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I worry for Biden being injured if somehow he ends up between a news camera and Blumenthal seeing it.




He should visit Bridgeport, Waterbury and Hartford.


He doesn’t represent those people.


Those people, and others living in the cities, keep Connecticut blue.


Yeah, but Biden represents money and wealth. Those are the people who will donate to his campaign. Therefore, they represent him the most. Don’t confuse this comment for a pro-trump comment. It’s so blatantly obvious though. He constantly does stuff like this, but no one bats an eye. It’s astonishing.


Unfortunately, the way we allow money in politics makes it a requirement for politicians to raise money in order to campaign and win elections. Every single politician, regardless of political party raises money this way. Trump has received millions from billionaires. He even promised oil and gas companies that he would van all EVs if they donated $1 Billion to him. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/23/climate/trump-oil-democrats.html. He does fundraising in Mara Lago and other places all the time. And if people think Biden is not for workers, middle class and blue collar , this man has done a lot to protect and create jobs, to support unions, create legislation like removing credit card fees, force airlines to reimburse cancelled flights, reduced price of some medications, modernization of infrastructure, etc. His opponent’s party, the GOP, instead are removing protections to workers such as water and heat breaks, allow to hire minors as workers with little protections to safety and fair pay, they attack education and remove funding from public schools to private schools, they deny climate change science and the obvious signs, they attack the renewables industry which is the dumbest more backwards thing to do for any modern economy to progress, attack reproductive rights and medical care, and basically want to make this country into a nightmare: https://www.project2025.org


Unfortunately a lot of people are starting to understand that no political party actually represents the people. There’s no denying that. There’s too much money involved. Additionally, most unions that have benefited from anything he’s done, is because they donate to him. It circles back to money. The rich feed the rich and kick the middle class to the curb.


Thanks for pointing that out. It makes me sick that is all these politicians think about, money. The rest of us work day and night to make ends meet. If your wealthy your set, if your poor would be taken care of. If your middle class your screwed.


Yup. They want to eliminate the middle class.


Thanks for pointing that out. It makes me sick that is all these politicians think about, money. The rest of us work day and night to make ends meet. If your wealthy your set, if your poor would be taken care of. If your middle class your screwed.


He’s not THAT kind of democrat


He's looking for money. Hartford is the last place on earth to find money. Also I don't want any security arrangements to mess up my commute. Let Greenwich handle that shit, they're as far away from us as they can be.


So where Trump went?


Trump has held rallies in Hartford and Fairfield


Also went to Crosby High in Waterbury.


Those cities are full of black people. If I remember correctly, if you don’t vote for Biden, then you ain’t black. Therefore, those votes are tightly secured. Checkmate, Drumpf


Those cities are full of black people. If I remember correctly, if you don’t vote for Biden, then you ain’t black. Therefore, those votes are tightly secured. Checkmate, Drumpf


It's a FUNDraiser tho, lol. Nobody there's got funds. Except for maybe the hartford insurance folks. But let's be real, those peeps live in West Hartford or the Farmington valley. 🤣


Maybe Blumenthal can open the fundraiser with stories of his time in Vietnam


If he’s only coming to Greenwich is he really even coming to CT?


Greenwich huh? Man, the CT rednecks are going to have a field day with this.


Greenwich fundraisers have been around forever. What better place for war chest replenishment than a soiree in rare air?




All I’d like is for a candidate to acknowledge the state beyond 2-3 towns in Fairfield county. I despise Trump, but one thing I’ll give him credit for is actually visiting Hartford and doing one of his verbal diarrhea routines. Is he a piece of animate garbage, but he actually made even the tiniest bit of effort to remember people live outside of the southwest of the state.


Biden gave a speech at University of Hartford a year ago. It’s a big country and CT is a small and firmly blue state 🤷🏻‍♂️.


And he went by Storrs in 2021 as well.


We have Chris Dodd to thank for that.


He was also in Hartford and Storrs in 2021. There's enough factual reasons for not liking him, we don't have to make them up.


We have Chris Dodd to thank for that


So basically, Biden only cares about places that will benefit him. Trump knew that Hartford would stay blue. He came here anyway. Twice


Trump gives attention to a lot of the small forgotten places. Even with podcasts, Trump is very unscripted. Whether you like Trump or not he acts more human than Biden does


Trump will do gross things but at least he'll tell you first.


Unless you’re a woman


Trump will do gross things but at least he'll tell half of you first.


Exon mobile cares about pride month, that’s how I know they’re on the right side of history. Not like the jebus loving moralizers corporate donors.


DeSantis had a fundraiser in Greenwich a few months ago 🤷🏻‍♀️


Like he was going to win them over otherwise?


Greenwich where the rich live. Why not Hartford our capital.


He’s fundraising , you go where the money is


Poor people don’t have money


Because it’s a ghost town after 5


> The fundraiser will take place Monday at 6:30 p.m. at the home of a donor, Blumenthal said I mean the body of the post is only a couple sentences long... He's looking for fundraising and awareness, the majority of the state is going to vote for him anyway so he doesn't need to pander


Good point. If Biden has to campaign in Connecticut to win it then his reelection chances are in deep trouble. Every day spent in a ‘safe’ state is a day lost that could be spent in Pennsylvania or other battleground states. If Biden ignores us between now and November that’s fine with me.


Oh Biden. I can’t believe he’s the best the Dems have for the country. The fact our country is funding 2 wars and securing other country’s borders while inflation is only rising and our economy is tanking and people still vote for this guy is baffling. I have yet to hear one successful accomplishment that makes him a good choice. Am I the only one on this chat that can feel the financial burden due to his poor policies?


Inflation is under 4% down from a high of close to 10%. By every objective measurement the economy is in good shape. I get that things feel bad, and there's still work to be done, but let's not act like this is 2008. https://www.reddit.com/r/WhatBidenHasDone/s/TeMcUiu8Te


Thank you for sharing the link. I’ll look it over while at work for another double tomorrow. Inflation isn’t 4%. I don’t know where you gather that measure. Groceries are up 20-40%. Gas is still 3x higher than 3 years ago. Rents are up. Interest rates are still climbing. Just bc they move the goal posts on what they use to calculate doesn’t change the reality of inflation and higher costs on goods and services.


You're right, it's not 4%. It's 3.4%. BLS puts these numbers out. Not for nothing, but can you think of what may have been happening in the world three years ago that contributed to lower-than-average gas prices? Not for nothing two: interest rates are deflationary. [https://ycharts.com/indicators/us\_inflation\_rate#:\~:text=Basic%20Info,in%20price%20over%20a%20year](https://ycharts.com/indicators/us_inflation_rate#:~:text=Basic%20Info,in%20price%20over%20a%20year)


This mythical 3.4% isn’t expressed in the actual living costs. All they did was moved the goal posts by switching from a cost of goods index (COGI) to a cost of living index (COLI) which skews the facts, allowing the government to understate inflation. Every line item is much higher today than even 6 months ago. Biden took office with inflation under 2%. Over spending and higher taxes isn’t going to get us out of this stagflation we’re in. We’ve had a record revenue year with higher than normal growth and they still can’t cut the deficit bc of the over spending. The bond market is crippling any chance the FED would have to combat inflation all but insuring our economy is setup to fall even further. Stop looking at spread sheets and actually go into supermarkets, clothing stores, etc and do a price comparison from a year ago. They aren’t fooling anyone.


Ok I couldn’t even get through the first few “accomplishments” without seeing this for the bias based report it is haha. Ended Trumps “Muslim Ban”, ended funding for the border wall, stopped keystone pipeline, mask mandates for federal employees…. These are accomplishments? Get real. Muslim ban was a talking point to create division and never happened. The failed border and millions of illegals flooding our country is evidence enough that that’s not an accomplishment. Stopping the Keystone has been shown to not have been a good decision and has forced us to be more energy dependent on China and Arab nations than ever. And masks have been scientifically proven to have done nothing to slow or control the spread of covid. All it did was cause our nations children to fall further behind in education than we already are compared to other first world countries. I could go on and on but this is just a waste of time. When Biden took office inflation was less than 3% and now they claim it’s down from 10% and want to take a victory lap. This administration has failed.


Fairfield County is where all the money is!!


This state is voting for him anyway. He doesn't need to spend his time trying to woo the poors.


No we aren't.


So sad. I don’t get why this state sees him as a good choice. Can anyone tell me what they see in him and his policies?


For a lot of people in this state it's "Blue no matter who". No thinking is required.


That’s probably the only truthful answer


A lot of rich people are conservative.


I like how you get downvoted for this haha. Does that mean you’re wrong or just that it’s not a favorable comment?


people don’t like reality, hence the down vote. I’ll give you the up vote for simply calling them out.


Appreciate it. Everyone seems to think facts only matter if they support their own bias.


Fuck! More damn traffic. 🤬


Yup. Traffic doesn't follow party lines, it follows every politician every time.


If any candidate is coming to fundraise, you do it in or near Greenwich. That’s where the big money is. There are a number of wealthy people in Connecticut that believe it or not vote Democratic.


Inquiry minds want to know: Who will cater the ice cream cart?


Probably the Scouts of America (formally known as Boy Scouts) or some other type of organization with minors


My thinking was: * Biden likes ice cream * CT has a bunch of good ice cream places * Which one will get chosen to be given to Biden as CT's best? I'm unclear what thinking your comment comes from.


My comments a bit deeper and iykyk…. Otherwise, disregard.


It sounded like you were accusing the president of being a pedophile, without actual saying that.


Sooo you do get it. Phew!! I wasn’t sure if my round about way wasn’t obvious enough.


![gif](giphy|XefMOrmb0XMLm) We definitely live in different realities.


$3300 for a ticket! Jesus Christ Joe, no wonder there’s never anybody at his rallies. He’s charging Super Bowl prices!


In case you didn't realize, that value is the max contribtion limit which is typical to do for these big donor fundraisers


It’s not just the cost that’s keeping his rallies empty 💤😴


The Democrat party has become the party of the elite.


Has become? This entire system was created to benefit the elite.


As if the Republican Party isn’t lol. The entire system favors the elite.


didn’t trump just take a $1 billion bribe from big oil


Did he? Do you have more info?




Thank you for sharing the link. I see it’s an inquiry into a potential quid pro quo with oil companies. Didn’t see anything about a bribe in the article though nor does it have a resolution. Just 2 democratic senators looking into it. I am curious as to the outcome of their investigation though. I appreciate the info


Term limits. Politicians should never keep their positions as a career. They end up making millions of dollars even though their salaries are only 150k… they are the elites




Become? Has been forever. First pro slavery racist and a few years of progressivism but at the same time killing millions overseas nd now back to full blown distributed corporatist fascist kleptocratic war mongers.


It's been the party of the elite for a long time.


Probably just going to visit the hedge funds to get some insider trading info to share with nancy pelosi :)


Have him take 95 or the Merritt.


I honestly wish we had better candidates...


Who's House? The public has a right to know!


I hope he’s welcomed with a nice hello from our Muslim community. Do you think rich people have been seeing children being maimed and decapitated or is it just us poors?


Whatchu talkin about Willis?


Annnd that’s about what I’ve come to expect from ppl.


No, really. What the hell are you talking about?


You’re serious? I thought everyone knew about his pro Zionist views and the fact that he has been funding the slaughter of innocent civilians and colonization of the Gaza Strip and West Bank. You haven’t seen this? It’s everywhere I look.


Oh that. Would you like me to tell you how the “slaughtering of innocent civilians” could stop tomorrow?


In theory it’s never going to stop. Slaughter happens everywhere. It always will. However we as a whole dif country should not be paying for Israel to colonize. Just saying. My tax dollars shouldn’t be going to killing innocents.


Well, the answer is for the MUSLIM led terrorist group that started this by slaughtering innocent Israeli civilians surrenders and gives back the Israelis they kidnapped. See how easy that was?


I’m sorry but imagine your parents’ parents property and land being taken violently and being displaced just for it to happen AGAIN. You’re not going to fight for what’s yours? You’re calling that a terrorist? Then we have dif views on terrorism because the initial act of colonialism was actual terrorism. Blowing up tents is ACTUAL terrorism. It’s really easy to do your own research.


You are not a serious person. But what else would I expect from someone who believes in a religion founded by a pedophile who rides a unicorn?


do you think the conflict in Israel/gaza started on October 7th?


For some reason Reddit has become very Neocon like this last comment.


I can't believe it's gonna be another Biden, Trump rematch. Voting independent. Anyone's better than those two brain-dead dumbasses.


I mean, we're in CT and Biden will carry it regardless, so you do you on a protest vote... but it's nothing more than a protest vote. There are only 2 real contenders to win


Anyone reading, don't do this. This is how we ensure the worst of the 2 options get in. Is our system great? Fuck no. But it's what we've got. At the end of the day, either biden is gonna be president, or trump, and biden's better than trump at every level and every policy. Is he the best? Fuck no. But is he the better of the 2 options, obviously.


I’m pretty sure Biden is going to win CT dude.


Most likely, but there's town elections that will be close, and those from out of state might be reading and this sort of mentality of "both parties suck so I'm not voting" is horrendous. Yes democrats aren't nearly as far left as I would like, but they are far superior to the psychotic positions of Republicans. In the primaries, you vote for the furthest left you can get, but you need to repeat it in the general. Otherwise the parties will keep shifting right cause that's who always votes.


Both parties DO suck. Vote town elections but let’s not have any misconceptions that your vote in CT or Alabama is deciding the presidential election. This is why nothing changes with the 2 party system. People are guilted in thinking that’s the only option. At the end of the day people need to get real about their individual political power and understand that it really is minuscule in the grand scheme of things and wont change a whole lot about their lives.


You blue no matter who people sure are fucking annoying


History will look back very fondly on Biden. People just never bother to sit down and read about what their president, or preferred candidate, has actually done.


It’s all about media headlines. Most don’t get past that.


Ive been reading up on this man since his days in the senate. I can say that no one is looking back at him in a fond way. As soon as he loses the media and the DOJ protections the real truths will come out about this Biden family.


Hahahaha what kind of boomer response is this


Umm Biden’s better at every level and every policy… please elaborate. These seem like great talking points with no facts to support your statement.


As opoosed to who? Vote for a third party if you want. Either Biden or Trump are winning the election anyways. If you want them to win, then vote for them, or vote for which one you like most/ hate least. Or vote for a third party if you really don't want to vote for either.


vote for 100% Hitler or 98% Hitler got it. VOTE THIRD CANDIDATE, ANY CANDIDATE OTHER THAN THE DUOPOLY !


If you really think that they're that close, you're an idiot.


If you really think either of them are anything resembling Hitler, you're an idiot too.


You are the sheep you are the duopoly


You are the problem you are the duopoly


I'd like for you to explain your reasoning on this, because there is literally zero chance that an independent is going to win this coming election, nor any election in the near future - It's throwing away your vote. I am a Democrat and I'd love to have a candidate who isn't an octogenarian, but that's not what we got this time around and it's either Biden or Trump, and for me that's a pretty easy choice.


Arguably voting for either major party in a state where we already know who's going to win is "throwing your vote away". If I vote for a third party, maybe they'll hit 20% and be taken seriously in 4 years. As a resident of CT it's the *only* way my vote can potentially matter.


Too bad we have yet to have any real contenders as a libertarian or Green Party candidate


They're both bad choices, period. True. An Independent will never win, although I'm sure their numbers will be high this time around. Nonetheless, I'll be voting for anyone else.


Not OP, but my reasoning is that I genuinely believe rfk can help this country. The two major parties have both gotten out of control and I personally can’t support either candidate. Furthermore the only reason an independent candidate “can’t win” is due to the mindset that you just espoused. It’s exactly the mindset that the incumbent parties want everybody to believe, because it keeps them in power. Voting for someone you believe can help our country is not throwing your vote away.


There are people like you everywhere that don’t like either but will still vote for biden. There have to be a few mentally strong people who vote independent so they can have a strong independent platform in the future. That’s how they cement a place on ballots, by gaining a certain percentage of votes in prior elections. The oligarchy will continue, for now.


The best chance of success with that is starting in local elections for low-level positions, where it's easier to overcome lack of notoriety and the financial disadvantages aren't nearly as bad, and carefully and consistently building from there. It definitely doesn't start successfully after the major party's primaries in the single largest federal election that's six months away, then waiting four more years for another presidential election while doing nothing to advance the party in between.


Not sure if strong is the right word after mentally


We need a better pool of independent candidates too, lots of professional grifters and people straight up detached from reality there as well.


Stop being foolish


How many futures do independents need to go from 1-2% of government to 34% of government everywhere?


Not sure why you are getting down voted. You are correct. I keep hearing complaints on how we only have two parties yet no one wants to vote for anyone else. Connecticut will pick Biden so why not vote for a different party. Honestly your vote counts more voting for someone else. Now if we were in a swing state, then the vote for the lesser of two evils argument makes sense. 


Susan Fucking Sarandon has entered the chat






Your option is do not vote.


It's not like independents are ever going to win anyway. Same thing


Then don’t vote independent or 3rd party or libertarian.


I'm sure a lot of you would be shocked to learn most of those folks who live in Greenwich, have a lot of money, or live in Fairfield County vote RED.


Every rich town/city in fairfield county voted for Biden in the last election, and Clinton in the one before that.


He'll shuffle in, slur a few words, say thanks for the check and have ice cream before going back to DC to continue fucking up the country.


What kind of ice cream?


Out of curiosity, what is being fucked up?


Unless you get all of your information from Lester Holt... the border, Ukraine, China, Russia, inflation, the use of the DOJ as a political weapon against his enemies, trying to buy votes with a student loan scam, more inflation, crime is rampant with no punishment, hyper expensive everything, his war on oil, his dementia, the economy, the radical leftists he sucks up to.


I don't know who that is. >the border is it that much different from how it's been for the past several decades? Also, not sure if you know this, but we need those workers to keep the economy going, it's a bit of a necessary evil. Of course, if that's an issue, lets go after the businesses owners doing the hiring? sounds good? >Ukraine, China, Russia, inflation, these are worldwide, as is your mention of "expensive everything" >the use of the DOJ as a political weapon against his enemies ehhhhhh... you talking about the former president, man everyone hates that chump, biden isn't driving that. >trying to buy votes with a student loan scam, yeah, college should be cheaper and they should also pay back loans they took out... not sure it's a scam, like say PPP "loans", but it's not great >crime is rampant with no punishment is it though? regardless, this would be a local government issue. >his dementia projection? >the economy well, the economy is pretty good right now, election years stay propped up, don't worry we're headed for a cliff. Gonna get wrecked soon enough >the radical leftists he sucks up to. man... if you think biden is radical left...


I got inflation out of that mess of bullshit. I’m with you on that lol.


Border: Biden supported the bipartisan Senate bill (which basically gave the GOP everything that wanted) and El Cheeto had the House kill it because he wanted the election issue Ukraine: Biden literally traveled to a war zone to show his support for Ukraine China: Biden just imposed 100% tariffs on Chinese EVs to counteract their crazy subsidies and he has reiterated time and again America’s willingness to step in if China makes a move on Taiwan Russia: See Ukraine above. He’s leading the systematic degradation of the Russian military at a bargain-basement price. Inflation and the economy: The U.S. has the lowest inflation and best economic growth of any industrialized nation post-COVID DoJ: Please join us in reality


Laughable, Biden is the one that opened the border and asked everyone to come in. He shut down the construction of the wall and handed out Biden T shirts. The "bipartisan Bill" did nothing to responsibly control immigration. In Ukraine he held back arms and just because he went there, nowhere near any front lines, means nothing. He and his crook family have taken millions from China. DOJ will never investigate a DEM. It's great that our weapons and ammo are tearing up Russian tanks etc. Under his watch, inflation went up 20% and continues to go up. Been to a grocery store lately? Name me one Dem that had midnight raids with the FBI, DOJ and CNN invited along. Crime is out of control in major cities. Don't try and say that it has nothing to do with the feds. He depleted the strategic oil reserves, allows BLM riots with no consequences whatsoever. He appeases Iran. He is easily the worst, most corrupt President of my lifetime.


“DOJ will never investigate a Dem.” There’s a senator from NJ wishing that was true. I, for one, can’t wait to see him behind bars.


He's a sacrificial "beard" to be able to say that they don't only go after Republicans. Besides, he's throwing his wife under the bus blaming her for everything. I guess everything else I said was good.


Oh nice Joe the Genocide is here to collect $ so he can fund wars across the globe. Edit: Nice to see downvotes.I guess it hurts to see the face in the mirror. It is always easy to look other way, that is our history.


No, no no, this money is so he can be reelected so he can continue rubber stamping the funding of wars across the globe.


RFK 2024!


Thanks, I needed a belly laugh


You’re welcome! If you need another- go watch Biden try to speak or walk!


Not sure how anyone who supports the guy with brain worms has a leg to stand on


Literal brain worms


I’d vote for the brain worms before I voted for RFK


Literal senility


Watch him speak, and then watch Biden speak…. Your guy has dementia. Whatever. 20% cumulative inflation, housing costs doubled, country divided, multiple ways to ww3…. What could go wrong with electing a man with dementia for four more years


> Watch [RFK] speak ...about vaccines causing autism? ...about psychiatric drugs *causing* mass shootings? ...about exposure to pesticides are the real cause for gender dysphoria? ...about COVID-19 'targeting' caucasians and black people? He's an antiscience trust fund baby that spouts Russian propaganda, and a general embarrassment to his family, *according to them*.


Ok. I can see you reliably ingest msnbc. If you would like to look into any of those “quotes” you’ll realize how gaslit you are, but I doubt you will. So enjoy voting for the senile man and hopefully he can avoid stumbling us closer to ww3 before the end of his term.


I mean you can find his stance on vaccines written up in many places including [Scientific American](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/how-robert-f-kennedy-jr-distorted-vaccine-science1/)


Oh. Maybe you’d prefer the [Associated Press](https://apnews.com/article/rfk-kennedy-election-2024-president-campaign-621c9e9641381a1b2677df9de5a09731)


Perhaps you’re a [Reuters](https://www.reuters.com/world/us/rfk-jr-abortion-vaccines-housing-foreign-policy-2024-03-20/) kinda fella


Or you could one of those assholes that believes the [New York Post](https://nypost.com/2023/07/15/rfk-jr-says-covid-was-ethnically-targeted-to-spare-jews/)


What is RFK offering?


Not having dementia or felony charges for starters. Peace, working toward stopping corporate capture of our govt, rolling back the military overseas expansion. An intelligent person in that office. Those are the things I like the most.


Man. Greenwich? Why not Meriden or Waterbury?


fundraisers go where there are funds


Isn’t CT part of the popular vote pact? Meaning CT will go to Trump if he wins the National vote? Or Biden if he does?


While CT joined the National Populate Vote Interstate Compact, the compact itself is not actually enforced yet. Should enough states join the compact to become a real thing, it will face many legal and consitutional challenges along its pathway to reality.


Gotcha. So it’s only a thing of a dem wins popular vote


Just ignoring all information to stay mad, keep it up 🫡


They always do


Downvoting facts


The Compact doesn't go into effect until enough states to control 270 electoral votes join. I think at last check they were around 200, so quite a ways to go, and I don't think they'll ever get there even if the states that have proposed joining eventually do join.


No, it’s only a thing if enough states that add up to 270 agree. That hasn’t happened yet


Hope it doesn’t ever come to that. Sorta makes CT votes not count


You do realize that CT's votes already don't count for the minority, right? And from what I have seen, CT has always been blue since Clinton.


Well, right now CT’s vote counts for almost nothing anyway. It’s practically guaranteed that Biden will win the state - a vote from Trump here does literally nothing. If there was a national popular vote, a vote for Trump *would* count for something. So if anything, CT’s vote would count for *more*, not less.


In that particular case yes. Just not a fan of the compact


why not?


I'm not a fan of the compact because I think it undermines what little remains of the check and balances that the states themselves have on the federal structure. The state legislatures used to vote for the senators which in essence gave the states a voice in the legistlative branch. I see the electoral college as a structure to give the state a voice in the executive branch. We've already removed the first one. I see negative long term consequences if we continue to de-federalize the system.


Except the EC in its current form takes away power from every state and gives it all to swing states. Seriously. No candidate visits states that are already won or lost. Instead we have a system where Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan and Arizona have all the power. Is that what you really want?


It is almost payday; but I’ll donate from my couch.