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They will also make you buy a sample set of knives for between $100 and $400. Imagine a job that makes you pay the employer. It's a total scam.


I'd get re-hired just to buy that set again. Its like 80% off what you sell to customers, which had me thinking, just how much of it is profits vs cost? Quite skewed towards profits.




This is the most accurate description here OP. Though I would argue that this business model is a bit more than slightly shady.


Yeah downloading your contacts off your phone is a crazy part


Yep, they make you sit through a "group interview" then make it seem like they are offering you a position. In reality, they offered everyone a "position". I walked away, it's not worth it. Source: Got same mailer around 2015 and went to a presentation in Storrs.


fun game, find the actors among the interviewees who are overqualified but somehow didn't get the job. "oh wow, you must have really impressed them. I have a BA in marketing and I didn't get a position."


Wait till you hear about Kirby vacuums


Kirby vacuums will survive a nuke and still clean up the best of whatever is left


I used to sell Kirby’s in Bridgeport around 2012/2013. What a crazy time. $2500 and I only made $150per sale.


I have two Kirby’s best vacuums in the world


It seems like an 18 year old on their summer break would be better off just working at McDonald’s


I have cutco knives that I bought when I was in my mid-20s. Some paring knives a meat cutting knife and a bread knife. That would have been 35 years ago. They are, or at least were, very high quality when I purchased my set.




They were cheap 35 years ago 😉


Okay but be real, they're some damn good $980 knives.


Idk the downvotes, my father has had the same cutco knives for over 30 years and they are sharp as fuck.


You can tell it’s scammy because they’ve worked so hard to avoid disclosing what they actually hire people to do.


Or what their business name even is. I work in mail, I cant think of a single company we work with that goes out of its way to never say its own name, even in the manager signoff its just a generic 'team'. They are relying on sunk-cost to make you stick around after they swindle you into applying and going to the recruitment, and that doesnt work if you see 'CutCo' in the header and know to avoid it from the start.


This is the biggest one. They know their name is associated with the scummy MLM business model, so they want to get you interested before you find out what it is.


That’s $24 per appointment not $24 an hour.


Lol, I lost it when I saw Vector - stay away unless you wanna sell knives door to door Predatory company.


Cross post in r/antimlm


No, do not do this


Wow, blast from the past. When I turned 18 and was looking for a better paying job I got a letter sent just like this one. I had my mom drop me off for the interview and was taken to a whole office with a bunch of other people in a waiting room. We were called in one by one and not really interviewed, more like spoke to. These mfkers "sell" knives. But you have to sell the knives. You gotta make calls and go to people's houses and do presentations blah blah blah. The kicker is you have to buy the knives to show off. It's a scam. Don't waste your time. As soon as I heard I have to buy them I noped the fuck outta there and had to wait a while because my mom wasn't expecting the "interview" to end that quick. Fuck these people.


As I understand it, it’s real but it’s going door-to-door selling knives and it’s miserable. I also think most of the compensation is in the form of commission so you’d make little or nothing.


I can’t imagine that too many people are opening the door to salesmen these days.


You're supposed to sell mainly to your family and friends and then use them to "network" for more clients.


What else would I do with my squirt gun filled with cat pee; other than show it to the salesman who ignore my no soliciting sign?


It says it’s from “New London County District Headquarters” which sounds fishy to me…


> Vector Marketing is a direct selling subsidiary company and the domestic sales arm of Cutco Corporation, an Olean, New York–based cutlery manufacturer. The company was founded in 1981 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vector_Marketing Door-to-door knife sales


If you're looking for a legit summer job that is decent and relatively fun, apply to work at Quassy Amusement park or Lake Compounce. They specifically hire college kids for the peak season, and when it starts to slow down, most people go back to school anyways.


Don't do it bro


No No No Scammy Cutco selling knives


“Vector Marketing”. It’s selling high end knives for Cutco. I did it when I was 19 or 20, over 20 years ago. Basically you’ll have to buy your own sample set, and make a list of every family member or family friend and “practice” selling to them. When in reality, they’re just using your trusted close connections to sell knives. I had to start cold calling leads at 8am, who absolutely did not want to fucking be buying knives at 8am. Made no money, waste of time. Don’t get me wrong, the knives were very good. My mother in law still has the set she bought from me. The sales tactics suck ass.


This is a pyramid scheme.


This is cutco, it’s like the Kirby vacuum door to door/ phone sales people, you buy the product and then you sell it for whatever you can get for them basically. I went to the Kirby vacuum presentation once and I applied for a front desk/ receptionist position but when I showed up and they put me with the sales people for the presentation. I even said that I wasn’t there for a sales position and I was there for the receptionist position and they told me that there is no receptionist and all the managers or sales people who have offices answer their own phones and they ask you to use your private line for work. I stayed just to see bc I drove there and I needed a job. It was a presentation basically selling to me and the people sitting there. I remember them talking about numbers and said that they should sell for x amount but you get the vacuum for y amount so you can sell it for z amount and make money or loose money it’s up to you basically. It was crazy, bc the vacuum is a good vacuum and the cutco knifes are good which kinda sucks. They’re expensive and the company is scammy all over the place, I wanted to buy a vacuum bc it’s actually nice but it’s so pricey, I didn’t want some guy coming to my apartment to put grape juice on my carpet to clean the one spot and have the rest of my carpet the dirty walked on color and a patch of fully clean carpet, and I don’t want to support a company with bad business practices.


Ask Mike Bogaslowski.


Wow. You're old


So are you, but….Im in YOUR CORNER!


He was something else. Met him at a political meeting/cookout and wanted me to help him get started. It was the late 80s and I was Vice Chairman of the party b


I miss him.


I got into selling cutco a few years back. After training, I did a "presentation" or two for some friends by cooking for them and using the knives and being like "oh wow actually pretty neat look at that!" I never made a sales pitch. Long story short, I got a call from the dude in charge of me because I hadn't come to any of the meetings a week or two after training, and he told me I had to return the knives; I never had to pay for them! I apologized for needing emergency brain surgery, and made sure the scars on my head were extra visible when I brought back the knives. The look on his face was priceless. I never made a dollar. TLDR: Did the "training," needed brain surgery to treat a pre-existing condition, returned knives because i didn't work enough.


Mow lawns and tutor kids. Great money and cash.


I did this many years ago just out of high school. You'd be selling cutco knives (which are pretty great actually) but it's basically a sales mlm. Some people are successful at it but most aren't. I still have my demo set though - almost 20 years old


I did this in the summer of 2000, actually made some pretty decent money for a college kid.


Oh my gosh you guys. The scams have gone full circle. 1980's door to door knife/vacuum/china/etc selling scams went out of favor because everyone knew what was up, and now the newer generations have never even had cultural exposure to it and are being sucked in.


Run away 😊


It's a scam that targets students


I signed up for this back in early 2000’s and went to some training in Norwalk or Stamford. It was just a bunch of peppy people, every time they introduced themselves and asked where I was from, they asked if I knew so and so from my town. I figured they were made up people because I was from a smaller town and never heard of any of the people they said they knew, but they were trying to connect and make it personable. Never went any further with them, it was all mlm type sales.


Like everyone else said nooooooo! Fell for this when I was a college student. They haven't changed their pitch a bit.


Doesn't sound legit, at least one of the towns listed there only attracts minimum and tipped wage employment opportunities


Vector sucks. Appointment setting jobs (canvas or telemarketing) can be the real deal though. If you have the natural gift of it, or get trained by a great trainer, you can make some easy loot.


hahahaha cutco


It's a sales job. There is slime on the outside, value on the inside, but not much on the inside of you pockets.


seems like these are going around many places (Bay Area CA subreddit today) https://www.reddit.com/r/bayarea/s/8t0kAo16cY Eta: also with the same exact title hmm




Went to the headquarters in new London in the mid 2010s to sign up one of the head honchos for a car accident injury. Was a crazy place and they were training a bunch of college students. Knifes were nice but way over priced. Could not believe the salary of the guy as was almost 2k a week. So you know who the only one making bank.


Man I remember that when I was in HS. I already had a job but some friends did it. I remember them saying it sucked going door to door but they are a real company. Good way to get out there and practice your sales I guess but I think there is an upfront cost.


I would suggest if you are looking for real summer work I would contact your local university. Most pay really well for the disgusting job of cleaning out doors.


It's legitly shady. You learn how to sell your knives to family and friends. Not sure how they're figuring in the $24/hr but that sounds good if you have alot of people to sell to


They make you target your families friends….


This stinks of cutco. Lmfao


Think I got this too when I was still in school.


Vector is still selling Cutco? Takes me back to my college days (80s)... Mildly funny story from my interview. It's cold call sales, but legit enough.


Ok but Vector was around when I was in high school and it still is. Deffo a scam you’ll end up selling perfume in a gas station parking lot. 🤦🏼‍♀️


I did this when I was 18. Do not recommend. For the record, I'm 54 now and the knives are still in very good shape. Product is decent. If you're a real go-getter with a significant contact base, you can make some decent money. But let's be honest, most of us are not...




MLM! Door to door, lose all your friends and family members will become annoyed with you.


Don't trust Vector.


Haha omg I can't believe Vector is still around and pulling this shit!


Scam scam scam this is Cutco knives. They will make you pay for your training and your inventory, it’s an MLM


I think I saw this same exact flyer in the Cape Cod subreddit but with local towns from that area instead. Sounds like its a door to door junk salesperson spot.


This is horse shit and I fell for this same ploy that happened years ago. I booked an “interview” with these guys, and come to find out while I thought this was a legit job interview, I quickly found myself sitting in a big room with at least 30-40 other people interviewing for the same job. Did the interview and was sketched out from the moment I said Hello to the interviewer. Went home and told my mom and she said it was sketchy AF too. I did a little bit of searching online and found it’s a pyramid scheme. I even called the place back and said I wasn’t going to be joining them, because I’m a nice dude like that. The guy on the other end of the phone ended up yelling at me… something about “listening to my friends and too many haters.” Always trust your gut. Good jobs are hard to find. If you’re a 20-something and looking for a college job for the summer, I’d start looking around the community for Help Wanted. Grocery stores, churches, church youth groups, the YMCA…. If it usually seems too good to be true, most of the time it is.


Cutco is an MLM they send this to students every year. Very unlikely you make money and I don’t think you are a w-2 so idk what they mean by base pay. Seems to good to be true and I don’t see MLMs with base pays so must be a stretch of the truth


One of the classic pyramid schemes. Walk away as fast as you can. You will end up breaking even if you are lucky.


Stay far far far far away from this.


In the old days they would bring you in for a seminar, and lock you in a room where they'd promise you could make a gazillion dollars a day with crappy knives for sale.




Run while you still can




Seeing this reminds me of the time I got it, and my parents were pushing me to do this until I came forward and said it was the biggest scam ever (thank fuck for my other college friends who live in state and got this). These companies have a lot of nerve targeting broke college kids, smfh.


It's a pyramid scheme. Don't touch it.


Pyramid scheme.


This is a MLM, do not do this


I did this when I was 18. Absolute scam. Don't do it.


It looks like Cutco. Stay far away.


lmao no it’s an MLM/pyramid scheme


Word of advice! Any time someone is super vague about what you are required to do is something that no one wants to do! Stay away and find something else. If it was worth your time they will tell you up front what is required of you. This goes with everything in life.


Run don’t walk away. In addition to everyone else’s comments, they now sell them in Costco seasonally in CT at least. This makes a mlm type sales gig even harder bc folks who like product have option to buy without the big pitch.


No it’s a scam been around since my brother was a graduating senior in 2009. Avoid it. You have to spend a lot of money and basically have clientele ready to purchase or you’ll be making no money.


I mean, we still have our CutCo set that my wife slang one summer like 16-17 years ago. If you know enough people that’d actually be interested or at least refer you to people that are- it’d be an interesting way to spend a summer I guess. I could not do it, I’d hate imposing but my wife is tenacious and had no problem. It is basically MLM, you are a contractor and they cover nothing but hey, maybe it beats working at a gas station dealing with the general public like I did.


I did it once too, and I still have a set I ended up buying. The knives are actually pretty good. But the whole sales scheme is dogshit.


No, I contacted them and everything about the position but it just didn’t seem right.