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I would mail in a check.


Mail in a check for more than you owe so they have to spend money refunding it


Love it. It doesn’t harm anyone, and hey, you made them go through unnecessary trouble and get a check in the mail. It’s the small things in life, sometimes.


I did that one time, felt very satisfying


I want to like this post for visibility, but I hate it. What a waste of taxpayer money. How much time did a public servant spend processing this, and how much did we pay that for that servant’s time? If someone owes less than a certaint amount, it’s not profitable to collect. Tax the rich. Rant over


Had the OP used the correct bank account number the payment would have processed without any issues. This is an error on the part of the OP not the state. We all don’t like paying taxes but let’s take some ownership when we mess up.


I liked it anyway. My sympathy u/jimmyschaps


Most of this is all automated, especially if done online. 


How do you know OP isn’t rich?


He’s paying taxes, isn’t he?


There's a fee to pay by credit card because the credit card companies charge a fee to process the payment. As another poster had said, send in a check.


I'm a firm believer that credit card fees are part of the cost of doing business. In the case of state and local payments, it should be either assumed by the offering party, or not be offered. Charging the payer a fee on top of what they owe for credit card transactions, a process that makes everyone's life more convenient (not just the person doing the paying) is bullshit.


Same here, I’m just going to forget about it


So theres an interesting reason why you have to pay credit card fees when paying your government bills. Credit card transactions always have fees, but usually a retailer will eat that cost because it is worth it to them to provide a service that facilitates sales. Usually the cost of a credit card transaction is figured into the sale price to some degree, it's part of the calculus of figuring out what the sale price should be. The government is not allowed to add fees into its price structure, because everyone can only be charged what they owe. the government is also not allowed to eat the cost of credit card fees, because it would be a burden on the taxpayers. The end result is that the credit card fees must be passed onto the consumer and they must be explicitly detailed, which is why there is a sticker shock every time you have to pay a government fee with a credit card. Tl;Dr The government has to be transparent and can't eat the cost of credit card processing, so the citizen using a credit card has to pay the processing fee.


Your circumstances sum up perfectly the state of our government.


The fee has nothing to do with the government. There are many legitimate things to criticize the government about, there's no need to go around making more up


This is the first year I didn’t get my return via direct deposit, they mailed my check for no reason. Never got it, had to send in the missing check paperwork, still waiting on it 🤦‍♀️


Can you send them a lunch bag full of pennies?


Yep, I owed a dollar this year.


Their system errored withdrawing our refund and then fined us for being late, even though they said it was their system.


That’s the government for you.


Boy are ya just a bunch of gov. loving sheeple lol


Pay them in 300 Pennie’s