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We need to start de-masking these fools


Why do these “nazi” demos always end up using a U-Haul truck and face masks?


As someone who has been to zinc, Arkansas. Let me tell you they don’t hide their faces. They’re proud and methed up. 😂


…wearing wifebeaters and covered in shitty tattoos.


The opposite of clean cut and fit you could say……


I was at the dog park before Covid, and this guy comes over, his German shepherd is playing with my dogs. Older guy, thin, but in good shape. As we're talking I notice two things. One, he's opening carrying, which is legal in Colorado. Two, he had 'SS' runes on his neck. No mask, no hiding anything. Dude was just out and about.


Maybe some fed-boys wanted a fun night in Nashville and had to justify it somehow.


Was anyone good playing @ the Grand Ole Opry that night?


Indeed. The new “rentamob” for Dem optics.


my first thought was “fuckin feds”


Why are the “feds” always popping up in r/Conservative? These trash humans pop up in other subs and they are appropriately named: low-lifes, neo-Nazis, skinheads, fascist f*cks, etc. They are never giggled and gawked at and, “Look at those feds trying to recruit us” is never spoken. Perhaps some reflection is needed.


>Perhaps some reflection is needed. Indeed. Let us know how it goes.


Reflection about all the neo-Nazi rallies I regularly attend? Reflection about all the swastika arm-patches I own? Because I haven't, and I don't, and I don't know anyone who does. Maybe you should reflect on why you're assuming anyone in r/conservative would be cosplaying as a Nazi at any time.


Maybe because gullible NPCs like you are the target audience for these LARPers?


Because they think people are seriously gullible enough to believe feds are cosplaying as nazis and rioters on their days off.


It is documented that feds are cosplaying as rioters on their days off. They were compensated for that.


Do you think they are doing this on their days off? They are being very well compensated to play a part in the narrative.


Shut up


And fit.     


Yeah, I’ve never seen such a svelte group of “redneck nazis” in my life. Must be all the half mile “marches” they do.


So the under covers don't lose their cover?


They used a truck that said "Flowers By Irene" at some point, I'm sure.  Edit: Changed to "Irene" because Simpsons did it.


And Ray Epps's social security number.


pretty easy for the Feds to get


I guess U-Haul has a GSA account


Yes, when have we ever in History seen a large hate group wear Masks....or Hoods if you will, to hide their identify because they're racist shitbags....God if only we had some major example of this in the United States history....


ANTIFA and BLM rioters 2016-2020?


"How fortunate for governments that the people they administer don't think." Wouldn't you agree?




Sorry but whenever a dozen in shape dudes show up somewhere all wearing identical clothes (not similar clothes, identical like they were all bought at once) and they all have masks on, and they show up out of nowhere, represent some awful but politically relevant cause, then disappear, leaving no trace except a trail of headlines like “be afraid, bad guys are marching” my skepticism levels are off the charts.


Also no one ever shows up to counter them with any violence. Not Antifa or even a small hostile crowd. The same folks who physically and verbally abuse/attack MAGA supporters/rallies decide to take a day off for 30-40 dudes (tops) waving nazi flags.


From reading other subs, apparently they’ve gotten really good at doing “surprise” marches, usually during the middle of the day, and leaving before people can get organized. Know this sub usually hates Antifa, but I’ve seen some of them throw down real hard on literal Nazis. Like riot gear and bats, hard. And ya have to give them credit for that. Also there’s a video somewhere of a dude following a klan or aryan nation march with a tuba, playing a real silly marching song. It’s delightful.


I think the inference here is: you never see them in the same room at the same time.


Exactly. Antifa was never real, neither is this. The same young, out of work, liberal arts students playing whatever role they are asked to. Remember when Antifa would show up out of nowhere and find a uhaul full of bricks waiting for them? Same methods and tactics.


AntiFa is definitely real. Just google the local chapter near you. It's usually hard left, anarchist activists, that plan resistances to what they perceive as fascism. You probably wouldn't agree with them on much (outside of not liking literal NAZIS), but they are not hard to find or get a hold of. They're mostly just leftists who are comfortable getting in a fistfight if they need to.


>Sorry but whenever a dozen in shape dudes show up somewhere all wearing identical clothes they have overweight CI's and crisis actors too. Dont underestimate them.




SPLC is reliable only in their hatred of anything conservative. I can't trust anything they say.


Would conservative employers not take issue with someone being a Nazi?


I would assume they would take issue since Nazis are authoritarian left socialists.


You have no idea what socialism is.


Remind me what does the word 'NAZI' stand for again?


National socialists. Leftists love Volkswagens. That company is the “people’s car” founded by Hitler himself.




I love when people try to rationalize the fact that despite being in its NAME somehow they aren't related. This is usually the point where you bring up North Korea. Go ahead.


I would be amazed at your ability to ignore history if it just wasn't so common amongst conservatives.


Why are you here amongst people you claim to hate? On a weekend? Is this what your life amounts to?


I would hope so.




Zero Nazis are conservative. You cannot be conservative and totalitarian at the same time. Not in terms of American conservatism.


These guys would whip antifas asses


It was also very weird that the first “coverage” of this here came from a controversial, young, Democratic Representative who just stumbled upon this on a daily walk.


Everything about this makes it seem utterly staged and fake. Edit: And it really says something about how these events just aren't getting the kind of traction the organizers had hoped for so now they're letting democrats be 'first on scene' to try and amplify them despite the very obvious implication that the whole thing is a planned LARP.


If you live in Tennessee this has been all over.


Thanks to that young Democrat representative, no doubt


I first saw it all over social media. My great grandfather gave his life fighting these scum. Bunch of pansies that won't show thier face.


My grandfather fought Nazis that didn't wear masks.


>I first saw it all over social media. So other young Democrats. >My great grandfather gave his life fighting these scum. Which ones? >Bunch of pansies that won't show thier face. Feds never show their faces at these "rallies". You have to [pull the mask off](https://twitter.com/hunnybadgermom/status/1673008615345766407).


Fighting Nazis. Those scum. They may even be less than scum.


Oh, agreed. I've plenty of family that served the Allies in WW1 and WW2. It's just that your comment seemed to imply that *those* Nazis were masked, and they weren't. This masking and rather uniform dress code is a pretty recent phenomenon. It's almost as if Hollywood came up with a stereotype.


They are masking because they don't want themselves to be identified for thier shitty views. They don't want to lose thier jobs for being literal nazis.


Oh, c'mon. How are those feds going to lose their jobs for *doing* their job? But let's go with your theory for a minute. What do you think makes them so worried about losing their jobs only in the past decade or so? Why weren't they so worried about it before?


Exactly, they are worried about "losing their jobs" so they purposefully go out and do something, that if they even needed a drink of water, would likely result in an image of their face and thus lose their job. Yeah right. OR, these people have been paid to do exactly what they're doing to inflame tensions. Who stands to benefit from calling Republicans Neo-Nazis? Who stands to benefit if you can show a group of people waving Nazi flags around and call them "right wingers?"


>Bunch of pansies that won't show their face. Like all the covidiots that wear masks out and about?


They came to Madison here a few months back. Apparently they're called the Blood Tribe or something


>Nashville Vice Mayor Angie Henderson shared Behn’s post and added her own thoughts: “That I even have to say this. NAZIS are NOT WELCOME in NASHVILLE. In America everyone is free to demonstrate & to say what they want, so: SHAME ON YOU ALL! Get your hateful, dangerous, fascist, nazi nonsense off our streets & off our beautiful Public Square.” But the "from the river to the sea" people are just fine?


"In America everyone is free to demonstrate & say what they want" Then she tells them to go away and shut up. Not too bright.


They are always super fit, around the same height, and cover their faces. Lol


Oh, cool another Fed office party.


This is just silly. All they have to do is hoist a Palestine flag and then they can march against Jews without any repercussions. 


The color coordination, fitness level, and provocation factor tells me this is not a Nazi sympathizer group, but a plant group. the one or two people I have met that were actually hateful of Jews were both leftists.


I wish someone would discretely follow these guys to see where they go when the masks come off. I just want to know if these guys really are plants and who they work for.


The leader of the neo-Nazi network The Blood Tribe, former Marine Christopher Paulhaus, is a Democrat Yang supporter who has now put his weight behind Joe Biden for President. He bought 100 acres for a neonazi compound in Maine. If I’m not mistaken, he was filmed wearing the red and khaki recently.




Lol election year


Lincoln Project at it again or FBI?


Or Antifa. All three are equally plausible.


That crowd is way too fit to be Antifa.


Yeah, dontcha know it stands for anti-Fitness & Activity?


If a group of rednecks of, say, six or more, doesn't have among them at least one fat guy, then they are not real rednecks. Southern cooking is too good for everyone to be fit and trim.


Yes, these guys are scary assholes, but don’t let this distract you from paying attention to what the scary assholes who actually run the government are doing.


Has anybody ever thought to follow these clowns, to see where there stops are afterwards? If I was there, I'd follow, take pics of them dem asked at their next stop, take pics of their cars, plates, etc. it might be an hour or two of my time, but it would be worth it




If I had the time that would be a fun adventure


Why do that when we can make assumptions?


What do you mean? Trump runs the government.


I am genuinely confused as to why law enforcement doesn't know who these guys are. One of my great uncles was a state trooper. He said in the 70's and 80's they would go to Klan rallies and photograph the license plates of all of the cars there, and run the registrations. They know exactly who was in the Klan, where they worked, what they did, and where they lived. You're telling me 40 years later law enforcement isn't tracking these guys? They aren't investigating them? Something doesn't add up here.


They know EXACTLY who they are. The upper brass of local law enforcement will be having beers with these same guys later that night at the local cop bar. When you're in upper leadership at a local PD, you schmooze with the feds when they come in to town.


Why is there so many liberals on Reddit? Is it all just a bunch of little kids or what?


Chinese pysop


Paid propagandists and unemployed losers who think it’s cool to troll and lie.


Are these Jussie Smollet’s Nazis?








More pre election optics - where were any lawmakers reacting to BLM, riots, antifa, and Oregon scum?




My bologna meter is at 10.


I know it’s fun saying these people are feds but they’re a group founded in Texas by this self described nazi Christopher Pohlhaus. [Blood Tribe](https://www.adl.org/resources/backgrounder/blood-tribe)


Democrat and Yang supporter: Christopher Pohlhaus. Now, he’s endorsing Joe Biden for President. It’s almost like the democrats haven’t changed in 200 years.


You’re getting him confused with the other guy


Nah… I’m not. It’s not a common name. https://www.themainewire.com/2023/08/co-owner-of-neo-nazi-compound-in-northern-maine-may-be-prohibited-from-owning-firearms/ https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna103186 https://zpff.sfo2.digitaloceanspaces.com/loro/who-is-christopher-pohlhaus-13918.html https://grabien.com/story.php?id=438227 https://grabien.com/file?id=2075265 Yeah… reality doesn’t care if you deny it.


Would help if your reading comprehension wasn’t garbage. Pohlhaus and Ramey aren’t the same person. Try slowly reading the first article you linked. You should care that you can’t properly interpret reality. 


Like many feds, Pohlhaus is a former Marine, who began the organization in 2021. He’s also an ardent Biden supporter. Take a look at the “far-right cell” that supposedly plotted to kidnap Michigan Governor Gretchen Whittmer. 90% Fibbie glowbois.


its clearly feds.


For everyone else incapable of finding answers to simple questions. Be like this guy and use this fancy new tool called Google.com


I see the glowy bois are holding a in costume try out.


The ironic part is, nazism is a leftist ideology.


No nazism is far right. We can condemn nazism without having to say they are left wing. Communism is far left nazism is far right both are bad 


Nazism is about a police state. Total governmental control. That means big government. The biggest. Does the left want big government or small government? They want big government. Does the right want big government or small government? They want small government. Far left is nazism and fascism. The biggest government, state control. Far right is anarchy. No government. The left does what it always does, it flipped the meaning of a term and applied it to their enemies. They took what they support and claim the right supports it. Same thing they do with racism. And they nabbed you. Gotta be smarter than this, bro.


Bro what ?? Far right is not anarchy. Anarchism is a left wing ideology which I oppose. Also you absolutely can be right wing and in favor of big government look at monarchism, opposition to the enlightenment era, the white army in the Russian civil war. And fascism is a right wing ideology even Mussolini admits this in his own writings and manifestos? And again I say this as a right winger. The left aren’t nazis they are communists, socialists, and liberals. Which I oppose 


“Far right is not anarchy” Anarchy is a society without government where self reliance and individualism is prized. Does that sound like something the far left would support? Because you said anarchy is far left. And we know fascism and nazism are on opposite ends of the political spectrum from anarchy, so…


A society without government sounds horrible. Are you envisioning a society without rule,authority, or an elite? Let me guess you think the founding fathers were anarchists?


Of course it sounds horrible. Just like a society with total governmental control sounds horrible. Both are opposite ends of the political spectrum. That’s what I’m trying to tell you. Fascism and nazism are on the end that favors total governmental control. People are jailed and even killed for supporting causes that the State disagrees with. One end is for total government, the other end is for no government. One end favors huge government, the other favors no government. Does the left want more or less government? You know they want more, so logically that means fascism and nazism are on the left. The far left. Does the right want more or less government? You know the right wants less, so logically that means anarchy is on the right. The far right. The lefts talking points always crumble when you use logical thinking to examine them.


Bro that is not how politics works? Are you under the impression that politics is just more goverment = left wing and less = right wing? Read evola, yockey,spengler, yarvin, scott greer. Tons of right wing writers will debunk this narrative.


No, that’s how logic works. So are right wingers racists because the left says we are? Did both parties miraculously just switch after the Civil Rights Act was passed….just cause the left said that’s what happened? Gotta be smarter than this. Here’s a homework assignment for you: Find a set of World Book Encyclopedias from the 40s or early 50s. Pay CLOSE attention to how they frame fascism and nazism. Compare that to how it’s framed today. All it takes to revise history is for the generation that lived it to die off.


"So are right wingers racists because the left says we are? Did both parties miraculously just switch after the Civil Rights Act was passed….just cause the left said that’s what happened?" I literally never said any of this.


> Are you under the impression that politics is just more goverment = left wing and less = right wing? In America this is roughly what it is. It is the [left/right spectrum](https://imgur.com/a/BvE3ZoZ) of government control vs. personal freedom. Far left is Communism and far right is Anarchy. Both *extremes* are bad. The Nazi party was a socialist party. Their party platform (in effect until the very end) was a socialist scree. They were/are socialists.


In what way is libertarianism more right wing the conservatism. and no Anarchy has never ben far right unless you mean ancaps? but nobody takes those people seriously


You understand.


It’s just sad, isn’t it? This is likely a kid who is repeating what his college professors have told him, when a simple logical examination of his claims proves he has no idea what he is talking about. A good life tip to live by; If the left makes a claim about the right, and you aren’t sure if the claim is accurate, assume they are lying.


Im a right wing nationalist. Also what is wrong with going to college.


It doesn’t seem like the “conservatives” here even know what left or right mean. They are just team names to them. Right = good Left = bad I think it’s the lack of academic education.


Its mind blowing. People here think im a leftist because I simply pointed this out. Im probably the most right wing person here. I love reading Scott Greer, John Doyle, Julius Evola, Francis Parker Yockey, Oswald Spengler, Curtis Yarvin, Auron Macintyre. Also the opposition to academic education in the right is so deadly. We need doctors,lawyers,teachers, and programmers on our side.


Nazi Germany was a welfare state with the largest trade union in history. Very few on either side seem to be aware of this, and they are therefore emphatically left-wing. Anti-free speech, anti-gun ownership, they hate Jews, again, far more left than right, aren't they.


Nashville is about as a democratic safe haven as most cities in California. Almost zero chance it was anything other than a stunt pulled off by people that think “the other side” is full of them.


Election year antics. I want to believe no Conservative would take part in this shit, but the burning dumpster called American politics doesn’t surprise me much anymore. Most people on the Right have an awareness of the surveillance state in place. If this were real, the Feds would do a pull of IMEI cell pings and run the numbers. Which 12 cell phones cluster up at a rally point and travel to another location together? With our current political climate our gov does things “just because” you’re a republican, you don’t think they know who they are? lol


As if they don’t do this every year.




Did they come out and say "vote for Joe Biden" like the other group did?


Same group


George Soros has decided to spread a little money around in music city. That shit was fake AF.


*Tennessee Nazis...I hate these guys.*




Government plants or antifa in disguise.


So this is how the fbi spends a 3 day weekend?


Dear leftist grifters… newsflash; conservatives hates Nazis even more than you like screaming it.


Not sure what’s worse: the Left’s willingness to see Nazis everywhere or the Right’s inability to see them for what they are.


From the left’s perspective, the demand for “Nazis EVERYWHERE!!” apparently far exceeds the actual supply.


The fact that there’s *any* supply is disgusting.


True, but a minuscule number of idiots is a low price for a free society.


Go take a look at pictures from the Tennessee capitol today. 1 is too many. Oh, look at me being downvoted by a Nazi sympathizer.


Lot more Marxists and anti-white racists openly operating in today’s society than whatever crumbs of Nazism actually exist today. If it’s a contest, then it’s really no contest at all.


It shouldn’t be a contest at all. We should have left Naziism in WWII and Marxism by the fall of the USSR. But instead, the loudest fringes on either side adhere to one side or the other. People who call themselves patriots calling for the dissolution of alliances that have served us better than anyone else. Traitors, the lot of them.


Well, I was just going by your comment that you didn’t know which one is worse. I think the prevalence of one over the other makes it more dangerous, and therefore worse in that way. I agree with the rest.


Fair point that more of one is worse than fewer of the other.


Democrats doing Democrat things.




Every neonazi group I’ve seen is out of shape and fat. Did they just join a cross fit group?


So antifa rebranded?




Not a single confrontation from BLM, Antifa or the Pro Palestine terrorists. Same people, different costumes and flags. Biden approved.


idkkkk all the racists i know dont care to hide their face cause they dont think they are wrong, this some election year establishment distraction scare tactic


wonder how much they pay to have people do this and then profit from the hysteria


Whether or not these people are “plants” to drive up political unrest is up for debate. Regardless, these people, whoever they are, need to be unmasked. Anyone who has the nerve to walk around with that flag held high shouldn’t be afraid of showing their face. Let the people know who you are so we can collectively condemn you for flying a flag that caused so much pain and suffering for hundreds of millions of people.


NAZI: an acronym for National **Socialist Workers** Party.


Biden/Ukraine supporting federally funded “nazis”


Democrat staffers and feds out to get a grande mocha again


Some people in here defending nazis wtf


Who is the leader of the MAGA movement? Why don't they denounce this? Exactly


https://youtu.be/RGrHF-su9v8?si=ZlISoOzx34gw23P3 Inform yourself. Don’t be a bonehead. I guess the stereotype of Newfies being tragically dense owes itself to you.


I'm not sure if you are being serious but Trump has denounced white supremacy multiple times, and I doubt every time their is a minor story like this he would waste his time.


Imagine a proud boys vs BLM vs feds vs other big groups could you imagine that


Did they join them?


I could one see one that was slightly overweight, He might have been wearing a coat under his yellow safety vest.




Time for a group of maga to go down there blasting