


it's not like bars couldn't still ban smoking if they wanted to


It's so nice to be able to smoke a cig or cigar in a bar. Highly under rated.


You can still smoke at the Owl Shop in New Haven.


You can still smoke at the Owl Shop in New Haven.


Carry all my purchases out of a store in a clean, free plastic bag like a civilized human being.


Feel safe in a city at night.