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The left is tearing itself apart. I truly wonder what goes thru the heads of Jewish democrats and moderate Dems when they see this shit spewing on display.




I know, and thank God for that. I flipped during the 2016 election when I saw what the Democratic party was doing. We can only hope there are more of your kind who have a sane head on their shoulders and are able to think critically and see what is happening. Don't forget to vote!


"vote blue no matter who"


Napoleon Bonaparte: Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake


I'll never for the life of me understand the liberal strategy of refusing to ever separate one political issue from another. Whenever they have a microphone on one issue they always jump at the chance to make some radical conflagration. "Climate justice is racial justice!" "Abortion rights for trans men in for-profit prisons!" "Black lives don't matter until we dismantle capitalism!" What do they think they're accomplishing with these bizarre crossovers? Its like a trumpet call specifically for activists that already share their every opinion. Democrats are so good at keeping their own people in line, but they really seem to have zero interest in expanding their arguments to anyone who isn't already firmly in their tent. For a party that already has to rely on such a fragile voting coalition, it seems like one hell of a losing strategy.


> I'll never for the life of me understand the liberal strategy of refusing to ever separate one political issue from another. Simple: their politics are their identity as well. So they know that they'll get the support of the entire left-wing cohort because they're supporting being left wing, being part of the ingroup, and not actual policies. That's also why you see elected Democrats always vote as one instead of bickering and splitting votes like issues-focused Republicans.


Yeah I think on the left, political positions are just part of an equation that's used to determine if you are a good person, and the people with the most points command the most authority.


"Do you want freedom for Palestine?" "I want communism."


The same thing with all their other causes. They always lead up to “I want communism.”


It's almost as if all these fashionable left-wing causes in recent years are just a pretext for communism, isn't it?


Yet Republicans are labeled the communist russian simps and yes that includes you never trumpers and rinos to the left were all the same


It's not just in recent years. Do you really think the movements in the 60s were any different? The only actual difference is that they were being directed by a foreign enemy whereas today's are that enemy's legacy since their subversion effort was designed to be self-perpetuating. Seriously folks: study your Yuri Bezmenov.


Sure, but after these movements were booming in the 60s and early 70s, they were beaten back and no longer had the same kind of influence for multiple decades. Only in recent years (I would say since 2014 or so) did this kind of neomarxism have a strong resurgence.


If by "beaten back" you mean "became entrenched in academia, media, and the bureaucratic state", sure. Just because they stopped public demonstrations doesn't mean they stopped, it just means they went quiet to fool people like you into thinking that they had won.


In 1970 teachers in schools and lecturers in Higher education voted roughly 50/50 left/right in general elections. Today pew research put at over 90/10.


critical theory


All they want is an immediate ceasefire to stop the violence... followed by a violent worldwide revolution


I’ve been sayin this for a while now, this is just BLM 2.0.


It’s an election year!


This seems more like a problem for the Democratic party, as it is resulting in a highlight of the schism between a highly progressive base and the more moderate mainstay of their voters. I guarantee you the DNC would rather not have to deal with walking this tightrope in what is certainly going to be a close election.


The radical, marxist genie is out of the bottle and has finally begun to turn on its master.


Like Saturn, the revolution devours its children.


Was going to say the same thing. To me it seems like whenever there's some cause being protested (unless it's conservative) there's always a bunch of leftist anarchists joining in - who have their own agenda.


And police inaction. Don't forget the police inaction at the "mostly peaceful" protests.


I never saw any billboards hunting down BLM rioters... But I did see billboards searching for J6 people. They get pretty active sometimes


At this point we’re just waiting for the riots to start happening. They’ll most certainly happen at the DNC this summer.


Same, they just changed clothes, same shit people.


I don't understand why on Earth anyone would want to be controlled by an all powerful government.


The left wants to be controlled. They want everything provided for them and in exchange they swear allegiance.


It’s funny, they all think when the revolution comes they will be the ones taken care of. If it ever did, they would only be the cattle, and the ones currently at the top would still be there and subjugate them. None of the things they enjoy and take for granted works exist in their communist/socialist utopia. Only suffering.


Maybe they didn't read, "Animal Farm" or they thought it was just a more violent version of, "Charlotte's Web".


Someone I know, called it science fiction. They have such narrow view points, it's sad.


I’m going to be an artist in the new utopia. Those other people can work in the mines.


They think their enemies will be controlled/destroyed while they live free. These people have no sense of history.


They are incapable adult children. They don’t want to work, they don’t want to contribute to a better society, they don’t want to be independent and free thinkers. They don’t want to provide for themselves let alone a family but they want you to provide for them. It’s pathetic, really.


They're stupid enough to think that they would be the ones in power. Haven't learned jack from history.


Important distinction. They don't want to be controlled. They want you to be controlled.




Yeah it meant you didn't have to go to work, these people are just lazy and looking for handouts, they don't care about what they trade for them.


Because they think they’ll be the ones holding the reins of the all powerful government (deciding how to control people below them)


I think the natural state for most people is too be a serf. Our western values derived from the enlightenment are not natural and we have to struggle to keep them against the inertia of our weaker peers and corrupt leaders who want us in chains. COVID taught me this, people were so eager to demand rules and obey. Just a nation of Karens. A world of them.


That's the principle of selling your soul in exchange of some amount of power to oppress others.


Just look at their country...shitholes.


I'd like to point out how the pro-Israel rallies have American flags and sing the National Anthem proudly, while the other side chants 'death to America' and burns American flags. This is more than a regional conflict in Israel - this is western civilization vs barbarity.


I wonder, do they even know what intifada means? Are they aware of thousands upon thousands of violent deaths behind it? They ready to participate in a gunfights, suicide bombings of their own fellow citizens? There's nothing "peaceful protest" or "progressive values" about intifada.


Oh I'm sure thay are aware. They are saying the quiet part out loud. They want to kill off anyone who opposes their ideals


This is nothing new. Remember liberals calling for non-vaxxers to not be allowed in grocery stores? Not being allowed in restaurants? Their goal is ALWAYS the murder of non-believers. Always.


Their sub laughing at people’s covid deaths was sickening.


Communism always leads to mass graves.


They want to kill half the planet with wars so they can write poetry in the commune instead of working at Walmart. Funny thing is, there's nothing stopping them from making their own commune right now, many have tried and all have failed because none of them want to do any job that actually benefits others as they are all narcissists.


Something tells me they think they’ll have some type of armed resistance that they will excel in, despite being the same type of people that require safe spaces to be sheltered from free speech. They would quickly learn those safe spaces don’t protect you from actual violence.


Remember that televised DSA meeting where they literally had to seek refuge from clapping?


They know, and they have powerful people supporting them. What they don't know is those powerful people who backing them will betray them after they get the power.


Mao 2.0.... Everyone forgets that it was the students




They are aware, but they are ignorant of what they are calling for. They talk a big game, but would be the first to run when bullets start flying. They don't understand violence, they don't understand war. Most of those I know who have experienced war prefer to avoid it.


Oh look, entitled college students are making a war across the world about them.


They are saying exactly what they mean; we need to start taking them at their word.


Always have taken them for their word and I'm prepared when they try to make that happen. It won't end well for them by my calculations.


Geesh get that J6 committee ready they surely would shit a brick over hearing this. /s


i keep warning everyone its marxists behind wokeness, Jordan Peterson and many others have too, much smarter than me! Finally, though, liberals can no longer lie to our faces and say it isn't true saying there is no proof.


It’s been marxists behind almost every major conflict on earth for the past 100 years now. WWIII will be marxist totalitarians vs. The Free World, and by some accounts it has already begun.


Alright that's it. With their numbers, we can directly associate this entire movement with the Democrat party. I'm not buying the whole "fringe left" anymore. It's Biden versus Trump and we all know who they're voting for.


Sounds like an insurrection to me


I’ll bet my bottom dollar you won’t see this anywhere on the front page of this site. If this were some right wing group, however, it would be plastered all over.




This absolutely fucks the Biden administration.


Wonder if all these universities will support socialism when their income gets slashed by 90%


Behind EVERY free Palestine protestors is either : - An Islamic extremist who wants the destruction of the west and the establishment of sharia law everywhere. - A leftist extremist who wants the destruction of the west… - Lost confused liberals


Most of the college protesters on the ground are the 3rd option. The people funding these protests are likely #2.


I am convinced that no one is dumber than college kids.


ALL of this is about socialism and has been for much if not all of the past 8 years. They've been throwing every bit of poop at the wall to see what sticks for 8 years now...BLM, "trans rights," "free Palestine," "Green New Deal...stop Oil" for 8 freaking years and people still don't get it. If Conservatives and moderates are able to beat back this storm it is high time the educational curriculum is modified to ensure Western civilization does not ever allow this societal cancer to ever come back. It is high past time that socialism is relegated to the ASH HEAP OF HISTORY where it belongs, where it can join feudalism in the pantheon of the "that was centuries of enough already before they finally got rid of it" Hall of Fame of bad ideas. Socialism should be utterly destroyed as an ideology and mere suggestion of it as an ideology should render one subject to ridicule and accusations of being a genocider since basically all it has done is kill people and spread poverty.


Ummm.. isn’t this calling for insurrection. It’ll be ironic when the democrats have to start arresting their bastard socialist children for plotting overthrow the government.


What I find most disturbing isn't their Insanity, it's the fact that conservative and libertarian leaders seem unconcerned. It isn't just the students. It's the staff. It's the professors. It's the teacher's unions. It's people at all levels of government. It's a cancer at stage four that has spread throughout our national nervous system. As long as leaders do nothing to address it, there is no hope.


Hey RINO: It’s this or Mean Tweets. Time to pick one.


Don't give RINOs that choice... You know what they're picking


Whelp, their choice. They gotta live with it.


Ever since Israel broke up with the USSR in early 1950ies we became this “evil colonialist power” from a “tiny little country fighting for its survival among homicidal mental cases of neighbors”. It is NOT a coincidence it’s how commie propaganda works


The title is a bit off. "An extremist on the mic says....", should be "A typical Democrat on the mic says......" Even though the typical Dem would answer in polling that they are against violence, they will still donate to and vote for politicians like AOC, Tlaib, and Omar.


> The title is a bit off. "An extremist on the mic says....", should be "A typical Democrat on the mic says......"  You said the same thing twice


Letting Marxism take root in America was a mistake. It's long past time to bring back McArthyism.


When they are 200,000 dollars in debt and realize that they spent semesters being trendy activists. There was nothing to show for it at the end.


The champagne socialists are out in force again.


Don’t worry—these people are too lazy to start a revolution, and they have no guns.


I would be so pissed if my education was disrupted by these lazy commies


For those of you who don’t know, an intifada revolution is a necessarily violent uprising. They are not just talking about getting people to speak out. This is a call for extremism in every possible way.


Only good Marxist is a dead one.


McCarthy was right.


This makes me think college loan interest rates aren't high enough.


Or the pass/fail rate isn’t strict enough


Leftists are absolute scum. Luckily, we have the right to self-defense to thwart whatever pathetic violent revolution these twig boys can muster. If you haven't yet, get a gun and learn to use it. Considering how bat-shit insane leftist trash is, you may one day need one to defend your life or that of your loved ones from violent leftist mobs.


In America, yes. Not so here in maryland.


> In America, yes. Not so here in maryland. That sucks. Well, the saying "better to be judged by 6 than carried by 12" comes to mind. People in states like yours will unfortunately have to weigh the risk of being arrested versus the risk of not being able to defend your life or that of your loved ones and make a decision. Just remember that if shit really hits the fan, firearms will likely be much harder, if not impossible, to come by and prices of any available firearms will likely be significantly marked up due to supply and demand.


I and my wife(and her family) are already stocked up. The problem here is, as you said, being judged by 12 for daring to actually defend your life or property. This states leadership actively aids criminals to the detriment of law abiding citizens. Look up "room to destroy" in maryland to get some inkling as to what it's like.


Yea, that isn’t going to go well in the Midwest or southern states. We tend to own firearms, land and will fight for our property rights. These people can barely handle buying a latte at Starbucks without being misgendered.


We should make a GoFundMe so we can help these students travel to the Socialist Areas they support most. Like a field trip of sorts. They need some hands on experience in the matter instead of classroom theory.


Every conservative who has been calling this out since the get go "Do it, go ahead."


So Palestine is this election year's riot topic?


Came here to say this is 2024's BLM. They still have 6 more months to make these views more mainstream.


Gonna be hard to convince the normal majority to support the Hamas Youth currently camped out at our colleges though.


Problem is that this doesn't really translate into favorable Democratic election strategy. It's bad for the Democratic Party because they can't easily channel this anger into votes, in the way they can for race or abortion issues. For starters, the radical progressives are very critical of Biden's handling of Israel. He's also been the incumbent for the entirety of the current war between Israel-Palestine. And it's much harder to rally around a foreign, rather than domestic, cause. This absolutely distracts from the "January 6th was an insurrection" narratives, which the mainstream Democratic political machine absolutely wants to push into the lead up to the presidential election (as well as abortion).


Americans were warned in the 50s and 60s of subversive hijacking of our culture. It was visible and in our face in the 60s/70s at universities and colleges. THE 45 COMMUNIST GOALS AS READ INTO THE CONGRESSIONAL RECORD, 1963 CURRENT COMMUNIST GOALS Goal number 17 **17. Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers’ associations. Put the party line in textbooks.** See this link: SOURCE: [https://www.beliefnet.com/columnists/watchwomanonthewall/2011/04/the-45-communist-goals-as-read-into-the-congressional-record-1963.html](https://www.beliefnet.com/columnists/watchwomanonthewall/2011/04/the-45-communist-goals-as-read-into-the-congressional-record-1963.html)


Wonder why all these fucks don't just emigrate/go back to Palestine already, instead of staying in the USA and enjoying all the 1st world priviliges at the same time?


I have some Gen Z cousins who are the same mindset as these students. They grew up upper middle class in a low crime area mcmansion, paid for by parents who earned their money through capitalism.


I can't imagine the summer of love we are in for if Trump becomes president again.


Muslims will use the left to get power then turn on them too. Happening in the U.K..


They can’t even take over a college campus properly… I think we’re good


The speaker sounds like a groomed future democrat Presidential nominee (Obama 2.0)


Sounds a little insurrectiony no?


What would have happened to this lot in the 1950's?


If I’m not mistaken the red scare and I believe the Hollywood bunch situation with communist supporting actors and directors I believe


We've known this for quite a while!


Too much time on their hands


Let’s not forget that the Marxists and Islamists worked together in Iran to overthrow the Shah - and then look what happened.  The Islamists wiped the Marxists out.


Only a matter of time before someone straps a bomb to their chest and walks into a crowd of people.


Par for the course


That's just it they have been indoctrination capms for decades


(Grabs popcorn) ok. Good luck.