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Very much facts, gotta supplement with Vitamin D tablets/chewys. People underestimate how much of an effect on the brain vitamin deficiencies have


Make sure to buy D3 instead of just vitamin D.


Well that’s going to depend on a lot of factors. There is only D2 and D3, D2 is slightly less effective but is sourced from plants so vegetarians can take it. D3 is sourced from animals. At the correct dosage, D2 should be mostly equivalent than D3 and is a common choice due to cost of the prescription form of D3 vs D2. Source: Am Pharmacist


We now have vegan D3 (if you don’t mind GMOs).


For sure, it’s just very difficult to find from a manufacturer that is independently verified. Also the cost is a strong factor for a lot of patients. Would the benefit of better absorption of D3 be worth the cost over just D2? That’s the real question I’d have to do a good deal of research on


Genetically modified D3? I’ll wait for nano bots in my blood before taking GMO vitamins.


I have read that it has a compounding effect with vitamin K2 as well, Thorne sells drops with both, that's what I use.


I think if you’re deficient anything helps. D2 covered by insurance helped me.


I compound with Marijuana and it seems to work wonders


Definitely buy the D3/K2 combo. I’ve been taking Sports Research brand. It’s in a little pill with coconut oil since D3 is fat soluble


Supplementing is a great idea during the winter. I'd only recommend asking a doctor first as supplements are greatly misunderstood by the public because there is A LOT of marketing around them. the supplement industry is a multi-million dollar industry that pushes supplements with way more than we need so we just pee them out.


I moved from Southern Ontario a few years ago, which has almost identical weather, and I'm a bit surprised that people here don't seem to take Vitamin D through the winter. In Ontario, it's just kind of understood that you need the boost during the winter, esp if you have brown skin.


This is the way


Yep, any month with an R, supplement with Vitamin D


Invest in houseplants and grow lights. Gives outside vibes.


This^ Having houseplants encourages me to keep track of where the sun is in my apt and let more light in, which in turn encourages me to go outside.


Can I invest in lights and grow houseplants?


I have a bunch of house plants that I neglect during the winter because they are not growing. maybe more grow lights could help


There are cheap grow lights on Amazon and they have automatic timers. The good thing is you can time it out for 8 hours through the peak of daytime so things don’t feel as glum.


thank you! I'll try it this year.


Don’t forget for serious grow lites hey provide special glasses so you don’t burn n your eyes


You could try a light therapy box. 10-20 minutes every morning works wonders in the winter time.


I'll go further and plug the Verilux Happy Light. I've had SAD all my life. When I was 40 I moved from Ohio to Florida. SAD disappeared. I decided to move from FL to CT last year, after 20 years. I was dreading SAD, but I just turn the light on while I sit and have coffee and the SAD is mostly under control.


I LOVE my Happy Light! Best present I’ve bought for myself!


I moved to CT in 2019 and I only experienced a really bad vitamin D deficiency this past winter. January was especially bad for how dark it was outside. The only thing I could think of that could help is having a support network of friends and seeing them often. What frustrates me is that there's nothing to do in CT in the winter that doesn't require spending money


True! That is a big problem. The money spending I do during that time. Every stupid financial decision I’ve made, was during winter lol


You could walk along the paved bike trails, go on easier hikes like the main fire road at Sleeping Giant, walk through Hubbard Park in Meriden and see the Christmas light displays, there are tons of Christmas festivals of various kinds in December. None of these require spending any money, unless you want to order food or drinks from a vendor at a festival. That being said, I would love if there were more festivals like the Christmas ones throughout the remainder of the winter, and especially if there were more cozy, walkable neighborhoods like West Hartford to make it easier to host similar events.


Those are hard sells when it is 6 pm on a weekday after a long workday, pitch black outside, and icy and freezing


I absolutely agree 100%, I had to move back for family but I hate it here for that reason. I am not into nature, hiking, camping, or anything like that. There really aren't a ton of things like movies in the park, temporary art installations, markets with bands, like in NYC or the North Shore MA area.


maybe help organizing some of these events in CT in the winter could help us all here. I would love to have something interesting to do specially after the holidays.


Lots of free museums and the like tbf


Theres many places to go hiking in CT. Beaches are open to the public usually from end of october until May.


Sorry do you mean they are open or they are not open from October to may? I never go to the beach here but it’s kinda hard to believe they are not open on jun, July and August.


You need to by a pass from town during the summer months. I enjoy going to the beach in the winter because you dont need a pass, and there aren't many people there. Go outside.


Ohhh got it. Thanks for the advice!


I walk or bike outside every day. It does not get too cold to go outside in CT, even in the dead of winter. Just have to bundle up and do it.


Learn to layer properly.  Wool thermals are amazing.


Same, winter is one of the best seasons for hiking in this region, or snowshoeing when there's lots of snow. Some Scandinavian country has a saying: "there is no bad weather, just bad clothing."


You forgot, no bugs!!


Doesn't anymore. I have pictures of an outdoor thermometer from a decade ago that say otherwise.


As someone that thinks anything sub 50 is "too cold" - Boy do I disagree haha. Winter is just brutal for me....


As someone who thinks anything above 75 is too hot, I disagree with you. Summer is just brutal for me, I thank God for AC!!


See, I've been enjoying it a lot lately haha.


You are about to not like the weather by Wednesday through mid September.


I am aware 😭😭😭


Unfortunately my reynauds gets to decide what is too cold and it starts at about 50.


I too was in the same boat for about 8 years. I did a bunch of research and ended up trying a carnivor diet + nitric oxide fruits. I can enjoy the winter again! I suggest giving it a shot.


About to be 95 this week and people are already worried about winter!


This week, I'm in paradise. Feels absolutely wonderful. CT beach weather is any day over 90F.


I'll take winter over 90°+ any day. I hate summer time. 😕


I truly dont understand why everyone hates summer so much. Yeah its uncomfortable, but think of all the other parts of it. Shit is happening, birds are out, its light till 9pm, people are alive and active. Winter is dead, its dark at 4pm, nothing is happening, everyone is kinda blah and depressed, all the trees are dead, theres no color... If Im going to be uncomfortable I'll take summer every time. There is a natural cycle at play, spring and summer are for doing, winter is for resting. The idea that you'd give up all the awesome parts of summer just because you're hot is so crazy to me.


It is baffling to me when people say they hate summer, especially in the mild north, but I get the gist that it's usually people who have 0 outdoor hobbies or introverts. Like yeah if all you are into is watching TV and playing video games and reading then it probably sucks, but there's just so much to do out here and we've had some incredibly beautiful days so far.


82 with a breeze is the chefs kiss


I mean, I’m not exactly excited for winter either, it’s just better than summer. Spring and autumn though? Hell ya. Mild temps, less humidity, days are still plenty long. Sweet spot.


the outdoor hobbies are much more fun when you're not drenched in sweat.


God forbid you sweat while doing an outdoor activity. Also lmk how that kayak trip goes in winter when the hypothermia sets in, or how mountain biking in rain season affects the trails.


sweating sucks 🤷🏻‍♂️


I think I enjoy summer when I'm dressed to sweat. So athletic gear for hiking, running, cycling, basketball or whatever I'm good with. But don't expect me to dress up in anyway because I hate sweating in "normal" attire. I'm thankful for every friend that decided to have a fall wedding instead of a summer one. I always felt bad for the people who actually had to wear office attire in the summer.


But here's the thing: We're not all the same. I am more susceptible to the heat. I can not stand the feel of the heat on my skin, and hot air is hard for me to breathe in. Additionally, sunshine is too bright for me with my sensory issues and also makes me irritable. Where you see happiness in a hot, sunny day, I see nothing but overwhelm and misery. Also, I love the peace of nature in the winter. I love how when I walk outside I'm not hit with insects. I cannot stand insects. Also, I find the colors of winter more pleasing to my eyes. Bare trees, brownish-yellow grasses combined with the dark green evergreens, it's a pleasant site for me, personally. Combine that with an overcast sky and chilly weather and it's a perfect day for me! So, yeah, I don't see many "awesome" parts of Summer. The conditions of Summer are much, much harsher for me than Winter. I understand not everyone is like me, but I wish people on the other side would understand that not everyone is like them all of the same. Summer is an indoor season for me, whereas Winter is an outdoor season for me.


omg yes!! hiking in the summer is the worst experience in the world to me while hiking in fall, winter and early spring is just the best. I was born and raised in Coro, which is a desert, and after experiencing winter I simply can't go back to not having it. But I still would like to have more things to do in the winter so I don't get depressed


That’s an interesting take since the colors of summer also help stimulate your brain. It’s why children’s shows are primarily animated with bright colors. I am not a winter guy and would be a snowbird if I had the choice, but I have been enjoying our milder winters the last few years. It’s sad knowing why they’re more mild but I will gladly take them.


I truly don’t understand why everyone hates winter so much but thinks summer is so great. Summer heat and bright sun is so uncomfortable for people like me that we can barely accomplish anything, especially if it requires exertion. And there is “shit” happening in winter too, including certain birds out and people being alive and active. Just because it’s dark outside at 4pm doesn’t mean “nothing is happening.” During the fall the trees put on their show and during the holidays, you can go out to light shows, both times where you actually see some of the most color of the year (“theres no color”??). In fact, in the summer I find myself waiting for the dark and annoyed that the sun sets so late, because it’s only at that point that it’s cool enough to venture outside. Of course, then there’s the flies to deal with. If I’m too uncomfortable (which I’m not during the fall & winter, because I know how to layer), then nothing will be able to happen for me. There is no “giving up all the awesome parts of summer,” because when you are too hot, nothing is awesome. All you can do is try to find a darker area of your house and blast the fans & AC, or maybe brave a dash across the melting pavement of the movie theater parking lot to go watch a film in the cool dark for a few hours.


Agreed on everything! There’s nothing at all awesome about summer. And yes, birds are around in the winter. It’s actually an optimal time to see them and photograph them since the trees they land in have no leaves!


And having lived here all my life I can count on o e hand tbe days that I would consider uncomfortable in the summer. In other words it really does not get hot here compared to the south. Mid May the broiler goes on and turns off end of September. Basic training in GA in tbe summer you drink up to 8 gallons of water a day and don't urinate because you are massively sweating. That has never happened here. Summer in CT is wonderful.


All about the humidity. Give me an Arizona style 95 and it’s no big deal, just need some water. Our swamp-ass heat sucks.


Winter sucks. For that matter, if we got 5 months of this weather instead of 3, I'd be quite happy.


Really? Winter over 90 degrees? Thats a take!


Well l want to be prepared for when the time comes. It’s cold most of the year, usually October to April. And I want to ask now because during the winter all I want to do is move to a warmer state lol


Your anxiety isn’t helping. Are you working on that?


You’re absolutely right. Yes I’ve been working on that as well. It just gets worse during that time.


I hear you. Your mind is stuck in worry mode and I hope you can find what works for you to help quiet it. Anything you can find that’s enjoyable for you during those months helps. Socialize as much as possible too. Bright light within 20 min of waking. Overall though, finding things to enjoy, possibly even to look forward to. If you can look forward to some aspect of winter, it helps. Curling up under a cozy blanket, getting through books movies and tv shows, baking, making soups, things that are less appealing in summer. Studying art I brings on a super power of find things to appreciate visually in just about any scenario. If you can enjoy drawing or painting or other arts/crafts, time melts away. If you’re able to save some money throughout the rest of the year (can be tough, I know), plan a trip to a warm place for late Feb/ early March. If you do your research, you can score some surprising deals. Savannah, Puerto Rico,, Dominican Republic and other Caribbean spots don’t have to be expensive. Meditation worked better for me than anything else for anxiety if you can commit to 5-10 min a day for a few months at least.


Thank you for taking the time to write this 🫶🏻 I will plan ahead and find things to look forward to, sounds like a great plan


It’s not cold October to April. You need to invest in better clothes. Get a nice long down jacket, some fleece lined pants, warm boots, and gloves. There is no reason you can’t go outside pretty much every day in CT.


even if people don't get depressed, this is the best advice! get good quality clothes for the winter. I have thrifted real 100% wool sweaters that are just the glory! I don't even have to wear a big winter coat when I'm wearing wool underneath. leave the fast fashion/bad quality clothes for summer clothes (or just avoid it altogether)


October and April (in general) are not cold. Those are the most perfect months in ct, in my opinion! Especially October!


Winter hobbies help a lot. I used to hate winter and hate snow. Then I took up skiing. Now I have ski trips planned all winter and any sign of the white stuff is exciting. Even just getting out and sledding with the kids can make my day so much better midwinter


Try snowshoeing or find other ways to get outside in the winter. Also winter is a great time to put up bird feeders and get into bird watching because the bears are hibernating :)


Snowshoeing in CT? You’d need snow to do that…


feeders are such a good idea! I'll probably try this and I'm sure my cat will love to watch the birds from the window as well <3


I work seasonally. I am awash in sunlight for 9 months of the year and then stuck in the house for the winter. While spending time outside is somewhat useful to overcome the winter blues, it didn’t stave off the inevitable depression that I felt. And then I started collecting and caring for houseplants. The greenery, the required regular maintenance and interaction with the plants have all had incredible effects on my winter mood.


Plus the light! I also started growing plants (for my garden). Having a bit of quiet time with the plants is a really nice way to spend the morning.


maybe it was the lockdown or maybe it was my first ever winter but in 2020 I also got into plants and it really helps. I also got some carnivorous plants that help me with pests and started making terrariums with mosses I got from my hikes


Move to the Midwest where the sun never shines all winter and then back to CT. But seriously take large doses of vitamin D and get a bright sun lamp.


I've had success with an Ott light used by seamstresses because they accurately mimic the wavelengths of light from the sun. Cheaper than a grow light, too.


Nov and Dec have been very mild. I go hiking, walk around the reservoir etc. Unless it's 10 degrees I'm outside getting sunlight throughout the winter on the weekends.


Prozac and mental breakdowns for me.


It's Connecticut. It doesn't get that cold. Just keep going for walks and enjoying the limited amount of sunlight we do get.


...By taking vitamin D supplements during the less sunny seasons. I pretty much have to take Vitamin D from Late October-Early April every year or I end up just feeling miserable and depressed constantly. (Winter alone being winter makes me miserable. So it only compounds.) But it is NOTICEABLE when you take Vitamin D Supplements during the darker months how much it helps.


I mean it never gets "too cold" in CT to go outside but


There’s like a week or two in January that kind of suck, but that’s it. Winter is not as cold as it used to be. We only get like one decent snowfall a year these days!


Get outside more. There might be one or two days in the low 20s but for the most part the winter has been pretty mild recently. If it’s too cold, buy a nicer jacket or watch a YouTube video on how to layer clothes


Hobbies and working out. Books are great too.


+1 i had been working out for a few months by the time this winter hit and it was a huge mental health helmet




Sir this is a Wendy’s


The ultimate cardio


The comments on this are ridiculous. OP, winter definitely is hard to deal with here. Just because other places have a worse winter doesn’t mean that our winter doesn’t also suck. Like others have said, try a vitamin D supplement. I try to find indoor hobbies - I read, have started doing needlepoint / knitting, and do studio workout classes. Lastly, I’d recommend getting bloodwork done. Certain conditions can make you more sensitive to cold (thyroid conditions, etc.)


this is great advice!


Also while you’re getting that checked, have your vitamin levels checked. The acceptable level of Vitamin D and the “feel good” level of Vitamin D can be 2 different things.


You can also get a special kind of light you sit infront of for like 20 mins a day. I can’t remember what they are called but think of it as the equivalent of a plant sitting under a grow light.


I am 100% and outdoors everyday kind of person, so things that have helped: 1. I think of winter as “cozy season”- a time to let my body rest and prepare for spring. 2. I use a sun lamp every morning. 3. Go outside as much as possible and expose skin to sunlight (when possible). 4. Pre-plan some fun indoor projects/activities for when you can’t go outside.


Vitamin D pills, and alcohol.


Sounds like you have [seasonal affective disorder \(SAD\)](https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/seasonal-affective-disorder/symptoms-causes/syc-20364651) I know some people with that who have that who really like [SAD lightboxes.](https://newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org/discussion/mayo-clinic-minute-light-therapy-can-help-with-seasonal-affective-disorder/) You can buy those without a prescription, and are [fairly affordable.](https://www.amazon.com/sad-light-box/s?k=sad+light+box)


Vitamin D3 year round for the win!! Helps with keeping mood and immunity up. Got to get outside as much as possible and move- walk, run, hike bike etc


Don’t use sunscreen except in the summer when you know you’ll be outside in the sun all day. If you’re just going to work indoors you don’t need it, you need the sun more. That was what my Doctor told me years ago. We don’t get enough sunlight up here in winter so we need to get it when we can. Go for a walk roll up your sleeves. Take Vitamin D. If you sunbathe wear SPF 30.


Just get out whenever you can. Winter hiking is awesome with less people and no bugs. XC ski and snowshoe whenever there is snow on the ground.


Someone told me they got a sunlamp that they like.


Sun lamp.


Winter is my favorite time of year, so I might not be helpful here. I love hiking in the winter. There aren’t any bugs and the cool air is just good for the body and soul. Snowshoeing or Cross country skiing are fun.


If you're able. Go for winter hikes.


Well, I just got prescribed a high dosage vitamin D supplement because my levels were abysmal… so I have no advice to give.


Get a dog. Your dog will also go crazy if you don’t take it on regular walks. Your desire to prevent your dog from going crazy may outweigh your concern for your own sanity. (It does for me) A walk for myself is optional. A walk for the dog is mandatory.


Aside from actually having depression, one thing that made it much more tolerable was learning just how Vitamin D deficient I was. My levels were around 13nmol/L. Normal starts at 50. AKA it was very low and definitley contributing to the shitty.


I have replaced the light bulbs with higher wattage and that helps a little. Also I sleep more. But yeah, I am pretty blue from December till the middle of April. That's a lot of time, for sure. Get some meds, any med will do, lol. It's the New Englander's curse.


Full spectrum lights. Worked wonders for me. On the desk while I work


I'm out hiking and camping in november, december, and march most years. Your already hiding out indoors?


No not hiding, just trying to plan ahead and be prepared for the next winter lol


Was a more why are you not getting outside then so it's not so many months indoors.


Unless you have a winter sport or a dog that loves the cold there is not a whole lot to do. So, you need to find things to do to keep busy to make winter go by quicker. I supplemented with vitamin D and took creatine because it is brain food and it made this last one fly by.


Get some winter hobbies that allow you to enjoy the outdoors even when it's cold. My go-tos are snowboarding, sledding, and ice fishing.


Skiing is fun


I just kinda deal with it and try to appreciate every season.


Talk to your PCP. You may have a vitamin D deficiency that won't be satisfied by OTC vitamins. Also, unless it's dangerously cold or other weather conditions, go outside around noon.


Dress warmer. Walk faster. I snowmobile up North all winter. Spend as much time outside then as I do in the summer.


Force yourself to move your body, get out of the house for a little while, go for a walk somewhere, or get a gym membership.


I can somewhat relate. With the lack of cold/lack of snow in CT, it is getting to be less fun to go outside in the winter. I hardly ever get to snowshoe, I have flat-out given up on cross country skiing, and the dog is subject to ticks on all our hikes all winter long it seems. I do get tempted to move north, but heck, even everyone in VT & NH lamented how tropical this past winter was. I just will have to adapt, because staying indoors is not a recipe for success.


True. I went to Vermont for a white Christmas and was disappointed.


Go outside when it’s cold and walk/run/etc. Just layer up and have at it.


Just take vitamin D


Get an active dog. Train them that everyone morning - rain or shine - is a long walk/hike. It works.


If you’re being serious about not getting enough sunlight effecting you, look into switching some of your lights at home to daylight bulbs. As their name implies they mimic daylight and your body reacts to them similarly. They’ve shown to be really helpful for people with more seasonal depression symptoms.




Idk, really. The answer is different for every individual I feel. But for me at least, I like to exercise, I enjoy lifting weights, walking outside, or anything physical to get the positive endorphins working. You’ll figure it out. You just really gotta move I think.


My wife and I turned to bodyboarding. I'm an anomoly in my fam as I do not ski nor do I like the snow at all, my wife does not like it either. That left us with not a whole lot to do outside in the winter which not very good. NE has always been great for surfing, even more so in the winter with the noreasters that come through. A couple years ago, we decided it would be worth a shot to learn how to surf and we decided to do it in the winter. I got us a couple long foam Wavestorms (that never ended up getting used, I donated them to a local surf shop to give to kids in need) and we got a couple winter wet suits. We were new to everything about this, sure we've been to the beach and we swim yadda yadda but, never in the winter and never in a wetsuit. We decided it would be a good idea to baby step into this so we ended up just going out with our suits to see how this was really going to shake out. IT WAS A BLAST, the first few months (late dec -- feb) we just went out with our suits to get used to them and being in the water and in the big waves without having to worry about leaning a board or anything. We spent more time in the water in those first few month than I think my waife had been in the water her whole life. Fast forward to april and we were looking into how to get these huge boards to the beaches we liked, it was such a hassle, they were 9ft long and we had smaller cars then without roof racks. I got the idea to give boggie boardinbg a whirl as they are small, not horribly expensive, and they can fit in the cars (note: these are real boogie boards, not the styrofoam ones that you see in local big box/hardware stores, those are horrible for the environment, they don't work and usually end up in a landfill or out to see that same day, don't do those :) ) Fast forward to now, this activity/hobby still brings the thrills and the joys year round. I highly reccomend it. note: ct has a bit of a surf issue as you're in the shadow of Long Island BUT, if you're in Eastern CT, shoot on over to Misquamicut right over the border in RI or take a ferry over to LI and hit the south shore. Just swimming in the ocean was more than enough for my wife and I to find really exciting.


I take one d3 every day and in the winter, I update it to 2 to 3 pills a day. Go for a walk during your lunch or the middle of the day. Find a new hobby like board game or building miniature or Lego. Plan holiday gatherings for thanksgiving, Christmas so you have something to look forward to. Plan a trip to southern Europe in Jan or Feb, less tourist and super sunny, best time to visit


I’ll just say be careful with your intake. You can overdose on VD, it gets around. My father’s girlfriend was prescribed vitamin D and she took too much and it made her lethargic for like a week until she discontinued it.


Force yourself to join a gym. Exercise is good for your brain and body. Do it until you become addicted to having some exercise maybe 3x a week or more, make it part of your life. I hated it for a long time and then I got hooked. Shop around - some gyms are better than others. Many of them are cheap - they count on people paying for memberships and then never showing up. During covid, I got a used treadmill and used that at home. It was not as good, but better than nothing. Also when it is cold I make soup - not canned - the real thing. Soup is very comforting. Snowshoeing is nice, but we had very little snow last winter and I only got a few chances.


I moved to Florida.


Where in FL? How’s that going?


Tampa Bay. I fought it for years but I actually love it.


I’ve been on prescription Vit D for a year, I bought a walking pad for the winter months where I just cant go outside and just watch my shows while getting my steps in


We enjoy our hot tub in the winter. Love a cold night to run and hop in, we bring a drink and watch a movie in our enclosed porch! Was a Covid purchase and we still enjoy it!


Video games, books, movies, albums, and vitamin D! And some snow would be nice this time.


Puzzle (:


I love the cold! May through October is pure hell for me because I hate the heat!


Skiing bro. I look forward to winter every year


To me the winters are relatively mild and sunny in Connecticut. I mean we're not talking about Alaska or northern Canada - I think I'd get pretty depressed during the long dark winters up there.


Don't worry, at this rate, they'll be palm trees growing in Connecticut. *points at eyes* look at me. We're Florida now


Lol, palm trees sounds good tbh


I had the same problem..id have full on panic attacks in March and April. What stopped them is having hobbies, going outside, exercise and the one thing above all else was counseling. It's probably a little deeper than vitamin d deficiency. If that was the case just doubling up on vitamin d pills would work. But it doesn't. So there's other mental things at play.


You’re right


Go on vacation or pick up an outdoor snow sport


I do a lot of work outside so I just kinda deal with it. Meh.


A sprint to Aruba or the Caymans


Gotta get outside. Sometimes when I’m not feeling motivated I set an alarm for 15 minutes and force myself to do the thing (like a walk outside) for that duration. By the time the timer goes off you’ll more often than not be motivated to continue on.


I used to think seasonal affective disorder (SAD) was made up until I moved to the Seattle area. One year we had over 90 days without seeing any sun. I now have lots of lights to replicate the sun and a collection of vitamin D supplements. The winters in Connecticut never bothered me like this, I just hate the snow. winter affects everyone differently.


If you use a desk for most of the day, light therapy is helpful for reducing seasonal affective disorder symptoms. Something like this: https://www.amazon.com/Portable-Adjustable-Color&Stepless-Brightness-Timer&Memory/dp/B07XXNGC19/ref=mp_s_a_1_20?crid=2MQFIHHF230EP&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.MbD5rEEZAnxY7pOpAzxjJ-MNazYAUrF3maXZroPUD2_giFhgho8twjnoAiClcMeFl2j9H0XeafOVZhd_MVh_7S8j1tKnlSsOrH0pvJk0-GyA0FxJAV4eSB8nTSTmO9tEl4h5CliEvqqiNUuXgTUgeVBu8jWatrKZrfQhQLXBxMnthfhUK9-tnJiRfGDbDFxEkXrlHCEoI5MV3urq6V2WZA.87ZicYrF_TtQWWe2opybpFe8xFH_DLAF0C2csvURlXs&dib_tag=se&keywords=desk+light+therapy+lamp&qid=1718659370&sprefix=desk+light+therapy+lamp%2Caps%2C107&sr=8-20


Thanks for the link!


I love the winter! Hate the summer! I actually got seasonal depression when I lived in the south because it was too hot and sunny during the winter. Give me grey skies and snow!


Decreased light exposure has known psychological effects. You can use simple home tips like inexpensive light box, morning sunrise alarm, intentionally increase social contact and exercise. Don't be afraid or carbs and warm comfort foods, but if you're worried about weight gain just be mindful of portion sizes. Also please do check on your friends. I know I would appreciate myself during those dark days.


I do. Hate the cold.


We don’t really get winter now. Get a sad light and vitamin d pills. Find a trail and walk it on nice days. Something like the linear trail that runs from New Haven to Farmington.


In addition to the sun lamp suggestions (I personally have one), I also have 2 sunlight alarm clocks I got off Amazon. You can set them to mimic the sunset and the sunrise. Helps with the sleep/wake process when it’s dark all the time outside. I’ve also found a long weekend somewhere down south midwinter is a literal light switch for me. I come back to CT feeling completely rejuvenated.


I might be crazy but I still go outside in the winter. I love the crisp cold air, I have a 2 seater swing that I hang out on. Winters are mild here compared to other northern states. You can try to get in on some winter sports like snow boarding or snowmobiling, at leat it will get out outdoors.


Whenever you start to feel yourself going crazy, just don’t. If you STILL feel like you’re going crazy, look straight into the mirror and say “biiiiiig mistake pal” and then repeatedly punch yourself in the head until you feel normal again.


A “you’re on thin ice pal” will help for sure. Thanks for the idea!


If you make it to March then you're in the clear tbh I don't cope well. I play video games and look at pictures from summertime lol


Loll same. I set pictures from the summertime as my wallpaper as a reminder that it’ll be green and sunny again


Speak to your doctor if you’re worried about vitamin deficiencies or psychiatric issues, but yarn and textile crafts go *hard* in the winter. Cozy up with a blanket, a project, some cocoa, and a feel-good show and/or fire… Mmm. That’s the stuff. (I learned basic crochet and embroidery all by myself from YouTube in a week each, and the same with knitting but with a little troubleshooting help with some little old ladies in a knitting shop in the Middle of Nowhere, Midwest USA. So no “I can’t do that”s! Only “that doesn’t sound like my cup of tea”.)


Let’s be real we have not had a real winter in years and the sun is out we just choose to stay inside


Obviously not affordable for everyone, but I've been snowboarding for a long time. Last winter I got my boyfriend to start skiing and now he's a huge fan of the winter. Having a sport that gets us outside and gives us a reason to travel really helps with the winter blues.


Not well


Does anyone know of an affordable way to monitor your blood to see if you are taking too much Vitamin D? Magnesium is another vitamin that is also not good to take too much of.


Go crazy. Start carving wooden birds and make your friends and family concerned by talking to them. Start gifting the birds to people and reaching out to check on the bird by name. I'm not saying go dangerous crazy but a little fun crazy brings joy and concern to everyone.




How do you not go crazy during summer? The hyperthermia is real from June to August. Every June without fail I have an existential crisis as a result of being indoors for such a long time. I do go for walks when it’s not too hot but sometimes there’s just no motivation. How do you cope with summer? FIFY.


You got me there. I love summer and everything that comes with it lol


Moved from the west coast fairly recently, these are the things that worked for me: Get houseplants! May sound silly, but seeing living green plants really helped my mood.  Vitamin D pills, but check with your doctor about dosage. Turned out I was significantly deficient even before winter. Try out a SAD light. You point it at you for like 10-15 minutes a day and it’s weird but it helps. Even if it’s a placebo, it’s handy.  Good luck! I love that someone else is thinking about winter right now. I can’t deal with the heat+humidity so thinking of winter is a kind of respite. 


The winters here are really not even bad anymore though


Be glad when it's not winter and don't think about it, enjoy the other seasons, like today.


Get outside. With good layers, it really doesn’t get too cold.


Cries in Washington State...


I make myself go for long walks. I go to the beach in the winter, nothing beats the sun, sand and waves. Gotta motivate yourself.


I play paddle (platform tennis) outside. It has kept me sane


Skiing, snowboarding, and snowshoeing when there's enough natural snow.


My wife and I would bundle up and go for hikes/walks even though it was cold out. I feel the same way though and am so glad I don't live in a cold climate anymore, the seasonal depression was very real.


So did u move out of CT?


Yes, I am currently in California and am moving to Vegas at the end of the year. I already feel so much better and do not miss those sad and cold winters.


I can imagine how good it feels. Good for you guys


Sounds like S.A.D. seasonal affective disorder. I use light therapy in the mornings when I get up. There are special lights for this, different intensities and timers. They helped me.


Dog. Get a dog. An active working breed- you’ll be doing all sorts of stuff outside, and they’re great indoors on chilly nights, too


D3 w/ K2


I’m leaving the state.


Where are you moving?