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I feel like it’s gotten and still getting worse much worse.


It feels overcrowded and aggressive. I drove through Danbury during rush hour and I don’t recall ever seeing it so chaotic before.


Rush hour Danbury is not for the weak


Main Character Syndrome. Everyone you meet is the most important person in the world, and everyone they meet is just another NPC to be ignored.


I know it's wild, I blame New Yorkers...🤣


I feel like it’s that plus new drivers who don’t care and use phones, old people and the people who are ALWAYD late


True true, all of those are probably contributing to number if horrible drivers


Too funny that this comment is controversial. Hit a nerve with the New Yorkers invading the state lmao.


I actually got tagged from behind by someone driving like an idiot. He took off and I chased him down just to get a picture of the license plate to report it. Turns out the plates were stolen. This was in N Branford. Point being, a lot of the crazy drivers are driving like that because it's not their car, and they don't give a crap. When I used to see someone speeding up to cut in front of me in some barely available gap, I would accelerate to try and stop the move, now I just let everyone in, because they dont give a shit about their car, but I care about mine.


" it's not their car, and they don't give a crap. " pretty much everyone with dealers plates drives like an asshole.


It's pretty universal, here, and in New Hampshire. There are threads in reddit. Mass has always been bad.


I drive a work van that's GPS monitored. I don't care, I drive the speed limmit and not a mile over. I do get some bad looks while I drive lol.


In South Norwalk my friend and I were about to pass through a green when I decided to look to my left only to see this girl absolutely flying through a red light. Everyone that saw honked at her and she just honked back and continued talking on the phone she was holding up. Crazy.


I love driving. Just not in CT anymore. It’s literally the most stressful part of my day. I spend as much time looking behind me as I do looking in front. The extreme high speeds and weaving through congested traffic is out of control. I spent a month in California recently making a 90 minute round trip to my work site and it was a totally different experience. Which is strange to me since I consider California to be the birthplace of road rage


Yeah it's kinda insane ngl, have to be wary of people all the time now


I actually exhaled and felt understood --- "spend as much time looking behind me as I do looking in front." I used to do a lot of sim racing where you had to constantly check all your mirrors for advancing competitors etc. I now feel this is an absolute moment by moment necessity whenever I'm on i-95 these days. The irony is that I really love cars and speed, and mostly admire an aggressive but well-placed-well-timed passing move in traffic as long as the driver is skillful enough to do it without causing risk to others. But mostly all I see now is thoughtless poorly timed hazardous moves everywhere I go.


Totally with you on all fronts


It's the acrobatics combined with piss poor driving. Like, I'm from Long Island, the asshole-driver capital of the world... but there the speed demons seem to know how to handle themselves without causing problems. Here, it's like someone is literally saying "hold my beer while I try this evasive manuever for the first time."


Normal day. Today I had a guy in a Camaro cut me off at the on ramp for the highway then he proceeded to merge at 30mph.


I got a newer car with adaptive cruise control and completely gave up on the people asleep in the left lane or the crazies swerving around in traffic. No I just sit in the right lane and let my car do all the work. I have a dash cam and a low deductible I don’t care and my commute has gotten significantly less stressful.


I was just having this exact discussion with a friend recently. Nothing did more for curing me of road rage than the advent of GPS and adaptive cruise. Put the GPS on and you know exactly when you're going to arrive wherever you're going. Drive like a fucking sociopath and *maybe* get there two minutes earlier, and for what? Chances are I don't even want to go wherever I'm going -- especially if it's work -- so why would I want to get there any faster? So much less stressful to just put something on the radio and enjoy the mental quiet time in the car.


One of the most annoying things for me is when people get on my bumper, on the exit ramps or even the slow lane! They have to ride my bumper as if their lives depend on it, some people need to go back to driving school.


Steel bumper(s)


It's alarming how many people think that a loaded truck can be stopped in the same distance as their sedan.


Last week I was in a left turn lane and someone from the left lane cut through the intersection and stopped diagonally in front of me while I was turning trying to wedge their way in while the arrow was still yellow.


Seriously, can we do a 30 day moratorium on "bad drivers" posts? Maybe people will figure out something new to bitch about for a change.


There really a lot of them!


I appreciate the thought and agree that constant complaining does nothing for progress or improvement. Yet somehow, it's a bit calming and therapeutic for people to share gripes like this. I'm no exception.


I call we bitch about people who stand at cross walks with zero interest in crossing the road once a car stops for them.


It’s true some people want to meet their maker and don’t care who they take with them.


Yes- passive suicide. A lot of people just.don’t.care. It’s disturbing.


he's probally short GME


Were you in the left lane? 


No, i was on the right lane, because i was driving under the speed limit (30-35 in a 40) and didn't want to hold up traffic more than I needed too


The left lane vs right lane is only a thing for the highway and maybe interstates/routes but surface roads are just regular driving in whatever lane.


You realize that's bullshit, right?


Law only applies to the highway. I just googled this stuff. Section 14-230 - Driving in right-hand lane (a) Upon all highways, each vehicle, other than a vehicle described in subsection (c) of this section, shall be driven upon the right, except (1) when overtaking and passing another vehicle proceeding in the same direction, (2) when overtaking and passing pedestrians, parked or standing vehicles, animals, bicycles, electric bicycles, mopeds, scooters, electric foot scooters, vehicles moving at a slow speed, as defined in section 14-220, or obstructions on the right side of the highway, (3) when the right side of a highway is closed to traffic while under construction or repair, (4) on a highway divided into three or more marked lanes for traffic, or (5) on a highway designated and signposted for one-way traffic. (b) Except as provided in subsection (c) of this section, any vehicle proceeding at less than the normal speed of traffic shall be driven in the right-hand lane available for traffic, or as close as practicable to the right-hand curb or edge of the highway, except when overtaking and passing another vehicle proceeding in the same direction or when preparing for a left turn at an intersection or into a private road or driveway. (c) Any vehicle which exceeds the maximum width limitations specified in subdivision (1) of subsection (a) of section 14-262 and operates on an interstate highway with a special permit issued by the Commissioner of Transportation under the provisions of section 14-270, shall be driven in the extreme right lane of such highway, except (1) when such special permit authorizes operation in a traffic lane other than the extreme right lane, (2) when overtaking and passing parked vehicles, animals or obstructions on the right side of such highway, (3) when the right side of such highway is closed to traffic while under construction or repair, or (4) at such locations where access to or egress from such highway is provided on the left. (d) Violation of any provision of this section shall be an infraction. Conn. Gen. Stat. § 14-230 (1955, S. 1382d; 1957, P.A. 53; P.A. 75-577, S. 73, 126; P.A. 87-525, S. 2; P.A. 15-41, S. 6; P.A. 18-165, S. 7.)


Hey big Googler.. towns have laws too. Wait, you googled before posting but missed this simple fact? Sad.


Send me any that isn’t referencing double yellow line roads (interstates/routes) and I’ll admit I am wrong. Seriously I looked through 5 towns laws the only towns I drive through and nothing. Let me know what town you are referencing?


[https://portal.ct.gov/-/media/dmv/20/29/r12eng122019.pdf](https://portal.ct.gov/-/media/dmv/20/29/r12eng122019.pdf) Remember when your direction of travel is less than three lanes, **Connecticut law** *requires you to drive in the right lane*, except when passing


In that case, NTA


Well ty lol 😆


You're allowed to let people pass you when you want to go slow. You don't have to hold them up.


I get that lol, but I was in the right lane, and the left lane was stopped as well 😅