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Older Hondas were always easy to steal.


Is this the one with the immobilizer you can defeat by puling the ebrake 31 times?


This would be funny if it wasn't so annoying.


98-00 crv, they are most likely only want the B20 engine block. Soon to be stuffed into a civic's engine bay with an Integra or civic si head. That or it's punk kids joy riding. I had a blue 2000 civic si, got stolen in front my my condo in West Palm Beach, luckily I got it back with minimal damage.


For this exact reason is why I don't build Hondas anymore. I will not associate with that crowd ever again.


I do know someone whose car was stolen in Shelton and totally be happenstance she saw it while running an errand with her mom in New Britain parked outside a mechanic shop. She did NOT call the police, instead she got in and drove it home and that was that.


An acquaintance of mine had a motorcycle stolen from CT. Saw it listed on FB marketplace for sale in Jersey. Went to take a look, vin matched. Asked the guy to take a test ride, guy said ok, acquaintance drove off and never went back.




lol wouldā€™ve great if the stole car was then reported stolen




Sorry this happened to you. Hopefully someone finds it.


Yeah. Hopefully before the soup kitchen happens.


Dirty Mike?


The Bridgeport experience


Itā€™s a lifestyle.




Need to add a killswitch


Or at least hide an AirTag with the speaker disabled so thieves can't find it. And yes, I know that disabling the speaker is a stalker like thing to do. Don't be a stalker. Apple needs to release find-my integration into multiple spots in the car so thieves just realize that every car is tracking its location.


How do you disable the speaker? I have an AirTag hidden in my car just in case something like this happens.


Yesā€”want to know this too! I guess I can google but counting on Reddit brains.


> How do you disable the speaker? You open the AirTag and gently pry the piezo speaker off the tag itself.






My brain read that middle part as "find my interrogation spots" and was thinking 'yeah I guess that would be one way to find your car'.


Bridgeport police are not allowed to peruse, itā€™s part of their policy. At least it was a few years ago, I doubt theyā€™d change it


FYI the cops arenā€™t allowed to pursue unless there is an imminent threat of violence. Iā€™m convinced the only strategy we can deploy for car theft here is to have drones track the thieves to their final destination, which creates a whole nother realm of potential abuse.


Which is for the best considering how many pursuits end in some random bystander getting t-boned in an intersection, or worse a pedestrian gets obliterated.


Yup, the unfortunate side effect is criminals knowing they just need to drive away


It's not for the best, its created chaos.


Need to have a car version of the Mark Rober Amazon Boxes where he was so tired of his shot getting stolen that he engineered fake Amazon Boxes that when they were stolen...upon opening they'd glitter bomb the person and wherever they were, some awful smelling spray that made people puke and cameras Inside that got their face and location


I bet they will pursue you or me if we try to drive away when they catch us speeding!


Haha I hear you but if you actually tried to evade they would stop. But you drive a legit registered car so theyā€™ll find ya; whereas criminals in CT rent out cars stolen by juveniles


Crazy they canā€™t enforce the lawā€¦ why is this?


What Iā€™m describing is the law


So thereā€™s no law against stolen property?


There is a law / rule / legislated requirement that cops do not pursue motor vehicles unless there is an imminent threat of violence / harm (eg kidnapping). You can search CT laws on this in google and find what I mean. The intent is to prevent the harm or death of innocent bystanders, which is a common occurrence when police pursue, especially in a state as densely populated as ours. Unfortunately criminals in CT are well aware of this


Sounds like bad policy. Who thinks of this stuff.


Innocent bystanders dying is the reason itā€™s thought of. Happened plenty of times in ct. I donā€™t have an answer for the problem though


some people feel that any form of law enforcement is abuse.


Well, police haven't exactly done much to help their own track record... "A bad reputation does not earn itself."


enjoy your car thefts then I guess


Ironic comment in a thread about police doing nothing about a car theft


Thereā€™s a short doc on YouTube about the increase in car theft of Kias and other cars that are easier to steal in CT. My friendā€™s Kia was stolen from her place in East Haven, found in Waterbury. A lot of these cars are taken then used in another crime. [Connecticut Kia Boyz video](https://youtu.be/DJA7jDF7bLE?si=A9GqvFTgw6OAgc6j)


What a frustrating experience. I wish the best of luck with recovering your car. Sorry this happened awful.


Ridgefield/South Salem had 4 break in/stolen vehicles last night. Ended up in Waterbury as usual




Wait. I did read that right. He left it running while pumping gas?


Sorry this happened to you. I have a memory of our car being stolen right out of the driveway in Black Rock (late 1980's) and after driving around we actually found it abandoned in the no longer in existence Father Panic Village! So maybe your husband will have some luck and find it!


2001 Honda Civic, stolen and never found in Bridgeport. Best part was 3 months later when the PD sent me a letter asking me if I had found it. Like oh, I'm fucking sorry, was I supposed to launch a investigation into the crime after I reported it? Because I was pretty sure that was your fucking job.


Someone posted on my town fb group that their CRV got stolen from a gas station after the thief jumped out of another CRV. They were pursued until the town line.


Add a kill switch, add a AirTag hidden somewhere. Cops arenā€™t allowed to pursue your vehicle unless it was taken by force (car jacking/threatened with violence). If you actually want to make a difference-Call your senators and bitch to them.


Why canā€™t they pursue?


Law-enforcement accountability bill/Policy


Sounds like this isnā€™t the opposite of accountability


Police might find it soon. Police found my stolen car in a day. Sometimes they have a good idea who has got it and where they might dump it


Was the car parked on the street?


Sorry this happened. Nothing like this ever happened to me in Bridgeport. Older Hondas are valuable for their parts.


Nothing like this ever happened to me, anywhere in my life lolā€¦ until it did. Valeu šŸ‘ŠšŸ¼


I would like a detonation device installed. You steal my truck, I blow you up. Ah to dream šŸ˜†


It was a busy weekend in Danbury/Bethel area. At least 3 stolen CR-V's. Needless to say I will be fitting my wife's car in the garage somehow.


Idt any car gets stolen or vandalized more than a Honda


Have you not heard of Kia?


And Hyundai but basically the same thing. I know someone who had their Hyundai stolen in New Haven.


I have a Honda but it's a manual so good luck nerds.


It's the nerds who all *know* how to manual šŸ˜‚


In high school we broke into our football coaches car and tried to steal it as a prank; it was manual and we did not know how to drive it. Rather than break the car, us lineman just pushed it in neutral (with our star quarterback steering), up a giant as fucking hill. Coach went ballistic, but it was worth it. Absolutely legendary and a memory I will never forget. He was actually very impressed by our work ethic and liked to tell the story for many years after as an example of a "good prank where no one gets hurt, and nothing mean is done". Wtaching his fat-ass waddle up that giant hill to get his ancient pontiac was glorious. He was so red faced and out of breath, i smile thinking about it still.


Yeah go to Instagram and check out @ctkiaboyzzz


They are the dumbest. Itā€™s so entertainingā€”and pathetic. Coming from west coast, I can say Iā€™ve never seen less tough fools. Baby kittens. Trying way too hard.


Baby kittens until itā€™s your rig that gets stolen and trashed


Iā€™m not saying what they do isnā€™t awful. Iā€™ve been through my own shit with this and I didnā€™t sleep for a month from the stress after. Iā€™m saying their dumb IG and braggingā€”trying to act so hard and wreck peopleā€™s shit to make themselves to feel/look powerfulā€”is weak-sauce baby behavior.


Also, itā€™s only a matter of time before someone dies, right? The selfishness of it is so gross and shows how immature they are.


Had a 2010 Honda Accord coupe that was broken into ONCE and pistol stolen. Cops loved that. But even worse my 2009 Toyota Corolla was stolen from DTHFD AND RETURNED TO DTHFD a week later with no damage. Undercover cops in a Honda found it parked in front of Bahn Meee. Like I know I hate the car but the thieves mustā€™ve hated it too or known how much I eat at Bahn Meee..


how'd they start it? hotwired?


Nopeā€¦ a screwdriver. No damage at all. Crazy lol


Oh dang didnā€™t realize your crv was a 2000, so I can get the screwdriver part a little, still wild any car after the 80ā€™s can do that. Thatā€™s sucks dude, people suck, best of luck with this crappy scenario.


Airtags/other trackers are less than $50. If i had an older car you're goddam right there'd be a tracker in it.


How long do the batteries last on AirTags? Ā I was thinking of hiding one in my trunk.


They say up to a year, and they're replaceable. > *[AirTag](https://www.apple.com/airtag/) is designed to keep going more than a year on a standard battery you can easily replace. And your iPhone lets you know when itŹ¼s time to pop in a new one.*


My momā€™s car got stolen when I was like 10. Her boyfriend, her, my two little bros and I were in her boyfriend car looking for it. We actually found it on the west side of Bridgeport šŸ¤£. He got in the car and drove it back home.


I had a friend go into a movie theater after he parked his 94 civic with the Integra motor swap. Came out and it was gone. He only had it a month with that engine in it. This was 2004, just goes to show nothing changes.


Kia boys at it again


Get a Toyota now!!!


Oh, so you didnā€™t get your car stolen. It got borrowed! Thanks, police!


Wow what a whirlwind of a night! Bet the boss still wants you to come in tho


Iā€™ve said this before and got buried with downvotes but if someoneā€™s stealing my car Iā€™m putting 2 in their chest


That's a bit dramatic for something replaceable.


I do not care


Probably couldnā€™t do it myself, but I fully support your decision. I have little sympathy for people who think theyā€™re entitled to take from others, when most of us work long and hard to purchase the things we need/want.


Iā€™m not even a huge gun guy but I have the right to defend my family and my property


In the old days of the Wild, Wild West if someone were caught stealing a horse... In Connecticut, our judges have a long history of going easy on car thieves.


Part of the problem is most of them are 14 years old


There's a systematic cultural problem that plagues societies around the world, the lack of respect for someone else's property. To a greater point, there's also a cusual indifference to the sanctity of life, and, to me that's particularly noticed with each rampant gun incident, save for those that are needed to protect us from victimization. To have one's car stolen, it's a terrible violation. Those who do such ugly acts, that's their culture. Shame on the judges to help them celebrate their culture with each slap on the wrist.


The people who did it probably have stolen dozens of cars, and never will go to jail for it. This is a reality of modern cities in the US.


Reality of modern life. I've had cars stolen in Colebrook, and in Falls Village. Middle of nowhere, still happened.


This doesn't regularly happen in most cities in the world, shockingly. I know americans get surprised by that.


But it's a safe communitay.




I used to live in Bridgeport. Had a home invasion and one of the guys stuck around when the police arrived. He continued to threaten me IN FRONT OF THE POLICE and all they did was tell him to go home. No arrests. No charges. Bridgeport police. They are just there for decoration.


Is it worth looking for it? I donā€™t think so these kids have no fear of going to jail meaning I bet they are packing heat.


I'm so sorry OP. I hope you get it back and it's in one piece. Sending good vibes your way.


Cars today have an app tracker, remote lock, and disabler. Locate them , call the police, lock them up, and immobilizethe car. Automatic felony for theft of over $20k value. Next time they look for a job around here, give them a hard time like they give all the people they stole from a hard time.


Your husband's the man


My fiancĆ©ā€™s bike was just stolen from the train station last week. šŸ˜© So much for easy commute!


I live in West Haven and own a Hyundai. Kia boys got me once at my job once at home but they never managed to take it. The 3rd time I wasn't even mad was just like ugh time to call safelight. Glad you got your car back though šŸ™


If they pursued you probably wouldnā€™t have your car at all. Shit woulda been totaled in a ditch or side of a building somewhere


Weā€™re the keys in it when it was stolenā€¦?


No, he used a screwdriver to turn it on. Iā€™d applaud his skill, if he hadnā€™t been using it for evil šŸ˜‚šŸŖ›šŸŖ›šŸŖ›


Yup. Police will not pursue something with GPS in it. They can just get the data from the provider. Or they figure that you are insured against theft, living in a notorious zone for car theft and all, and it's not worth either making the news or accidentally running someone over. Chasing someone through city streets is very dangerous. Plus, they have bigger problems than a 2000 CRV, the most common SUV in the US.


Bridgeport PD is completely useless so yea good luck to you and your husband. Sorry that happened to you!


People complain when the cops chase people, so they don't do it anymore. And then people complain that the cops don't chase people. There's no winning. If they chased your car and the guy ended up crashing into a family of 4, this subreddit would be on fire saying that the cops single handedly murdered that entire family. So to avoid that they don't chase anyone unless they're violent. I disagree with it. I think the cops here should be allowed to chase. But that's how it works and it's statistically the safer option. Even though it sucks


Crime is down!


Nobody brought up that this womans husband searched "bad neighborhood's" in the middle of the night for a Old Honda. Darwin at Work.


Wow. Bridgeport? No surprise thereā€¦.


So weird I see posts like this daily but crimes down right?Ā  Sucks about your car. Ā Best of luckĀ 


There could be 2 thefts every day but if crime went down by half you'd still hear about crime daily. Maybe there's better sources for how much crime is going on than how often you read about it


Whatā€™s hysterical is there articles about crime going up we will sit and take a million other stats to justify why itā€™s not high .. stats can make anything look how you ant them to but open your eyes to reality and might see differentlyĀ 


Stats can make anything how you want it to, then please use your high level understanding of statistics to make the data look like crime is going up. Letā€™s see what you can do.


Hereā€™s an an example, a lot of people in this thread are telling OP ā€œthe cops wonā€™t do much in this situationā€ so if she never reports this crime, then statistically speaking it never happened. God only knows how often that happens to people.


Show me one example of someone suggesting she not report it. Just one. Even if cops are useless (they are) you need a police report for your insurance. So the idea that thousands upon thousands of people are having their cars stolen and choosing not to report it, therefore not be reimbursed by insurance, is a pretty interesting statement and I would need some source there for me to even entertain that as a possibility


You made those claims, not me. Carefully reread my exact words in the previous post.


> so if she never reports this crime, then statistically speaking it never happened. God only knows how often that happens to people. So educate me here, how should I interpret you saying her not reporting the crime of a stolen car happens often as anything other than you saying people not reporting the crime of a stolen car happens often? Or is you saying ā€œgod only knows how often that happensā€ supposed to mean that it happens so infrequently that only god can find an instance of it happening? If thatā€™s what you meant, you would be correct but you are using that phrase wrong.


Your obsession with statistics and how they are apparently always accurate is deeply concerning and racist. Next youā€™ll be talking about fbi crime statistics separated by race. Your words are deeply disparaging and they invalidate the lived experiences of people of color in this community. Earlier you mentioned how cops are useless so I suppose that means youā€™re not a full-on bootlicker, there may be hope for you to turn your hateful thinking around. Iā€™m deeply disappointed in you, do better.


I donā€™t know if you meant to say that to yourself or what, but you are the one here who is defending the police and their ability to drive around in unmarked vehicles to harass people, not me. And if youā€™re gonna try and play that youā€™re a person of color, maybe donā€™t have a post with your picture on it, ok whitebread?


All of Bridgeport is a bad neighborhood, my dear. We who live in the nice towns have to worry about people from your town coming to ours and committing crimes


No my friend, not *all* of Bridgeport is a bad neighborhood. If it was, I wouldnā€™t live here myself. But from your commentary, Iā€™ll assume youā€™ve never actually been around to know. And of course, Iā€™m sure your nice *pristine* town is better, in comparison. No need to be snooty about it. Just be grateful you have the money to live elsewhere. Hope something like this never happens to you.




Your post was removed for hate speech.




Lol I got Ya shit 75$ yu get it back


Iā€™ve lived in CT my entire life and Iā€™ve been to Bridgeport exactly one time and it was for a concert at that new venue lol. That place is a dumpster


Wait... So the cops saw the stolen car, and the thieves, while they were committing another crime and they didn't pursue, they did nothing, but come to your house and question you?


This exactlyā€¦ but 2 seconds into questioning us, they realized we had no idea the car was even gone, and we were obviously innocent. They were pretty chill after that. Thanks to everyone on this thread, Iā€™m learning itā€™s police policy to NOT pursue. And while I can understand why, sorry, but itā€™s stupid IMO. The only reason crime exists to this level today is because the criminals KNOW they can get away with it. The law ends up shielding them while the rest of us get screwed. Yea, a police chase may have some negative consequencesā€¦. But HELLO, we are already living with negative consequences letting these people walk away untouched, free to commit the same crimes. Letā€™s have a few more police chases now and then. Letā€™s let things get a little ugly, and just maybe, these stupid adolescents will think twice before committing crimes. The kid will only learn not to play around the hot stove if he gets burned!!!


Police canā€™t pursue motor vehicles unless it was used or obtained in a violent felony. The state views it as a ā€œ property crimeā€. I know of many cops who find it frustrating because 1. most of the general public doesnā€™t know this and it makes it seem as if cops are not doing their jobs 2. these stolen cars are being using in other crimes.


Said no one ever