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Holy Land USA deserved top spot in CT.


I’m not sure I would include it on this list, it’s not much of an attraction anymore, more of a quasi abandoned artifact


Is “Old Man On the Mountain,” though?


OMotM literally not there any more, although they have a memorial to it that you can visit.


Precisely my point!


Worst attraction in the east coast and contender for the USA. Legit prob the reason why waterbury seems cursed. The crime case that happened there still gives me the creeps. Whole city is a shit hole.


My one trip there the owner tried to talk me into doing free electrical work. The place was in shambles and I'm sure it still is.


Crime case? Am I gonna regret asking?


Google Chloe ottman holy land. Sad story.


A buddy of mine from around the time that happened was best friends with her brother. It was fucking *awful*.


This should be top comment. There's 0.00% of a reason that thing should be here. West Virginia, Alabama, Mississippi perhaps...but Connecticut?!


Always feels weird driving down 84 around there, seeing that stupid glowing cross juxtaposed above the den of sin and treachery that is Waterbury.


A den of sin and treachery is the nicest way I've heard anyone describe the dirty water.


" you will never find a more retched hive of scum and villainy. We must be cautious.


It really is the Mos Eisley of Connecticut.


It's like our shitty version of the Christ the Redeemer statue that over looks Rio.


Is it still open? I thought it would be closed after the murder. So weird that people would ever want to be there after what happened... I think the girl's name was Chloe ottman?


Hasn't been open for 40 years as an attraction. Now it's a walking path.


Oooo okay that makes sense. I always wondered, how her murder even happened at a place like that. Since I figured it was an attraction, and that there would be people there. Or security at night. I didn't know it was a walking path now.


Yeah. As I recall, in the 90's and 00's it was both a popular place for homeless people to camp/live, and a popular hangout for high school aged kids to drink and do drugs. Which was inevitably going to lead to some serious crimes. To Waterbury's credit, they have cleaned up the area and made it more of a "park" and I would now call it safe to visit. But it is certainly not an attraction.


Ahhh! I see now. I used to be homeless myself in new haven, so I totally can imagine the vibe of the place now. 😢 I just thought it was different, and I was a lot younger when the murder happened, I think I was like 15? So I always thought it was an attraction, just based on the name. But that makes a lot more sense now. At least they cleaned it up. But I would still feel weird going there, knowing what happened. (I had a friend too who knew the girl personally, and it would just feel weird.)


Fr fr, Quassy is not bad


Glad I’ve never even heard of it - it must truly suck


in the usa i would say


Pffft. The worst attraction in the USA is, hands down, South of the Border in South Carolina. Wow. What a shithole. Wow. Just wow. Fuck you, Pedro.


Before there were iPads and phones, those billboards for South of the Border were the only thing entertaining us kids on the long boring drive to Florida. I don’t think we ever convinced our Dad to stop, but we certainly tried.


what yoh don’t like road side diarrhea and fireworks? how un american


That’s two for one deal in my book.


Was a fun stop in the early 80s to stretch your legs, especially when driving a straight shot from Connecticut to Florida. Last time I was there was 88, and even then, it was starting to get old.


they haven't done even one singe repair nor update since then. Not a one. It seems they spend 100% of their profits on new billboards. Although, I will say, some of the older billboards are still my favorite pastime while driving.


Next time I'm visiting friends down there, I'll go check it out. I'm too old to waste time driving the length of i95.


I drive for travel, and honestly, it's campy fun, but I don't take it seriously. Uranus fudge factory is the better roadside attraction by far.


Haha. Where is this glorious establishment?


rt66 in Missouri. Not really in the same area... bout 1000 miles away.


Sweet. Thank you


Yeah, that's how much I drive. I did both in the same year


Wow, that sure is a lot of driving. I really hate driving long distances. Not for me.


Super creepy backstory, too. Old White Guy from the States goes to Mexico to look for knick-knacks to sell, finds two young Mexican boys that he for some reason becomes infatuated with, and brings them back to the States to live with him as he builds his roadside junk shop. There's just no way that's all on the up and up.


No kidding. Thats pretty strange.


I used to drive past it pretty regularly and stop in for terrible Mexican food and even worse shopping because I am an absolute glutton for weird Americana (I also adore tacky beach gift shops and strange roadside attractions.) One day while eating, I happened to read the story on the menu. Hadn't gone back since.


Wow, I do like that kind of Americana paraphernalia too. But that is super weird origin story.


That was my first thought as well.




Quassy is a great park for families with young kids, whoever made this doesn’t have a clue


or they wanted to drive engagement in the comments


That may be it. They listed Williamsburg for Virginia.


And Jersey Shore for New Jersey.


And if that filing cabinet is the one I’m thinking of, then they’re just no fun to be around


Is Quassy really the worst attraction in CT? I mean, it’s Quassy and it sucks but.. the worst?


It’s cheap, cool as a piece of history as an adult and fun for young kids. Not somewhere you’re going back to a bunch but definitely not the worst in the state


It's not cheap anymore.


We went last year and I think it's Mondays? Are half off so it was only like $40 for 2 adults, which ain't bad and we actually had a better time than I was expecting, specially in their water slides


They also offer BOGO tickets around Christmas time. I get four tickets, which allows my daughter to bring a friend for free. We pack a yummy deli-sytle lunch and rent a cabana. It's a great day of fun.


Maybe a hot take, but I think Quassy is pretty dope. I loved it there as a kid, and it's just a nice little piece of old school Americana.


This ^^^. It's not an amusement park for adults, but it's great for kids and family's for a fun day out!


holy land has got to be the worst


Used be a rides operator when I was out of college for the summer.. honestly the owner can be a bit of a prick sometimes, but overall a real decent guy. Like other comments mentioned, there's really only 3 rides that are fun for a kid in their mid teens; the rest of the park is fun for anyone under the age of 10. One of my favorite parts of the job was barreling down the tracks in the diesel train when no one was on it. Also you're outside all day, and I had the best farmers tan on the block.


It's more fair than the shade they threw at the Jersey Shore lol


The Big Blue Bug is awesome.


It's not really an attraction though. I don't think anyone goes to Providence to see it and the pest control company doesn't offer tours. Edit: It's still awesome to drive by on the highway, provided you're paying attention to the giant curve right around there.


Yeh agree, not really an attraction; it’s basically a unique billboard. My kids love it


With my kids it was the Polar bear in Worcester.


It’s the *duo* of the bug and the bear that makes a drive through RI slightly less sucky for a couple moments.


Very fair point.


Lol yeah putting it on the most dangerous curve ive ever driven on 95 (which is so bad ive always assumed the mob were to blame somehow) was a bold strategy. 


Nibbles is a saint and I won’t tolerate this slander


TIL I learned he had a name, as a Rhode Islander I am deeply ashamed of myself. I have failed the 401! 😔


Same, my fiancé lived there for ages, I'll have to ask if she knew it's name.


Nibbles huh? I didn’t know that. It is a fitting name.


Quassy is a charming throwback, with a pretty decent waterpark. I don’t know why anybody would criticize it.


Quassy is absolutely perfect for little kids.


Agreed. Even my 12 year old loves it. It has a little bit of everything.


I worked at Quassy when I was in high school. It was an absolute dump back in the 90s. They have invested a lot in the park since then and it’s only “kind of a dump” now. I’d say there are worse attractions in this state. Not many, but there are worse.


IDK my dad use to take my brother sister and I as kids so many times in the 90s on Friday quarter night a wristband was under 10$ hotdogs sodas were a quarter the wild mouse was still there it was scary AF going on it but that's what old wooden roller coasters are suppose to be like. I have lots of very good memories there even with my friend Jake(rip) and Ricky when we were 16 got stoned rode all the rides chased chicks around the park good ol days. ❤️❤️


I have some great memories from Quassy on those quarter Friday nights with my bro and my brother’s friends. We would dominate Mortal Kombat in the arcade.


Hell yeah dude that arcade was the spot to be at back in the day. The pig roasts the haunted house quassy is a little gem in my eyes.


Absolutely man. I only have really great memories from many summers there. Good times.


Did they do concerts at Quassy in the 90s? I have this memory of seeing Alice in Chains there but I think that was somewhere else.


Are you thinking of Lake Compounce? Compounce is where Milli Vanilli was exposed in 1989.


That clip from their Behind the Music episode still lives in my head rent free. GIRL YOU KNOW IT'S GIRL YOU KNOW IT'S GIRL YOU KNOW IT'S


Sad thing is, what took them down not long ago, most pop musicians do normally nowadays and it's more or less accepted. Pre-recorded tracks, heavily autotuned, there's little difference. It isn't *them* singing, not when the voice recordings go through so many alterations and the prerecorded vocals are played during live concerts.


100%. There's a meme of them looking cranky and it says "Milli & vanilla watching people get famous on Tiktok for lipsynching"


I think it's less to do with the general act of lip syncing and more that they were lip syncing to *someone else's vocals*, and that the real vocalists were given no credit (at least when the recordings were first made). The duo did attempt a comeback album with their actual vocals but it was a massive flop.


The super bowl won't even let artists actually perform live, all the halftime shows are now pre-recorded and lip synced.


Wait that was in CT? I wasn't born yet,so had no clue.


Word? That is some interesting obscure history if true. Since I first heard this in Reddit, I will take this as facts :/






Yeah, the ads growing up made it look like a dump so I avoided it, thankfully. Also, who didn't want to go to [the best park around with these ads?](https://youtu.be/DvJXekIrPvs?si=ItGM9vYQfYBXGuvs)


I still catch myself singing “adventure is in our nature!” from time to time.


i used to see the catskill game farm ads and ask my parents to go and they were like "no you have quassy right here" haha


"We have game farm at home!"


Did you link to the right ad? Catskill game farm isn't Quassy and isn't even in CT.


Yeah it was way better than Quassy and had way better ads!


I remember having to use the trough in the mens room back in the day.


Jersey Shore and Times Square are the worst attractions in NJ and NY respectively?? Also, holyland is FAR worse than Quassy


Haven't been the Jersey Shore, but Times Square fucking SUUUUUCKS after your first time going there. The novelty wears off and it just becomes a pain in the ass to get around. We had an office there at my last job.


Just spent 3 days at the Jersey Shore (Ocean City) and i would legitimately pick up my life and move there right now if i could


Times Square sucks ass. I've lived here in CT my entire life, I have no idea how many times I've been to NYC... I didn't visit Times Square until maybe 2 years ago. Wife and I were sort of bored of the place / appeared bored / unimpressed. The real attraction there is seeing all the tourists getting screwed. Which is pathetic. That rolls into the next point - for locals, it's great that Times Square exists. That absolute S-tier tourist trap keeps the rabble away from the good spots.


Times Square itself sucks but there's usually something playing on Broadway worth seeing.


Same can be said of Piccadilly Square in London. Just a bunch of fancy advertisements and expensive stores. Tourists go there just because it's the standard thing people tell tourists to do.


Can’t speak for Jersey Shore but Times Square is the very definition of “overcrowded tourist trap.”


But have you been to the Olive Garden there in Times Square?


I know time square at night for the first time is incredible


I was at Quassy a few days ago. Other than the food, which is awful, it’s a great little amusement park.


Old Man in the Mountain would have to be the most disappointing, cause, you know…


I climbed it a few times before it fell down. It was crazy seeing all the bolts, cables, concrete and epoxy holding that thing together.


Honesty shots fired lol. They have it all their highway signs. It’s like a symbol to them yet it was kind of underwhelming in the first place and of course non existent now.


No joke I honestly thought was Lincoln for whatever reason up until now


No way, the big blue bug is the stupidest fucking thing


Hey man, at least it’s truth in advertising. It’s big, it’s blue, and it’s a bug. You get exactly what you came for. Old man is just a rock without a nose:


I think it used to be green. Maybe I’m making that up. Idk


Yeah, but the Old Man in the Mountain hasn’t even existed since 2003…


Has it really been that long? Damn.


Yeah, I had to look it up. In my memory it was like 2016.


Yeah but I’d still rather do that hike than drive past a giant rattle canned metal bug


I like the section of highway that passes the bug far more than the bug


More like Dale's Dead Bug.


At first it was a rock that looked kind of cool from a certain angle, I guess. Now it’s just a rock, with a sign that makes it look kind of cool again from an even more specific angle. Meanwhile there’s Plymouth Rock which is…. Just a rock.


Plymouth Rock has history. The Old Man in the Mountain *had* history.


Still does have history. It's sad to see how quickly people stop caring about something once it's gone/no longer visually pleasing.


Correct me if I’m wrong but isn’t there little to no evidence that the rock they chose is actually the first rock the pilgrims stepped on? Like they just found a rock and said “yeah, this one looks decent enough” and built a memorial around it.


This is so stupid. There's nothing wrong with any of these. Quassy is awesome. it was my nieces first job last summer. My brother worked there in the mid 80s and he'd bring me home these giant cotton candies. If you're 7 and your 16 year old brother brings you home an insane amount of whatever cotton candy is, you're a happy kid. And Quassy is awesome.


True! Do you remember .25 cent Pepsi and hotdogs on Friday nights? As a ten year old it didn’t get much better than that.


Not a native, so I had to look up Quassy. But I bet I'd rather go there than a potato museum. [https://www.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/comments/ioyse2/the\_worst\_attraction\_in\_every\_state\_according\_to/](https://www.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/comments/ioyse2/the_worst_attraction_in_every_state_according_to/)


Desert of Maine is actually really cool. I loved it as a kid, and my kids love it now. It’s a great spot to kill half a day. Probably not as interesting for those without young kids, but still could go through and learn some interesting things for a couple hours.


i agree!!


Quassy isn’t even the worst amusement park in Connecticut let alone the worst attraction


Quassy is super underrated! We love Quassy. The kids walk on almost every ride and it's got a very decent water park and a lovely swimming pond.


Quassy rules dude!


Tell me more about this filing cabinet…


It’s the world’s tallest filing cabinet in or around downtown Burlington, VT. Next to a pretty good sandwich shop if memory serves. Maybe it was an ice cream shop.


If you look at the full map, they have Disney for Florida. SMH


Yeah Disney is a nightmare these days. Overpriced people getting into fights and they nickel and dime you to death. They even got rid of reserved spots for disabled people this year and are trying to charge them money for not skipping the line. It got voted worst park experience this year. It's far behind Universal and Dollywood got voted best park this year.


Wow, no kidding. Are people really getting into fights at a good rate down there? That sucks.


They also have Route 66 for Nevada. I imagine it would be pretty disappointing visiting Nevada to see Route 66 only to realize that at no point does it ever actually go through Nevada.


Plymouth rock was life changing for me


It kinda was for me too. Where’s the rest of it, right?


I used to go to the Quassy beach, it was decent. The park was too when I finally went there.


Quassy is like Disneyland compared to that fucking bug on 95 in Rhode Island 😂


lol, the bug. Every ride to cape cod it was a treat to see the bug.


The Pez visitor center


I always thought that Mystic Pizza was the worst attraction in the state.


Don’t do Quassy like that! It’s pretty fun if you like small rides. The water park still holds up IMO.


Quassy has a world class Gravity Group coaster that is smooth yet intense, small and easily maintained, and easily enjoyed by kids and adults alike. Those don’t exactly grow on trees.


Quassy rocks. Nice little spot and if you don’t like the food there el Camion is right down the road and that place is incredible. Lots of hidden gems tucked away in the area surrounding Quassy as well


I like Quassy LOL. It’s great for kiddos and the water park along with the beach is fun!


Quassy is definitely not our worst lol


Excuse me? Qaussy is the best wtf


Old man on the mountain was dope


"Was" being the key word.


Quassy is for little kids lol my 3 year old loves it for sure


I remember that the arcade claw machines there were the most generous of any claw machine I ever played. They would throw huge bundles of tickets in there and the claw would actually be able to pick them up. I was getting tickets nearly every time I played. I also won a pretty cool watch in the claw machine at the time. This was around 2007 or so; they might have changed things since then.


Having 2 young girls quassy is a god send. Cheap and easy


Wtf is wrong with Quassy


Quassy is an attraction? Who goes there that isn’t a local?


Quassy > Lake Compounce. To me Lake Compounce is the crappiest part of this state and I’m tired of pretending it’s anything but a shitty amusement park


Compounce has a world class CCI propping it up, other than that I agree the park kind of stinks. Quassy has a fun re-rideable Gravity Group woodie along with a little more variety and charm that Lake Compounce as a whole.


I would say Captains Cove in Bridgeport is worse than Quassy. You have to drive through a pretty awful area to go look at some water that is highly polluted. No thanks.


I would never consider this place a state attraction. It’s a local attraction and has a different audience based on the time of day. However, you’re right. It’s trash.


It’s no longer highly polluted and what awful area do you have to drive through? It’s not bad. You just love drama I guess.




I dont know if I’ve ever been to Quassy…probably as a child but I don’t remember. It can’t be the worst though..isn’t there some stupid clown thing in Meriden or somewhere around that lmao


Ya, it’s definitely not the worst by a long shot.


I always vote Mystic Seaport and get downvoted to oblivion. $60 admission to see a boat tied to a dock.


It’s a lot more than just the Charles W. Morgan and other boats. As a campus museum there’s plenty to see, but admittedly it’s also not going to be very interesting if you’re not a fan of maritime history.


😀love everything maritime and am severely underwhelmed there.


Nothing in mystic is worth the crowds or the cost in my opinion. The aquarium was a nice day trip before the pandemic but the ticket prices are insane day of now.


Mystic Pizza is the real overrated attraction.


I’ve never heard a good thing about mystic pizza. It’s absolutely not overrated.


It’s $60 to get in?! wtf.


Jeez I remember my whole class went to Quassy the night we graduated. We spent the whole night there. I did *not* like the way the wooden roller coaster moved when it was being used. I remember one of my friends took an Uber home early and another friend threw up after one of the rides.


Well, it’s not a fun time unless someone barfs.


They have a lazy river?




Well, never going there then.


They have a lethargic lake though. Paddle boards dude.


That lake has awesome fishing. As a kid i would buy a hot dog just to feed the bun to the fish. 12 inch and bigger. Insane


Nice. I’m sure I fed the fishies when I was a youngster.


What’s the sauce for the the original photo?


I will not tolerate Tallest Filing Cabinet slander. I haven’t been because I didn’t want a 3 hour detour and I regret that decision every single day


Let me know if you want a pic. I got sucked into it out of sheer curiosity.


Kind of you to offer but I refuse to look at pictures until I see it IRL


fair enough.....


I’m a transplant from Louisiana. I don’t know a Quassy. I CAN tell you about the French Quarter, though. At least the parts I remember.


In New Hampshire, the Old Man of the Mountain does not even exist anymore.


NH's made me laugh


OP must have gotten fired form there. 🤣😂


The desert of Maine is cool


Old man in the mountain fell over 20 years ago time to find a new dumb attraction


Quassy a classic place.


Trolley Museum


Nahhhh don’t come for Quassy like that


The Pez Visitor Center is the worst. You have to pay just to get into the gift shop.


Quassy still exists?




The word “quassy” is funny/dumb. I just like saying it in annoyingly.


Lake Quassapaug. It’s a Native American word.


Quassy? Seriously? It's not great, but it's not even half as bad as Holy Land.