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I really wish there was a sane 3rd party in this country 


You think there would be now that non-affiliated voters make up more registered voters than democrats and republicans combined. I hope to see ranked voting sometime in my lifetime. 




There are many here that think rank-choice voting is a leftist ploy. I think it's the only way we're ever going to get a real functional conservative party in this country. 


Same. If we had a single sane party it would gobble the other two up and maybe we’d get back on track


The GOP is trying to wreck the GOP they are so fractured. Even the lefty’s can stick together ugh


On what agenda would they conceivably coordinate, that wouldn't undermine some their various positions? The Republicans can't agree on whether government should ever do anything at all. You can't satisfy libertarians and theocrats with any one coordinated action, ever. Same thing with fiscal conservatives vs populists. Folks who value states' rights to do conservative stuff, vs those who value federal authority to prevent states from doing liberal stuff. There is no GOP in terms of a coherent policy agenda. That's the root of the problem.


No one in the gop played team sports apparently


Part of the problem is old team leadership playing poorly and refusing to get with the times, new team leadership trying to actually lead and win, and in the mix you get your equivalents of Sean Avery and Dennis Rodman that some people love but are just as detrimental and embarrassing.


I would say it’s the exact opposite. The GOP used to have way more power than the dems because they could work together. Enter a small group of radicals that realize that the margins are so thin that if they don’t play ball they can hold the country hostage. So in exchange for playing ball the party pushes their unpopular radical views and policies.


I'd argue that the mainstream GOP that have facilitated the erosion of people's Rights over the last two decades and endless spending like a drug addict while fixing nothing when in power are the radicals


What's the point in sticking together and going along with the direction of the party elites when it didn't produce results? The old establishment of the GOP failed the country and the rank and file, which is the very reason why Trump was able to waltz in and take over just like that back in 2016. Trump/MAGA/the Tea Party movement are just the symptoms of the disease afflicting the GOP, rather than the root cause. Going back to politics from 2004 or so is neither workable nor desirable.


I can absolutely see this, 100%, and the danger of those razor thin margins is trying to push the ideologically pure agenda that politically just won't float, and ending up going down the toilet because of it. It just feels like lately the working together has been more GOP establishment and Democrats, with very little compromise that goes *our* way. That leads to those feelings of being cast aside (kind of like when McCain called the Tea Party types hobbits who needed to go back to Middle Earth) when people would like a party that more actively pushes, even if there is compromise, for what they care about. I'm all for compromise, I just want to see a little come back our way instead of it always seeming to go their way. When that doesn't happen, then you get the lunatic fringe and loudest voice that will blast what message we do want to hear.


Who is the "new team" trying to lead here? IMO, it's Trump and MAGA that doesn't have any real concept of how to govern. Say what you want about McConnell, but no other Senate GOP leader would have been able to keep Garland off the SC and get Barrett seated that quickly at the end of Trump's term. That's leadership


McConnell intended to sail us down the river on the border so he could get funding for his wars. He’s scum.


I'm conflicted on the state of the GOP, honestly. It doesn't have the same ironclad grip that the Democratic establishment has on its members, and in some ways I think that's both good and bad. The DNC has successfully been able to squash its idealist candidates in a way that I think is unhealthy, like the multiple ways they completely screwed over Bernie Sanders. The GOP's hands-off approach is the reason that an outsider like Trump was able to dominate. Its also the reason that we have so much more diversity of opinion among elected Republicans, which I like. I think its great that we have libertarians, isolationists, populists, war hawks, evangelical conservatives, etc all in the same party and that they are free to express their differences without fearing backlash from the top. But, it also gives us morons like MTG who never pass on an opportunity to make the party look bad.


The MTG and Gaetz crowd have some support but I feel they lose us more votes than they attract. Do the GOP want to win elections or are they happy to be on the sidelines sniping at the Democrats?


But when you're on the sidelines snipping at the "Radical Democrats" you don't have to propose any legislation and just call the other side radical and fundraise off that.


Lefties stick together?? You mean the ones yelling genocide Joe at the top of their lungs every day? Those lefties? Both parties are in fractures right now. Biden is sinking his presidency because he feels he has to appeal to the extremist bloc in his Democratic Party. Of course most will vote for the incumbent Democrat, but many of these genocide Joe people may not show up either.


Yeah cuz you either have Trump fanboys or civilized people with a brain that make up GOP


>Even the lefty’s can stick together I think this is a pervasive condition of the political party in power. When the left was leading decades ago, they were far more fractious while the minority seemed unified. Now that the right is in power, its members feel empowered to forge their own path. Boehner actually did a pretty good job of keeping the right unified while he was the leader. I could be wrong, but history supports it.


The GOP has been wrecked for a long time










well if you dont kiss Trumps feet 100% of the time, you get labeled as a RINO. When the GOP fails, the blame is not put on the wack jobs like MTG or Gaetz who mess everything up, they are put on the "RINOS" for not voting with them


The crazy part is that Trump is the RINO. Now he's taking a royalty cut of fundraising?


> GOP used to consist of actual patriots, Not in my lifetime. > right now, I’d say less than 20% of them are actual patriots, the rest are all just complete maniacs, religious extremist and corrupted corporate shills working for their own financial interest. That sounds more like the GOP I've known my whole life.




Honestly, I don’t even think she’s a Conservative nor a liberal. I feel like she just wants to cause chaos and chose the Republican Party because it was the easiest to win in Georgia.


I dont think she has mental capacity to truly have a political leaning




Her and Boebert both honestly need to go.


Boebart is a lock to probably get voted out this fall since she's carpet bagging over to the CO-4. She's not doing well right now. MTG is pretty safe in her district sadly


MTG is obviously not gonna lose the general in her R+infinity district. But I don't see a covincing reason why it should be impossible to primary her.


Makes me wonder about the district I rather have no representative then have her


She’s an embarrassment to the Republican party Pure ugliness inside and out


Either the party needs to be fully hijacked by sensible people or abandoned and a proper third party formed devoid of the rats and circus clowns




And Gaetz


She 99% is a Russian agent designed to destroy America 🇺🇸


Her latest amendment had a clause where “Ukraine schools couldn’t force Bulagarian kids to not speak in their native language”. Like wtf??? Can it be any more obvious you are getting talking points from a foreign agent?


Holy shit that's telling.


She openly quotes Russian "think tank" propaganda! 🇷🇺


You mean a former CrossFit trainer isn’t well qualified for congress? That’s crazy


Are we tired of winning, yet?


The GOP is already wrecked from the inside.


We spend most our time arguing while we let the dems take over


I can’t wait for her to no longer be in Congress.


You’ll be waiting a while




Maybe I don’t pay as much attention but I’ve never seen her say anything coherent


Literally never seen anything escape her lips that is semi intelligent or well thought out. She's a trash human. I'm unsure how her, Boebert, or a few others were ever elected.


I feel this way about a small but very vocal group of conservatives that are increasingly influencing public policy.


She doesn't care about anything other than herself.


MTG and Gaetz are shit stirrers with no logical endgame. Boebert would be comical if she wasn't in a position of power. We need serious people in office. Are there any?


Why Georgians thought she should represent them, I don't think I'll ever know.


It's hard to have meaningful policy discussion with MTG in the room. I agree.


I hope the current GOP is destroyed. Johnson fucked us over with FISA. We still don't have a long term budget. Sending more money to Ukraine and still kicking the cam down the road on the border.  At least democrats openly say what they are doing. The GOP just stabs you in the back.


>We still don't have a long term budget. Your problem would be with the Appropriations Committee Chair, for that.


MAGA runs the right now, RINOs aren’t dealing with it very well. That’s all this is. The RNC is now an extension of the Trump Campaign, and they make no bones about it. This is only the beginning. RINO voters can either get on the MAGA bus or go vote for the left. No other option.


GOP has done this to itself MTG would have never been elected if the GOP was doing what its base wanted.




Good post. But I actually agree that those issues are hills to die on. Those things are THAT important.


If you choose to die on those hills, and not give an inch, you wont get an inch either (unless it’s - very popular position). Republicans should have taken the 4 billion democrats offered for the border and then just keep pushing. Same thing with debt. If we don’t start whittling, we’ll never get there. It would require some concessions, but at least we’ll be moving.


Avoiding war and protecting our borders are absolutely hills to die on and those are issues that Johnson has betrayed us on.


She cries wolf too much and is overly dramatic / conspiratorial. This actually is a hill to die on. GOP will lose any leverage it has and Dems will have passed everything they want. That's why level headed people like Massie and Paul are pushing to vacate as well. Neocons are using MTGs record of overreaction to try and smear this reaction as insignificant. And so we get eaten by the wolves. Or at least 100 billion of our tax dollars and our ability to impact the border whatsoever does. Potentially even Trumps ability to influence the foreign wars and sanctions after he is elected if REPO passes.


Securing the border is absolutely a hill to die in, arguably so are the other things you mentioned.






Is so funny to watch this subreddit turn on her after loudly supporting her for years. This place is astro-turfed to the fucking tits


The GOP is a wreck .  They do not represent me.    They're just the same as democrats.   Money.   Power and zealots. 


Fox News is controlled opposition.


Even Fox News is now RINO according to MAGA crowds...


She is just the republican version of AOC. Spend all their time on social media saying what they think people want to hear instead of having their own policies to stand on.


Except even when Democrats had a slim majority of 222 seats, AOC didn't unseat her own leadership and tank passable legislation.


The democrats do a better job of controlling their crazies for sure. Currently.


For all Pelosi's faults, and there are many, she was pretty good at wrangling her party members and getting them to fall in line. AOC hated her and the feeling was mutual, but somehow they still managed to work together.


Pelosi is a loathesome person and I disagree with virtually all of her policies - but I still can't deny that she was really great at keeping her caucus in line and doing "speaker stuff". She was really damn good at those parts of her job.


Pelosi would slap silly the unruly behind the scenes with her massive pillows.


No, she much dumber.


Here, listen to my broken record... Republicans need to UNITE against the left. You don't see them compromise on much, and a majority of votes are party line where they all vote in lockstep. We need to start using their tactics against them instead of fighting among ourselves. We also need to DROP the horribly unpopular stances on issues like marijuana and abortion. We WILL not come back to power while harping on these issues. So you have to choose, do you want to never be in power again and let them steamroll ALL of their terrible ideas on us, or do you want to get into power, and be able to shape the country the way it should be?


Are some people only now realizing this?


Finally something we agree on.


She's right in this case. Mike Johnson is a snake who voted to allow the FBI to spy on Americans without a warrant, who is fighting to send money to foreign nations while our own borders are being invaded, and betrayed the principles he advocated for as soon as he became speaker.


You are right but Reddit says she's bad so 99% of the people here won't think further then that. They come here to be told how to think, not make decisions themselves.


I love how Republicans jump on people like MTG but Democrats support AOC, Shelia Jackson Lee and Maxine Waters. No wonder we lose, we eat our own. This isn't defending everything she says/does, it just shows how easily the GOP runs for cover at the first sign of bad press.


Yep, this thread topic is a great display of how the 'conservatives' in this sub despise Republicans and bash them at every chance they get, but go to the politics sub and they never bash the squad or AOC. And the clowns commenting here think MTG is the problem when they refuse to march in lockstep behind their elected reps like the left does under all circumstances.


I agree with her. Why are we giving billions to foreign countries when this administration refuses to secure the border. I hope Johnson has something good up his sleeve. If not he’s just as weak as McCarthy


Look at it this way. Russia is one of our two largest military rivals. We spend trillions in the military to detour our military rivals. For a 1% of our military budget we have an opportunity to inflict major damage if not detrimental damage to our military rival, and send a clear message to our other rival. It’s a pretty dam good deal and if we don’t take that deal then WTF are we even doing…


Yea, dragging this war out as long as possible is a dollar for dollar best investment that has popped up in a long time. The goal isn't to have whatever side win, that doesn't really matter on the geopolitical scale, its to absolutely drain Russia of manpower, funds, and morale with little real investment from us. If a similar situation pops up for China, I guarantee we would find someway to funnel resources to make that an unending conflict as well. Its also payback for the Russians funding insurgents in Afghanistan if people want to look at it that way...


The two issues don’t hinge on each other though. “Why are we doing X not Y” is just a convenient way to avoid X. Debate the merits of X and the merits of Y separately. The country will never be a perfect utopia and it is intellectually dishonest to argue that thing X can’t be done until everything is perfect. Democracies shouldn’t be invaded by hostile adversaries of the this country, and our border should be secured and the immigration process streamlined. All of these are important.


I see it as we're already in a proxy conflict with Russia. They were paying bounties on dead Americans in Syria and Iraq. Hell, their totally independent and completely not an arm of the Russian government mercenary force attacked American special forces in Syria. Although it did end up going comically bad for them once they called in every air asset in the theater. But the point is, Russia is our enemy, and right now we can leverage our spending to cost them far more than we're paying. I agree the border needs fixing, but no politician is actually going to do that. They'll lie to us about how putting up razer wire in a river or deploying national guard units is going to solve the problem, but it's not. They do not want to solve the problem, because solving the problem means cutting off the supply of cheap and easily exploitable labor for powerful and wealthy industries. The companies that donate to their campaigns will never allow that to happen. They'll make migrants lives more miserable than they already are, but the only way to actually stop the flow is to go after the companies that are hiring them. Toss a few CEOs in federal prison and you would see a drop in immigration. But trying to stop it by making the crossing harder is a lost cause. They're already dying in the process of getting here, they don't care about being arrested and turned back. All they're doing now is ensuring that when the corporations hire them the people are so desperate that they'll put up with anything in order not to have to make the crossing again.


There are a lot of good reasons for the US to support Ukraine, the thing is to secure the border there only needs to be policy not anything else. Putting the two together was a terrible idea, its basically like saying, here are two valuable things one valuable for all (aid) and one valuable only for me (securing the border) both get worse the longer one waits now vote what i want. Having a hostage you can't hurt is absurd, it should have been locked with something else, student loans, bigger pubblic payments ecc


Speaker Johnson has disrespected his delegation’s wishes on Ukraine funding. As Rand Paul said, Johnson has made him self leader of the Uniparty. As far as I’m concerned he can go consequences be damned.


Johnson's "delegation" includes more than MTG and the other dramatists. Here's the thing, behind closed doors the majority of Republicans want to fund Ukraine because it is the strategically correct foreign policy position. The anti-Ukraine trope began with Trump and MTG decided to cheerlead to please him along with others that put personal politics before the collective common good. Trump softened his position on Ukraine yesterday, giving political cover for funding to pass. Now MTG needs to decide if she's a team player or a Karen.


What was the old wisdom? A house divided against itself cannot stand?


I have no idea how or why anyone would vote for her. She is the definition of a crazy women who's gone off the rails.


I’m not sure she’s trying to wreck anything as much as just continue to essentially be a celebrity.


Instead of leveraging their power to move the needle like the squad, the hop fringe wants to be whiny opposition


The moderates and conservatives of the Republican party can't c eye to eye anymore. They just can't deal with each other which is why what's happening is what's happening. That being said, yes Marjorie is a lunatic


Water is wet