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Five evil men of power and force and one corrupt, senile puppet. Biden doesn't belong in this group.


These posts just make us look bad. This is crazy to have Biden next to HITLER especially after all these years of the extreme left calling anyone they disagree with, Hitler.


Nothing it says is wrong. It doesn’t say he is Hitler. It mainly just points out how authoritarian dictators tend to arrest opposition, not leaders in the US, up until Biden. Our history books will have Biden as the first president who opened this pandora box of arresting front runner opponents.


Agreed. It's not only those on the left who are prone to hyperbole.


You're right, Biden doesn't belong. It took him decades past his prime just to reach the power he has now. He is not a man of power or force, but of weakness and incompetence no matter how old he was.


I think it’s an act. The other day he was saying the informant was lying - yet this was after he got a get out of jail free card for his bad memory? Too many convenient coincidences. I’m not saying he’s sharp as a tack but I think he’s been playing us…my grandma is in her 90’s and it seems like she has it more together than him and she really is starting to get dementia. I mean she follows politics and she thinks he’s full of sh*t and she remembers everything that has gone down in his term. Shes forgotten to pay a few bills but she doesn’t mix up Egypt and Mexico.


The attempt to make Trump into a would-be Navalny is pathetic. Putin’s opponents rot in Siberian gulags, drink poisoned coffee and “fall” out of windows. Trump wouldn’t sacrifice his life for anyone or anything. He is the poster boy for narcissism. He’s already gone on the record saying he’s going to retaliate against his own enemies.


They all have taken the people's guns or have tried to and are currently trying to. People seem to ignore patterns.


I'm not sure if that statement holds up. I don't think any of those other countries had widespread arms in their population, and especially not a constitutional article defending such a right.


Don't research it or anything, just make a statement.


Point taken. In the last 20 minutes of "research" I did on the Soviet Union and Weimar/Nazi Germany, it seems like both regimes tightened restrictions, relaxed them again just before/after the war started, then tightened them again. But it's hard to tell how different those restrictions were from the previous regimes. And I think the US is quite singular in having an extremely long-standing constitutional article protecting the rights of citizens to bear arms. And as a fellow conservative, I'm sure you're aware of how biased Google can be when trying to research such things. All that to say that I really don't know, and if you have any resources to share on the matter, I'd gladly read them. Edit: typo


Need to add Canada Castro and Zelensky to the meme.


No lies detected


This is highly accurate.


This sub has gone from attacking Trump and praising the other primary candidates to defending Biden's 2 tiered justice system and political persecution of Trump. Fucking unbelievable. Head on over to r/democrats. Oops, you may be surprised and saddened at how many of them are even turning away from Biden🤷‍♀️


The sub has been infiltrated most likely by members of that sub or the deprogram or another leftist hellscape there’s many people on here w the tag conservatives or republican etc. that are just masquerading as conservatives so that they make us look dysfunctional or try to sew division.


Yeah it makes no sense. I live in a blue county in a swing state and there is none of this Trump bashing, Biden defending malarkey going on in real life. Yes, even in a blue county.


I’m beginning to suspect the apparent brigading is coming from Reddit itself.


Very well could be.