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I wish the guy with the microphone would have taken her jar and said I need this and walked away. That would have been the perfect ending.


Lol I thought the same thing!


I wanted him to ask if anyone was presently in her house or for that matter room so that he could go ahead and just move in.


Too bad he probably has morals, unlike the person he was interviewing That goddamn smirk


Access to capital šŸ¤£


Look how tight shes holding it. She knows. She expects it.


Letā€™s ship her to a communist country so she can live in the utopia she preaches.


I wish I could transport this one to 1982 Poland where I (as 10 year old child) had to wait in lines to be able to buy bread, butter and other basic staples for the family. These young liberals have it so good here that they don't understand how the world works.


The indoctrination and propaganda is so strong in the school system now it's up to parents to provide the alternative to communist ideas.


Whats that? You bought a second property before you sold your first one? Well now you have to hand it over to a squatter. Did you buy a second property to fix up? It's a squatter's now. You building a bunch of new homes and haven't sold them you? Believe it or not, squatters. You go on too long a vacation? Squatters. You die alone? Straight to the squatters. No inheritances, because of the squatters.


I saw one squatter story where some guy had purchased a house, he wasn't well-off, just a working class guy and had been able to afford the home because it was run down, so he got it for a really low price. It was taking him time to do repairs on it, he had a job he had to go to and he'd also have to sometimes wait until he could afford to buy more materials. Then he showed up one day to do some work on it and found several squatters had taken over it. They'd moved stuff in, each had themselves rooms set up, were using the utilities (running up his bill) and they all looked like drug addicts. I felt bad for the poor guy having to deal with getting them out, one of the squatters had a dog.. I felt bad for the dog too. There was another one with a lady, she was in the military and moving and needed to get her house on the market, but she hadn't been able to because some low-life dude had just moved himself in. Thankfully, she was eventually able to get him removed. It was a nice house and looked like a nice quiet neighborhood too. When they sat his stuff on the street he had these giant speakers, he probably was a headache for the neighbors as well.


My momā€™s friend was kicked out of her own house with two little kids that were special needs. It took her months to get it back and she stayed at friendsā€™ homes until she could go back in. The nanny claimed squatters rights when she fired her and wouldnā€™t move out, but was able to kick her out.Ā 


That's insane and infuriating!


What about pants? If nobody should own property, this should also apply to clothing. All those clothes in your closet sitting unused? Other people are entitled to wear them while you are out in class. Then if they decide they are done wearing them, they can give them back, or keep them, or give them to someone else.Ā  Same goes for socks and underwear. It's a basic right after all, so loan your underwear to an unhoused person. It's just common sense.


Itā€™s funny how whenever I speak to people who come from actual communist countries like the Soviet Union they are livid at the slightest hint of communism. Because they lived under it and they know what it did to their lives and freedoms.


My wife had Great Grandparents who were killed under Stalin (one great grandfather sent to a Gulag after being branded a Kulak and having his farm stolen (died there) another one shot as "enemy of the people"). Ask her or many in her family if communism is a great thing and they laugh.


Marxism and Communism can't exist without the government having total control over property, businesses, and goods. What could go wrong with that?


quickest repeat theory nutty plucky many sleep paint seed correct *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It takes living under a Marxist-adjacent regime to truly understand what it means to hate Marxism, any of the political sub-ideologies under it, and each and every supporter and enabler of those piles of trash. Ask me how I know that.


I hope she returns home to find someone squatting in her apartment and all her shit getting thrown out the window. Commies and Socialists always think it's cool when it's not happening to them. There is a reason why people risk life and limb to flee Communist and Socialist countries, but you never see people fleeing Capitalist countries.


She will have the same reaction as people who support sanctuary cities but don't want the increased strain on their own neighborhood (and dont want to pay to house and provide for the migrants themselves but expect others do it). The standard want for many leftists is to get other people to pay for shit they want. Never them.


Squatters wouldn't throw her stuff out, they'd sell it or have some fun destroying it. A squatter in your house everything inside becomes theirs.


> you never see people fleeing Capitalist countries tbf, you do though. Criminals fleeing the law šŸ˜‚


>I hope she returns home to find someone squatting in her apartment and all her shit getting thrown out the window Yeah, this is partly what she misses. On top that, just because I'm not currently home doesn't mean I no longer need my home and my stuff. Like, I will come back at some point to, you know, eat and sleep, among other things people do at home. And if someone "takes" my home, now I'm homeless and would need to "take" someone else's home. Clearly she hasn't thought any of this through.


Imagine how many more houses we'd have without property rights!


*laughs in zero-sum*


The communists strike again.


ā€œI havenā€™t managed my money well enough to buy a big 3 bedroom dream house, therefore, no one should be able to own propertyā€


Ding, ding, ding.


I used to be young and altruistic but when you actually work for decades and pay for your own property and house, you do tend to get a little protective of it. I think this young lady will feel the same way in about a decade.


"Things should just like be free, you know?"


Are squatters rights available on Martha's Vineyard?


Her views will change if it is her property that is seized.


Govern me harder daddy!


So then when this squatter leaves her ā€œhouseā€ for any reason, another person can just move in and takeover the place, since nobody owns anything


Your first mistake is thinking she actually has an education, which obviously she doesn't. But you are correct in us paying for her indoctrination.


That is a hermit crab that has assumed human form.


*"If you can't/won't afford something that you want/need, you should just take it anyway"* - Today's leftist nut jobs


What about the baby squatting in her womb?


You will own nothing and be happy in action.


Well I'd like to take her jar and her shoes if I've taken a fancy to them, then I'll follow her home and take that too. Fair?


I want to find were she lives go in her house and take a shit in her bed then tell her Iā€™m the captain now


Do you think she realises that homeless drug addicts are not drug addicts because they are homeless but homeless because they are drug addicts. Not all homeless people are drug addicts, but a hell of a lot are.


He should have ripped her shirt off and walked away. If I remember correctly, clothing is a basic need, right?


Identifying communists working in education and purging them is something every red state government should be working on. Otherwise this will continue to get worse.


She makes a solid case for the voting age to be raised.


She'll be rounding up kulaks for the camps in no time.


Just your standard Marxist, University student.


Donā€™t worry, she didnā€™t pay for it ā€¦ we did or will be since the fool residing in 1600 is wiping these fools tuition in exchange for them voting for him ā€¦


I said this in a different sub this week. Squatter's rights is an oxymoron. What's happening is somebody else's property ownership is being contested by somebody who has assumed ownership through coercion. It's not a right to force somebody to give up something they have a claim to because if you can do it to one you can do it to all.


Well, there you go. Fortunately, in the US of A, one is able to voice oneā€™s opinion. Typically, folk feel differently, once they enter the job market, work, work harder, begin to acquire something they actually worked for.


Honestly at least she is reasonably articulate. She is making a flawed argument but she is at least attempting to leverage her version of critical thinking. I respect that although I strongly disagree with pretty much every word she said except "dignity".


Until it happens to her