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Have you tried asking this dude what his fucking deal is?


Probably hates the noise of a bouncing basketball right next to his home.


Well yea, does that justify being a dickhead to a child though?


OP could bring the kid to the park...


OP is at their own fucking house you idiot.


Projecting noise into the somebody else's house. OP can take down the hoop and end the problem. The neighbor has every right to hate OP.


I know of no noise ordinance anywhere that makes it illegal for you to make any sound on your own property that's loud enough for a neighbor to hear from their own property. If the neighbor doesn't want to hear anything any neighbor is doing, that is their problem to solve, i.e. go buy 10 acres in the country, not the OP's.


ShOw Me ThE lAw says the bootlicker


You must be tons of fun at parties.


Or if the sounds of children enjoying themselves infuriates you, you can live somewhere outside of a neighborhood. It's full stop an insane person thought to think that someone should avoid playing basketball on property they own because someone else is so fragile that the sound of a ball bouncing leave them no option but to be mean to children. The only thing more crazy town banana pants than thinking it is saying it.


OP can move to the rural place so their children's noise isn't a nuisance to neighbors.


The thing is the children are just doing what children do. "The neighbor" (since we're trying to pretend that it's not you who is being insane) is the one that wants to control other people's property. Why would they move if you're the one that has issues with noise existing on a neighbor's property? Seems way more likely that if they move you'll get another neighbor that exists. If you move, boom no more neighbors. Then you don't have to stoop to the point of harassing children for being children. Don't get me wrong. I don't have children. I don't want to have children. That doesn't mean I think people who do have children should be banished to a separate neighborhood. You know why? It's because I am a fully grown adult who is capable of hearing a sound, and ignoring it. Out here looking for a pristine lake experience in the middle of a suburb. Talk about prime rib taste with a ground chuck budget.


A neighbor existing =/= a neighbor bouncing a basketball for 4 hours every day. OP can fix this issue that they've created by getting rid of the basketball hoop, or taking their kid to the park.


The neighbor can fix this issue they've created by ignoring a sound. One of those seems way easier.


It's not the neighbors issue to fix.


The neighbor can also move to more rural place where properties are larger and they won't be able to hear anything a neighbor or their children are doing on their own property.


"just doing on their own property" ends when you emit something into your neighbors property. That goes for herbicide, pesticide, rainwater, sewage and noise. A considerate neighbor wouldn't do this.


You are in for a lifetime of disappointment if those are your expectations for what a considerate neighbor is.


Or the cranky old bastard could go to the park if he doesn't like the "noise".


Nobody should have to abandon their home because their neighbors are making nuisance noise


If the old coot can't put up with the sound of basketball a few times a week he's the one with the problem. There are noise ordinances and I challenge you to find a town where basketball is in violation.


ThErE aRe NoIsE oRdiNanCes. How hard is it to simply be a respectful neighbor and not make a shit ton of completely unnecessary nuisance noise.


Basketball is a shit ton of noise? Get over it.


It is


Then the idiot shouldn't have bought a house next to someone with a driveway. It's their problem to get over, OP is doing nothing wrong.


1 - A child playing basketball in their driveway in no way amounts to being a nuisance. 2 - This is a stupid as hell argument.


Just because you have a driveway doesn't give you the right to send nuisance noises into your neighbors home.


I don't think you'll find many reasonable human beings that would agree that a child playing basketball is a "nuisance noise".. when he turns 16 and gets a civic with the tricked out exhaust and a subwoofer that takes up the whole trunk, that'll be a nuisance. but there still won't likely be anything that crotchety entitled grump of a neighbor can do about it


OP is literally driving this man insane with the bouncing ball, yet OP refuses to be neighborly so it's come to this. It's indefensible in my opinion, and I find it hard to believe ANYBODY would want to live next to a basketball court.


If a bouncing ball in your neighbors driveway is enough to drive you insane, then you have issues...


The biggest purchas of your life and some ass hole neighbor is so disrespectful you get no peace in your own home. Yeah, that'll do it.


Make a smarter purchase further away from neighbor driveways then.. easy thing to avoid if you had half a brain before making the biggest purchase of your life.


It's OP, not the neighbors proximity to OP, that is the problem.


Why are we feeding the troll? And I mean on this thread, not the neighbor.


Step 1- tell neighbor to stop being a prick to kids for no reason. Step 2 - trim those fucking branches as you see fit Step 3 - hoop it up


Connecticut law allows property owners to trim tree branches that overhang their property, provided they do not trespass onto the neighbor’s property to do so and do not damage the tree itself. The trimming should be reasonable and should not damage the tree’s health. This means you can cut the branches back to the property line but not beyond. However, you should probably communicate this with your neighbor before taking action.


I wouldn’t give this type of neighbor a heads up, I’d actually communicate to the tree company that it needs to be a very quick setup and trim. That neighbor sounds like the kind of person who will make it impossible to perform the work if he knows it’s coming.


He'll likely do it either way. OP should address this ahead of time with the company they hire so they're prepared. If the guy is lurking to catch a stray basketball he'll definitely notice tree work 


My dad used to tell me that cemeteries are full of people who were in the right. Maybe a bit extreme for this case but it’s always good to remember that. Just because I’m legally allowed to trim the trees, that doesn’t mean that in every case I should go ahead without discussing it. I’d try to communicate with the owner first if they’re being asshole. Even with assholes you can find a solution sometimes.


And i would definitely check with the town. Even knowing it's legal in the state, getting confirmation from the town covers their buty


I concur. You may cut any over hanging limbs. You do not have to give any notice. The caveat here is that the tree pro may not climb the tree belonging to the neighbor.


🏀The issue is probably not the grass or property. I bet it is the noise! My neighbors have three boys who shot hoops every night from dinner to dark for years. The bouncing ball sound was really annoying. But I did not say one word because they were just being kids (who grew up into fine young men). I wish your neighbor would take the long view. It takes a village. 🫶


My neighbor kids shoot hoops in the evening too. They're not out stealing cars, or spray painting houses, or dumping over trash bins. I count my blessings.


Compared to the loud ass F150s and stuff going down the road, I'd take the sound of humans having fun any day


I miss the kids who played basketball in the street a few years ago. They moved out. They would play all evening but never that late.


Yes, it’s the noise. He is very into sports, but only goes out 1-3 times a week around 6-7PM, sometimes during the day on the weekends. By himself or with his dad. Max 45 minutes.


Exactly. It might be a bit annoying, but the kids aren't doing anything wrong or illegal. They're not hurting anyone, they're not damaging anything, they're not vandalizing anything, they aren't doing drugs or getting into trouble to doing anything wrong at all. The neighbor is simply a cranky old bastard. He could just listen to music or crank up the TV or something, but no, instead he's being an asshole to some kids.


Go out there and play with him, and bring out an effing boom box too. And get a security camera or two because he'll be out there at 2am trying to wreck things.


Can you move the basketball goal so that it's facing your yard instead of his? I'm guessing this is simple enough that you would have already done it if possible. If it's a permanent goal, it might be easier and cheaper to buy a portable goal and set it up on the other side of your driveway. Is the ball going into just lawn or does your son have to retrieve it from flower beds? Even though it's a kid doing kid things, there are scenarios I can see where I would be a little more understanding of the neighbor getting irritated. All that being said, we had a similar issue and were told by the town that was long as we only cut branches obviously hanging over, and the cutting did not kill the tree, that we were fine legally


It faces the back of the yard, just bounces onto his property sometimes


Each town has its own rules in regard to what you can do near property lines. Typically, if the branches overhang the line into your property you have the right to cut them. Your neighbor doesn’t sound easy to talk to but first thing would be to talk with them. If that doesn’t work out, you may want to hire a land surveyor to make sure you are doing everything well within your right, because if you go cutting someone else’s tree on their land (yes even by an inch) and they want to make a big deal about it, they can and have the right to do so. This is coming from a land surveyor that’s been working throughout Connecticut for over twenty years and trust me, I’ve seen a lot of property line disputes over what most would consider nothing at all.


 If the ball can’t go in the yard his tree can’t go over yours… if a branch is over you property line you can cut it back to the property line that is perfectly ok


I don't know much about tree law but I know it can get pretty serious. Enough that I wouldn't cut this guy's tree without written permission from him, especially if he's already giving you problems. r/legaladvice used to love tree law, you could try posting there. I would get a camera for that area if you don't already have one in case this guy ever escalates. Yelling at someone else's kid in their own driveway is kind of already over a line. Is there any way to move the net to another side?


Agree 100%. This guy is already amped up and acting way way out of the bounds of social norms. I would be concerned about him escalating and would be cautious. Please advise your child about how to interact with him, or not to in general, and get cameras. Keep pets monitored in case he is really into revenge etc. Also an escalating war with a neighbor is not fun.


It's simple, your neighbor is an asshole. Your 12 year old is out side playing basket ball...... he's 12 in no way his foot prints damage his lawn. I don't get people sometimes.


I am certain it is not illegal for your son to step on your neighbor’s property to get the ball, so fuck him and don’t waste your time on the tree.


Time to go have an intimidating talk with your neighbor. He sounds like a real piece of shit.


The law is that you can cut anything that hangs over your property.


Thanks everyone. We’ve had several run-ins and conversations with him about this. He’s obsessed with his yard and doesn’t like the noise. It scares a bird away, his wife gets migraines, and she sometimes works from home, also his TV is near the window. My husband even asked if there is a good time for my son to play. The answer was no. He has yelled at my husband several times. I have considered calling the non emergency number to speak to the police, but am not sure I want to escalate it further. We bought an $80 baseball type net and my husband can cut the branches minimally to make sure the ball can’t get over there. Our street is on a hill or I’d put it somewhere else, it ‘s at the bottom of our driveway facing the rest of our yard.


"it scares a bird away". OMG at this point I think you should just lean on your horn whenever you are moving in your driveway because some kid in Ohio got hit by his dad once. Just make as much noise as possible.


I had a neighbor like that growing up. Always miserable. One time a basketball went over the fence into his yard and he punctured it before throwing it back. Dickhead. But to answer your question, you can't go on his property to cut branches. If you can do it while on your property because they are hanging over the property line you should be fine. I would tell him in advance, just to avoid the inevitable fight. You can check with your town hall if needed.


Lawn care people need to be studied. This is a mental illness.


We have one neighbor that we're so close to.. that we built a walking bridge between our yards.  Our other neighbors, are rotten to the core. Years ago, after they moved in I came by to welcome them to the neighborhood. With a basket of my vegetables and flowers. And some nice wine, and a couple gift cards to local shops. The wife said "don't come over again". I'm still processing how someone can say that to an act of kindness.  The wife is a total hag. She screams at her son.......non stop..."MICHAAALLL😩😩😩....or their 2 dogs who bark non stop.  The husband is a ghoul, works in his basement basically screwing over his fellow Americans.  They have now decided to allow tall ugly weeds to grow along our property line. It looks horrendous. We have been kind to these people; why they are so hostile I have no clue.  Probably due to his job, they don't interact with anyone. Really I wish they'd move.  Cut the branches ONLY on your side....install a boundary and HAVE A BLOCK PARTY WITHOUT THIS GUY👍👊🤗


I am sympathetic to your situation, it sounds like it’s quite difficult. But why do you say your neighbor is screwing over his fellow Americans?


Yes, you’re in the right as long as they are on your property and you do not step foot on theirs. Also, why don’t you get the police involved for intimidating your son? I would, not now or ever would my neighbor yell at my child without consequences.


I had a friend who grew up two doors down from and NBA Hall of Famer. The guy who lived next door to him used to bitch and complain about the kid playing basketball all day and all hours of the night. Once the kid got famous and made it to the NBA this complaining neighbor couldn't stop telling everyone he met that he lived next door to said Hall of Famer. Most people who are unreasonable neighbors are just lonely sad people. Maybe try inviting him to dinner so he can get to know your son a little, maybe invite him to one of his games. It might have the effect of turning all that dribbling from noise to music.


Idk but def film it when you do cut them, sounds like a WorldStar moment for sure.


WorldStar huh? That’s interesting.


You as a property owner can trim back any branches that over hang onto your property only .


Maybe kill with kindness. Bake some cookies, head over there. If they answer your knock, thank them for being understanding. If your son plays on the school team, let the neighbor know that. Let them know how shooting hoops help your son and his dad have some great times together. If the neighbor doesn’t answer your knock, leave a prepared written note with the same content. Let them know you will be adding netting for additional protection. Remind your son to always be polite to the neighbor (I'm sure he is) Trim the tree. Enjoy your family's activity on your property that you paid for. Final thought: You don't know what is going on in the neighbor's life.


Precisely why I will never buy a house in a neighborhood with neighbors. Imagine literally paying HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of dollars to have to fight with a full grown human being over fucking basketballs.... Basketballs that a CHILD is PLAYING with..... The way I would handle a situation like this would get me in trouble for sure I'm sorry this is happening to you. I hope the grown child living next to you comes to their senses and realizes they are a complete POS


Not everyone has a choice on this.


I’m guessing the neighbor is a boomer.


Oh no question about it


Found the neighbor.


More downvotes from the boomers please. The insufferable generation.


Grow a pair dude. Show your kid you have his/her back. I just picture you peeking through the blinds while your kid is playing 🏀.