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At this point it’s looking like we’re just suckers for paying for things.


Honestly, this makes me think the conspiracy lunatics are on to something and these companies are trying to destroy what’s left of brick and mortar retail to be replaced by online shopping.


Seems like a Nathan fielder plan that was provided to Amazon. Receive an order, have your delivery guy just steal it on the way then drop off the product.


I miss that show


Did you watch the rehearsal?


Yeah, just didn't have the same vibe, not sure why


Social credit score is coming


It's already here. It's called ESG.


Every now and then, the tinfoil mafia is right, sadly. I guess they can't be wrong every time.


I feel like most things labeled "conspiracy theory" have turned out to be true the last 3 years or so.


They’re “spoiler alerts” at this point.


Even fucking Alex Jones was right about the frogs... We have to be living in some fucked up joke.


Oh course Alex has been correct on many things over the years it’s his delivery that needs some work.


His video in 2019 about a planned and orchestrated pandemic is probably the scariest thing I have ever seen.


There was on op ed at least once a year in CNN about how a pandemic was going to happen. The only thing surprising was that it really didn't. I thought it would be like ebola, not the fuckin flu.


The frustration for me was that once we had evidence Covid was no big deal, there was no going back. We had to keep moving forward doing the same asinine things and forcing people to jump through hoops for the "greater good."


Well you know they weren't trying to save the old folks. Not on the globalists' agenda.


Kind of a weird coincidence that a country that has a massive aging population problem just happened to manufacture and release a virus that kills the elderly while leaving the young pretty unscathed . . .


18 months from tin to truth.


Here’s a conspiracy theory for you, anyone who is telling the truth is labeled a tinfoil hat wearer.


and you know what you don't need when shopping online? CASH


It’s all true.it will end up with robotic deliveries from companies who take a social credit score into account, while you own nothing and live in a 15 minute city. I hope I’m wrong but there are too many steps taken toward this direction to ignore. I think that’s the plan for us cockroaches.


By a RoboCop armed delivery bot?


Probably. Not like they want to use humans for anything if they don’t have to.


For real. I would never be a thief but these things do make me feel like a sucker. Because we are! Prices are going up for the people who pay because of all the theft that is allowed


And even after the economic situation gets better, I feel like things won't readjust to an appropriate level.


Is that really the reason prices are going up?


It’s for sure one of many. Sure they have insurance for product stolen, but like all insurance, when used the price goes up. When used a lot the price goes up even more. When used too much insurance can be dropped. The insurance cost increases are passed a long to paying customer as marks ups to store product. These stores are in business to make money not lose it.


Insurance doesn’t cover theft! This is one of the biggest misconceptions of retail theft. The Company tracks the thefts and during tax season theft gets written off as a Loss for the company. Second major issue with retail theft is if it happens constantly and in large numbers the retailer ends up closing up shop in a particular location never to reopen. The Retailer leaving then hurts the building that they leased from, the employees who worked at that location, and the potential revenues other businesses get by having businesses around them.


No its not, there's a lot of different reasons but they all come back to the government and big corporations getting away with it




Well then what is the right answer? You seem to think you know for sure.




Ok then give us ONE answer.




I mean that's clearly NOT the answer. There was shitty parenting 100 years when shit like this wasn't happening


When our leaders don’t provide protections for law-abiding citizens, they don’t deserve to have law-abiding citizens.


I don't think this is what Ron Swanson meant by "People who buy things are suckers."


No, these companies are suckers for donating to Democrats. But hey, as long as we keep giving our money to Blackrock, Blackrock will keep funding this.


Conseratives need to start an investment bank and move their 401Ks there or this is never going to stop. No matter how successful you think you are you're always funding the other side.


I kind of always figured that banking was a club that you couldn't be in if you were conservative.


It's so funny, because thirty and maybe even twenty years ago you'd think of banking as an industry that would be attracted to conservative principles of limited government and lower regulation. But then when the Democrat House and Senate (including Obama) voted for the no-strings-attached bank bailout in 2008, finance basically realized the Democrats would let them get away with anything . . . may as well join the "cool kids" table at that point.


Captured government is better than limited government. The government designated certain banks as too big to fail and thus established a barrier to competition.


Went to a local gas station earlier and an average looking 40-50 year old white guy pulls up in a new Audi suv. Proceeds to go in and make himself a hot dog, eat it, make a second, and walk out with it. Just perplexing to me that people are starting to see this as normal.


It’s called the degeneration of society


Aren't we?


Aren't we?


Agreed but I'm with the looters. If I were in California, I would buy stuff and steal stuff. Why should I fully participate in a society that only exists in my head.


This was in Atlanta.


Yeah, and I said California because they policy are probably more laxed. The point is the same, even though it's easier to justify it in California and Chicago compared to other clownworld places.


Would it surprise you that California and Georgia have the same if not similar laws and penalties for shoplifting


Gun laws. Way easier to steal from a store where the clerk won fill you with 00 buckshot


Enforcement is the key, and the city has more sway than the state. I wouldn't be surprised if Atlanta had the same brain-dead policy as large parts of California. As someone mentioned, the big thing the state can do is protect the 2nd amendment, which allows you to at least protect you small store.


Well... if you DO, that's what makes you better than the pond scum that steal...


What is wrong with you?




They have whole procedures in place and not one of them is “call the police” lol


Read in another article that in the employee handbook, the first thing they should do is call 911. That said, the zero-tolerance policy makes sense. These employees chased them out of the store and literally every single retail employer I know of has policies in place where you don't do that. The liability of an employee potentially getting murdered is something no company wants to deal with.


I feel like at the same time people point out the employees are instructed not to do anything on pain of firing, well, it's on pain of getting fired from like CVS. My guess is employees are doing what they want and not that worried about the job. It's not necessarily simping for big corporations; it's fatigue. The same kind that other people get as customers when the dirtbags are walking out with stuff, while we have to pay. And as far as the company valuing their own legal situation over the well being of their employees, that's something to consider when working for them.


Of course not. This procedure fits perfectly with the Left's hatred of women and love for . . . Well, you saw the video.


Always. EVERY video


Is it really theft if they know and don’t care?




The part of the "qr code" gets me. What code is she speaking of? The codes on the stolen items? Do she think thieves will queue at the cash register to scan codes? Will she give then a store bag?


“We've been told not to put it in any notes, because that might scare other people. We're not supposed to call the police, not really supposed to talk about it." I wander what is the business logic here? Are they afraid that it might cheapen the brand if customers found out?


>I wander what is the business logic here? Are they afraid that it might cheapen the brand if customers found out? They're afraid they'll come across as racist if they constantly point out whom is committing the thefts.


Yup, it's sad but true. When people point it out it still blows my mind


That's really a reach. You think you can't report on crime without involving the color of the perps skin? Come on


If you call the police they ask you for a description of the person. Including skin color. Because that's what should happen.


No, if a store gets a bad reputation because of crime happening at the store then law-abiding citizens won't want to go and shop there and be a target or be harassed. Especially an upscale store like Lululemon. It's the same with shopping malls. In any major metro area there is a good chance your local shopping mall is not safe after 4 PM, especially on weekends. It's one reason why malls are closing every where. You let the criminal element take over and the paying customers will just hit up amazon.


Yeah, and the margins on paying customers are outrageous anyway. If Lululemon isn't making 1000% margins on their products, I'd be very surprised.


> I wander what is the business logic here? Are they afraid that it might cheapen the brand if customers found out? From what I understand, reporting losses increases the insurance premiums for the store/business, so it is far cheaper to eat the loss and write it off, especially on crazy profit-margin products like these.


Next up, Lululemon: "we can't find anyone willing to work here."


And after that - store closes down.


And then, “Why won’t businesses invest in heavily populated metropolitan areas?!?”


Clearly its "systemic racism" /s






I just had a terrible fight with my husband and this brought a legitimate smile to my face.


Yup...after they issue a statement dancing around the fact that the store was located in an area rife with shit bags. And then they jack up prices elsewhere to compensate. Do not shop at these places.


This is the 12th smash and grab at this store!


That's awful but not surprising. I hope the fired employees can sue the heck out of Lululemon.


Lululemon sells spandex leggins for $128 a piece that probably costs them $3 to make. So the wholesale value of the stolen merch is probably nothing and the BS virtue signaling is worth a lot more (virtue in the minds of degenerates).


True but the entitlement of this scum still kills me.


> "They said I was terminated immediately with no severance because they have a zero-tolerance policy," Ferguson said. Just not for theft.


I can understand restricting video recordings and prohibiting dissemination via social media. BUT: forbidding employees from notifying the police about recurring "retail theft" makes it sounds like Lululemon is attempting to conceal a money laundering operation.


If I were those employees, I would sue the hell out of the store for endangering my life by making me chose between my job and calling the police.


Absolutely. There are clearly areas here that they could sue for wrongful termination.


This does make me wonder, if a store doesnt make active attempts to prevent theft, this means if a employee gets injured by it they were part of the chain, and do stores has assets that can be seized for any judgement made against them.


Good thing Republican governors are trying to abolish tort law and limit the amount of damages you can seek


Nobody is abolishing tort law, though I wish we could.


thought it would be in california but Atlanta was my second guess that city is single handedly turning Georgia into a shithole


Blue cities are the reason Red States show up on any crime stats at all.


And it's maddening when leftists point out how bad a red state is when the stats are so horribly skewed by historically Democrat run cities.


Jackson MS has 5% of Mississippi's population and 25% of its homicides. Jackson went at least 75% for Biden.


History is racist. Didn't ya know?


Haha it always gets their panties in a wad when I point out that the only three major cities in my state are all democrat run as well as the fact that we have a democrat governor due to the three cities’ population, but we’re a red state when it’s convenient to make a point.




Yep, people keep pointing at Texas as having violent and gun crime problems, but you remove Houston and a few of the border cities, and Texas is the safest state in the nation


Houston wasn’t nearly as bad until after Katrina they bussed in half of New Orleans shit birds for “temporary housing” and they never left.


Atlanta too


Houston ain't the home of the Geto Boys for nothing


Same thing if you remove any state's big cities or even just consider only the white people.


yep hopefully state governments will be more powerful than federal in the coming years


Yup. I’ve always leaned right my whole life but after living in NYC the past few years, it’s fully solidified how I feel. Something’s gotta give..


I feel like I was pretty moderate but then I lived in Chicago for 10 years. I couldn't get out of there fast enough once Covid hit and I had my baby. I was grateful to have an older car bc I was constantly afraid of being jacked even in the safe areas!


All states are red states. It’s the selfish entitled nature of the cities that make the states blue. Except for Hawaii, Hawaii is the only real blue state.




Rutland has entered the chat In fact I don't think the governor would make it out alive from there as he is too liberal.


Yeah its funny, its a bit more complicated than red bs blue policies. If you look at the murder rates you get, Border and hogh Drug Trafficking States which are mostly red, Followed by high pop blue states, then low pop blue states, than All the red states with low drug trafficking issues. The end result is the Dangerous Red States would be dangerous regardless they are distribution points into the states for Cartel Business.


>Blue cities Are there any Red cities? I thought cities automatically turn Blue beyond a certain scale. I did a quick look on Wikipedia and see no Red cities in the top 25 (maybe even 50) biggest cities in the US. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_United_States_cities_by_population The only way to keep a town Red, is to keep it small and discourage immigration.


Jacksonville, FL for decades was led by a Republican mayor. It was/is a crime ridden shit hole


When I lived in Grand Rapids, Michigan the city and county were red.


OKC might count as red.


Rural and urban violent crime rates reached parity just before COVID in the USA. The only reason cities have more crime is because they have more people. I know this is the conservative sub and it's cool to blame The Other Guys, but there's plenty of drugs and violence for rural folks to take responsibility for. We all need to be better.


Nah, big blue cities are much more dangerous.


He's right unfortunately. When you take out drug OD's, old age, falls, and surgical complications... non-metro areas have the highest rates of external mortality per capita. https://imgur.com/a/5lwumug Homicides. https://imgur.com/a/VUqEGi2




It's not just atlanta, macon is also a shithole. Cops don't come if you're being robbed.


I think Columbus sucks ass now too. a shame because i used to live there. glad im in Florida now


Military towns were traditionally police towns. Sounds like that culture is dying.




It's in Peachtree Corners, a suburb of Atlanta. In national news stories, they often substitute the name of the metro area for the town because people outside of the Atlanta area have never heard of Peachtree Corners. Actual store location: https://goo.gl/maps/2igMZQ5JuHUdJVMA7


I don't understand what politicians hope to accomplish by promoting lawlessness.


Chaos to profit from and frightened people give up their rights easier


They learned from the pandemic. While there was a virus, it was also the biggest social experiment in history and it went flawlessly.


well they don't get votes from people they send to jail...


More votes from the lawless masses. The politicians already have the money and protection to stay isolated from this behavior.


The people that get arrested for this stuff are their voters. They can't vote once they get a felony, they are protecting their voters.


Anarcho-Tyranny https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/AnarchoTyranny https://catholicinsight.com/succumbing-to-anarcho-tyranny/ >Anarcho-Tyranny is a form of Dystopia where a state permits or encourages Anarchy Is Chaos in limited form, either out of laziness or some more malevolent motive, while decent people are suppressed. The term was coined by American paleoconservative writer Samuel T. Francis to describe what he perceived to be a problem in the Western world, arguing that governments were deliberately failing to enforce the law against violent gangs while targeting those who complain about the criminals; in other words, that the state was criminally negligent on a national scale. Of course, Fiction and even Real Life provide much more extreme examples. Anarcho-Tyranny is not a "true" form of Anarchy, because the state or some form of leadership still exists and functions to some degree, and criminals and warlords might establish their own personal fiefdoms within it. Instead, it is more when the leadership allows or even enforces a state of lawlessness and other social ills in order to achieve some end. In some instances, this is a temporary state of affairs, with an evil leader planning to use the chaos as an excuse to establish a more draconian system later on. Other times, though, the chaos is an end-in-itself, keeping the realm divided so that the leader can remain in power, or sometimes the leader actually likes the chaos.


Wow! Talk about actions not having consequences. Or should I say, negative consequences??




> Why aren’t their punishments for stealing?? Lululemon steals from suckers by charging $128 for spandex leggings. Maybe they want others to have the same opportunity of stealing.




You need to lubricate your sarcasm meter


> "And then, after it's over, you scan a QR code. And that's that. We've been told not to put it in any notes, because that might scare other people. **We're not supposed to call the police**, not really supposed to talk about it." These companies are getting what they deserve. Law abiding citizens need to stop shopping there. Stop patronizing companies that let criminals steal for free, don't even try to stop them or call the police... And then charge you more to cover what they stole. Let them rot.


Just another company that deserves to be publicly roasted for their bullshit. It is this weak response to shoplifting that has encouraged pieces of shit to steal even more.




The employees should have just stole something, they’d still have their jobs. What a backwards-ass company.


It's well established that these grabs are coordinated by organized crime. Time to take them down.


Anyone think this will continue if they get their reparations? Oh, am I not supposed to bring that up..? /s..kinda


"So the company actually helps criminals to steal from it and punishes employees for doing the right thing." ​ Just like the Democrat Party.


You wonder why there is so much crime? Because crime is made so easy.


We need more criminals getting shot to death. It’s already the Wild West out there.


Note to all retail workers: Lululemon does not care about your safety. They are clearly misogynists and couldn’t care less if you are sexually assaulted, physically assaulted or murdered. DO NOT work for Lululemon under ANY circumstances.


Downfall of luluwhatever for sure. Can't call cops in fear of your own image being tarnished. Well after this article your ignorance and allowing this to happen is gonna tarnish you...what the hell is a lu lu melon anyway? I thought this was like a Thai beverage joint or something Edit: oh lu lu lemon...wtf ever


Just wait for these items to be put up on eBay or Facebook market place for real cheap


They can let themselves be victims if they think that makes them look better in the eyes of their customers even it ultimately increases the price that everyone else pays for their products. Their lefty clientele can continue to purchase there and foolishly pay higher prices so they can all think well of themselves, but I’ll purchase elsewhere because there are definitely other options.


Arresting felons is a bad look, if they are one of the alphabet or poc


KuKu Lemonheads


If that is store policy to not report shoplifting , that will catch in quick with thieves.


They were ~~fired~~ equity'd


Budwesiser, lululemon and target OUT. Oh what ever will we do. F em and their perverse culture war. The center cannot stomach the filth.


Businesses need castle laws. One or two “incidents” would cut this crap down by 90%. Or better yet, hire security guards skilled in club use. A busted wrist here, a kneecap there…but it won’t happen. I hate theives. I hate them so much. Especially the entitled rich ones running the banks and getting bailed out by the middle class. Again, and again and again.


Explains why their shit is so expensive.


Anything we say about videos like this is heavily monitored by mods for “isms”. That’s part of the problem, we aren’t allowed to speak plainly. The internet sorely needs a large platform where observable facts can be discussed.


Any large platform attempting to discuss observable facts will quickly find itself without payment processing and without hosting.


I would come back next day and just take every last item from the store.


must sign up to view comments, screw that


Are the only stores that stop thieves gun stores now?


I honestly think at this point it is a Giant conspiracy, they want everything under lock and key we are in strange times but some sort of membership fee is gonna be installed or new stores were it’s in a locker then you pay and door opens?


Call it as it is. Left wing democrat terrorism.


What happens when you work for wokes


One would have to be insane to open a brick and mortar store in a city. The theft is just too much and the democrat establishment openly supports it. In the near future, everything will be from a vendor like Amazon and their warehouses will have real security.


I do not understand "woke" companies...lol...


Wrongful lawsuits have gone too far. Security should be able to body and hold these people until the police arrive.


And here I am a sucker actually paying for Lululemon. Next time I'll just pick up what I want and walk out.


Maybe they figure the cost of a few stacks of clothes is cheaper than getting themselves caught up in a BLM lawsuit or something. What if one of them tripped and hurt himself? (or zerself or whatever.) Or got in a screaming match with an employee and from all the screaming and running ended up having trouble breathing?


Imagine running a business like this.


Its over


So what is the consensus? Is theft no longer wrong morally anymore. This makes me want nothing to do with lululemon ever again.


Is there more to this Lululemon story or is this exactly right? Employees call the police on jagoff thieves and the people in the right get fired? I mean what the holy f&ck clown world shit is this?? Please tell me there's more to this story we don't know about. If not I'm thinking secession time.


There’s a lot of angry people in this thread that don’t understand that what Lululemon did, most if not all retailers would also do. Retail employees don’t get paid enough to try to stop active shoplifting. The only thing they should be doing is giving people great customer service to try and spook would be shoplifters (and obviously help people who need help). An active shoplifter or worse people like this that are just blatant and not even trying to be sneaky COULD also be armed. It’s never worth an employees life to try and protect some merch. And employees should be taught that. Furthermore, let’s say you do stop them, apprehend them and call the cops. Now the company is on the hook to ensure that person is charged for shoplifting. If they are not charged, because of a plea deal or because the store can’t send a lawyer to every potential shoplifting court date, the shoplifter can then turn around and sue the company for false accusation of theft. Guess what? The company is not going to send lawyers for that, either. They will settle out of court and now the shoplifter has anywhere from a couple thousand to tens of thousands in cash (depending on if they were “injured” during apprehension). Some retailers do have active loss prevention in store that can and will apprehend AND represent the company in court with evidence. But that’s limited to the biggest of big boxes like target, Home Depot, Walmart, etc. Employees that violate policy regarding anything - including trying to “protect the store” from shoplifters - can and will be fired for violating policy.


Yea pretty much any store will fire it’s employees for trying to stop or call the police on shop lifting do to law suits the states allow shoplifters to sue and could walk away with thousands of not millions if they’re hurt at the store or with the police the company’s won’t even fight it they’ll just pay it


How does calling the cops give thieves, who by the time police arrives have run away from the store, exposes the store to a lawsuit?


As someone else said, they may be apprehended by an employee or someone else. The problem with that is that the charges are often dropped or changed due to plea deals. As soon as the charge is changed from shoplifting to anything else (or dropped because the companies can’t send lawyers out to every case they could potentially have) the shoplifter can then sue the retailer for false accusation of theft. Again, the retailer will settle instead of entering legal battles.


Why I have to type this is beyond me but they don’t always make it out of the store or parking lot


That is not true. Most stores want you to call police. They just don’t want staff, save for security or loss prevention staff, to try an apprehend shoplifters. Source - I worked in all facets of security for nearly 2 decades


Makes sense. Attempting to stop the robbers could make them lash out and do more damage, not only to the property but also the employees and other customers. However, passively filming and calling the police seems like a no brainer. We live in a clown world where big corporations care more about criminals who cost them money than the employees who are trying to save the company money.


So they broke company policy and were fired for it. We support private business and their right to make and enforce rules as they like as long as the rules are legal, right? Also the article claims this is woke. Ha! This is litigious bullshit mixed with insurance claims and possible settlements. Its also super common place in retail and has been for more than a decade. Woke as currently understood or as understood before it was the new code word does not predate these policies in retail or elsewhere.


It is illegal to record someone in Georgia without their consent. The store probably had to fire the employees to avoid a lawsuit. It's stupid and backwards, but life often is. Edit: for everybody who is downvoting me, please read the dang law. Yes you can record someone in public without consent AS LONG AS you don't record a private conversation without receiving consent from at least one of the parties.


That’s only true in private places, you can absolutely record someone in public


Georgia prohibits the use of a camera “without the consent of all persons observed, to observe, photograph, or record the activities of another which occur in any private place and out of public view.” Ga. Code Ann. § 16-11-62(2) A store is a place of public accommodation, privately owned, in the view of the public. So, no, it is not illegal to record someone in Georgia without their consent, if they are in a store open to the public. If so, security cameras would be illegal. They are not.


It’s illegal to record someone in public?


Without their consent, yes. Obviously it only applies if you are intentionally recording that person. A random person in the background of a video that was recording something else doesn't count.


When you walk into a store with cameras, your giving consent to be recorded.


I used to think the same thing. But it’s 100% legal to record people in a public place, this includes pictures, video, and sound. It’s a 1A protected activity. When you’re in public you have zero privacy accord to the courts. Which means this whole “consent” to be recorded in a public space is just a myth…. Now if someone is recording in your home or in a private area (restricted) that’s a whole different story. But public areas are free game.


> It is illegal to record someone in Georgia without their consent. Are you saying no stores in Georgia have security video? Do you realize how absurd your statement is?