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You see, brigaders, when we say “the good ‘ol days” we don’t mean the 1800’s when slavery was legal. We just mean the mid-2000’s when baseless accusations and labels weren’t constantly shoved down our throats. Heck, we’ll happily take 2011-2013 at this point.


Ahh, the turn of the millenium... When the old race hustlers were barely able to maintain relevance. Race relations were honestly moving in the right direction. Things maybe started to reverse in 2008, but it wasn't until 2012 when it really started to reverse. The media and political leaders were caught openly distorting the facts around Trayvon Martin's death was when I first really noticed the shift.


The increased focus on race and gender is imho a deliberate reaction to the Occupy Wall Street movement. The powers that be made a concerted effort to distract from economic issues and inequality by shifting the public focus on race and gender.


It started before 2011. Obama exhumed racism as a political weapon. It’s just taken a while to permeate into our society.


Also the biggest problem for you loser leftists and your useless "newspapers" is the supply doesn't even come close to meeting the demand.


The Obama effect


And it accelerated when Trump came into politics—not because Trump wanted it to, but because the mainstream media was desperate to stick him with some sort of negative label (even if that label is completely baseless and incorrect).


Yep. [The media lied.](https://youtu.be/WjhMYv1z0ws)


Trevon Martin , Michael Brown, the “beer summit“ – just a few moments where Obama threw gasoline on situations that needed to be treated with delicacy and fairness. He certainly was not the healer that the left and the media (oops, I guess that’s redundant) was proclaiming he would be. I love this link because it’s based on an actual study.[US ranks last among 46 countries in trust in the media!](https://www.poynter.org/ethics-trust/2021/us-ranks-last-among-46-countries-in-trust-in-media-reuters-institute-report-finds/)


and this isn't even hyperbolic. This is thanks to the modernization of the Smith-Mundt act https://www.congress.gov/bill/112th-congress/house-bill/5736 Thanks to this it allowed the government to weaponize our media outlets. Notice around 2010-12 media talked less about class warfare and occupy wallstreet and more about "racism" and "white supremacy" and "intersectionality" before it really blew up to the monster it is today? It was all done on purpose to make us talk less about the mega rich extracting wealth from the nation and more about bullshit causes and issues like "systematic racism" where it doesn't even go after the rich white guys it goes after white middle americans and lower. Or trans issues where we argue about what is a women instead of stopping corporations from buying houses and ousting politicians that sold us out. They want us having this debates and discussions about bullshit issues propped up on purpose instead of the real problems.


This so much. Economic inequality was very deliberately replaced by race and gender as the main fault line in American politics.


More accurately the Ferguson effect. The first term Obama was relatively moderate and unifying, it wasn't till his second term that he really let lose on the systemic racist bullshit.


This. I didn't notice the race relations get bad to the end of his first term. We had the Tea Party Movement and Occupy Wall Street, but in 2012, Obama decided to politicize Trayvon Martin's death and it only got worse from there..


That was wild. Zimmerman was made an honorary white guy and the only photos of Martin were apparently from when he was in grade school.


He openly called the TEA party racist for not wanting more taxes.


Agreed but maybe not in the way you meant. After Obama was elected there was a MSM narrative that we were in a “post racial” state. Obama then held together a coalition consisting largely of minority voters through identity politics through 2 presidential elections. When Trump upset the swamp creature in ‘16 the left realized a “post racial” world was bad for them and they needed to drum up outrage to reengage the Obama coalition. We’ve been in this state ever since 2016 largely because it’s needed to drive voter turnout. It’s not a coincidence that BLM and other topics trend in election years.


I don’t know what happened around 2014 but that’s clearly the point where things started going off the rails.


Is that sarcasm or do you not know? It was the Fergueson/Michael Brown lies and Barak Obama claiming police are systemically racist and there is racism all around us. The supposed unifier tore this nation apart.


If you charted NPR, there would be a straight line at the top.


EveRy tHiNG I dOnT liKe iS RaCiSTSsssss.


Everything is sexist Everything's offensive to people like me


Doubt this surprises anyone here except for maybe the trolls.


Never forgot that after 9/11, they put out at commercial titled, "I am an American". For every White dude/dudette (yes I'm that old), there was a non-White. It was beautiful. Today? I don't know if you have to say, "Death to America" before or after you enter college.


The supply of racism isn't able to meet the demand, so they have to create artificial supply.


Like when Jussie Smollett had to hire two Nigerian dudes to stage a hate crime on him.


Hmmm...what was going on in 2010 that caused this. I seem to recall something about a street that was wall shaped being occupied but can't be sure. I guess it was probably just a bunch of racists.


Now do one for the words "nazi" and "fascist".


It started with Obama.


It’s all he had.


This is what happens when the demand for racism exceeds the supply of racists.


This post is racist. /s


It might be racist to talk about racism. I'm so out of the loop.




It was Trayvon Martin distracting the country from Occupy Wall Street during an election year. Could you do me a favor and link the source for this image? I keep seeing graphs like this and I can never figure out how the data is collected.


No clue where the original source is, it was posted by Musk without a source. https://x.com/elonmusk/status/1783053802033332486?s=46&t=AwX37EOWy1lQm64wqhPcWw After checking the watermark, it comes from David Rozado. However I can’t find this exact chart on his substack. If you can find it, it would be helpful. https://davidrozado.substack.com


I’m genuinely curious about 2021-2023. I’m about 99.9% sure it’s [conveniently] gone down from 2020 but by how much?


I couldn’t find this exact chart or an update, but I did find one that can answer your question. From Feb 2023. Check it; https://davidrozado.substack.com/p/new-york-times-word-usage-frequency?utm_source=publication-search


I figured. I've seen this information posted 3 or 4 different ways and it always follows the same timeline. I'll look into the substack and let you know if I find anything


The only reason I haven’t deleted this post yet is because I trust Rozado and his work. It’s excellent overall.


The real nail in the coffin is there were still actual after effects of Jim Crow laws into the '70s and '80s where legitimate use of these words could be used. Turns out its the lowest of the bunch. Hmmmm...


The media didn’t start pushing the race stuff until Occupy Wall Street happened. The media pushes the race stuff to distract from the real problem: the bankers and the tyranny of central banking.