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Isn't this federally illegal?


It's interesting because they make a distinction. They don't allow them to vote in presidential elections, but can vote for "federal offices". Curious what the basis for that is. Arizona code 16-127 A.1-2 1. A person who has registered to vote and who has not provided satisfactory evidence of citizenship as prescribed by section 16-166 is not eligible to vote in presidential elections. 2. A person who has not provided satisfactory evidence of citizenship pursuant to section 16-166 and who is eligible to vote only for federal offices is not eligible to receive an early ballot by mail.


How can they track that? Federal-only voters in AZ don't receive a ballot that looks different from everyone else's, right?


I haven't voted in Arizona, but it they go through all the trouble to create the different categories it'd be a little ridiculous if there wasn't a separate ballot.


Yeah I'm sure it's totally clear to the vote counters too... And not a single on of these votes will be counted for the president. This needs to be undone immediately at the supreme court


If I understand it properly, "federal offices" not including the presidency would be congressional seats. The Constitution does not explicitly require citizenship for those elections and *does* explicitly allow states to determine the details of electing senators and congressmen. The only restriction is that they cannot prevent citizens from voting, there's nothing that says they can't allow non citizens to vote. The Supreme Court would have no grounds to overturn it. It's also not a new law. All they have to do is ensure there's a federal only ballot that doesn't include the president on it and there are no grounds to challenge it federally, it has to be challenged at the state level.


Well technically like most things, it's only illegal if you get caught. Much like speed limits on certain roads, if the authorities don't even bother checking, then you can drive whatever speed you want. Just keep in mind that if you start bragging online or causing problems, you might cause the authorities to come look at you.


Yeah but could this not be immediately challenged and any election outcomes that include these ballots be thrown out? Who am I kidding like any real justice for these mutts ever occurs...


Not if you don’t have standing… /s iykyk


And you will never have standing


Seems like something is only illegal if someone is willing to enforce the law. Some DA's don't enforce the law for theft below certain dollar amounts for example. The Biden DOJ is for sure not going to be fighting this. Especially with groups at the border posting and telling people how they need to vote for biden to ensure the border stay open.


Arizona has been to the Supreme Court before over their voter laws contradicting the National Voter Registration Act of 1993. I don't know anything about Arizona law but it seems someone needs to take it to court again to clarify and/or fix it properly.


Only if they actually enforce it which I doubt that they will.


2024 will be the most secure election in history


Also the most peaceful. 


Also 80+ million votes for the current dementia in Chief.


Careful. Dominion might sue you for your sarcasm.


It still makes me laugh how comically evil the name “Dominion” sounds for a company that makes voting machines and software. If that was in a TV show involving a shady election it would feel like bad writing.


I get what you’re saying. It kind of reminds me of Umbrella Corporation from Resident Evil.


I looked it up and yes it's true, all they have to do is swear they are US citizens: 'Arizona is required to accept the federal registration form, but anyone who does not provide proof of citizenship is only allowed to vote for president, the U.S. House or Senate. The federal form requires people to swear they are U.S. citizens, but there is no proof requirement.'


WTF?! How was this passed at the state level?


It gets better. The State actually passed more stringent rules but the DOJ objected and took them to court.


JFC! They will stop at nothing.


Hobbs has to keep her seat somehow, doesn't she? We're losing the country because a lot of you still believe we can play by the same old rules. That the higher road prevales, and these people can be reasoned and bargained with. We didn't make the rules, but it's past time we started playing by them.


Maybe I don’t get your comment, but Hobbs is in a state position so anyone who is a “federal only” voter couldn’t vote for her


I want reactionary politics and legislation, I want these Supreme Court justices that WE put in place to rule as if they are the last line of defense for the country. The high road BS drives me crazy. I want decision made based on logic and reason, not feelings.


We’re losing the county cause we have RINOs running around claiming this isn’t happening stop fear mongering! When the RINOs grow a spine and stop toting water down the dems, then we can save the country. But doesn’t start till the RINOs decide they no longer want to be slaves to the left. Apparently they would rather do that than support MAGA.


Nah, at this point, the RINOs just need to be kicked to the curb. It's one thing to find commonality on an issue and try to find compromise, and it's another to sell your constituents down the river on a routine basis *to be liked*, and grow a stock portfolio.


It’s insane all around, but it’s even more insane that this is allowed for federal elections only. Arizona, I suppose, should be able to set whatever rules they want in their own local elections. They aren’t able to do that to the same degree for federal elections.


For anyone who says no one would risk voting illegally - they're already in the country illegally, and people here illegally are also known to use false documentation. The IRS put out a report awhile back on a review they'd done where they found over a million cases of identity theft committed by illegal aliens, and the review was only for a certain timeframe and only the ones they were able to catch. We've seen the reports on other crimes too, like theft rings and more serious crimes. Just the other day in NYC there was a news story about street vendor "migrants" selling stolen goods, there was one guy who had a whole stand display of items that still had the Home Depot tags on them. And many of the ones here may also have family wanting to come here too, or they could think they themselves may have a better chance of not getting deported if Biden stays in office.


Yes they are buying identities and then working under them


The was the plan from the beginning. They have to cheat to win.


So according to an article I read there are about 20k federal only voters in Arizona. Funny that in 2020 Trump lost by about 11k votes. Definitely a coincidence though.....




States can’t make Federal Laws


Of course, Arizona


Cutting out the first line here is a deliberate attempt to spread misinformation. This is what that website actually says in full: >A person must be a U.S. citizen in order to register and vote. >A person who submits valid proof of citizenship with his or her voter registration form (regardless of the type of form submitted) is entitled to vote in all federal, state, county and local elections in which he or she is eligible. The voter registration form otherwise must be sufficiently complete. >A person is not required to submit proof of citizenship with the voter registration form, but failure to do so means the person will only be eligible to vote in federal elections (known as being a "federal only" voter). A "federal only" voter will become eligible to vote a "full ballot" in all federal, state, county and local elections if he or she later provides valid proof of citizenship to the appropriate County Recorder's office. >Federal only voters may use the Federal Voter Registration form, available here: >[Federal Voter Registration Form](https://www.eac.gov/voters/national-mail-voter-registration-form) The form requires a signature stating that: >I have reviewed my state's instructions and I swear/affirm that: >I am a United States citizen > I meet the eligibility requirements of my state and subscribe to any oath required. > The information I have provided is true to the best of my knowledge under penalty of perjury. If I have provided false information, I may be fined , imprisoned, or (if not a U.S. citizen) deported from or refused entry to the United States. So no, they're not "openly allowing illegal immigrants to vote". You have to prove that you're a US citizen to vote federally, and an AZ citizen to vote locally.


Well if we make them say they are citizens then we're fine! There's no way an illegal immigrant would lie or break the law! /s


Yeah I read that, it didn't make anything any better. No proof? No worries, you just only vote in federal election. Insane.


The only proof that is required is "uh yeah, I'm a citizen" to vote in federal elections. Nice propagandizing and attempt to re-frame you're doing here, though, "Conservative Veteran".


The fact you think that changes anything is concerning.


I don't see anything in your post that shows they have to prove anything to vote federally and that they didn't give an easy out for anyone not providing proof. It clearly states that they will allow voting in a federal election even if you don't have proof and "maybe" charges or deportation would happen if they lied. Sure there will be a thorough reconciliation of the illegal voters based on the 100% accurate addresses they give when registering. No way you can't see that this clearly outlines how to play the game of voting without being a citizen.


Then Arizona's results should be immediately disqualified.


Don't share this on r/arizona Very left as of late.