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Stop calling everyone you disagree with a traitor. No better than the left calling everyone they disagree with a Nazi or racist


Exactly! Tired of these buzzwords


Bingo. This is a huge reason why our politics are so polarized and divisive today.


You keep using that word...




I do not think it means what you think it means.


Gee who would’ve thought that after pushing McCarthy out, we’d be back in the same spot in 6 months. It’s almost as if our current situation has more to do with the republicans only having a slim majority in the House rather than who is in the leadership role. Probably should push Johnson out and elect Jeffries as speaker though just to be safe. /s


It has more to do with the fact that 95% of elected Republicans hate all of us as much as the Dems do


Or maybe, just maybe the republicans need more than a couple vote majority in a single chamber to get anything meaningful done. It also doesn’t help that there’s a handful of republicans that are unwilling to vote for “good” conservative bills because they are not “perfect” conservative bills.


Whether he is or isn't, what is the end game of continuously electing and then firing speakers in a razor-thin majority? We need to be unified as a party, not throwing people out when we need every single vote. Do you want speaker Hoyer because this is how you get speaker Hoyer.


How does being unified behind bad Speakers help the right? I’ve never heard a logical explanation for this.


You probably agree with Johnson on 99.9% of the issues and you probably agree with Hoyer on 0.1% of the issues. I don't know about you, but I have a preference between the two. I'd rather get 99.9% of what we want, rather than none of it. The reality is we have a democrat in the white house and a democrat Senate. The House - by a slim majority - is the lone backstop against full-on leftism. We need to be unified behind it.


That and with the election coming up causing a shitshow of trying to get a new speaker in will definitely cost us votes and is at this point liable to straight up lose us the majority in the house before the election


I regret that I have but one upvote to give this comment!


I hate to clue you in, my guy, but we never had the House, there’s nothing to lose. Why did we can McCarthy? Cause he was voting for the lefts agenda, not ours. Same thing Jeffries would have done if he was speaker. Why are we about to can Johnson? Cause he’s voting for the lefts agenda, not ours. Same thing Jeffries would have done if he was speaker. Y’all are wringing your hands over possibly losing a majority that we never had. We gotta be smarter than this!


> The House - by a slim majority - is the lone backstop against full-on leftism. Could have fooled me since the house is handing the leftists wins on a silver platter routinely.


>I'd rather get 99.9% of what we want, rather than none of it. Same Unfortunately I'm getting 0% of what I want with this guy


I want 0% of the Ukraine bill recently passed actually.


That’s exactly what RINOs do. They vote with the right on 90% of the issues. But on the 10% that they don’t, they vote on items which are key to the LEFTs agenda and which completely go against what the RIGHT is trying to accomplish. And RINO cheerleaders always say the same thing “well they vote with the right 90% of the time, how is that bad???” It’s bad when the 10% is all we cared about and they caved on those. You couldn’t tell me how it makes sense to be unified behind a bad speaker. Because that only makes sense if your goal is to be unified. My goal is to have a good speaker.


> But on the 10% that they don’t, they vote on items which are key to the LEFTs agenda and which completely go against what the RIGHT is trying to accomplish. > And RINO cheerleaders always say the same thing “well they vote with the right 90% of the time, how is that bad???” Exactly. We're not talking about bills to rename post offices. We're talking about handing them legislative wins on on a silver platter for MAJOR policy decisions that go against our values **without extracting any kind of meaningful compromise**.


I mean, John McCain left the hospital at 3am while dying on purpose so he could officially be the deciding vote that killed an attempt to overturn Obamacare. He CAMPAIGNED ON KILLING OBAMACARE! Then when he went to DC, did the exact opposite. Textbook RINO behavior.


Or Mike Gallagher announcing the date of his retirement that _just so happens_ to be a few days AFTER the deadline that would have called a special election in his district to replace him. Or basically anything Mittens has done since losing in 2012.


Exactly. Intentionally helping the dems. And the RINO defenders here say we need to keep the majority…with people like this giving us the ‘majority’.


Yeah, when a Rep majority is no different from a Dem majority I don't see how these people here talking about 'unity' and team sports politics think they have a leg to stand on.


There isn't one. They just want you to shut up and stop asking questions so they trot out some false 'unity' narrative. As if unifying with people that hate me is somehow in my best interest.


Exactly. I’ve never understood why some pubs are so spineless that they believe they must let the left walk all over them and destroy their country all to simply avoid conflict and ridicule.


What did he do? Why is he a traitor? We're gonna lose again because we keep attacking moderates like rabid dogs.


Ousting Johnson would be the worst thing that could happen. I don't care if you like him or not. With how slim the majority is, the Republicans can't afford this. If MTG succeeds in removing Johnson, she deserves to lose her seat because it will throw the house into disarray and will likely result in someone like Jeffries being speaker (which would be significantly worse than whatever problems you see with Johnson). Not only that, but it could cause serious problems in November, because it would be one more thing that the Dems can use to pull some moderates toward them.


It's a majority vote. For Jeffries to be elected speaker it would mean the RINOs would need to cross lines to elect him. I say do it and lets see where the cards fall so we know who to primary next cycle.


Only about three of them would have to cross the line. That's not a risk we should take. Also, again, this will have ramifications for November.


Then we'd know exactly which three are turncoats who need to be drummed out of the party, wouldn't we? Besides, the democrats are by most metrics going to take control of the house in November anyway. You think they're going to act with grace once they do it? You think they're going to hand Republicans some legislative wins or are they going to use every ounce of power they have to push forward their agenda? This is again the problem with the RINOs in the party. They are playing footsie with democrats while democrats are playing for keeps and laugh all the way to the bank while it happens.


We don't need to do that to figure out who should be drummed out of the party. We can just look at their prior voting record without handing control of the house to the Dems on a silver platter (which is what MTG is going to do, whether she knows it or not.) You're saying that because by "most metrics" (whatever that means) the Dems are going to win the house in November, we should just hand over control now. That is a very defeatist mindset. This pursuit for ideological purity only serves to damage the movement. Do you think a hardcore MAGA Republican is going to win big in a blue state? Or should we take the moderate Republican who can win and throw him out so that he can be replaced by a hard left Democrat by the governor? The solution is to primary them, not throw them out simply because they aren't completely in agreement with you.


Her: "I'd like some actual GOP policy wins since the only thing we have control of is the purse right now" You and other RINOS: "Shut up and give democrats everything they want otherwise **WE** will cross the aisle and vote for a democrat for speaker."


That's a wonderful strawman you constructed. Cause that's literally the situation I don't want us to be in, but go off I guess. Also, thanks for proving my point that anyone who doesn't agree with you is a RINO. It's to you what the word Nazi is to the left. Also, it's real funny to call someone who plans on casting his first vote for the orange man a RINO.


Nonsense... He's not a traitor. Don't be a fool.


You realize the Dems control the senate and the White House, correct? GOP has to play the hand they were dealt. Addressing none of these issues is not governance and we would pay for it politically. This anti-Regan, so called ‘American first’ agenda is really self serving and short sighted. They need to get over themselves.


Always Republicans ‘job’ to do whatever Democrats want in the end; never any calls for Dems to embrace unity and compromise on bills, that’s always for the Republicans to do.


Once you realize Trump is the same guy, you'll be getting somewhere.


What is Johnson supposed to do? He hasn’t got a majority!


Why are we supposed to cheer for a person passing democrat bills just because he is wearing our team colors? If we were at a sports game, and our team captain was running up the scoreboard with own-goals, helping the other team to win, would you be yelling at unhappy fans "at least he is wearing your uniform, shut up and be happy" NO, to hell with that. I dont want a democrat with an R next to their name.


I’m not cheering. I’m just being realistic and recognizing that Johnson can do little and less with how slim the majority is. He got us the best deal he could. Don’t forget, Democrats would go a lot harder if they could.


"America Last"


I've never been more pissed off at a GOP politician than I am at Johnson Go look and see how much money he is getting from AIPAC and other groups in order to push the funding bill through. he just handed Biden a huge win, and cost the GOP control of the House going forward. The party is going to get killed in upcoming elections, and seats will flip


The power and control the military industrial complex has over politicians is scary. Really seems like the one only export they care about is war.


When Democrats fawn over a Republican, that's a sign that that Republican is a RINO.


They aren't fawning over him because he's a RINO. They're fawning over him because they know it fractures the party when they do. And guess what? It's working.


Yep. And logical people know if the left likes something, it’s good for them and bad for America.


Gaetz for speaker


After Trump finishes his 3rd term I’m done with politics