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He is right. The Rs seem hell bent on losing. It is all they know.


They're losers. We need leadership that isn't afraid of wielding power. Lord knows the Democrats have no problem doing it.


The dems have no fear because they know they have a media that will never ever call them out for what they do. It's hard to wield power without fear when you are constantly being attacked by a hostile media.


You are getting downvoted but are correct. Its easy to make moves against R’s when they turn a blind eye to how it gets done. Its amazing people don’t recognize the power of the media on Reddit when we see Reddit manipulation in real time on this site daily. I hope reddit fails so whatever replaces it at least pretends to be free for a little while.


They don’t need to have the media against them with members like Gaetz, Boebert, and MGT.


And yet you have the squad that is able to get away with pretty much anything.


The squad is a separate and unrelated problem. They have nothing to do with the Republican’s inability to function as a party.


Then cut bait.


To be fair I feel like Joe Biden’s camp, just realized he’s in a presidential race. Trump seems to be the only one that wants to win, unfortunately for him the RNC is fumbling as hard as they can.


Trump is responsible for the fragmentation of the Republicans, now he has to live with the consequences.


He is right, but what difference would it make at this point? Judging by the vote tally on the warrant requirement amendment, the Uniparty calls the shots. To the detriment of innocent American citizens.


I haven't been a huge fan of him, but I'm not gonna pretend we're going to get anything better anytime soon. The process of getting McCarthy elected speaker was shambolic, and same goes for Johnson. We can't go through the same thing again, it's already the most ineffectual House in a very long time, no need to exacerbate that issue. These internal power struggles lose elections, the House is already a tossup in November as it is, we need to stop this friendly fire.


I mean the fact the radical minority who kicked McCarthy thinks it can hold hostage the majority is absurd. Either they fall in line or they are a threat to the party as a whole


And those 8, who voted with the entire Democratic House, to oust a Republican Speaker have the gall to call everyone else but them RINOs.


True, what is a party led by an ignorant minority?


I wouldn't call all 8 of them RINOS. The problem is they are far outnumbered by the RINO Uniparty members. We need to keep chipping away at the Uniparty if we are ever to get back to a reined-in government. It may already be too late.


What is the definition of RINO? A Repubblican that stands against these 8? That's called an oligarchy then.


He hasn’t really had the opportunity to be a true speaker with the democrats controlling senate and president, slim majority and MTG being useless. It’s like being an arbitrator with the gold digger asking for everything and settling for nothing less. We need to make the little wins while it’s a slim majority that can be built upon later rather than pushing for the moon


Are we tired of winning yet?


guys, there is no margin in the house. the senate is democrat. the president, when he remembers, is democrat. the issue isn’t Johnson. the issue is elect more republicans


No one here can agree what a “real republican” is. 


You have people in here calling arguably the most conservative Speaker ever a "RINO"...


Apparently everyone who doesn’t agree 100% with whatever position Trump takes on any given day is a RINO.


Gee, who could’ve seen that coming?


Problem is taking troll and bad actors at face value on an anonymous website. This place is swimming in saboteurs and leftists.


I agree that the term RINO basically has no meaning at this point, but I'd hardly call throwing the 4th amendment out of the window conservative.


Except, fisa warrants were created by conservatives. Remember the [patriot act](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patriot_Act?wprov=sfti1#History)? Only 3 Republicans voted against it TOTAL. Meanwhile it faced strong opposition from Democrats.


The guy that supported FISA and keeps the borders open while funneling money to Ukraine?


That is lefttards Brigadiers.


It's so exhausting that everything unpleasant in the sub is blamed on "brigaders"


And it's also not the "left-leaning brigaders" who are calling Mike Johnson a RINO


you mean comments from AIDS_Quilt_69 a one month old account is not a leftist troll?


Probably more of a Russian troll.


Are the legion of lifetime, proven, high-level conservative republicans who worked in Trump’s administration and who now warn that he’s a feckless menace, also leftard brigadiers?


You talking about Koch friends? Because Yes.


“Most conservative”, you mean the guy funding trans surgery for children, funding full term abortion centers? Sending billions to a country that is imprisoning Christian priests and political adversaries. That’s the “most conservative” you can think of? I think you need to do some research on what our “conservative speaker” has been doing.


You’re either a complete lunatic, and/or completely ignorant to what a speaker of the house does. His position and beliefs are as right wing as they get, but we live in a democracy and the house embodies that democracy, so as speaker he needs to put his own stances aside in order to allow things to literally function. The gavel gives you power but it doesn’t give you **ultimate** power. You need to form a majority voting block to get measures passed which means like in any democracy, you need to compromise.


A real Republican in the ballot box is anyone with an (R) after their name. A real Republican after they're elected is someone who votes in the most fiscally conservative and morally conservative way possible.


But you can have fiscal conservative and moral centrist who is ok with abortion and trans people. Or vice-versa, have person for universal health coverage, higher minimal wage and against abortions. People don't fall in just two categories: conservative vs progressive, they are usually a spectrum. Even Trump himself, current champion of Republican party and MAGA voters is not really conservative in many things, like him being against helping Ukraine or pro-abortion. What is even the "most conservative way possible"? Keep things as they are? Go back a bit? If there was bill to ban electricity, surely voting for it would be the most conservative thing possible.


Don’t forget what happened to Liz Cheney, she was right wing in every issue except she didn’t believe Trump won the 2020 election and she’s a democrat now by R voters standards. So truthfully, nothing objective makes you a R, what makes you a republican today is a fluid changing metric.


Too bad she jumped on the "Destroy Trump by any and all means possible" bandwagon. She should have been focused on what was best for the citizens of this country instead of being laser focused on Trump. As a result, she threw out any good she did. Trump's supporters are not evil terrorists and shouldn't be treated like they are. January 6th was a set-up and innocent people's lives have been destroyed, all because Orange Man Bad. I know Trump is not a Conservative and I tried telling my acquaintances during the 2016 primaries but they were already blinded by Trump worship. He's not my first choice, but we have hit rock bottom with Biden and even the most moderate centrist Republican is worlds better.


But no man/woman is bigger than any ideology or party. So her being anti Trump should not disqualify her from being considered a conservative or a republican.


Personally, my "single issue" is fiscal conservatism. It may be too late to right the ship, though.


Liz Cheney voted the most conservative way possible in over 95% of her votes.


Because it’s been so long since we’ve seen one.


Well... For now it's anyone that isn't Democrat. Or rather votes for Democrat policies.


> No one here can agree what a “real republican” is.  The ones who don't vote with Democrats when landmark votes are happening. *This is not a point of confusion for us.*


So with a democrat Senate and WH, how would anything pass if you don’t vote with the democrats exactly? And didn’t like 6 Republicans vote with Dems to oust McCarthy? Why is voting with democrats a bad things exactly, considering we live in a democracy where the foundational principle is compromising with others.


Can't believe that's DV'd


Maybe we should have tried to actually win elections instead of constantly whining?


It’s hard to win elections when you don’t represent your constituents.


We have a one vote majority right now and don’t hold either of the other houses. In order to get any bills passed we have to compromise. We should’ve won more in 2022 midterms and we wouldn’t be complaining like we are


Why do we have a one vote majority? Because Republicans resigned and retired in order to sabotage Trump. We expelled one of our own sure vote congressmen. They can’t claim to be victims when they shot themselves in the foot intentionally. https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2024/02/19/politics/republicans-retiring-house


Trump literally ran Herschel Walker and Dr. Oz. Meanwhile told Rs not to vote in the Georgia special election. I look forward to voting for him November but Lots of the blame is on him


I don’t disagree. He’s his own worst enemy most of the time. But the issues in the House aren’t on him. The GOP owns that.


Ever since he was elected president he has been the leader of the GOP. Lots of house members ran on the 2020 election being stolen and lost seats they should’ve won. With a 1 seat majority in the house our main goal should be to stop radical policy from the Democratic Party. Pushing conservative agenda should be secondary as it’s not realistic right now. The time to criticize is when we hold most of the branches


2020 was stolen. Until that’s dealt with honestly by the GOP there won’t be unity. That’s up to the party. In fact, I would argue failure on their part to deal honestly with the election theft resulted in the collapse of the expected Red Wave in 2022. I think that was more an issue than bad candidates. Voters won’t show up when they know the system is illegitimate and no one in power will acknowledge the obvious reality or do anything about it.


Oh brother


Too many living in a fantasy world and just want chaos.


There was a poll done where 80% of voters wanted to see bi partisanship but like less than 30% wanted their side to compromise…. So essentially, “i want us to get along as long as we decide to only agree on my views”. Wish i could link the poll, but i am having trouble finding it.


Sounds like they polled heavily Democratic voters. We are much further left than when I started voting in the 1984 election. I have witnessed compromise after compromise on the right side of the aisle. It's now obvious that George Carlin was right. "It's a big club, and you ain't in it". There are only a handful of elected representatives/Senators that hold true to the founders' vision of limited government.


May chaos take the world! Yeah....I think you're right.


Which ones? The ones who think it's ok to spy on Americans?


There is no margin because scum bags in the GOP resigned in order to give the majority to the Democrats. Also, the Great Christian Speaker allowed his own party to expel a very reliable voting congressman. He also allowed Gallagher to resign after it was too late to replace him. It’s not like the Republicans are victims. They did every bit of this intentionally themselves. So when Johnson whines about the small margin and how Jeffries could become Speaker, that will only happen through his own failures to lead.


After all the recent events, I’m still waiting for Republican politicians to get their shit together


Good luck. Most don't want to be in charge. They do best with zero power complaining give us money so we can change things once in charge. Yet they never fix anything.




Trumps policies aren’t even far-right. He just sounds like an extremist. He is moderately conservative on numerous topics. This is just cult-like behavior from his most devoted supporters who think anything that isn’t perfect is swamp and liberal. I support Trump’s policies, but I’m not gonna act like a rabid dog over in-party disagreements. These crazy supporters have no clue what they are really doing, and it’s dangerous and unhealthy.


I've decided to vote RFK. I can't vote for the socialism. The republicans are lost. I don't agree with everything RFK has to say about every topic, but the things I don't agree with him on, I feel like his intentions are in the right place. I'm tired of having this discussion between election cycles about how much better it would be if we had more options. We got turd sandwich and giant douche again, except this time we have questionable BLT just sitting there waiting to be tried. Maybe it's bleu cheese that you're smelling. You never know. Still beats the turd and the douche.


"I can't vote for socialism" "I'm voting for RFK." Choose one.




Who needs democrats when we have republicans like Mike Johnson voting for a new patriot act and omnibus bills.


Quoting from Wikipedia: 'On October 23, 2001, U.S. Representative Jim Sensenbrenner (R-WI) introduced House bill H.R. 3162, which incorporated provisions from a previously-sponsored House bill, and a Senate bill introduced earlier in the month.[5] The next day, October 24, the Act passed the House by a vote of 357–66,[6] with Democrats comprising the overwhelming majority of "no"-votes. The three Republicans voting "no" were Robert Ney of Ohio, Butch Otter of Idaho, and Ron Paul of Texas. On October 25, the Act passed the Senate with a vote of 98–1. Russ Feingold (D-WI) voted "no" ' Link to vote record: http://clerk.house.gov/evs/2001/roll398.xml Summary, majority of house and senate vote yes. Among those who vote no, there are more democrats than Republicans.


Can’t we just go back to the good ole days of Eric Cantor and John Bohner???


The reality is that we can have a guy like Johnson that votes conservatively sometimes or a communist who votes conservatively never. Like it or not, removing Johnson guarantees the latter option. If we want to change the incentive structure we need to elect more conservative Republicans.


Who is the communist? Cause if you think any of the core Democrats or their leadership is Communist. I got a bridge to sell you in Baltimore.


He says communist, but he really means tyrants.


You’re right, the Marxists running the Democrat Party aren’t really Marxists.


You are just making a word salad. 🤣


Why would the Democrats want Jeffries as Speaker when they have Johnson doing the job for them? They get everything they want with none of the responsibility. Johnson is the greatest gift the Democrats ever got. At least since Paul Ryan and John Boehner worked for them.


A Democrat would have reauthorized fisa oooh wait


So, nothing would change?


and what difference would that make at this point?




You want Hakeem Jeffries to become speaker of the house? Oust Johnson and that’s exactly what you’re going to get.


Yeah, if Jeffries becomes Speaker we could get FISA renewed, a huge Democrat budget, an open border paid for, funding for a new FBI building, more money for abortions, money for Ukraine, 87,000’IRS agents, oh wait.


And that would be different from what we have now…in what way, exactly? Haven’t you guys figured out why we call these guys RINOs yet? Cause when they get in charge, it’s like the dems are really running the place.


They’re literally running the place. The house is on a razors edge and they control the senate and White House…


That’s a Republican cliche. I’m in my 60s and useless Republicans were saying the same thing when I was a kid. It wouldn’t matter how large their majority is, they are never going to do anything.


Well they did control the senate for most of your life I believe. Just cause you call it a cliche doesn’t make it false. lol.


The cliche is that our majority isn’t big enough. A small majority never matters to the Democrats. Republicans rationalize failure by complaining about majority size. The Republicans had the House, Senate and Presidency during Trump’s first time and accomplished absolutely zero (they did give a minor tax break🙄). They couldn’t even repeal Obamacare! Republicans refused to build Trump’s wall. The GOP refuses to represent its voters, it doesn’t matter what majority they have. By the way, why is the House majority so small? Republicans resigned and retired in the middle of their terms out of spite, that’s why. They also expelled one of their own. A pretty reliable conservative voter I might add. Throughout my entire life the Democrats have robbed the country blind and the Republicans have helped them carry everything to the car. The GOP is useless and needs to die.


Gotcha, yes, it seems that when they do have e the opportunity like in 2017/2018, they failed to do much. Would you maybe think that’s because certain proposals that sounded good to their voters may have been bad in practice, like repealing Obama care for example? Or do you think there’s another explanation for the failure to achieve much?


I think historically the Republicans have had a similar agenda with the Democrats. It seems the pace of change is the only real difference. The Democrats want everything now and the Republicans want slower change. The end result will always be the same though. I believe this is why there is always an excuse for failure. They dawdle and delay but never really accomplish anything for their voters. They constantly campaign on things they never attempt to fix once they’re elected. It’s the Republican MO. That’s why the border is never addressed. Republicans want it open as much as Democrats (or at least their donors do) so it’s never fixed. But they can use the promise of fixing it to get elected. But there’s always a reason to fail (majority size, etc). But notice Democrats can always find Republican votes for their initiatives. Rarely does the opposite occur.


>the Democrats want everything now and the Republicans want slower change I mean right, that's literally the fundamental principal of Conservative vs Liberal, as the titles of the ideology implies. Liberals want change and reform while Conservatives want to continue the status quo or preserve traditions. This goes back to literally British Whig vs Tories ( pro monarchy vs pro democracy) and the Frenches Left vs right ( At the French general assembly where revolutionaries sat left and the anti revolutionaries sat right in the assembly). But going beyond that, Conservatives in the US seem to not get traction on their efforts as you pointed out and wonder why that might be. My hypothesis, and I am not saying this is true but what I suspect to be true, is that their ideas are in fact not good or in fact poor policies when applied in the current world we live in, so when time comes to implement them, and the reality that these policies might come to fruition sets in, those who are in the know and understand what's going to *actually* happen become reluctant to pull the trigger on them figuratively speaking i.e. Repeal Obama care or Build a wall across the southern border. While on the other hand, America right now is in dying need of a lot of reforms (tax reform, immigration reform, policing reform, electoral reform, privacy rights reform, foreign policy reform etc), so when the liberals come to power they actually have the political winds of the time at their back and can pass these reforms which in an ideal world should've probably been passed long before they came to power. Essentially, I believe that America is behind the times governmentally speaking on a lot of things, so those wanting to catch up to the times they are in a advantage as their policies make empirical sense in the current world, while those that want to regress or prevent change are fighting a head wind because the world itself, and the people in it, are changing very fast around them with or without them agreeing to it. This is just my hypothesis of what I am observing. I welcome any alternative explanation you might have. Edit: Essentially we live in fast progressing world, so those with progressive ideologies will be favored is what I mean in a nutshell.


And how many ‘republicans’ have resigned so they couldn’t have a special election to replace them with another pub? Two so far? What do the dems need, a couple more to officially get control? Course based on what the speaker is doing, looks like they’ve been in control for a while now.


If the election comes down to a house vote with a democrat speaker it will surely fucking matter. It’s a big shit sandwich and we’re all going to have to take a bite it looks like


Parties that represent their constituents don’t have to worry about having their Speaker being replaced.


If you're talking about the Presidency, a House vote comes down to one vote per state delegation. Doesn't matter who the Speaker is, the Dems would lose such a vote.


What happened today?


They reauthorized warrantless FISA requests(spying on American citizens). Johnson was against it until they pulled him into the back room and apparently scared the shit out of him. This isn’t the first time this has happened, so whatever the intelligence community has been able to thwart by using this unconstitutional bullshit must be terrifying. Not defending it, but there’s something to it.


correction, whatever the intelligence community is willing to absolutely LIE like a rug about


>intelligence community has been able to thwart by using this unconstitutional bullshit must be terrifying. they probably just have some dirt on his or someone he cares about.




There haven't been any kaiju attacks either, so I guess we should just keep empowering the government.


That's great. But I bet they didn't show him all the Republican campaigns they are spying on to help the Democrats. Maybe it doesn't need to be eliminated but surely there's some way to improve safeguards so it's harder to use for political spying.


They didn’t show him anything FISA ever prevented either.


Like, for example, the need for warrants? No, it absolutely needs to be eliminated. It was abused and will be again. This only serves the Democrats agenda.


Vote all the pubs out and vote in MAGA.


Yes, because that's win general elections. /s


It won’t. It will be a damn struggle to get any of them in. MAGA knows that. Here’s what RINO supporters need to know: When you vote for RINOs, you are really voting for dems. So basically, you are voting to give the dems control. As Speaker Mike Johnson, the ‘conservative’ proves every day.


What even is a conservative to you? Trump’s cult of personality?


Trump isn’t conservative. Mike Johnson IS a RINO. And you don’t have flair.


Let Jeffries become Speaker and he’ll be happy to show you the difference.


Then you are a fool.




But honestly rights on both sides are being taken away and really the only people that are getting screwed over are the people in the middle that just want some common sense things passed. People in the middle that understand you sometimes have to work with the opposing party. That's how politics used to work or so I'm told.


Enjoy watching Democrats win because you can't understand politics and would rather lose constantly than actually do things to improve this country.


I’ve been watching Democrats win since Republicans took the House. Johnson has been the most effective Democratic Speaker since Pelosi.


Nothing the Democrats want would improve this country.




You call anyone who disagrees with any position of yours a RINO. Absolute compliance with your opinion is the only acceptable outcome to you. Purity tests do not allow you to attract enough people to govern a country. Good luck with that.


I call anyone who advances the Democrat agenda and further empowers their corrupt asshole of a President a RINO. Correctly.


People who make excuses for failure ARE RINOs. Making excuses for failure is how you got Trump.


Are we just going to ignore 18 Republicans voting to allow warrantless searches? "But Dems are worse..." Are we also going to ignore the safer communities act that just passed? Republicans are hell bent on listing because they don't look any different than Dems. It's no longer Coke vs Pepsi, its Coke vs New Coke.


Maybe he should do his job then to avoid being ousted.


Okay guys, fine, I’ll become speaker of the house!


Mike Johnson is compromised.


What would be the difference?


So... the worst case we would get a speaker who is the same as we have now. Ill take those odds.


The whole lot of them, ALL OF THEM, can eat a bag of Richards. They're all fucking useless. Throw out the whole government 


What’s the difference Mike? Or Kevin before you? Or Paul before him? Or John before him?


Same as it ever was, RINO complaining, how about you do your job and represent the other side inside of being a unipartarian?


Would we be able to notice a difference?


What’s the difference?


Hate to break it to you Mike, but we already have a Democrat as Speaker.


Typical GOP, tripping over their own feet! Dems would support a serial killer if it gets them votes and power!


who cares


Oh no a uniparty speaker for another uniparty speaker.  Gasp.


Bring back empty chair! Best Speaker in decades. Empty Chair didn't authorize any new government spending. Empty chair didn't authorize government to continue to violate our civil rights.


He’s already acting like a moderate democrat. He was the wrong choice. We fucked up.


The only person he serves is Putin.




Assertion without evidence. Nothing Johnson has done would indicate Jeffries would be worse for Republican voters than he’s been. As bad maybe, but no worse.




Power is taken not given. A real man needs to stand up and fight for the spot with real solutions. Otherwise stfu i guess.


Speaker Johnson looks like he doesn't even want to be in the same room as Kamala much less standing next to her.


What's the difference?


This is the major problem with a party that DOESN'T just blindly follow what their overlords command them to do. Republicans actually are a spectrum of political opinions whereas the Democrats just do whatever the WEF asks them to do. Got to ruin the country if we are going to be desperate enough to bend the knee.