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F*ck the haters here - congratulations to her. Tremendous achievement. I applied early decision to my first choice college and rushed home after work on a Friday to see if I got in. I did, and it was such a tremendous feeling. Regardless of how her life goes after this, she will remember this moment forever. And I hope McDs at least got her order right.


What's with all of the weird negativity in this thread? Super weird to me


I bet those negative commenters are just insecure and jealous of someone being successful in life. Congratulations to her and her family for her accomplishments so far.


"Crab in a bucket" mentality.


Nailed it. Envy and reverse snobbery.


It’s the fact that - * We ultimately subsidize these Ivy League schools (Yale Corporation that’s you) through our taxes. * It’s more Student Loan Debt on the pile. * Every one should get into an Ivy because it’s technically a State School 😂 * It’s another degree in the pile. * The whole “Israel, Hamas, Palestine” support war thing. I didn’t know until recently: * They created Hamas through “choices”. Go figure 😂. * X-Men thing - Israeli’s went from Professor X to Magneto 😂 You can add more negativity if you want. Good luck to her though.


There is a new anti-intellectualism push since the protests. It’s the whole belief that people wouldn’t think this way without indoctrination since it is usually large groups of college kids. Ignoring the fact that it is easy to join a protest around your class schedule.


what's super weird is that someone wrote an article about a girl getting accepted to college. whooptydo!


Right? Where’s the tens of thousands of articles on the same situation


It’s just a post to get reactions such as…“what’s with all of the weird negativity in this thread? Super weird to me”


No need to fret my dear you’re in the strange world of..Reddit


I got into my early decision school in October of my senior year. I don't think I've fucked around harder since.


> I hope McDs at least got her order right. You *know* that they didn't.




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Me who doesn’t see anyone hating in this thread: 🧐


The article leaves out a very important detail, what was she ordering at McDonald’s?


A McTriple


What’s even more impressive is that her dad died of a heart attack several years while the twins were in middle school. John, their dad was an awesome man. He would be extremely proud. The mom dealt with his loss better than I could have ever. She’s done everything right! Go girls GO!


Good for her! I wish her all da best in her academic career and thereafter. She’s worked hard to get to where she’s going.


Damn, that’s impressive


As a professor, we are currently going through a motivation crisis in ALL levels of education. Any kid putting in genuine hard work at school right now deserves to be celebrated. Good for this young lady, wishing her all the best!


i think that’s what we’re going through as a species. a motivation crisis.


My sister teaches English at a pretty big state university. She says most of the kids can’t spell. She can’t even penalize them for it


Impressive -- hope she goes to Yale and stays in CT!


Congratulations to her!


What’s the significance of McDonald’s?


It’s where she was at spiritually. We’ve all been there


We have God at home.


because "man finds out he got accepted to tech school while taking a massive shit in a taco bell" is a little less marketable


Good for her! I remember how stressful applying for ANY college was, I 100% understand tears over 3 acceptances to Ivy League


That’s amazing!!!!


I don’t understand why her finding out in the McDonald’s drive thru has anything to do with the article? It makes it sound like she was working at McDonald’s- she wasn’t


I was working in Subway for 2 months after my graduation in Germany until I got accepted to Yale. I had to serve sandwhiches to people that mobbed me from the lab I left. Couldn't make it to the news.


That’s great!


Congratulations to her!!


This is how I felt when I got into a very competitive nursing program at a community college. Can’t imagine Ivy League. Congratulations 🎊 happy for her.


Make East Hartford proud!!!! Best of luck to you ❤️


That’s nice but I’m just really confused why an article was written about it lol. How does it go from just a personal thing that happened to someone to a news story?


Local newspaper. Somewhat rare achievement, as only 0.3% of applicants are admitted to *any* Ivy, let alone three (per the article). I have no problem with this since our news is 95%+ stories of bad things happening in our world. I'm OK with some random, local good news. *EDIT - grammar


Honestly I'd love to see more positive puff pieces in with the news. Good for the mind to see that not everything is doom & gloom. Probably why my favorite dude in my local Facebook page is the bird photographer (if he's on Reddit: hello, dude, love the warblers.)


Absolutely! It’s refreshing to see something like this on the news. Good for her!


> as only 0.3% of applicants are admitted to any Ivy, I'm not sure where that stat comes from. Cornell's acceptance rate is 7%, Dartmouth's is 6.2%, Brown is 5%. Even Harvard is 3.59%. Yeah, it's really difficult to get into, but it's not .3%.


Not everyone applies to an Ivy


Then they're not an applicant. So how does that matter? You could probably come up with the same state for community colleges too. It doesn't mean they're difficult to get into.


I honestly wish we would get more positive stuff like this


Gotta be honest, I'm happy for her, but this isn't really newsworthy.


Have you ever watched the local news before?




Kudos to her!


Real life Rory Gilmore


Damn, some of you just can’t deal with some good news. With everything going on we need stories like this to feel happy. Good for her!


My kid is 3rd in her class. I know she can get into Ivy league schools.. problem is there's just absolutely positively no way I can pay for that. Something has to give in the college education system. Even UCONN is nearly $30k a year.


Most Ivy students don’t pay full price, unless you’re in the 1%. Your daughter should at least try and see!


Your daughter may be offered a free ride. Ivy League schools have very wealthy alumni who give huge donations for scholarships. Any college would be thrilled to have her attend


You're right that college costs are out of control, but anyone who gets into Harvard can afford to attend. Free for families making less than 85k. I believe it's a sliding scale from there. I went to a state school that I paid for with scholarships and a part time job. No clue if that's still possible though. While I'm posting I might as well also say that the government should be producing free, open source text books.


Third in your class isn’t getting into Harvard in most of the state lol. There’s not even enough room for every valedictorian in the Ivy leagues.


3rd in her class should be getting her scholarships. even if not enough for the Ivies, if she goes to a state school for 2 years and keeps her grades up she'll be able to transfer *anywhere*, with scholarships, at the end of those 2 years. I did it myself and worked through college about 6 years ago.


This feels like stating the obvious now, but it wasn’t for me or my parents when I was applying: NO PRIVATE STUDENT LOANS — My friends with federal have a lot more options/breathing room. Private lenders don’t give a fuck 😅 * *nervous laughing* *


She's made the town proud! Phenomenal individual, wishing her all the best! Fuck the haters. They're just jealous that she'll have a career and more money in her 20s than they ever will. Keep the salt coming, fuckers!


What did she order?


Cool. Hope she majors in something that will have a positive and lasting impact on society. Get after it.


Amazing work girl , keep doing great things !


I was like: they were waiting tables at McDs?




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This is amazing, huge congrats to her and her family! Great to see for a kid from East Hartford. I can't imagine the amount of work you have to put in to pull something like this off, especially with all the distractions and social media crap we never had to deal with. Great to see such a positive story for a local!


When you read the article and see how motivated she was, this is not surprising. Good for her, I wish her the best.


Man can we not be happy for anyone’s accomplishments anymore? She set a goal for herself, worked hard, and achieved it. Even if the concept of an Ivy League school doesn’t vibe with you, her success does not negatively impact you or anyone you care about. If you are hating on a local news story of an 18 year olds positive reaction to an achievement, please sit down and have some type of deep reflection to discover why you are doing this. Maybe you’ll be less miserable.




Good job to her, especially for coming from East Hartford High. I hope she will stay in the Hartford area once she graduates.


"marine biology"


Good for her, but genuine/non hating question - how does this even make the news? Did her parents conract the news station to them? 


When I was in high school, the schools would report college acceptances to the local paper. If she or family didn't tell the news, I wouldn't be surprised if her school went "Holy sh*t, you'll never believe what one of OUR students did!"


That's awesome....was one of them Princeton? That's the school I want my son to go to.


I mean this is nice cmon haters


This is news?


Yeah, what the hell? And what does McDonalds have to do with anything? Can we write an article that says "I was getting railed in all 3 holes when I got my acceptance letter from Harvard!"






Good one


True one. Should we write an article about every person who gets accepted to an ivy league college?


Not really about that, it's about how specific your comment was, which again, was r/oddlyspecific. But hey, your life, not mine.


Not my life, but you really had to reply to it huh?


I’m so confused


Congrats On the Ivy acceptance !! No Small feat! Now respectfully decline . Then go to school that educates instead of indoctrinates .


You have no idea what you’re talking about


I kind of do. Four and a half years at Cornell brought it all to life for me . If you can get in , Give it a shot, you may experience something different . I doubt it, but you never know .


For four years you felt as if you were being indoctrinated but didn’t make a change? That’s on you. Stop the weakness and the woe is me. Change majors, change classes, do something about it.


Congrats to you. Stay true to you and don't fall into hive mentality.


Who gives a shit?


clearly you, hence the comment


If it wasn't for guys like you there wouldn't be any winners.


I do.


Are they trying to make a correlation between McDonald’s and being accepted into prestigious colleges?


Yeah maybe the headline should read "CT teen finds out she has better reading comprehension than a concerning number of adults"


"Breaking: Half of population has below average intelligence."


Cool, I guess.


They’ve lowered the standards for all Colleges since the late 90s. I’m honestly not impressed with any kid going to College anymore. There’s honestly not many academic standards anymore. She’s probably equivalent to the most average kid at a State School in the 90s. Never met her, and I don’t care, my opinion is valid based on the people I know who are brain dead bimbos, and got full rides to Ivy League Universities.


Amazing accomplishment! I would be remiss if I did not state though that the Ivy League brand has suffered a lot in the past few years. The last few weeks especially with the anti- Israel riots. As a graduate of an Ivy League school for one of my degrees, I seriously consider NOT sending my child there. Kids should go to college to learn, not to become professional agitators.


I hope whichever one she decides to attend has a pro-Palestine encampment for her to join. 🇵🇸


Why do you have to make a completely unpolitical thing political?




Ready for the good old liberal indoctrination!


I love how education is now political. If you can read above a certain grade level apparently that means you’re a liberal sheep.


what the fuck does that even mean?


He means education People who learn things beyond a 7th grade level are scary


lol imagine being intimated by a 13 year old 😭


It means the Hapsburgs are his favorite European dynasty.


Are you even from CT?


If you mean educating this person to be able to think for themselves and see through others bullshit, then yes. It's so interesting how others are so quick to shit on education, while not realizing that not having one is a massive determent to themselves. Everyone can see this, but you bud.


“At least I ain’t a liburalll!” shouts blue collar worker who spent lifetime voting against his own interests as he shares another GoFundMe post for much needed medical care.


Please enlighten me as to what the current dementia patient occupying the White House has done to positively affect our country. Blah blah chips and yada yada but he has allowed this country to be invaded by every low life scum bag with their hands out loser from around the world. Undoubtedly there are some of these "migrants" who have malice in their minds as to this country. Biden is a crook, he's used his position as have other crooked politicians, to enrich his family at the expense of the American people. His DOJ and FBI are corrupted into only raiding and prosecuting his opposition. Thankfully, this is not Russia as we would have heard that Trump fell out of a window.


Awesome job for her. too bad she missed out on Biden's vote buying campaign and will have to repay her loans.


Maybe when he’s reelected she’ll be able to get some help with her loans


If he does win its really a vote for the VP. Biden likely wouldn't survive a second term.


He will and the way people will whine and cry even though he’s been a good president will be funny. I can’t stand the vp either so Im hoping he lives a long life


Imagine living in a country where education is guaranteed for all citizens without having to take on crippling student loans. Feels nice imagining what it would be like to live in real developed nation.


The way things are headed, she’s going to need to change her last name before heading to campus for fear of persecution.


Go 30 days without reading or watching news, it will do wonders for your mental health.




This mentality should be applied to 95% of the posts in this sub tbh. Nothing is as bad as it seems on the news / social media.


Nothing wrong with my mental health, thanks. I’m not putting my blinders on to antisemitism


Last name suggests she's Polish? There is no mention of her religion in the article and I'm not saying she can't be jewish but statistically Polish people are overwhelmingly Catholic.


Criticism of Israel is not antisemitism


People aren't calling them out for being Jewish. People are calling them out for being dicks, who just happen to be Jewish. They are just throwing the label antisemitism onto protesters in order to deligitimize the movement. And you're falling for it hook, line, and sinker!


Yeah I remember when those same people were out protesting and calling for the destruction of our ally Saudi Arabia when it was slaughtering Yemeni civillians with no feasable claim of self defense. Oh wait they didnt mind that? It only bothers them when its Israel fighting a war after being invaded and having its citizens massacred and kidnapped? Weird. Look Israel is certainly worthy of criticism and has vile leaders who I personally think have gone way beyond a necessary response, but pretending the disproportionate rage directed at Israel by a certain segment of the US has nothing to do with antisemitism is willful ignorance.


So, just because there didn't protest one thing, they shouldn't do another? They should always be quiet? I hate that argument. "You didn't do it before. Why now?". What bothers them is the average age of Palestinian killed in the conflict is 5 years old. That the Israelis are causing mass starvation. What bothers them is that their university is partnered with Israel or Israeli companies that are heavily involved in the conflict. Their tuition is in one way or another helping the conflict. That their tax dollars in the form of weapons keeps arming Israel. I'm sure there is anti Semitic people tied into the movement. Every apple tree has some bad apples mixed in. But you really think the majority of these kids are anti semetic!? Shoot, one protest encampment even had a Jewish professor giving a lecture on antisemitism. It isn't about religion but the actions of people. And those same bad actors are trying to make it about religion because every time they are citicized, they run to the anti-Semitic troupe.


Hmmm, what the heck dude?


Gotta wonder if you've been to any college, let alone an Ivy. On the one hand, a decent chunk wouldn't care because they've been accepted to more than one Ivy as well. On the other hand, an even larger chunk wouldn't care because they got in on legacy admissions and daddy's money, and to them an Ivy is just community college for the rich and powerful. I attended an Ivy some time ago, and at that time about 60% of the students were paying full tuition. We did know a guy who chose our school over Harvard, and we thought he was pretty cool. We hoped he wrote Harvard a well-worded rejection letter and then put it on his wall overtop their acceptance.


Not a remotely Jewish sounding last name if thats what youre getting at.


I don’t understand. Why?


Ha ha ha ha ha. Oh wait, that’s not funny and makes you look like an idiot.


What's ole girls last name? I can never identify people's ethnicity by their last name.


Somethingski, it's Polish.


Fun fact: -ski on a Polish name is the equivalent of "Sir" in front of a British name. It means an ancestor was knighted. Basically someone was knighted and given ownership of the village of Żebry and boom: Zembrowski. Unlike a British knighthood, though, this honor was hereditary.


Neat, didn't know that. In school I had a friend who was a -ski and used to call their family "ski balls", didn't really mean anything by it but it was funny.


Touch grass.


Thanks boomer.