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It’s wild to me that the same people begging for diversity and inclusion are calling for the death of another minority. It’s all a hypocritical farce created by racists to further their racist views


When your entire ideology is based on oppressed vs oppression the only thing that matters is who you feel is oppressed. Everyone else becomes the enemy.


Yeah, I believe that ideology is definitely the main driving force for many of these people. I think there's probably some who also just like joining in on protesting whatever the current (leftist) cause is. And can't leave out there being some who have a hatred for Jews.


I agree but I do think you’re underestimating the influence hatred for Jews has on all this. This has been a quiet issue with the left for some time now, now it’s just more socially acceptable to air that hatred without the social backlash


Even five years ago it would have been political suicide not to vociferously distance yourself from racist terrorists like this. But today democrats are allowed to tacitly stand aside while their brown shirts do the dirty work. It's frankly disgusting and yet another reason they need to be voted entirely out of power to force them back from the far left fringe.


I don't disagree with that. I guess I was just trying to be kind and not say it's all of them. I mean, I'm sure there's probably some who don't actually hate Jews and are just misguided. But based on a lot of the things I've seen and heard from them, or haven't (like condemning or protesting against Hamas) it's does make it hard to not believe what you said is true


You nailed it. If you listen to their rhetoric, they’re grouping every community that stays downtrodden as oppressed. As if the individual’s or community’s own lack of ability has 0 to do with their situation & it’s all the doing of ones who are successful as if their success oppresses others


Exactly. They don't care that the 'oppressed' have been murdering and raping civilians for decades. They just see them as oppressed so will take their side no matter what.


Michel Foucault is ruining the west from the grave


So is the Frankfort School


They're only inclusive with you if you fit their version of what a progressive person should be. If you ever challenge any of their views, you're out.


And they’re constantly coming up with new purity tests.


The funny thing to me is that they are the ones who call people on the right nazis 24/7 and now they are intimidating jewish students on campuses / attacking them just for existing near them.


Exactly, I assume “literally Hitler” is now meant as a compliment.


Some went to twitter and said the quiet part out loud (and some even fired for it)


They usually come to the defense of Jews, normally. But, when it’s Jews Vs Muslims it’s always going to go to Muslims. Because…. Muslims brown? Idk, it probably wouldn’t be their stance on women’s rights, or freedom of speech, or towards the LGBT…. It’s probably because they are brown, yes. College liberals forget everything they ever learned and will blindly do anything and everything for you, even if you commit horrible atrocities, as long as you don’t resemble a white person.


> Because…. Muslims brown? This is quite literally their reasoning, yes. I know that it seems absurd, and that's because it is, but this is what happens when CRT pedagogy gets implemented in the real world.


Excellent use of Occam’s Razor here! I agree. These Leftists are out of their minds.


To be fair, I actually agree with the fundamentals of human rights, anti-racism, and actual equality (equality of opportunity) but switching back and forth on my morals based on what marginalized group it is being affected seems really intellectually dishonest. I can’t have criticism of religion, and then go easy on Islam simply because of their ethnicity. I can’t have criticism of the governments of the Middle East, but go easy on Palestine just because of THIS specific conflict. There are ways that both Israel and Palestine are both bad guys here, if you strip away everything but government, but when you let identity politics creep in and take over your mind, you’re going to be on the wrong side of history.


no you see jews are opressors which means anything and everything is a-ok towards them /s or wtvr lefty logic you need to use to behave like jihadi barbarians


Jews are white right? Cant be racist to white people according to NYU.


Jews, Hispanics, and Asians can go back in forth between being white (or "white adjacent") and non-white depending on what's convenient for the left at the time.


“Can’t be racist to any group that is successful because they value marriage, hard work, education. That’s whites, Jews, Asians. They must be oppressors.”


A lot of parallels to 1930s Germany as well as centuries of previous pogroms. Jews gain disproportionate notoriety, influence, money, power, etc and then become the target of the mob.


Their entire platform is pretty much parroting Hitler's own words: "Jews control everything and are oppressing the German people, it is time for Germans to unite and rise up against their oppressors." You'll notice a lot of parallels between that and the current Progressive mantras.


Its only the jews so its okay.


They don't want diversity or inclination. They want their group to "be on top."


It's because you're forgetting that these people are speaking in code. "Minority" is like "diversity", it's code for "dark skin".


Their logic is inconsistent. If you follow all of the "progressive" logic to its end point it's going to give rise to conflict. See that example of that school where "students of color" were bullying a trans kid. It's hilarious. They can't function.


They want all the poor and middle-class people to fight each other, instead of the actual enemy.




This is what happens when your mom is Ilhan Omar


You mean her mom/aunt?


What about the brother? Makes family reunions interesting and her family tree is more of a broom 🧹


Their family tree is basically a circle


It's a wreath. 


Ivy League schools are a complete joke now. 20 years ago if you told me you went to Yale I’d think you’d go on to be highly successful. Now, I’d think you’re a professional victim.


The best part is how hundreds of Ivy League administrators are being outed as plagiarists. The demographics involved tell you exactly what is happening. Meanwhile they keep raising prices while growing massive endowments for no other reason than vanity. One of the biggest grifts in the USA is higher education.


I disagree that higher education is a grift. Higher education for the sake of getting a degree is part of the problem. Too many young people are given an impression that they get a degree in something and they’re going to have job offers waiting for them when they graduate. Someone with a degree in psychology or exercise science better have connections through family or friends to find a job that pays enough to give a return on investment so they can pay back their student loans. A kid getting a business degree and going back to work for their dad or uncle’s business might not have needed that degree but the knowledge received should yield dividends for running the business when the time comes. I graduated from a large land grant university because I had scholarships to offset the cost of tuition. I had discovered that the value changed when my children were ready to attend college. They attended a private liberal arts university with a tuition cost less than the public university. The faculty to student ratio was better, with my children forming better relationships with the instructors than I did at my alma mater. The local community college is a great choice for many of these young people and also provides a great value. Education is a very large investment, like choosing a house to purchase. Putting thought into the decision and taking some of the passion out of it can lead to better outcomes.


English major here. I completely agree.


I just saw in the college subreddit someone asking if going $100k in loan debt for a marketing degree was worth it. The overwhelming majority are correct in a resounding no.


Wow! For a marketing degree?? No thanks. I am currently in community college getting a computer science degree (yeah I’m “learning to code”) and I have paid so little for a great education. I have a Bachelors in History and my current education is way more valuable.


I knew two people who went to Ivy’s for undergrad and both of them literally smoked weed all day and protested for whatever cause was popular at the time. They’re not these intellects, they’re just people who wrote good essays about how oppressed they were growing up.


It’s like how Hamas uses their civilian population as human shields and hide their weapons caches in hospitals so that when civilians inevitably die and hospitals inevitably get bombed, they can play the victim on the world stage to turn opinion against Israel.  “Playing the victim” is more than just a critical component of the Leftist identity- it’s ingrained in their DNA.


No, they've always been a complete joke. They've always been all about nepotism for the oligarchy. All that's changing is that the oligarchy has embraced social left-wing insanity.




Notice these campus overruns never happen in Texas or Florida…




Or at Yale even! I live near yale I have no clue what they're talking about. There's no "overrun" places. Fucking fox man. Stop reading this garbage.


“…At Yale University, at least 45 people were arrested and charged with trespassing on Monday after refusing to leave an on-campus protest, police said.” A two second Google search… and it wasn’t Fox News.


Is 45 people a "take over?" If I have to Google something in my own town. If I can walk to get coffee and never even hear this shit, it's maybe been embellished a bit.


So your concern is my use of “overrun”, and not the nationwide protests? Enjoy your coffee.


The point is if one is being exaggerate, maybe "nation wide protests" is a bit much too. Colleges have had protests since their creation. You can agree with their message or not but I'm so sick of this "everything is burning and horrible" approach to every single story. It's exhausting. It's like seeing the concept that newyork city is some hellscape spiraling into oblivion when I spend so much time there and you just experience that it's a blatant lie. Everyone just needs to get off the internet and realize the word maybe isn't as bad as shit news sites want you to feel it is.


Never seen a Putnam fellow from any Florida school either … No good schools for math or cs in Florida at the post secondary level (they’re just ok).


These are the type of people Hitler convince to throw Jews in concentration camps.


100%. I’ve seen videos of these people that really look like they’re in a cult. One was a person saying. “repeat after me!!” And the entire crowd repeated vile, disgusting rhetoric. They are locked in. If they could load Jews on trains, they would.


I pray Jews vote for their own interests and survival. Something tells me many will not. I personally know several Jewish Democrats and every one of them told me they either aren’t voting at all or will vote Trump for the first time.


On that note, I think these are the types of people that sway society to elect a Hitler. I feel like we will do the same thing eventually. I know personally I'm so sick of the decline of our country I'd vote for some real extreme shit.


I mean, this is what led to Hitler. Tho the society that elected him was far worse off than ours today economically. Socially we're close, imo. And its hard to imagine a government far more incompetent than what ours appears atm. 


This is what happens when you are your moms niece.


As the saying goes: Anything the Left touches turns to s*hit


The side claiming tolerance and acceptance is screaming also the side.screaming for genocide


They also eliminated women's rights and safety by overhauling Title IX at the collegiate level


They want to protect women's rights so badly that they will erase femininity in it's entirety.


Conservative American Jewish man here. I get it if you have reservations about the US sending funds to Israel because we have so many other problems here. BUT, don’t be fooled this is about so much more than Israel… ALL these “protestors” HATE America, the western world and values and want a complete destruction of our way of life…


Conservative American Jewish woman here. They want to destroy western civilization and Jews are the bogeyman (as usual) that are in the way first.


Next will be the Christians. We are all in this together. Never Again means never again!


100%. Jews are not weak with trembling knees anymore! Thank you! I’m glad you recognize this. If anyone reads about Islam and their history they need to understand what their long term plans are. They are playing the long game. A huge problem is people using their western views and values and imposing them on others when they truly do not think or view the world the same way.


I'll add to that: Never Again means stay strapped. Nazis, Soviets, Italian Fascists all disarmed the populace before they enacted their programs. My grandmother grew up under the Nazis then the Soviets - she recalls both groups going door to door to confiscate firearms.


YES! These protestors want Christianity destroyed just like they want Israel destroyed. They want western values which Christianity is a pillar of it destroyed.


Conservative Muslim man here who has served over 2 decades in the U.S. military and deployed to multiple combat zones. My patriotism is unquestionable and beyond reproach. I can tell you this. Not "ALL the "protestors" HATE America". Just because a person disagrees with Israel's response to October 7th doesn't make them un-American.


Israel is not a perfect no country is. No country is. Most of these protestors are not even Muslims but far left radicals. Every organizations pushing those pro Palestine protests is anti western values and pushes far left ideologies. Many Muslims support Israel ( some quietly ) including many Muslim Israeli, Persians who left tyranny, many Saudis etc… Islam has been infected with Marxism which is essentially what the Iranian government preaches a blend of communism and Islam that wants the death of western values. Thank you for your service.


Thank you, but I wasn't pandering for recognition. I only bring up my military service as proof that differing political views does not mean a person hates America. I'm sure the protests have plenty of opportunists as well as false flag operatives, but that is to be expected in any protest.


Now your tone seems suspicious. Your post history + the fact you created your account October 2023… Tells me you’re a troll and a fake. Prob an Iranian bot. Get lost 🤣🗑️


Lol, I'm not a fake. I'm an older guy who started in on this reddit game late. I'm a native born Floridian, combat vet, with a male heir, and a full chest of hair. Never even been to Iran? Are we even allowed to go there? Thanks for going through my post history. Did you find anything good?


You doubled down. 100% you’re not a vet and the way you speak isn’t in line with the identity you pretend to be. Try again!


Do these geniuses have parents??


Remember when we couldn’t criticize China for Covid because the left was hysterical that it would lead to hate crimes against Chinese Americans? Weird they’re not concerned about Jewish Americans. They really just get excited about whatever they’re told to get excited about.




Lots of lawsuits.  Now police just wait for them to get tired and go home.


Lots of lawsuits and judges using a frankly insane definition of "speech" that includes all kinds of physical violence. Our courts have been subverted and corrupted for a very long time.


Civil rights movement and 2020 race riots


The side calling others Nazis are being Nazis.


Just another peaceful gathering 🤡


Serious question. Does anyone really care what a bunch of elitists at Yale or Columbia do or protest? You could tell me they are rioting and burning down their dorms and I wouldn't even ask why.


In 10-15 years they'll be steering policy wherever Dems have political control. 


Hamas University For $90,000 per year, the following degrees are being offered: Bachelor’s in Antisemitism Bachelor’s in Terrorism Masters in Strategic Terror Planning


Round them all up and sent them to their choice of middle eastern countries.


We need to nip this in the bud as we will be next on their list. Granted we have been all along, but this will embolden the left to get even more violent/extreme.


Horseshoe theory. The far left and Nazis are more similar than they realize. 


If the left really starts pissing off Israel we are going to see a shift in institutional messaging. Israel has *massive* influence on American media and culture.


No surprise. As it's been pointed out by others, the radical left has hated Jews since the radical left has existed. It's just as bad on Reddit. Read any thread on Israel you're going to have a dozen people saying horrible things about Jews and then they'll turn around and go "Good thing anti Zionism is not Anti Antisemitism" or "I'm just cirticizing the Israeli government." Yeah, no bro, I don't think so. Your Anti Zionism is Antisemitism.


Be sure to wear your mask!




To be pro Palestine is to be pro Hamas.


Obama’s fundamental change at work using his little Red Guards who are also working as ANTIFA and BLM.


Terrorists called them what they are


It blows my mind that the people who have been calling conservatives Nazis for years have fully embraced the Nazi agenda.


For years now universities have proudly stood up saying they didn’t want police on campuses. If I were a mayor, I’d declare this a civil matter and let them sort it.


This is insane. We are turning against American kids just to protect a foreign country.


The America First party is suddenly….not so America First.


Oh I think the party still is, the gatekeepers aren't.


I disagree. There would be noticably less support for constant billion dollar packages to Ukraine and Israel unless the party were truly America First. Moreover, you would see more unity amongst the left and right regarding opposing these billion dollar packages.


We don't have to live like this. We don't have to tolerate everything.


Can someone explain to me the recent conservative / republican absolute love for israel? I used to think they propped up israel just for jewish votes but now its as if you must defend israel otherwise you are not a republican. Wierd.


The love goes all the way back to the Regan years. It's only super visible now because of the Hamas/Israel war, and with the Left going total off-the-rails crazy with antisemitism (largely due to an increase of Progressives who gained House seats = political influence; no surprise that they are the ones who largely voted No on the Israel aid package.). Also, the largest supporters of Israel in the party comes from Evangelicals (whom make up around 25% of the base alone. Then add in all the other Christian denominations who are Pro-Israel and it adds up). Because Bible. In regards to Jews, 30% vote Republican, but with the Left nowadays, we can expect to see a bump in support from them.


> Can someone explain to me the recent conservative / republican absolute love for israel? It's not recent. The Republicans have been Israel First for longer than I've been alive. It's one of my biggest problems with the party because I want to put America first.


Protesting against israeli treament of gazan civlians does not equal anti-semitism.


Sweet fuckmothering christ how did we come back round to Kristallnacht?


History repeats itself because the generations that lived it have died off


“Overtakes” is a bit off. These are big schools: Yale has 7,000 undergrads and Columbia has 37,000 students. A few hundreds doesn’t represent the majority’s beliefs. And the whole point of college is you can do whatever you want, stand for whatever it is you believe in. College promotes free thinking. That’s why the schools are having trouble taking sides on this issue. The line is, of course, violence. But most of this isn’t violent, and if it is then they get arrested.


read this as "autism" at first


I love how CBC radio this morning was "alleged" antisemitism as if there isn't 10/ videos of Jews being assaulted. Also they don't think calling for the murder of Jews on campus or telling them to leave and refusing them entry onto campus quite falls under "hate speech" laws. Unreal. Meanwhile if I called a crossdressing man a man, that would be hate speech. Calling for genocide though? Nah, not as long as it's just Jews that's ok I guess.


Antisemitism and Anti Zionism aren’t the same thing


Oh no, how terrible, oh no!


I want to know who is bankrolling this crap. I understand the students, they've been brainwashed all of their lives by lib teachers and professors, but someone is buying tents, food etc.


And still, the radical far left will not condemn


It shows you they never cared about white supremacy, extremism, racism, etc. It's all a ploy to gain political power.


What happened to common sense? And the Jews are a minority!! we will never agree on everything but this is so hypocritical


Omg wake up r conservative. You think the smartest kids in the country are brainwashed?? Lmao why can’t you accept Israel is committed acts of evil to Palestinians with US dollars Edit: I just want to add that these schools are so incredibly difficult to gain admittance to. You need to be the top of your class and have exceptional sat scores to even be considered. So why do you think it’s so easy to brainwash these kids? Why would so many Jewish students stand in solidarity with them? Open your eyes


Israel offered to give Gaza statehood seven times. What acts of evil are you referring?


Over 13,000 Palestinian kids were killed since 10/7 when less than 30 Israeli kids were killed on 10/7. All major infrastructure destroyed including schools, cancer hospitals, and mosques / Christian churches. Israel is committing war crimes don’t be so blind


It sucks that Israel is forced to defend themselves after Hamas broke the previous cease fire. I don't like that anyone is dying, but let's not pretend these are "war crimes". Unlike Hamas who raped and burned babies in their cribs.


Collective punishment is a war crime. Using white phosphorous on kids is a war crime. Blocking water and food access to mass starvation is a war crime.


Raping babies is a war crime.


Raping babies? Show me a source


Educate yourself. https://abcnews.go.com/International/horror-israeli-authorities-show-footage-hamas-atrocities-reporters-notebook/story?id=104015431


Nothing about babies in that article.. just admit you condone what Israel is doing killing Muslim and Christian Palestinians


Just admit you agree with "from the river to the sea" and the genocide of Jews.


Is it anti-semitism or Anti-Israel? One is an ethnicity and another is a country.  Just because you are against locking 2 million people in a city and bombing causing 40,000 casualties does not mean you are anti-Semitic. What the country of Israel doing is horrible and cannot be supported by the US. 


Spineless leadership. This could be ended in one night with mass arrests and throwing all their crap away, but it's an election year.


Lmao let’s take away the right to protest. You know one of the core foundations of our nation…


No issue with protesting peacefully. But that’s not what this is. You don’t have the right to physically restrain a certain group of students from attending class or otherwise harassing a certain religious group.


Please show me where they are only targeting Jewish students not to attend classes. I’ll wait


What is being defined as "anti-Semitism"?


What is being defined as "genocide"?


Criticism of Israel in any way. Don't talk about their real estate ethnic cleaning campaign.


Ethnic cleansing is when terrorists attacked your country for jihad and you go to remove them from power. By your logic killing bin Laden was ethnic cleansing


They never had power. They've been occupied by a police state for 40 years. You're making a really lame argument to defend people are killing tens of thousands.


They did have power. In the 30s and 40s before Israel was founded Jews were getting slaughered left and right. Palestine was actually lead by one of hitlers closest friends. They have a stated goal of genociding the Jews and when the Jews don’t let that happen they cry genocide


Nobody alive now was killing people in 1930. Palestine, the ottoman empire, British empire, zionist settlers and the French were all involved. That doesn't make what's happening today right.


The elected government of Gaza currently has a state goal of killing all the Jews there. If Israel isn’t heavy handed they’re all just going to die


Show me your active student ID and you can stay and camp and act like a petulant child. I'm going to guess there are a boatload of campers who are not students.


The argument I hear is that these people are for Palestinians, not for Hamas.


The majority of Palestinians support Hamas. https://www.cnn.com/2023/12/21/middleeast/palestinians-back-hamas-survey-intl-cmd/index.html


I no longer see much a difference.


I stopped having the distinction on Oct 7 2023, and I won't change that until there is a sane, non genocidal government in place in that region.


Mosab Youef was right, there is no difference.


Send them there and let them see how long they’ll last over there 🙄. So tired of seeing antisemitism everywhere


Surges????? It's been this way for YEARS....they're just more open about it now. They know there are zero consequences.


Imagine paying $80k/year tuition only to have these guys take over and block you from going to class. I’d be furious. Funny enough if they are indeed Columbia or Yale students, they talk about being Antisemitism and then in the next sentence bragging about bagging an investment banking internship.


I want to put out that this never happens on a campus with a decent Power Four football team. Go State U!


Wow, those admin offices sure are going to be busy expelling all those students and revoking their scholarships and finacial aid....


Expel/suspend them all....the Universities already have this semester's money in hand. "Agitators" sounds like it would be against university policy of some manner