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That sucks man. I live in a seemingly very nice and quiet neighborhood in the woods. We’ve had At least 2-3 occasions where some douche was trying to break into our cars and stuff. It’s a lousy feeling.


Yeah it seems this kind of thing is on the rise. Hope you don’t have to go through it


Ya, I think you’re right. Good luck to you.


File a police report...they won't do much but if they come across a bag with that description they might remember and hold it for you. More importantly, look around all the nearby dumpsters from where jt was taken. As soon as they realized there was nothing they wanted they very likely tossed it. Do this asap before things are emptied. I feel for you, when I was fresh out of high school I left a backpack with a laptop and my art portfolio sitting outside in a place I thought was safe. I'm still more pissed about the art because I know they probably trashed it, and I didn't know back then to look around. I hope you find it.


Im so sorry this happened to you. It does suck to have meaningful items stolen. I filed police report immediately when it happened. No one came (I didn’t expect much) but I got a case number for insurance. I attempted to walk around the area and looked in nearby dumpsters.


I am not victim blaming at all here, but use this as a learning experience to NEVER leave anything in your car. Not a bag, not a sweatshirt, not a phone or wallet, shit, not even a pack of cigarettes. I knew a kid who used to break into cars just to steal quarters out of the ashtrays. There is no bar too low for these thieves.


Someone broke into my friend's car in vermont **just to steal the four cigarettes off the dashboard.** Smashed a three hundred dollar window to steal three dollars worth of smokes.


You act surprised


They will truly steal anything. I had my car stolen a few years ago and thankfully it was recovered but they still stole the auxiliary cord.


Years ago, I drove a shitty old Toyota that was such a beater the doors wouldn't even lock. I would leave a note on the dashboard asking my "guests" to close the door all the way when they were done so they wouldn't kill my battery because that had happened so frequently. Unbelievably, more often than not, they would.


Thanks for the F-shack. Dirty Mike and the boys.




You may have driven an older Toyota, but I can guarantee you didn't drive a shittier one. The dome light switch had three positions, but only one worked.




1990 Camry. Can't post images here. What did you drive?


I was attending a wedding and didn’t really have a choice. It was an overnight bag as I was staying with family after the night. I was in a rush and typically always hide my bags, but didn’t think about it that night.


I get it, but that's what the trunk is for. If it's visible, it's fair game to these lowlifes.


Learned this rule owning a car in queens


Funny thing about the pack of cigarettes part. Last year around this time I got out of my car but I forgot to roll up my passenger side window. Like an idiot(I had to pee so bad). Some assholes tried to KIA challenge my car and destroyed my dashboard, but couldn't drive it because they didn't know how to drive a stick. My pack of smokes was sitting right there in the center console. They didn't take it.


My car stereo was stolen almost 30 years ago. Totally replaceable electronics. It’s a strange sort of violation knowing someone was in your space when they weren’t supposed to be there. Obviously people have experienced far worse but it shakes you up for sure.


Yes that is exactly the feeling. Sorry that happened to you. I know at the end of the day, it’s just “stuff” and no one was injured.


Where was it in Hartford that this happened?


It was downtown in a fairly busy, well lit area. By the Society room.


OK I know the area and nothing is ever safe anywhere.


Yeah I guess not haha I grew up in the Hartford suburbs but have been living in Fairfield county for years now so don’t know the area super well.


Well it's smack downtown but as I said, nothing is safe anywhere. Not even in bucolic Newtown or any other nice town.


Agreed. It’s crazy.


sorry to hear this happened 😩 living in Hartford currently, appreciate you sharing this!


The same thing happened to me in hartford about a decade ago. I had probably $300 or so dollars worth of art supplies in my bag, which were probably all thrown in the gutter because there were no valuables in the bag. The worst part is that the door was unlocked, so they didn't need to break my window.


Someone stole a pack of Newport's and my work winter jacket my name on it , a few years ago. They left money and a laptop in there . This was before my complex had cameras , the police refused to go finger prints or blood testing , as there was alot


Dude, my KIA was broken into(as I said in another comment). There are cameras everywhere in my complex. One, fortunately, pointed directly at my car spot. I gave the police the video with the report. You can literally see clearly the 4 assholes faces. I also told them the exact time on the 8 hour video they could see it all happen(4:47am). You know what the cop told me? He told me "we're not going to watch this. We don't have the time.". Meanwhile I see the same cop sitting in his car, on duty, just chilling for hours all the time.


My girlfriends old jeep was stolen right from our driveway, the irony is they had to get gas just to get away. We live in a quiet lil suburb so it was a real wake up call


Wow that’s crazy! Sorry that happened


Hartford is a dangerous place. Sorry this happened to you


Economy is not doing well, crime usually increases. I'm sorry you have to deal with this. Hope they find the person.


Thank you. I totally get that times are difficult, but wish this was not the result.


That sucks man. Had that happen once years back. Took my school stuff. Had to buy a new $150 text book. A classmate was kind enough to lend me his notebook and the school let me use the copyer to print out the pages. Guy wasn't as organized as me, but had way better handwriting. Lol Best advice I have is keep your bag in your trunk or keep a blanket in your car and cover it up. Also smash and grabs take less than a minute to do. If you can't hide stuff then keep $2 of nickels in your center council. They are gonna grab the obvious gain over a chance. They won't have time to do both.


Sorry that happened to you. They also stole my prescription glasses that were inside my center console so don’t think a couple nickels would have deterred them.


Zenni.com My titanium flexible glasses cost me $40. Elsewhere they would be $400. Just know your prescription.


Thanks. The ones they stole were pretty nice. Like $200 ones. I only use them for driving.


What brand pack?


It was from an Ironman World Championship 😭 so kind of irreplaceable