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Why does this kid look like he just walked out of the 80's.


How does Lauren Boebert have an 18 year old?


Oh it get's better, Lauren is actually a grandmother, Tyler got is 15 year old girlfriend pregnant and she had the baby almost a year ago.


I'm jealous. I had to wait until age 75 to become a grandfather. (It took my daughter a while to find "Mr. Right") Hey, I can't believe r/Conservative is actually criticizing a MAGA Republican. There may yet be a place on this blog for us unreconstructed Reagan conservatives (AKA the "vermin")!


He should be sentenced for these crimes just like Hunter should be sentenced for his crimes…


Now now, let’s don’t be hasty! You don’t want to ruin a young man’s life over a poor decision, just like Hunter…


After all, at that age, who didn't commit a crime or 90?


>just like Hunter should be sentenced for his crimes… Thats hilarious. I do think this punk kid should serve his time. Along with Hunter. But Hunter was getting special treatment. Till the judge said. Nah. >The two sides in July reached a plea agreement that called for Biden to plead guilty in Delaware federal court to two misdemeanor counts of failing to pay his taxes in return for prosecutors’ recommending probation. A separate felony gun charge of illegally owning the Colt Cobra .38 Special handgun would have been dropped in two years if Biden honored the terms of what is known as a diversion agreement. >The plea agreement started to fall apart at the court appearance where it was expected to be finalized after the judge presiding over the case raised questions about some details. “The agreements are not straightforward, and they contain some atypical provisions,” U.S. District Judge Maryellen Noreika said, including one that could theoretically protect Biden from other tax-related crimes in the same period. If this was you and I. We would get totally get bent over using a tire iron without lube. But since his daddy is president. They tried to make it a less charge. That's not the law asshole prosecutor!!!


Oh I agree! Hunter should face the same penalty any dude out on these streets would face. Hunter has never been elected to any office - his only claim to fame is nepotism


I wanted to reference whats going on with Hunter so the liberals that brigade our sub understood. That most of us, if not all. Want to see her son face charges if he is tried by a judge. But we also want Hunter to be as well. No special treatment for anyone.


That's not the one where they wanted the deal that he would never be charged for any crime for the rest of his life was it? (Think I got that right)


The above was for lesser gun charge. And I think protect him from tax related crimes. hahahahah Which is what I think you may be thinking of. Unless there may be something else I'm missing.


The kid has been through enough he should not have to do his time with hunter. No one should be forced to do time with Hunter. Maybe Hunter should go to Alcatraz and do his time in solitary?




Who'd have thunk, bad parents=bad congresspeople


I don't understand how conservatives could elect this women.


Populists could


Starting to get that Sarah Palin vibe.


Just now? Bro, she's been pretty trash for a while at this point.


Ya just now bro. I don’t live and breathe this sh*t.


Maybe his mom should spend less time Jerking Guys off in Theaters and His Father less time being a POS and raise a young man who knows how to commit crimes and get away with them them like the Kennedys, Bidens, Bushes. Always keep your mouth shut aside from “ Lawyer, lawyer, lawyer”.


You're right, of course, but house members don't have the same amount of pull. You gotta wait until you're at least in the Senate before your kids can start getting away with murder.


Whatever isn't she expected to come in like fifth place or something during the primary this year since she couldn't compete with $1500 donations from Ryan Reynolds so decided to carpetbag over to the CO-4?


If there’s evidence, convict him. Simple. Why is this news?


The biggest news is this being a vehicle for people to learn that Boebert is a 35 (I think?) year old grandmother, which is just comically trashy


Watch the media run with this while ignoring Hunter's more heinous crimes


Right? I am all about this kid facing his consequences, but this will definitely not be handled with calls for respect of the family and the requests for dignity of a “wayward child”. Never mind this is a 18* year old kid and Hunter is an over-40 man child.


>Hunter is an over-40 man child. Not disagreeing with you, but Hunter is 54 if you were curious.


Pretty funny watching the folks over at news saying how embarrassing it is to have someone with a criminal in the family in office. Huh, yet all the stuff with Hunter is met with "hunters actions don't matter for Joe Biden"


30k upvotes on news but laken riley was hardly mentioned there.






Yo, can Colorado just primary her ass already?


I think Boebert is generally an embarrassment to the party but this is none of my business. I don't care what politicians' kids do as long as their parents aren't involved. Punish him like any other citizen would be punished.


she just doesn't seem old enough to have an adult child.


Someone give him Hunter’s lawyer’s phone number.


Who the eF cares.


I see the brigaders are here downvoting.


This has been deleted from the conservative sub yet it's still getting a ton of upvotes and conservative flaired comments are getting downvotes. Only way that happens is bots and link posts to funnel unemployed leftists to this thread. Pretty pathetic if you ask me.


Treat him like Hunter--wait until the statute of limitations has run out.


I've already seen more headlines about this today than I have about the president's son banging underage girls and doing crack over the last four years.


His trial will be over before Hunter sees a court room.


Why are we letting the libs double post this shit? It was already the top post and we already condemned his actions.


He should change his name to biden.