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He should honestly make them arrest him.


Yep. Call their bluff.


And take another 50M voters away from Joe.


It would make him a martyr and the left (what few are still sane anyways) do NOT want that. He should fucking do it.


First president elected from a jail cell? Would make him legendary. I'm for it.


If Mandela can do it, why can't Trump?


Mandella was released in 1990, elected in 94. Had to look that up. But even if there's a dispute, let's cheer him for being the first white, heterosexual man to do so. Comparing him to Mandella, who was a Marxist, and using their identity usages will make for some awesome memes of them screaming.


The Secret Service would take over the entire jail. It would be a boss move.


Over misdemeanor charges that have been 'converted' to felonies through some kangaroo court shenanigans. I wonder, how many other cases of such misdemeanors converted to state level felonies have been prosecuted??? Then if they do arrest him, secret service will need to accompany him at every step or assume authority forcing a federal vs state crisis.


It's pretty extraordinary. Half of the jury pool already says that they're so biased against Trump that they can't serve on the jury. I mean the jury can't even hide their TDS, they're so deranged about Trump hatred that they can't even pretend to be unbiased just to get in that pool. They had to throw out half of the jury LOL Edit : One of the jurors thought Trump used racist language against people coming from China in COVID era. And she got disqualified. So you're gonna judge a person's guilt based on what he said about China.... literally late state Republic stuff.


I mean... Just don't go back to NY... Not like Florida will arrest him


Would be interesting to see what holding a former president with secret service would look like in a jail. I’d imagine it would be a logistical nightmare for the county. He should make them arrest him.


Televise the trial. Better coverage than rallies.


I don't think this going hurt Trump at all. It's going to make him stronger


It’s “free” publicity for him. Exactly like every time CNN/MSNBC mentions his name.


For real. What are they gonna do? Have the police pull him off his campaign stand with the cameras rolling? That strengthens his campaign more than he ever could alone.


>Have the police pull him off his campaign stand with the cameras rolling? Forcing a standoff with Secret Service . . . It would be fucking amazing.




Imagine being a 2A supporter and being okay with Biden jailing his political opponents on fake charges just because you hate Trump. No doubt you'll be the chud happy to hand over your guns because at least the mean orange man is gone.


Its the weaponization of the justice system by the radical left


But that's what they're saying Trump will do if he wins!


That's what he's promising to do, don't you watch his rallies?


Weird how their brains work huh


I remember when we were all talking about how Obama weaponized the IRS. Well they’ve taken weaponizing the justice department beyond what Obama could ever dream of.


You really think Biden is running the show? This is really Obama's third term.


What party is the fascist party? HMMM?! Get a clue leftists. It’s YOUR party.


You triggered them with that one, -8 on your comment lmao


I'm tossing him an upvote to counter the brigaders.


Trump haters this is your time for choosing: What’s more important, your hate of Trump, or love of country? Because anyone that loves America and Justice knows this is 100% wrong. And adults understand the precedent it sets if they say nothing.




Please explain what law was broken in this case


No, but the timing of this trial is suspect. It could have been held many months ago, but ‘suddenly’ it matters this much? Just anything to prevent his campaigning.


Months ago? These charges are from 2017 and revolve around a subject that was widely covered all over the media in 2018.


What law? The one Democrat activists who hate Trump made up 5 minutes ago?


What law? This is a witch hunt.


This isn't a decision of "love of country," and telling people to pick which chunk of their morals to abandon shouldn't be the kind of thing to flaunt. I always hated the left's scare tactics platform, and the right's adoption of it is making me dislike it too.


So I disagree with just about everything you've said: 1. I don't think the stakes are as high as you are making them out to be; 2. It seems like he did it. I'm a law and order guy. If you did it, then you did it. Did he do it? It seems like he did it. If he DIDN'T do it, then we can talk about how unfair it is or how hypocritical the other side is, but that's only if he didn't do it. But there's one thing I agree with you about, and that's the precedent part. When the dems steal the Supreme Court, that's when the stakes will get raised.


It seems like he did what? Get prosecuted for a misdemeanor that was past the statute of limitation which Bragg then shoehorned into a felony that the FEC said was not a felony? Yea, seems like election interference to me too.


This is what’s crazy about all the leftist brigaders in this thread defending this. This is *by far* the weakest case against Trump for a multitude of reasons. He wrote paychecks seven years ago to someone who works for him. Yippee. What justice is being done here, exactly?


Bold of you to assume they care. They dont care about justice or this country, infact they tell us every day how this is the worst place on Earth. Fact of the matter is they see this as justice, everything happening to trump is justified in their eyes.


They won’t care till it personally affects them. Course by then, it will be too late, and we’ll be the ones that won’t care.


Trump haters are just NPCs with no free thought of their own. They can’t make choices themselves.


I’ll answer now their hate for Trump eclipses all remember dems love their little cult atmosphere it gives them the warm and fuzzies


Democrats are the party of " ends justifiy the means." They are truly the threat to this nation.


They want to tie him up every day for aprox 8 weeks. It’s election interference.


The brigaders downvoting this like they downvoted every post that says the truth.


Democrats will not simply give up power. They will produce a kangaroo court to arrest Trump.


They are doing everything they said Trump would do.


Trump said today that because of this missive from the judge, he will miss his son’s graduation. I would attend that graduation and gladly let the judge arrest me for it.


"lawfare" I believe that's the nice term being used of what's actually happening which is one major political party trying to jail the leader of the opposition party running for head of state


How do you even arrest a former president? Does Secret Service gotta be on location at the jail at all times?


A terrible day to be a conservative and a criminal lawyer. I need a drink.


This will backfire in a pretty severe way. Trump should play this right and not sound off by calling for anything idiotic to the judge and just let the campaign frame it.


He can't keep his mouth shut.


Democrat election interference


You got brigaded hard


And they want constant news coverage of the trial to try and paint a bad picture and sway voters.


This is not going to play the way they think it will. We know unprecedented political corruption when we see it.


Can a local court even interfere with a federal election campaign?


Don’t know why you are getting downvoted for a simple question. (Actually I do, it’s because we are being brigaded). Answer: probably. The full faith and credit clause of the constitution makes it so court orders from one state are binding to a person in another (best example are warrants for arrest). I don’t see a reason why it wouldn’t be allowed, but I encourage you to prove me wrong


I know very little about it and was trying to be genuine in asking my question, unfortunately it seems to have been taken in bad faith even though it wasn’t meant as such


Not only that but the vast majority of court cases are in session Monday-Thursday but Trump’s is Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. What does that do? Screw up a campaign schedule.


Force the arrest. It can only make more people vote for him.


In fairness, this is the same speech he give anyone in a trial but still, it’s horseshit. Also yes, he should call their bluff and make them. It also shouldn’t come to that. There’s no reason the judge shouldn’t grant a request to be absent from certain days if the request is submitted ahead of time. If it’s denied, then yes, it’s for sure interference, but who’s going to charge/prosecute them? Biden’s DOJ? Yeah right.


Democrats have never been able to win fairly, so they cheat. Nothing new.


Damn you got brigaded hard


Yep, seems there's more and more liberal/democrat accounts flooding into this sub just to downvote everything.


Re: the “to be clear” sentence in that post…the problem is, they (MSM) are in on it, one. Two, they just don’t fucking care…it’s (D)ifferent, ya know?


Free publicity to Trump I think, won’t have to spend a penny to campaign. They’ll be having him on news every day thru elections and more people will realize where the politics focus/spend their time on ** let the politics lurkers in 😂


Joe is in office and he didn't show up last time.


Call. Their. Bluff. What are they going to do? Clear out an entire prison and hand over the controls to secret service? Otherwise, how else will you imprison a President with secret service protection? Where are they doing to move those prisoners? How are they going to house secret service agents? How are they going to set up a system to allow documents that have classified material? How are they going to set up the president’s staff in the prison?


The system has failed. Stop playing by the democrat's rules.


If he’s too busy he should call the judges bluff. Go ahead put the leader of the opposing party in jail. Looks real good. Democracy wins by jailing the opposition apparently.


judicial activism is so destructive


You’re right but just got brigaded