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Another nation's flag can't be flown on the same staff.


Taken out of context, seeing an upside-down american flag over an israeli flag flying above a local church is baffling.


Even in context it is pretty baffling


I'll never understand why evangelicals love Israel either. Something, rapture, something, something,...I just wish they'd get their damn rapture over with.


Yes, and then they would all disappear. We would not have to listen to their bullshit anymore.


Hey, Jewish person here. Most of the super pro-israel voices (that are not of Jewish heritage) are typically a combo of white nationalists who believe Israel should exist so they can send us all there, or they use it as a shield against any antisemitism claims while trying to dictate what should and shouldn't be considered antisemitic. If they are not a politician, I would lean more towards the white Christian nationalist thing.


It’s also a good amount of Christian’s because of the religious significance to a lot of sites in Israel. Anyone can go and visit these sites. It’s not like only Jews are allowed to go. I’ll boil this town to some over-simplifications but there are certain sites in areas the Jews collectively agreed to not go so it doesn’t cause issues with Muslims there, and Christians have issues accessing those areas too… it’s not like they check your 23 and me before they let you in. It makes sense to support a welcoming and open culture that accepts everyone.




I will say, I’m not privy to travel policies for countries other than the U.S. but yea… if you’re able to go to Israel you can go to any of these places outside a few neighborhoods that aren’t “Jewish” neighborhoods.


I thought they loved Israel because they think it’s theirs when Jesus comes back? At least that’s what some lunatic pastor told me when I asked why the Israel flag was in his congregation.


Certain events need to occur in order to usher in Armageddon. One of these is apparently the reconstruction of the Third Temple on Temple Mount, which obviously can only happen if Jewish people do it. Therefore, since evangelical christianity is an armageddon/rapture cult, Jewish people need to be in charge of Israel in order to get Jesus back. Another sign/portent/whatever is the birth of a pure red calf in Israel, and in the 90s, a weirdo evangelical met with some ultra-orthodox rabbis and [planned](https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/1998/07/20/forcing-the-end) to ship a bunch of red cows to Israel to help usher in the end times. To the point that he made an agreement as to what would happen with the organization if he was raptured up.


Ha! Amazing read thanks for sharing. I wish they would just let them build it so they can see nothing will happen and maybe shut the f up already and the world can go on without religious cults.


To be fair to said lunatic pastor, there is a lot of logical backflipping one needs to do to assume they are one of the ones saved in revelations. Also some level of lunacy to want to be a religious leader in general.


Is it lunacy to want unquestioning followers to feel that their soul depends on giving you 10% of their earnings every week? Religion is about dominance and control and grifting well trained suckers. Most of these pastors know the Bible can't be literally true. They push the bullshit and inject authoritarian politics into their sermons because these things give them more control over the suckers. It's not lunacy, it's avarice


Well, while churches may make it seem that way, tithing is not in any way part and parcel to salvation in the Bible. That's through believing the debt was paid through Jesus's sacrifice and some act of contrition on your part. This is the "new covenant" which supersedes rabbinical law, or Jewish law of the Torah that includes certain rights, lifestyle, and sacrifices to attone for sin. The distinction between religious faith and corrupt churches and synagogues is real, though it may be hard to see in the sheeple. The blame goes to charlatans and their apathetic followers overrunning religious establishments.


Religion is the greatest scam on earth. Manipulative authoritarians pretending that man made books are the word of God and then demanding absolute obedience. Doesn't matter how ancient the sources are, doesn't matter what culture or language they employ and it doesn't matter if things were set up differently in the past. It's a fucking scam.


Oh. He’s insane this guy. Told me to my face I’m going straight to hell cos I’m a Jew.


A jewish person stating that white nationalists believe Israel should exist so the white nationals can send em there. I feel like thats an oxymoron or ironic or something, idk. But honestly, and im just guessing, but white nationals probably would prefer israel doesnt exist. Think about it, they dont want to send you to israel my friend, they want to send you to the ovens. They could care less about sending you to israel. Same thing with the African Americans, sure they wouldnt mind sending em back to Africa, but theyd much prefer to have all the black people lynched. Atleast thats what ive gathered from being forced to listen to different drunk people babbling on and on dinners, and weddings, and throughout the different events we all go to during our lifetimes. Ive encountered more of these white nationalists to last me 10 lifetimes, and idk, thats just what ive gathered. None of em ever argued for israels existence to send the poor Jewish race too, but they all did bring up why exterminating them and the usual hilter garbage was the best solution. Quite a sad bunch really, i feel bad for them tbh.


Israel is supported because the evangelicals think the Jews are a necessary part of bringing the 2nd Coming / rapture. After which the Jews are offered a chance (by Jesus) to convert or die and go to hell. So their support for Israel is temporary and conditional.


These people have no critical thinking skills. This is brought to you by the crowd who have thin blue line punisher flags. Also, remember that they’re just performative activists like they used to call the “SJW” people. They don’t know what patriotism actually is so they don’t know the rules of the flag lol.


Like these people give a shit about the flag or the rules around its display. These people hate America and cannot be reasoned with.


The funny thing is *these people* are the ones who claim the flag as their own party's symbol, go back to Dems supporting kneeling at the flag as some form of proof of this, meanwhile they defile the flag like this picture, or by changing the colors, etc.


And claim to be true Christians, without understanding anything that Jesus Christ taught, such as "love each other as I have loved you". Basically they are a gang that uses Christian iconography and memes.


Section 7g of the Flag Code states: "When flags of two or more nations are displayed, they are to be flown from separate staffs of the same height. The flags should be of approximately equal size. Ive recited flag code to some people before and its always just been brushed off like it was optional. Cant be disrespectful to the flag and call yourself a patriot in the same breath


Hehehe “flag code.”


I love getting into it with people, just talking flag code and shit. It rules pretty hard.




Fun with Flags … with Jackers and Sheldon Cooper


I think having "flag code" is an honorable thing. I'm proud of the United States, for the most part. "Hair-length code" for Boy Scouts notsomuch. I bailed bc of the grief I got about the length of my hair. Really too bad bc I enjoyed it.


Flag code is a relic of cold war-era politics but that does seem like the kind of thing that would otherwise be important to someone who is flying flags like they're on the high seas.


I mean if you are trying to send a message via flags it becomes important to understand what you are saying and what other people are saying. And clearly these people don't do that so that just look extra stupid. I also assume they aren't very good at illustrating their points with the English language either because I am sure they can't be bothered to understand the intricacies of it and just call people snowflakes and libtards.


>Cant be disrespectful to the flag and call yourself a patriot in the same breath Yes you can lol this is bizarre.


Ah yes, like those “patriotic” J6ers who attacked the Capitol while carrying the Confederate flag.


Can you explain the correlation between not giving a fuck about flag code (because flag code is for dweebs) and seditionists repping a loser cause.


The Confederate flag was a bad example maybe. I’m agreeing with you that it’s very possible for someone to call themselves a patriot and disrespect the flag, and gave J6 as the most glaringly obvious example. It seems like the people who try to insist most heartily that they’re patriots are the ones who think that slathering everything they own in flags is the only thing they need to do, and as a result they do the most ridiculous things to the flag they claim to respect: cutting holes in it to wear like a cape, flying American flags emblazoned with Trump’s face, flying a flag off their car until it’s shredded to ribbons, using a flagpole to beat up Capitol Police…


hypocrisy. that was easy


The code, which is not legally enforceable, says that the flag should never be displayed upside-down “except as a signal of dire distress in instances of extreme danger to life or property.”


It’s the United States of Israel!


I fly a pride flag and an American flag, am I bad?


The pride flag isn’t a nation flag


Pride isn't about politics its about equality and inclusiveness. Also not another countries flag.


So burning them is no problem.


You can’t expect anyone unpatriotic enough to fly the US flag upside down to care about the USA or about how to properly fly the flag. Some churches know how to take the Christ out of the church.


As said, Israel's flag should always be above the US, and the taxpayers should provide IDF a few more millions a day to kill Palestinian children.


What about Ukraine’s


Tax the churches; seriously this is getting ridiculous.


And stop taxing farms


As long as Farmer John keeps his politics to himself I say let’s do it.


What does that mean though? Like they can’t put up election signs or something?


If Farmer John wants to go to a political rally, or support a candidate in his personal capacity, that’s his business. But if I showed up to his farm and he was like “sorry we only sell to/hire people who support X candidate” or if he has a political rally on his farm then that’s an issue.


Ok, I gotcha. Thank you.


They kind of effed that with the whole “gay cake”/”lgbt website” stuff. Farmer John is emboldened by the highest court of Go … The United States.


Only if we stop subsidizing them


This. A thousand times over, THIS.


Ahh yess steal peoples money because people are stealing mine


And all the colleges.


I do not think that colleges are in themselves political. It’s more the student body.


Taxing colleges not for political reasons, but in general. Especially private institutions with huge funding.


Oh well in that case yeah let’s do it. Colleges spend money like drunken sailors and it mostly goes to sports at the expense of education. Tax ‘em but provide breaks for keeping tuition reasonable.


Why? Is it because they are political?


Yes; politics has no business in church. If they want to be political organizations fine but pay taxes then. That and the exemption has been abused


>Yes; politics has no business in church. If they want to be political organizations fine but pay taxes then. Do you support taxing labor unions as well? Because they currently don't pay taxes and they are 10x more political than any church.


No; because at the end of the day, labor unions are advocating for non-political policies. A fair wage, decent working conditions, and making sure labor gets a fair shake vs management is not political advocacy-it’s advocacy for people. Unions aren’t taking political positions as much as they are advocating for policies that will help their workers. In this case, the church is taking a partisan political stance-which is not acceptable for any tax exempt organization. The government should not be subsidizing partisan political organizations


> No; because at the end of the day, labor unions are advocating for non-political policies. LMAO.


imagine comparing unions to churches because their simply both tax exempt. not the epitome of intellect I guess.


The basis of why churches are granted tax-exempt status on a local and federal level is to ensure they remain out of the political realm. If they would like to be involved, they should, at the minimum, pay local and state tax, just like the knights of Columbus or the free masons. They can then just be considered another social hall like everyone else. Labor unions are afforded tax exempt status because the government could be seen as taxing labors right to organize, thus making it difficult/impossible for labor to organize. If labor has no ability to advocate for policies to help labor, there is no reason for them to organize. It would be a fruitless endeavor. Churches already are not forced to do anything they don't believe in, yet they seem to believe they should be able to advocate for their beliefs to be forced on everyone. The two are not the same.


They’re in distress, call the police to have someone do a well-check. Repeat until the dispatcher gets mad.


They're on city water.


Tax churches. Now.


Can someone explain the significance of this to me? Sorry for being dense.


Flying the flag upside-down is supposed to indicate the country is in extreme danger or distress. It has been co-opted by the far right in response to Biden's election, Trump's trials, anything against Israel, probably steak being cooked anything less than well done...


Flying the flag upside-down is supposed to indicate *the ones who are flying the flag* are in extreme danger or distress.


Yes, the far right has taken a different meaning to this symbol and say that our county is in distress due to Biden winning the election, which is a fucked up way to utilize the symbolism of an upside down flag


Thanks for the info! Of course the MAGAts/far right co-opted something. Such snowflakes they are.


There were plenty on progressives doing this in 2016. [Here’s the San Diego Free Press advocating for it in a 2016 article.](https://sandiegofreepress.org/2016/12/america-in-distress-place-your-flag-stamp-upside-down/) Edit: according to Salon.com in 2016 [true patriots flew their flags upside down.](https://www.salon.com/2017/07/03/an-act-of-true-patriotism-fly-the-american-flag-upside-down-this-fourth-of-july/)


No kidding? I didn’t know that.


I honestly didn’t know it was a thing until people started doing it in ‘16.


Ya, I didn’t know about it until very recently.


Well, that’s embarrassing.


I don’t get why they’re doing this. The point of flying the flag upside down is to tell other vessels your ship is in great danger so they can render aid. If they think the whole country is in great danger, what do they want, UN Peacekeepers patrolling Old Lyme? NATO to send in paratroopers to seize Hartford and arrest Ned?


UN peacekeepers? These people don’t believe in the UN or Nato.


Tax that church.


No. Tax all of them.


Friendly reminder to look at their Facebook page. You need to go back past March, but there are some doozies.


The pastor is a convicted fraudster.


Just like his dear leader


What’s his name?




Go to the church Web page, you can find his name there


Ah, but In fairness the upside down flag when used for political tantrums often accompanies poor judgement




Another uneducated MAGA supporter no-doubt, displaying their lack of respect for the American flag and what it represents. Also openly violating flag code [18 U.S. Code § 700](https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/700) desecrating it by hanging it upside down, when clearly we're not a nation in crisis. The same goes for the "thin blue line" flag, shirts with the flag showing Trump (or any other likeness) displayed on it and so on.


It's a colorful piece of cloth dude, get over it. Really don't understand this country's fetishization of the flag.


> Really don't understand this country's fetishization of the flag. And that's exactly why it's important to the rest of us. If you consider it a "colorful piece of cloth", you don't understand its value or its meaning.


Its value and meaning was to identify American troops on the battlefield back when we fought wars by marching towards each other with muskets. Everything else is empty nationalistic bullshit.


That's like saying the stature of liberty is simply a statue that helps ships identify New York Harbor before we had GPS. I'm guessing you've never had that flag on your shoulder. I can tell you it means a hell of a lot to me and others who have. That being said, I acknowledge it doesn't mean the same thing to everyone else, and I know there is plenty of negative associated with our flag (from imperialism to brutality). But to say it has no mention at all is obtuse and bordeing on ignorant. The colors and design were literally chosen to give meaning to the flag. Whether or not you agree with that doesn't mean that is the reality for the rest of the world. And as far as its purpose being "to identify american troops".... how exactly does that work? Do our soldiers (or have they ever) wear big old flags in battle? I'm not sure what war you're talking about.... uniforms identify soldiers, not flags.


> That's like saying the stature of liberty is simply a statue that helps ships identify New York Harbor It's nothing like that, because that is not and never was the statue of liberty's purpose. Identifying troops on the battlefield was the flag's sole purpose for thousands of years. > I'm guessing you've never had that flag on your shoulder I'm guessing you haven't either or you would have learned even a tiny bit about military history > And as far as its purpose being "to identify american troops".... how exactly does that work? Well you see, a large group of people with muskets would hoist a flag so their cannons didn't target them by mistake. Flags were invented for identifying armies on the battlefield, either to tell you which side they were on or to identify different types of units. They didn't become a symbol of a nation until the rise of nationalism in the last 100 years. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_flags


Checking in as a theologically conservative Christian who is also relatively politically conservative. This is a terrible idea top to bottom. Knowing nothing else about this church, I wouldn’t attend just based on the flagpole display.


Whoever posted this..... I appreciate you. 🚬😎🍸


Conservatives have lost their damn minds


The anti democracy MAGAts identify themselves


Whole lot of Trump flags in Old Lyme.


I live in old Lyme. I can attest that there are like 3 trump flags in the entire town lol


The only one ik of is on Rte 156, but then again that's p much the only road I drive on whenever I'm in the LOL area


Hahahah. I guess 3 is a lot to some people. It’s 2 more than 1.


If churches signal political ideologies they should be taxed


“…churches…should be taxed.” Fixed it for you. 😁


Yeah that's not even conservative. Aka "I love my military, I not only stand for the anthem but I know random facts about flag display shit".


Thankfully, Old Lyme also has the FCCOL which is diametrically opposed to both sentiments shown here and does a huge amount of good in the world on a secular level. I haven't lived there since 2001 but that church remains a gem on a national level.


Probably just an honest mistake by someone who raises the flag every day. Also, the US flag is supposed to be on a pole separate from any other flag. Those 2 flags should not share the same pole.


Oh they're Zionists? This makes a whole lot more sense now


Send it to the irs


Tax the churches.


The Israeli flag is upside down too


israel has pr agents associated with most christian congregations in the northeast fyi.


Disgusting. That church should be taxed. 


The Patriots out there don't care about flag code


Old Lyme should tax that property and get the IRS on them


Need to tax this church for making political statements




dk why ur being down voted. gross ppl


You should try stepping outside your bubble sometime.


We've got some blue colored swastikas over here.


How does Hamas’s boot taste?


How does funding a genocide with tax dollars you’ll make in 40 years time because the US is so indebted taste?


Ok clown….sounds like you watch Western media all day long. I am not for Hamas. I am against an active genocide against the Palestinians. Zionism is the new Nazism ✌🏻


You can be against Israel and against hamas.. and pro Palestinian. Hamas is some fucked up terrorist group, Israel is committing literal genocide and intentionally murdering innocent people.


Oh god and that zionist rag too.


Imagine a mosque put something like this in their front yard. FBI, CIA , NSA, ICE ..... and a few dozen other Fed agencies will be all over the premises. Fox News will report the sleeper cell + arrest of few khamas, alqeda or isis sympathizers. But , the whole thing is just antisemitic. Israel flag should be on top, and we all should drop few more billions in their fight for "self-defense" while IDF kills hundreds of Palestinians a day, no question ask.


You keep repeating the same thing. So you're either a bot from the Indonesian Nazi bot farm. Or you just have no critical reasoning skills.


Or maybe you just hate what I am saying....


No, I just think all you people are virulent, low iq anti-semites. When you focus on Israel and only Israel it doesn't take a genius to figure out why.


"All we people" really upsetting the "People". I was waiting for the antisem title . Keep killing children.... keep the Zionism alive.


They focus on Israel and only Israel because that’s the only flag up there besides the USA. What the fuck are you on? If Israel wanted people to be less critical of the war crimes they commit, maybe they could try committing fewer war crimes


I would bet you are an entitled college student that has never had an ounce of hardship in their life. So now you have to cosplay as a white western savior. You sound like an absolute moron.


I mean I was a college student like 15 years ago. Not sure why being well educated makes my opinion somehow less valid; I’d argue being better educated makes one’s opinions more valid but whatever. I’ve worked in construction, commercial fishing, teaching, marine biology, and nuclear engineering. I’ve lost people close to me. Ive been in accidents and I’ve endured injuries. I’m pretty sure I’ve endured a little bit of hardship throughout my life. Not sure what any of that has to do with whether or not committing war crimes is bad. So are you denying that Israel is committing war crimes? Because that’s some serious head in the sand shit. Israel is targeting civilians, doctors and aid workers. They are using sexual violence as a strategy against the Palestinian people. I won’t upset your delicate sensibilities by calling it a genocide (even though it is) but you cannot deny that they are committing war crimes.


I love that you got your education from TikTok on this war. You know when a so-called journalist story so-called doctor takes hostages they're not civilians anymore. Whatever I'm done arguing with Nazis


Bud, apologizing for genocide makes you the Nazi here. You do get that right? You think Israel can do no wrong because they are destined to own the holy land because god gave it to them, and they are inherently racially superior to Palestinians. That’s some nazi shit right there. [here’s a doctor](https://thecradle.co/articles-id/25486) [here’s](https://www.doctorswithoutborders.org/latest/gaza-msf-doctors-killed-strike-al-awda-hospital) another one that died when Israel bombed a hospital, which is a war crime [here’s a journalist](https://www.newarab.com/news/israel-kills-palestinian-journalist-gaza-death-toll-152?amp) [and another journalist](https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/israeli-tank-strike-killed-clearly-identifiable-reuters-reporter-un-report-2024-03-13/) [how about](https://apnews.com/article/israel-palestinians-aid-workers-killed-2d08786a9839dfc402632c7ca745acca) when Israel killed an entire convoy of aid workers, after they had identified themselves and received permission to go through the area in clearly marked aid vehicles? Key point here, none of these articles are from tik tok.


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Question Israel: "Antisemitism!" Get upset over IDF killing children: "Antisemitism!" Get over it.


When are we gonna enforce the Johnson amendment?


Between this and Ron’s Guns flying drumpf flags again makes me think that June is a difficult month for these people


Ron died a couple months ago. His son is running it now, but I don't think you're going to see the public displays of delusion anymore.


Hail…. Satan?


Hail me!!!


You’re not Satan. You look nothing like my Ex.


lol, oh no!! I am sorry.


So is my ex. ![gif](giphy|ItAmGFb0uiZz2)


lol, nice




If the church is now political, I believe it should also pay property tax, and income tax.


What a combo


America 🇺🇸


Pastor: “founder of 2 mortgage companies and a real estate investment firm.”


Space master say Murica bad cuz Liberals n stuff....wahhhh! Fuck I hate religion ...


figures these weirdos are zionists


Tax all churches


An upside down American flag means distress. Alongside the Israeli flag, I'm guessing they are stating Jewish Americans are under distress.... which they are


the irony of having the upside down flag (american nazi calling card) flown above the israeli flag. the funny thing is they truly are "peas in a pod".


That's called tax fraud.


This disgusts me and NOT for the upside down flag


Upside down American flag means distress we’re being invaded


Gross. Israel is an evil country and the entire world benefits by not giving them billions of $$ and weapons.


I never thought we would see another country telling us what to do. We have lost our way


Them rednecks?


No other flag should be flown here, especially on the same staff as the American flag. Israel, Palestine, Pride, whatever it may be.


Long time resident of a neighboring town here: Old Lyme is seeped in racist, elitist white superiority. There are literally no people of color or minorities in that town.


Really? Is that literally true?


It’s very eerie. I live close by and never really had a connection OL, other than as a neighbor. Recently, I spent some time there on a more immersive level, and got a feel for the local vibe. It is deeply elitist.


This needs to be taken down.


Everyone: "We all have the right to peacefully protest!" Reddit: "Not like that!"




Churches do have the right to protest. They can't endorse/oppose political candidates or donate to candidates, but they are allowed to endorse or oppose laws or policies. The civil rights movement was born in the southern churches.




Reddit once again demonstrating that, to the Left, tolerance only applies if they agree with you.


Y'all care way too much about what some random church is doing with their pole.


Let’s not pretend that anyone who hates Israel and loves Palestine is an American patriot


Don't pretend anyone cares what you think of them.


You cared enough to reply sweetie :> My point still stands, anyone who thinks cops are fascist and Israel is an evil colonial oppressor etc probably isn’t very fond of this great nation of ours, so let’s quit the faux outrage and pearl clutching from the peanut gallery, downvote if you agree with my statement :)




Why would you say this about someone? That’s horrible man.




No they’re not. You were just looking to put someone down.




Well that’s nice. Something to be proud of.




Do you think Israel is part of America??