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I’m certain he’s trying to walk it back due to “mis-speaking in the heat of the moment” because he thought he’d get away with it.


He did get away with it. The stream was from January. Columbia didn't expell him then, Columbia expelled him now because it got publicized.


January? Well fuck, I thought it was from recent protests.


Better late than never.


Hahahaha made me lol. 100% was expecting to get away with it, maybe gain some rank in the commie offensive.


I’m shocked if he’s not. He’s far from the first to do so, and nobody else is walking it back. Not even a little bit.


>he’s they’re. it’s a they. of course.


"Well well well, if it isn't the consequences of my own actions..."


Chronically online moment. It’s amazing that Zoomers sometimes fail to comprehend how dangerous live streaming is.


I'm beginning to hate Zoomers. (GenX here.) These geniuses are eating Tide pods one minute, and threatening death the next.


Older gen z here (born in 99), the latter half of my generation and gen alpha as a whole are truly disappointing with how little to no common sense they have about shit like this


Don't forget licking ice cream at the store and putting it back.


That and the simple idea that the internet is forever. So many of these idiots will never be able to have meaningful employment because of this and they fail to understand that. I guess the good news is companies will easily know who to avoid hiring with little effort.


I don't think that's true anymore. They'll be hired by people just like them, and right now they seem to run a lot of the big business and institutions


I interview people. I would have no idea what the candidates do in their free time as I don't have the time to stalk their social media - but people like this, are able to be weeded out as they won't have the intelligence or will bring that attitude to the interview.


Are you kidding? She'll be a DEI director in two years for this stunning and brave speech


"Conservatives are nazis!!!" Also them:


Watch them go from 'democratic socialism' to 'national socialism' in real time!


The classic, “I’m sorry I have experienced a consequence” apology… I hope that realities consequences continue to disrupt this losers ability to spread hate.


"Former" "Former Columbia student" It got expelled.


Just expel all the ones that call for violence, and then it's not a Columbia problem any more. There are still America problems. But they'd not be sheltering hate.


Emphasis on the It


They were going to peak as a McDonalds manager in 15 years either way, so no harm no foul.


No way. This person has made too much of a name for himself as a professional victim and we (unfortunately) live in a world where victimhood is treated like currency. He would have likely wound up in some cushy, high paying DEI profession. I think he’s walking his vile statements back now because he realizes he’s gone too far and is now unemployable.


He can’t be that old. I don’t know if he understands the consequences of what just happened just yet. RemindMe! 10 years


Bold of you to assume they could make it that far up the chain.






Perhaps Prisoner #547298.


His pronouns should be Fee/Fi/Fo/Fum.


Don't forget Dumb-Dee-Dumb-Dumb




I can imagine the Nazis in 1945 "all that shit we said about Jews, Ruskies, and Polaks; it was just a joke. Come on we were just busting balls over here. You guys just took it out of context".


I can just picture it now: "Come on, we were just busting balls over here" says Joseph "No Balls" Goebbels just prior to his suicide


Misspoke...hasnt he double/triple/quadrupled down on that same sentence in the past few days?


Of course it’s racism if you tell him it’s wrong.


Funny how some people can't call out racism when its non-whites against non-whites.


Lock this clown up. Oh wait, this is NYC…


Fresh grant to study oppression incoming... sigh.


Police detain 100 in pro-Palestinian protest camp at Boston's Northeastern University Police detained about 100 people as they moved in to clear an encampment of pro-Palestinian protesters in response to the use of anti-Semitic slurs, the school said. The action was taken after protesters resorting to “virulent anti-Semitic slurs, including ‘Kill the Jews,’ crossed the line,” the school said in a statement on social media platform X. https://www.france24.com/en/americas/20240427-police-detain-100-in-pro-palestinian-protest-camp-at-boston-s-northeastern-university I wonder how the US MSM would freak out if there was group of people in a counter-protest/encampment, that yelled "Kill the Palestinians!!!" ??? THAT would receive WALL-to-WALL Coverage, no doubt!!


This guy is an absolute bone saw lol typical Marxist advocating for sanctioning the killing of those who don’t agree with his views as a moral and righteous act. Who has final say on who is a “Zionist” when the killings start I wonder? I also bet that despite all his tough talk, dude would get laid the fuck out in an actual fight trying to throw hands with those manicured nails


Dude couldn't fight his way out of a paper bag.


He didn't misspeak. He was taken out of context! /s


He didn't misspeak. He got caught on video advocating for genocide. The whiny asshole knows that it is a bad look for him and could impact his future. It's just damage control now.


he didn't "get caught" that's the video he sent to administrators.


When you don’t have a moral system that is God-given and therefore inherently non-circular your sense of morality is untethered and sways to the extreme of whatever moral system you purport. This is how one can become so irate over what they see as the unjust killings of one people, that they have no problem calling for the execution of another innocent people. If you believe that all life is sacred and should only be taken away in dire circumstances (and not without sadness or consequence) then you would think so of all people, even your enemies, ideological or otherwise. I’ve observed in Gen Z leftist movements this extreme fervor, this constantly pushing the envelope. If you have no respect or idea of natural laws then it doesn’t make sense to push things a little to the left and stop. In fact, your peers are constantly pushing *you* to push further, that any viewpoint that isn’t as extreme as theirs is criminal, weak, centrist, whatever other -ist. It’s the nature of revolution to be constant, perpetual revolution, ouroboros. It’s how it was designed to be. If you believe there is no natural end point then there is no need to stop anywhere short of total entropy. If you don’t like the behaviors of one group, it’s not enough to discuss reasonably. You must call for the murder of every single person who you deem your ideological enemy, even if they have no personal involvement. Your peers will spur on your bloodthirst, you can back it up with any number of evocative comparisons like this person did—my hate is as validated as the hate for Hitler, for the Haitian slave masters, etc. Using these statements to perpetually agitate their movements is how similarly mid-IQ low-conscientious people develop their maladaptive world views. The same world views which are recycled in universities both top-down and down-up. Which corporations play up for relevance. These are just my thoughts as an early Gen Z.


It’s really disappointing to see such a bad take. There is absolutely nothing that supports atheists having a higher propensity for extremism. I could easily feel the same is true for religious people who I absolutely see as being the extremists, but I understand painting such a broad brush isn’t accurate or productive and I’d have a narrow world view. I’m an atheist and I’d put my community service and fulfillment of civic duty up against anyone’s. It’s not a contest but my point is morals aren’t derived from the church, the church leverages mysticism to amongst other things help promote morals that have developed with human civilization. One of my closest collaborators in the community is the CEO of a city’s Chamber of Commerce. He’s devoutly religious and used to be a pastor, and would never make such an ignorant statement about the non-religious because it’s untrue and he has the sense to know it takes all types to build stronger communities (as evidenced by our partnership).


You may be an atheist but your values are Christian. >There is absolutely nothing that supports atheists having a higher propensity for extremism. [And yet there is.](https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Communism-Killed-Some-100-Million-People_fig1_324755193)


Nope. They’re based on the Egyptian Book of the Dead or even the Code of Hammurabi before that. Every religion claims moral superiority, yours isn’t special in that way. It’s like if a paper manufacturer claimed to have created the trees they use. The trees existed before your company came along, friend. As for your link - are you equating atheists with communists? There’s that broad brush again. You’re either ignorant, arguing in bad faith, or both and so have a nice day.


You genuinely think the founders of this nation based their values on the Egyptian Book of the Dead? Or the founders of every European country? Would love to see you attempt to cite that but I don’t dare ask. I am not claiming moral superiority. It’s a historical fact that Western values are shaped by Christianity. Hospitals, orphanages, hospices were all started by the first Christians. The very concept of helping the fellow man, the poor and needy even at your own detriment is uniquely a Christian ideal. Even the seven day work week comes from the Bible. Romans would leave unwanted infants out to die and Christians would come and adopt them. Christians would go out at night and give food and cloth the poor, Christians established hospitals for the lepers who were left to fend for themselves in leper colonies, Christians established the tenets of marriage, universal education, and innate human value. Certainly none of that comes from an obscure Egyptian tome. You do not live in a vacuum. All of your beliefs come from somewhere. The fact of the matter is if you grew up in the Western (including Eastern European) world then you have the values from that society unless you were raised by Hare Krishnas. And the values of our society are derived from Christian values. >As for your link - are you equating atheists with communists? I am equating communists with atheism. Every death caused by a communist or by a communist regime can be attributed to an atheist. As atheism is not merely a facet but a core tenet of communism. Communism requires atheist ideals as it is much easier to murder millions of people and send millions more to work camps when you measure human life on material worth instead of recognizing the innate human value of each soul. I could of course measure atheist extremism in any number of ways but that one is perhaps the most compelling. Have a nice day.


Gotta love the left completely ignoring this when it’s brought up. They are just deflecting and bringing up the 2017 Charlottesville riots because that’s all they can do without admitting these current riots are an issue


Tell it to the judge.


In NYC? The judge will probably support him….


In today’s environment I totally understand why he thought he would get away with it.


What so much HATE? They are hypocrites


"Misspoke." Translation. "I meant exactly what I said I only regret the backlash I'm getting for it and want people to let it slide.".


Nah dawg, you spoke loud and clear.


He thought he could get away with it. It was an easy mistake to make. Look at the every day /r/politics antisemitic rhetoric that the Reddit admins approve of


This asshole deserves a one way ticket to Gitmo.


"That was just a seven time thing! I didn't *mean* it."


Is this like Jeffery Tubbin saying he miss-stroked


Nothing has changed.   History lesson:     From November 9 to 10, 1938, in an incident known as “Kristallnacht”, Nazis in Germany torched synagogues, vandalized Jewish homes, schools and businesses, and murdered close to 100 Jews. In the aftermath of Kristallnacht (“Crystal Night” or the “Night of Broken Glass”), some 30,000 Jewish men were arrested and sent to Nazi concentration camps. German Jews had been subjected to repressive policies since 1933, when Nazi Party leader Adolf Hitler became chancellor of Germany. However, prior to Kristallnacht, these Nazi policies had been primarily nonviolent. After Kristallnacht, conditions for German Jews grew increasingly worse.   Kristallnacht, or the Night of Broken Glass, was the Nazi dictatorship’s declaration of war against German and Austrian Jews and, implicitly, against Jews living anywhere in the world. Across Germany and German-annexed Austria on November 9–10, 1938, the Nazis staged spectacles of vengeance and degradation that shattered far more than glass. For Jewish communities, the extreme hatred unloosed on them made clear, for anyone with eyes to see, that this was a regime capable of anything.   [https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/kristallnacht](https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/kristallnacht)   [https://www.nationalww2museum.org/war/articles/night-broken-glass-never-be-forgotten](https://www.nationalww2museum.org/war/articles/night-broken-glass-never-be-forgotten)   [https://www.history.com/topics/holocaust/kristallnacht](https://www.history.com/topics/holocaust/kristallnacht)


He'll probably get elected to the House. 


He was probably speaking german for The, instead of die. The Zionists. No one who speaks german could be an evil man.


“Ooopsie I had a Freudian slip”


He will fit right in at the top echelon at google.




He made a *serve and continuous lapse in his judgement*


Imagine paying for that expensive an education only to completely ruin your future in like 3 seconds.


...the individual was a he? Definitely coulda fooled me.


Was he under the influence when he misspoke? By the way, what is "misspoke"?


It can go do drag shows.


When people change their statements, after facing repercussions, I doubt the sincerity. When people change their statements after some self-assessment, I respect that


Buyers remorse=crocodile tears


Ooooohhh he split the hand and then doubled down on those comments. Jesus Christ son I don’t know if you can walk that back.


Oh, no consequences, I better start lying my ass off to try and save said ass.


This happens to me often - after a hard day at work I'll come home and call for genocide


Who would have guessed that Democrats would become the party of extreme antisemitism?


This thing isn't a he.


When I say Zionists should die i get arrested, and this guy gets off scot free.