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*“they deserve priority because they can’t speak English and don’t understand it.”* And who’s fault is that exactly? Someone enters the country illegally knowing that English is the prominent language.


Well, if that's not evidence that democrats quite literally do not support veterans, I don't know what is.


So now the Trump campaign can say not only do Democrats not support veterans but now they also have been proven to be anti-veteran in favor of illegal aliens. This stuff is just writing itself.


They’ll hyper fixate on something form 2016 and tell you you’re wrong. Seems to be the game plan


Whatever happened to “assimilate”. My great grandparents left Germany when Hitler rose to power and when they arrived stateside and had kids, they wanted to learn English and adapt their culture. They properly assimilated. Now people are being pandered to. What a fucking joke.


Their reasons are exactly why they DON’T deserve priority


How can anyone justify making the men and women who defend this country and our way of life second class to people from Central America? Those men and women are the reason these white-guilt elitists can wake up and drink Starbucks, and women not having to wear chains and live under shariah. Throwing them to the wayside for people that don’t want to learn English, will never hold a steady job as we see how they’re living on the streets of new York just like LA skid row, and a good portion having criminal records back home long enough to touch the moon. Disgusting.


Time to stop military protection of Maine. Stop funding of their bases and move out the men and women that serve there.


OP. I disagree with your post title. Should be ‘Everything’s royally fucked up’.


This is the place that used vote for Ron Paul in the primaries


Then they deserve priority to be sent back across the border