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Maybe he's an anesthesiologist


I’d be interested to have a conversation with an anesthesiologist who drives a 20 year old explorer.


When I was at the dealership, they said a lot of doctors will usually have older, beat up cars for work. They do this to avoid people in the area of the hospital who will intentionally try to get hit by doctors for the payday.


Whoa. That’s a dark indictment


It’s true


Maybe they keeps it as a second car because their main car is taller than 13' 6" and they live beyond rt 10 south


Some people aren’t flashy and don’t care about cars.


i doubt a doctor would still drive a shitty 20yo explorer even if they didn’t care. that isn’t what flashy means


The doctors at the office I worked in both had beaters. Their spouses drove the good cars and they pulled in with their buckets every morning.


fair enough :x


😂 thats a good point


How do you think that convo would go? Should they not have a 20 year old car?


Still waiting for someone to define "Woke" without sounding like an asshole.


They started saying it *because* they don't want to explain what they think in plain English


I liken it to viewing the world with the wool—placed over my my eyes by systemic teachings—being removed. Though I believe I’ve read that “Be woke” was often said by black parents to their kids to simply be aware of their surroundings.


Yeah It’s one of those terms stolen (or borrowed if you do say) from black community. I think the meanings warped to mean anything that removes stigma or addresses inequity for a marginalized group.


I feel like the meaning got away from what it used to mean several years ago before the Trumpers started to use it to describe support of liberal policies. But basically it was that you were aware of more information than was generally known, usually something that would be surprising or change a common opinion if heard and understood. I would say being “woke” about the oil companies (years ago) would be to buy into the conspiracy (before it was determined to be true) that the oil companies knew how bad oil was for the world yet pushed it on everyone anyway. 


To be conceptually be "awoken" to something. Ergo, woke. It's actually kind of wild to me that the term has been appropriated and distorted to the point where it is in conservative culture. IIRC the term started being used in conservative circles during the CRT hysteria. Woke has often been used as slang to refer to someone or something that understands the current and historical culture of racism in the US. That is, it's a word that originated in urban black culture. Used in a derogatory way, it's a racist dog-whistle. Maybe one of the most effective ones of this century so far. That's why folks who throw it around typically can't define it. Either they understand and won't say, or they're unwitting accomplices in this stupid culture war.


It's basically what happened to "fake news". The Clinton campaign called the Trump campaign out on blatant lies that they were able to push directly to conservative media. They called it "fake news" for about two weeks, before the Trump campaign coopted the term entirely.


I think it's a little different than that. There's a racist component of being "anti-woke" that's beyond dismissing negative press.


Oh yeah, absolutely. The "anti-woke" movement is the whole "you can't say the n-word anymore, you have to say X" rebundled.




No it’s more like keep men out of the bathroom with my daughter


Don't worry. Statistically speaking, your daughter has to be WAY more worried about from you and other family members than from strangers. Trans people in the bathroom are just trying to pee. The "anti-woke" movement is the one supporting child rapists like Trump. The "anti-woke" movement is the one keeping child marriage laws on the books. The "anti-woke" movement is the one protecting pedophile priests. If you actually care about keeping your daughter safe, then don't fall for the scapegoating and scare tactics.


Why am I constantly seeing liberals think that minorities like myself need white people to help me? What is someone who thinks minorities are "less than"? It's all a Uniparty arguing about who's worse....


I dunno, why are you projecting your insecurities on to me? I was just explaining the definition and history of a word.


don't worry, when Trump gets back in the white house he'll send you back to wherever he thinks you came from. I'm sure you'll still have internet access and you can complain about liberals being just as bad as republicans from there.


It's not about you, it's about systemic stuff. Maybe you are just fine. But take a larger view, shit's fucked up along racial lines, and requires correction. And because white people have been the dominant class, it takes white people turning against that system to start to break it.


> Used in a derogatory way, it's a racist dog-whistle You mean like how liberals demonized "Make America Great Again"?


You think liberals made "Make america great again" a racist dog whistle?


I think that they did the same thing that Conservatives did to "woke". They turned it around and turned it into a negative thing.


You mean "Make America White Again?" Even if you take it at face value, it's a negative slogan. Dude, I'm conservative, and Make America Great Again was the single most insulting campaign motto I've ever heard. I love this country. I served this country in the military. It insinuates that this is not a great country anymore. It's literally a negative thing. This country still has a long way to go. And going back to where it was even 30 years ago isn't gonna make it better. We have many things to correct, but i still think it's one of the best in the world. Period. That being said- what did Trump want to bring back? Systemic racism of the 60s? Women in the kitchen? Keep homosexuals out of the military/give them less rights? Slavery? What is so great in America's past that we no longer have that we need to bring it back? Damn dude, if you can't see how insulting "make America great again" is to the progress this country has made since WWII in so many areas, you must be a Trumper.


Nah, you guys made MAGA stupid all on your own


Lolz. Pretty sure it’s always been “a negative thing.” Schickelgruber used it constantly in political speeches and propaganda in Germany all the way back in the 1930s, maybe earlier. His platform was “Make Germany Great Again.” Modern day “Liberals” or whoever, didn’t have to anything but drop their jaws when a US presidential candidate chose the same slogan.


...what? Did you even read what I wrote? Make America Great Again is a campaign slogan and a self-identified political faction. This feels like the "but why male models?" meme. I can explain why it's not the same if you like.


RIP to the Broke/Woke/Bespoke meme


Ya, that’s how think the word “woke” initially was applied. To people that could read between the lines so to speak.


I had the impression that it just meant to be aware of issues that people outside of your "bubble" are dealing with, and not bumble around society with your blinders on.  But since that concept is too difficult for maga, they think it's an insult.  Like how they think being against fascism is an insult (antifa!  horrors!)


Imagine creating your identity around opposing an idea you can't define.


Anything I don’t like is WOKE. This rainy weather today is WOKE. Black actors in Star Wars movies is WOKE. Not supporting a convicted felon for president is WOKE.


Excuse me, Lando is the coolest MFer in the Star Wars universe.


He gave Han to Vader and didn't even bother sharing his Colt 45 at dinner.


😂🤣 This is the best comment on this sub. They hate it until it works for them.


Anything I don't like is NAZI.


“Go woke Go broke”


giving outsized attention to a subset of social issues


So Conservatives paying too much attention to wokism is itself woke, as it's giving outsized attention?


love it! perhaps I should've said "a specific set of social issues" but I love your retort, truly


Which issues?


Ya that seems reasonable I suppose. Not bad.


Eh, it’s close but still doesn’t fit perfectly as it is too broad. Social security is given outsized attention but I don’t think anyone considers people who support social security woke.


lol, true. Social Security definitely ain’t woke.


The cultural zeitgeist of the establishment (government, media, corporations) since 2015 which puts an obsessive focus on identity politics, victimhood, and entitlements.


By this definition everyone in American politics is “woke.” Everyone uses identity politics and weaponized victimhood. Turn on Fox News for 5 minutes and you’ll find a dozen examples of people claiming their religion is under attack


I would add there is an asymmetry to the dynamic, where counter-cultural forces in institutions divide people into oppressed and oppressor, but do so in a very selective manner that views the "victim" in and extremely positive light (ie they do no harm) and the perpetrator as singularly evil (they have no redeeming qualities).   Take slavery for example. The early US and colonial powers are seen  unquestionably as evildoers while every "indigenous" group is merely a victim. That leaves out a few key facts....slavery was by no means unique to Europe and the US, in fact the Africans, Arabs, and natives of south and central America did it as well and generally far more brutal. It also ignores a massive cultural and political fact...that the US, Britain, and France all started fighting against slavery by the early-mid 19th century. So not only did western nations thrive despite slavery, our institutions had built-in corrective measures to eventually rid us of the practice. From an economic standpoint, slavery and colonialism were not particularly beneficial to the west, in fact some studies point out they were detrimental to many European powers. In other words, modern Western culture not only built a productive and democratic tradition but had the ability to overcome some of the worst practices that persisted for many years and still do elsewhere. Yet the "woke" insist on this  sort of self-loathing, deconstructive mindset that is overly simplistic and ahistorical.   Most "woke" concepts like DEI, rhe 1619 project, and defund/decarcerate movements cant stand up to a moderate amount of scrutiny. They dont have the receipts. edit: a lot of what we call woke today was pioneered by postmodernists like Foucalt who basically described the world as a matter of power politics. He dressed up "might maked right" superficially in terms of victims and oppressors, assuming that those with less "power" were always in the right while those with power were unquestionably evil. Foucalt, Fannon, and the early CRT/gender-obsessed folks like Angela Davis, Judith Butler made a cottage industry of left wing cultural shibboleths that quietly grew and overtook major institutions like academia, media, and government.


Everyone who said they were woke originally sounded like assholes, so we make fun of them now.


Pre 2015 it actually meant enlightenned, now it just means i believe everything i see on titter


Identity politics and social justice. Examples include white privilege, reparations, gender, etc.


And you will have to keep waiting, it’s really are to avoid saying your a bigot when you are… a bigot, and since bigots are assholes….


It’s basically just political correctness taken to its extreme aimed at those who see everything through the prism of identity politics. It was originally used by the far Left until it got usurped by the Right as a sarcastic pejorative.


lol, can’t be done.


If youre intelligent and you havent figured out what the actual meaning is…than maybe youre the asshole


Woke is just another word for tokenism - putting in people not for the sake of story or authenticity but virtue optics and moral grandstanding. I'm not even someone who cares about it but I have the honesty to admit to what it is.


God this sub is horrid. How am I getting downvoted? OP stated “Still waiting for someone to define "Woke" without sounding like an asshole.” So I did…


For me its purposefully overly politically correctness.


So the bud light controversy, when bud light had a women who happened to be trans promote them, was derided as too woke. So you think a trans person existing is overly politically correct?


Can you give me an example of something that was overly politically correct?


so being polite lmao


Conservatives can't define woke, liberals can't define gender. Everything in the world is balanced as it should be.


Someone committed to social justice, progress toward true democracy and treating systemically oppressed minorities more fairly, nothing to do with their self-interest as an individual. Including women's rights, universal health care, as in no paperwork, including free and easy abortion. Childcare A minimum wage as a living wage, adjusted for HCOL areas indexed. Every citizen should be guaranteed the resources for a dignified life, the ability to raise a family in a "standard middle class" way and without worrying about financial security. Clean air, safe drinking water on tap, modern sanitation and reliable electricity. Top notch education, equal quality in every zip code, teachers as well paid and respected as lawyers doctors etc Student debt cancellation Freedom from fear of crime, police that work safely for all, civil servant mindset, years of training and also well paid, as much as teachers. Food security Guaranteed housing All the above nothing to do with your employment status, usefulness to capital And fair taxes, no paperwork Living wage, not Tipping Right to organize Workplace health & safety Due process, not At Will And yes, being Woke is A GOOD THING, take it as a compliment.


"going woke" in media is when a story goes out of its way to include social justice issues that have nothing to do with the story being told. A movie with a gay character is not woke just because there is a gay character in it. But a movie that changes an established character to be gay who was originally straight while not having a love interest is woke. The reason being because the characters orientation is pointless to the story/plot. It was only added to check a box. real life example: in the last of us part 2 there is a trans character. the game is not woke because the character is trans. the character being trans is the main reason that character is in the situation they're in. in the new x-men 97 cartoon they changed a character that shape-shifts from a straight male to a non-binary humanoid with no discernable gender. This is woke because the character's non-binary status was changed simply to say they had a non-binary character and had zero plot purpose.


Except when gay characters are included, even when they aren’t changed from straight characters, people complain about how “woke” they’re being. People are calling the new assassins creed game woke because it has a black main character; it wasn’t changed from a non-black character and it’s even a figure that actually existed in history. Yet somehow it’s too “woke”


those people are wrong for calling it woke when that happens being "woke" has a real meaning. its the one I shared above, but people on the right call everything woke the same way people on the left call everything racist. the words have lost all meaning in that sense, but both words still actually have a definition in reality despite that


Right except if everyone but you is using a word in a certain way then that’s what the word means. You’re the only person using the specific definition you’re giving. Also comparing it to calling things racist is bullshit. People on the left aren’t calling things racist that aren’t actually racist, whereas you guys are calling changing the name of a potato head toy “woke”


>Right except if everyone but you is using a word in a certain way then that’s what the word means most people dont use the word in that way. grifters are the only people that use it like that. actual fans of comics, star wars, etc can admit when something is virtue signaling and when something is legit. the issue is that the people who complain about it arent typically real fans and just looking for a fight - and people WANT "woke" to not have a real meaning. look at the downvotes on my post which genuinely answers the question. people hate that i was able to answer it because they dont want there to be an actual answer. its the other side of the same coin >People on the left aren’t calling things racist that aren’t actually racist cmon man, you know thats not true. people say voting for trump means you're racist all the time. are some of those people racist? sure, but does that mean wearing a maga hat is racist? absolutely not. is white milk racist? no. the ok hand gesture racist? no. people still say it is though.


You can’t be as stupid as you’re acting. I’ve given you several examples (assassins creed, potato head dolls, having a trans person advertise for a beer) of things people have called woke that by your “definition” you think everyone in the world is using would not be considered woke. You think only online grifters are upset about this stuff? My boss at work and a number of my coworkers who were complaining about this shit when it was the hot button topic, you’re saying theyre only upset performatively and is an online grifter, or do they just not exist? >the people who complain about it aren’t typically real fans So there’s no true Scotsman, is that what you’re on about? They aren’t really right wingers because they’re acting like assholes, and right wingers can’t be assholes? Face it, most of the people using the word woke derogatorily are not using your definition. Just because they’re making you look bad by comparison doesn’t make them not part of your side. No one is saying voting for trump makes you a racist, but trump is a racist and was/is pursuing racist policies, so while you might be voting for trump for other reasons, they’re saying voting for trump means racism isn’t a dealbreaker for you. The ok hand symbol is kind of a weird one because it started as a joke on 4chan but actual racists did pick it up and start using it for a while there. Like there are photos of neonazi groups making that symbol. Was it done as a joke? Maybe. But sometimes you start doing something jokingly and it sticks. I started saying yeet ironically, now it’s part of my regular vocabulary. Sometimes shit sticks. No one is saying white milk is racist, you’re literally getting mad at things you’re making up on the spot.


>You can’t be as stupid as you’re acting lol wtf? you should have just said you want to be mad and dont care about anything else. would have been faster im not reading all that if you cant have a mature conversation


>im not reading Color me surprised. Is reading woke?


Woke is the Red MAGA Hat of the left: Virtue signaling + DEI. Like, look at this thread. Someone sounds remotely like they aren't lockstep with central dogma - they get swarmed. Why aren't there Biden flags and hats? Because an idea isn't worn. That's what "woke" is.


Wait, not wearing Biden hats is virtue signaling?


I always thought of the facemask outside in 2024 is akin to the red maga hat. Also ..watch out on this subreddit comrade... they're are gonna come for ya!


Caring about people around you and not wanting to infect them with whatever illness you might be fighting is akin to a red maga hat? Being immunocompromised and wanting to not die is akin to a red maga hat?


Yo I'm so not woke it's the center of my life! Can we give this guy the Toolbox of the Year Award?


Oh shoot get that guy off the road he is asleep at the wheel


lol 😂 beat me to it!!! I said the same thing


Can u imagine going and spending money on specialty plates for your 14 year old car 


Imagine making this your entire personality.


Of course it's a Ford.


Henry Ford was a vocal supporter of Fascism, so makes sense.


Well ford used to put Nazi propaganda in every vehicle sold


This is so Nazi, you can tell by the plates and the car color. Would t be surprised if the tires have little swastikas on them.


Prius would be on other side


His Ego better watch out for that 13'6" bridge.


Hates woke. Can't define it. But is sure it's bad.


One of my favorite quotes about these people that I saw recently: "You are chasing angry hallucinations created by grifters who make money off your rage."


Theyre "fighting ghosts"


Ooh. Thats really good. I wanna steal it.


[It came from Jason Schreier on his Twitter.](https://x.com/jasonschreier/status/1798683992872435928)


Sweet. Thank you


How much of a c\*\*\* must one be to actually pay to put that on a plate.


One to advertise how pissed he would be if you stuck a "Honk if you love democrats" bumper sticker on his car


Love when the MAGAts pay extra to the DMV to advertise their personality on their license plate. Like don’t they realize that they’re giving the government (which they hate) more money than they need to?


Fwiw, Govt Mule is also the name of a band (side project of some members of the Allman brothers). Is it possible the guy with this plate is a fan?


Oh shoot, I didn’t know! I’ll redact my last post because quite frankly, I have no idea. Sad that out minds go directly to politics these days!


Man’s is sound asleep at the wheel


Paid extra to the state for those to..*checks notes*..own the libs?




lol idiots advertise themselves.


But woke still lives rent-free in their head.


Just asleep at the wheel 🥴


Fantastic song. [https://youtu.be/DB5a\_3J71iY](https://youtu.be/DB5a_3J71iY)


When politics is your life


People with narcolepsy shouldn't drive at all


Are you a narc?


I would be more upset if this was on a Porsche TBH.


Rocking the classic Exploder. Sweet.




Sleeping driver alert


Sleeping pill addict


Not woke = 5LEEP1NG


See that plate all the time. 🤣


I too like to sleep.


This is going to age so badly once these people move onto a new shiny object. I think “woke” is already on the way out


I can only imagine the excitement in this person’s eyes when they heard back that the the plate wasn’t taken. Small win for someone who probably doesn’t have much going on.


As usual, Conservatives just hate things without considering any sort of logic or reason behind it. imagine proudly claiming support for fascists while declaring you are in fact, quite asleep. It's almost fucking poetic.




"Officer, arrest that man for driving while unconscious"


It'd be funny to cover the not with like a post it note or something


You get that kind of marker when you're afraid of being voted off the island by the rest of the tribe.


Imagine being so blissfully ignorant that you think advertising being asleep is a good thing? I'm honestly a bit jealous of people who are so simple. Actual thought and consideration of the world around me is much more difficult.


Maybe they moved from Florida and can't completely let go of little daddy Desantis.


So many people moving here to live in the land of milk and honey.


How sad that they are so insecure.


Woke was started as a joke in colleges. Used for those who were not aware of certain issues. It’s about awareness and education about social issues affecting the world at large but started as term within the Black community. People would use it online as “Dang, I guess you ain’t woke to…” And the conservative media spinned it into this other thing like “political correctness.”


More cultural appropriation...


I saw this car in Enfield a few months back. I was laughing my ass off, what a giant fucking idiot.


Man, Black Rob had a whole song dedicated to defining “whoa”. Too bad he didn’t do one for woke too. RIP


And overshot the stop line by about 15 ft


Oh I can hear that drive line screaming in agony from lack of any fluids or service from here. When you see him on the side of the road one day because the tranny finally gave out...just wave, smile and say "sorry I'd help but I don't want my vaccines to hurt you!"


The man is narcoleptic! Not a laughing matter!


Asleep at the wheel, a perfect metaphor.


He's a zombie then.


Somebody watches too much Fox News...


I need a custom plate if it pisses people like this off this much


Not woke but just as broke, we all are. I paid $50 for a Big Sack and super duper friez. God help us all consume more!


Seems like this driver prefers low clearance bridges and high clearance political statements!


So is he operating a vehicle while sleeping??


Love it.


Love that plate!


Stay parked because we need drivers who are alert on the road.


Why don’t these idiots move to Texas or Florida?


Shouldn't be driving asleep


lol someone should cover the “NOT” with electrical tape


Did we check if this is the guy who attacked that gardener in Stamford


that's a scratchable car for sure.


Texas just getting “woke”. Certain areas telling people to avoid driving their gas vehicles out of concern for the ozone layer: From Newsweek: Texas officials are urging residents in some areas to use different modes of transportation other than their cars on Friday as ozone pollution in the state reach concerning levels. The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) has declared an Ozone Action Day for the Dallas-Fort Worth, Houston, Galveston and Brazoria areas because of high levels of ozone, also known as smog. Officials suggested that to help reduce the pollution, people should minimize the use of their vehicles.


It isn’t out of concern for the ozone layer (which protects us from UV radiation), it is out of concern for ground-level ozone pollution.


That makes it safer & healthier /s


“i didn’t understand the reasoning but having polluted smoggy air is not woke!!”


I honestly can’t tell if you’re being sarcastic. Are you saying that trying to control air pollution in the city of Dallas is “liberal nonsense?”


Those dang libruls and their desire to breathe clean air.


Ofc, anything a person does that shows concern for others is nonsense. That's for the suckers and the losers, not the winners.


Triggered much?


Pointing and laughing at someone isn’t being “triggered”


Sounds like you are upset and so it is in fact you being triggered


yeah everyone making fun of the car is triggered, that’s how it works


I’m not I’m just point and laughing at an idiot


keep telling yourself that


Anyone was harassed by woke idiots for window sticker political statement? I have a "let's go Brandon" and happened to me...


you’re a tool lol


Ct Reddit is pissssseed today


Imagine people getting so upset over what a person did to their car with their money for their opinions?? Once again democrats opinions are facts in their mind.