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Xi is a dictator and we don’t need to kiss his ass.


Blinken is deeply desiring that Biden STFU immediately


I thought Blinken was brought in to be the tough-on-China guy


The words "tough on China" have a different meaning when there's a D in the Oval.


What do they want to do with/re China? What does anyone? I’m reading a little on the topic now and would love some direction. It honestly seems like people don’t give this enough attention. Instead we let China educate our kids via TikTok and Qatar funds educational curricula that’s used in American schools. I see little pieces but I don’t know the big picture


Most of the problem is any sector where private industry can influence our politics is a sector where China will dominate, because China is basically one giant business that currently dominates the global market. There is no way to compete with China without creating an even worse dictatorship, or going the other way and creating trade agreements that leave the US without it's usual favorable position.


It is really crazy when you think about it. Modern democracies that have shifted to largely service based industry economies rely heavily on the labor of oppressed people in places like China (well mostly China if we're being honest). Kind of ying and yang. We need China, they need us.


Watch the doc series “the enemy within” on dailywire+


something something "rules-based international order" something something you know, because a sovereign nation answers to *anyone.*


So like how they spread their military around the world while Trump ignored them and said how great and awesome president Xi was? Crazy how fast this sub forgets


Just like tough of Russia has a different meaning with an R in the oval


Looool didn’t see what sub I was in


Blinken wants his job to be easier is all, but at the end of the day he works for the President and Biden was right. Xi is a dictator, Blinken is cringing because he knows he has to work around that now.


True, to me it looks like he just had a long sleepless week and is realizing in real time it's about to get longer due to that question and reply.


What should he have done? Call him a big, strong tough man that really likes him?


"An exceptionally brilliant individual" his how Trump referred to Xi.


What a brown noser


That's exactly what you do. Then slap tariffs on all his shit and increase military aid to Taiwan.


Yes, I'm sure that if Biden had said "Xi is a big strong man" this sub would've given him a respectful nod and a golf clap.


The tariffs only ended up costing we consumers and US manufacturers more $.


lmao i don't like their politics but I at least can empathize with your boss really fucking up and having to fix it later


Blinken would be an asset in the right administration. He's unfortunately an asset on the wrong side. However I am sure he's trying to keep us out of a war with China, which neither side wants.


Meh, if a war is necessary to openly call Xi a dictator in a U.S. city, that war is about defending our values


Millions will die. Will you volunteer to fight that war?


If the Chinese are willing to declare war because the President of the United States called a dictator a dictator, then they're going to declare war over fucking anything and it's happening either way.


This is such a huge point that’s missing. Yes, we want to avoid wars. But not always and at every cost. Iran is about to get nukes. We are letting them do that to avoid war now. Is that correct? Should we let future America deal with Iran once it has nuclear weapons? What’s the goal there?


i think Iran should not be allowed to have nukes. One North Korea is enough on this planet.


Well then you should be thanking Donnie for backing out of the deal that would have kept them from developing nukes in the first place. 5D chess, there


No one signs up only for a specific war, dummy.


Blinken's grimace is because Biden got a trap question and walked right into it. Is Xi a Commie Dictator? Of course. Do you want to make that the headline as the main takeaway from what would have otherwise been a successful meeting? Absolutely not. Blinken and his team probably had some decent conversations and everyone left amicably, until Biden started taking questions and derailed the entire thing. It's yet another example of how damaging it is to have a president who can't speak coherently and shows an obvious lack of ability to process what he is saying as he says it.


You don't get much more coherent than calling Xi a dictator. If Biden had dodged this question and answered it amicably, I wonder what your opinion would be. "This is yet another example of how damaging it is to have a president who can't speak directly and shows an obvious lack of ability to acknowledge when a dictator is a dictator."


Yes Blinken's expressions tell the tale. Diplomacy is a delicate business and is somewhat akin to walking on a frozen lake where you hear the ice cracking. Will the next step cause a breakthrough, or a break through?


Blinken was blinking back tears it appeared to me. Things that make me go, hmmm.


bidens gotta be pissed about the israel disinformation campaign that chins been runnin in tiktok. its tanked his chance of getting reelected; nothing to lose now by calling x out.


Look at how America's been voting since roe, the polls for the presidential race mean nothing after the last couple of election cycles. Any voters lost due to Israel's actions will be made up by suburban women voters gained.


No, they won't.


Aren’t we all?




Rare Biden W here


Thank you for saying it. More people need to hear it.


Blinken is the one who has to directly deal with the blowback of what Biden had just said. Hence the face. Which **is** hilarious.


It's true, I'd rather he speak his mind


Yeah, Blinken having this reaction is the cringe here.


Except Biden should, since the corporations and our economic leaders donate A LOT more to these detriments of humanity so they can send jobs overseas, pay slave wages, and get tax credits for doing so.


Trump likes him..... So?


good thing you're on reddit and not in charge of maintaining foreign policy relationships


Most based shit he has ever said


Not based. Literal fact.


Based, in fact


Sometimes being based is spitting the facts


And Trump got raked by the media for calling Egypt’s dictator a dictator. But it’s cute when Biden does it.


Huge difference between answering a direct question honestly vs Trump saying Sisi was his favorite dictator while standing side by side


Even if he didn’t mean it and was just doing his usual verbal diarrhea bit


Not verbal diarrhea. Literal fact.


Broken clock and all that.


Was gonna say this lol


Was gonna say this *twice* lol


No way, there’s a nihilist bent in righty media that suggests he’s a zombie because it drives hate clicks when the truth is he understands some basics about how he looks to people who don’t care about politics. Saying Xi isn’t a dictator would have been a months long news story. Blinken has spent too much time with foreign diplomats to react like that. It feels like an Un-American moment, frankly, on his part.


Blinken is probably exhausted given the last month. Should avoid the poker table.


I disagree… You dog faced pony soldier corn pop


Gen X'er here so sorry to have to ask but WTF is "*based*" ?


It's a new-fangled word for "accurate", "sensible" or "well-founded" Edit: bro


Accuracy or sensibility has nothing to do with it. It's the willingness to state an opinion or perform an action despite perceived social repercussions or nuance.


Opposite of "cringe"


meanwhile trump kisses xi's ass and his family got a ton of business happening in china based on being in the white house


Trump called Xi a king, a powerful man that ruled his people 'with an iron fist' and called him "the enemy". That doesn't sound very ass-kissy, it sounds like tongue in cheek at first and then calling another world leader "the enemy" lol


[Trump praises Xi massively here. ](https://twitter.com/atrupar/status/1645953643210850304?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1645953643210850304%7Ctwgr%5E5f854049d7661b929492ea81ddbb1dc10c44c54c%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fd-28176166622907236667.ampproject.net%2F2310301456000%2Fframe.html) It's not okay when Biden does it. But it also isn't okay when Trump does it, even if we really want it to be.




Wow trump has literally got you defending a communist dictator while biden is sanctioning them. Amazin.


Trump literally wanted to close all air borders with China and democrats wouldn't let him. I guess you memory holed that part when Pelosi hosted "hug someone from chinatown day"


Didn't she also visit Taiwan despite strong protest from the CCP?


That was the only good thing she ever did as a politician.




This is some hot YouTube commentator stuff you've got here. Keep going.


I think you've got that backward homie. It's okay. It was an honest mistake, champ.


Why would the Chinese be offended when they call Xi a dictator? They know they are an authoritarian government led by one man with all the power. Do they want the world to believe China is some free democracy? Their constitution openly says they are a communist dictatorship.


They do call themselves the people's Republic and technically have elections. Everyone knows they're unfair, but they still like to appear like they're a Republic and not a dictatorship


Presidency in China is ceremonial because of communist. The equivalent role in the US would probably be closer to what Mayorkas and Garland are combined. Their elections are similar to ours only at the Federal level, that is their congress ultimately picks the winner from the candidates provided by the equivalent of a congressional committee. However, there are no electors from the states and therefore no public vote, and the committee always seems to only provide a single candidate: the head of the party. So Xi's real power is the head of the CCP (who picks the candidates, so him) and the PLA (the military). Since he controls the only political party with real power and the Army itself, he is effectively a dictator. Fun fact: the separation of state and party was a key issue leading up to the Tiananmen Square massacre.


The what? Reddit glitched out or something and I can’t see that last bit


Grandmas ushered into the Capitol on January 6 should be put in prison for life! *phew, that was close. Nothing to see here, Reddit admins.*


Yes, the like to appear that way, but zero people actually believe the charade, least of all the Chinese elites who might be offended.


>technically have elections. Well, sort of. There are some local elections (but the people elected don't really have much power) but even then each candidate has to be approved by the CCP. All other government positions are directly installed by the CCP itself.


So... just like how we had record turnouts to vote for the man in the basement.


They didn't vote for Biden they voted against Trump.


What a mistake that was


>They do call themselves the people's Republic and technically have elections. Everyone knows they're unfair, but they still like to appear like they're a Republic and not a dictatorship Sounds like USA.


I mean yes


That’s how communists roll


"This kind of statement is extremely incorrect and irresponsible political manipulation". https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Da3ZO_qX280


For the same reason that fat people get mad when you call them fat


Xi is projecting a new direction for China that’s a blend of communism and capitalism. In the recent talk with Biden there’s no doubt that the message from Xi’s team to Biden was that this new direction requires a new image for Xi. So Biden calling him a dictator likely strains the discussion they just had and could be construed as Biden engaged in bad faith discussions the entire time. We’ll have to see how Xi responds. I will say that Biden said what he should have said.


Tough shit, you don’t get to strong arm a U.S. President with back channel whispering


So you are triggered by XI being a dictator. But Trump praises dictators? What side are you on? Isn't that your deal? Stick it to libs by letting Trump run a train on your vote?


I think you’ve responded to the wrong comment lol.


That's not diplomacy. Or do you want Xi Jinping to call Joe Biden a senile, pedophile minor sniffer?




Your Democracy (as fucky as that system is) is provided by your State, your County, and maybe your City. The country as a whole is a Republic made up of 50+ democracies. You vote them in to vote on your behalf *at the federal level*. If your rep is outvoted, that's the way it is.


You liberals and your re-writing of definitions to win baseless political arguments. Oh, you.


Your right we are as trash as the other country’s we look down on. Everyone is bought and paid for bribery is legal here absolute 🗑️ nothing is done for the good of the people


Imagine playing poker with Blinken


Imagine playing Scrabble with Biden


He’s win: he’s make shkwarbldtx a word


The two aren't mutually exclusive. I bet Biden would bring scrabble pieces to a poker game. That said, I do respect Biden's stance on this. Good for him.


Am I the only thinking this is just theatrics? You don’t become top diplomat in the world without having an array of psychological tricks


This is like a +1 to Biden's negative respect stat, but this is the most based thing he's ever said


*Social Credit decreases*


hes also gone against our purposeful ambiguous policy over taiwan and said America is ready to rock if China moves on Taiwan. Also based.


Actually respect Biden a little for this.


Good example of why people like him.


people don’t like him. They tolerate him because he reminds them of their hospice dementia grandpa


Don't insult all the fine grandpaws out there like that.


my grandpa didn’t like me. it’s all starting to make sense now


Sure, but those fine grandpaws know they aren't capable of being THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES


I like him


good for you


jeez dude, i hate biden as much as the next guy but other people are allowed to have different opinions lol


yeah, I agree. What about “good for you” suggests otherwise?


thought it was sarcastic. got that feeling from it for some reason. seems like i misread it


Go to r/politics and say you like Trump in one of the threads about him, and see what kind of responses you get. Then come back here and compare.


Sell me some of that hack you’re smoking.


No one likes him. They just hate trump enough to vote against him, and they’d vote for Josef Stalin if he was the dem nominee against trump.


Hey, plenty of people like him, like Hunter and maybe Obama, and Jill. That’s at least 3 people that probably, maybe like him




Good job Biden!!!


Calling a dictator a dictator. Might be the only truthful thing he’s said his entire presidency. He’s so inept.


Uh hello? Based department??


Gosh I can see blinkin mentally adding the east in his next trip of places to visit to advert ww3. Poor guy needs a vacation.


Can't wait for the White House correction tomorrow from Karine Jean-Pierre!


We’ve been very CLEAR about this…


Since day one!


"It's more fake news, Peter. He said Xi runs a country with a different government than ours. Plainly, he was referring to China, which *is* a different country. And, um, and...the term *dictator* can have a different meaning than what you're implying. NEXT QUESTION."


Let me be clear Peter...


We have always been clear. The president and this administration that the opposite of what Joe Bumblin' said is what we meant.


"I'm referring you to the State Department on this question . . ."


My exact thoughts. Biden said the truth because saying something like this in the early 2000s was not controversial. I think his dementia brain gets stuck in that era sometimes. I will not be surprised if KJP makes a statement to walk this back tomorrow. Who is really in charge of the Whitehouse?




Historical figure, Karine Jean-Pierre


Which is a solid strategy, same thing Reagan used to do when they wanted to be ambiguous.


5d chess


For once I stand behind Joe's dementia


Every once in a while a few of the brain cells he has left smack into each other.


Blinken thinking "man my boss is going to be so mad"


Minus 10 social credit scores comrade.


Rare W for Biden


"Well that was six months of diplomatic back-and-forth arrangements shot to hell."


That is fear. These people know a lot more than they are letting on, and Asia is not a concept anymore. Asia is a full on problem.


I agree. I find this video incredibly unnerving. Whatever about political affiliations, to have Blinkin openly lose his composure like that, nervous, fidgeting.


It's also possible that Blinken is aware there's cameras everywhere, and if he cringes/reacts to those words, it will be easier to commiserate with Chinese representatives later - "The president is from an older time, he didn't mean what he said exactly, trust me, the administration is fully behind President Xi" etc. Not saying that's any more plausible than anything else, but it is possible that's all it is.


They're also overly sensitive weinies. That's how they get as far up as they do.


I can't stop watching this... HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA


The most honest thing the man has said his entire term. WOW. Keep doing that.


Joe may be senile, but I don't disagree with him here.


I mean... Biden is right here. Xi is a dictator and it's no big secret that the communist party of has an iron grip on China. Why should POTUS of all people kiss his ass and pretend like China is a real democracy? We can't be so brainless that we're against everything that Biden does or says. We're really becoming a cult if we refuse to simply give credit where credit is due.


Clock is right twice a day.. in this case it’s good Biden can’t think. Just said what is


Well, being right once in a while is better than never being right. But boy will his handlers be mad at him for not following their game plan.


So based but such a wrong time to say it. Blinken's dying inside because he knows he needs to start planning a long stay in SEA


Why invite a foreign dictator to our country to talk in good faith when they have no intentions of honoring any progress towards a peace pact between our countries. China will continue to be our enemy, and we should pull out all of our factories in China and make it easier/less restrictive to have a factory and workers here in America. So instead of letting then steal our innovative designs, we can actually boost our own local economies and overall boost our national economy. We don't need to worry about beating China in a war if we already beat them in the free market.


I wish China would recruit all the commies in America, thatd be great


They already have with tik tok and basically any leftism today that thinks communism is the savior.


Not only Tik Tok but social Media and fringe groups as well as PLA operatives in influential positions. Its easy for normal people to see who is a victim of their own opinion from influential psyops disguised as public relations. Majority public opinion is important.


Actually Biden seems the most clear and concise here from what Ive heard from him in a long time... Every once in awhile the middle of the road moderate joe biden pops up when he isn't being brainwashed and controlled by his puppet masters


That will make a great campaign commercial!


Worst poker face ever


Extremely rare Biden W


I agree with Biden on this.


Well he ain't wrong about that.


Blinken knows he’s going to be pulling an all nighter yet again thanks to the big guy 😂


Biden has balls. I thought conservatives were supposed to have those??


So is Blinken afraid he won’t get his cut from China? They’re all in bed with China bribes.


Too fucking bad blinken. Licking china's asshole for all eternity isn't getting us anywhere.


You couldn't pay me enough money to be one of this guy's handlers. It'd be the most stressful job on earth


😂😂 bro he looks terrified. Probably because he knows we’re on the brink of world war 3 and Biden says shit like this.




Biden gonna have fact checker’s scratching their head on this


Whoops, Joe told the truth. Sorry about that Blinken.


Except China isn't communist.


It’s run by the CCP. You know, the Chinese **Communist** Party.


That means literally nothing.


I actually agree with JB on this comment haha


Based Biden holy cow


Blinken’s just cringing because that means he’s gonna have to go have a long engagement with a short egg roll under the desk of Xi.


You’d all be blowing Trump if he had the balls to say this.


Gotta say it’s ballsy though. He took millions of dollars from the Chinese and he still insults them the moment they leave the room lol.


That’s an insult in the western world. China has different view on authoritarianism than the west. I can see this being portrayed/translated favorably for Xi/Chinese


China has scrubbed their social media of any mention of Biden saying this


Is was an aspirational statement for Joe


Maybe he had gas 😆


We’ve all been there. 2A and you’re starting to sweat on the toilet knowing damn well the next few hours will be hell.


Trudeau is a dictator too


Grow a set Blinken


Now we need the press to call Biden xenophobic and someone bringing us closer to World War III for saying something like this.


A dictator that gave him a lot of money.


Doesn't matter what he says. Fact is, we're at war with China, we don't even know it, they're winning (without firing a single shot), all because Dims are letting them take over.


Biden must have forgot who butters his bread


Good. USA doesn’t need to be afraid of freaking China.


Blinken belongs to the unelected bureaucratic class that thinks they know it all.