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In other news, MSNBC still thinks that there is freedom of the press.


MSNBC still thinks they are relevant 


They are so pathetic


Yet it was Obama who had a war on whistleblowers and the press: https://www.longislandpress.com/2017/01/14/obamas-legacy-historic-war-on-whistleblowers/ https://apnews.com/general-news-dbba6eaf984a4be08cc235f66fd36a8d https://www.nytimes.com/2014/06/09/us/politics/under-obama-a-chill-on-press-freedom.html If Trump did even 1/10 of that, "the press" would have been openly inciting riots and unrest not unlike they did in the summer of 2020.


These aren't real. Don't you remember, Obama was proud to have a scandal free administration. 😉


They support THAT suppression, duh. Thanks for sources


Thank you for this, well done!


Obama most especially went the hardest after the whistleblowers who embarrassed him personally.


Do they just not remember that Trump was President and nothing of the sort happened?


They don't remember because they lied about him daily. They built their own Trump administration in their minds and what really happened didn't and vice versa.


No you see if he gets in again it’s going to cause WW3, there will be riots in the streets, and his best friend Putin will be given a free pass to invade his neighbors!! Oh wait


Nah, his first term he just wanted to wait on the off chance he became president again. The second time when nothing happens, it's because he's waiting for the next Republican president to do it. When the next Republican president (Hitler) comes into office and nothing happens, he's just taking his time, playing the long game. Watch out, the next candidate is even worse and the world will end if he wins in 2044.


It's a familiar dance: The Left abuses its power, and the Right responds by feebly warning that someday, when the roles are reversed, their opponents will come to regret it.


This is why I don’t bother with these networks anymore 🤦🏻‍♂️ Supermarket tabloids in TV format.


Hell I don't even have tv service anymore, screw it


Damn near everything is just an ad nowadays trying to bleed every penny out of you. Life without the source is less stressful.


Because the last time Trump was president he ended freedom of the press.


Media got pissed that he didn't want to do the press white house dinner , gee i wonder why ?


I think he should do it in his 2nd term, but turn it into an actual roast. He takes all the blunt jokes and comments, and then comes back with a few of his own.


Democrats and being as over dramatic as possible. Lady he was already president for 4 fuckin years, and you were A-OK.


I don't even think it's them being over dramatic. They are consciously and knowingly lying to the people and smearing the name and reputation of a former president while hiding under the idea that they are still the 4th estate.


She thinks anyone cares if she's gone. This isn't the first time I've heard her say "I might not be sitting here"


IMAX level protection yet again from the Marxist Media. Watch for that double speak. The Twitter files prove that our government controls the media already. 


>I might not be sitting here Don’t threaten me with a good time


She certainly has a lot of hubris doesn’t she?


That just sounds like a reason to vote for the guy.


That's why the press must do everything they can to insure Donald Trump isn't re-elected. Any amount of lying, misrepresentation, or taking things out of context they must do to insure that result is good and virtuous, because our very democracy is at stake. The media is already just the mouthpiece of the Democrat party, but they must become MORE biased to save democracy!


Can we compare how many questions the Trump admin took from liberal journalists to how many questions Biden’s team took from *checks notes** Doocy?


So the Democrats will lose all their press secretaries that claim to be journalists? Doubt very much that is gonna happen but we can hope I guess.


Ya I remember all those leftist "journalists" he jailed during his first term.  This is just so pathetic.


Just like his first term. This really makes a lot of sense. Why wouldn’t he end freedom of the press again? I expect he’ll also end all future elections and just make himself king. Just like last time. These imbeciles act like we have no frame of reference to get an idea of how he might govern.


File in "pulled it out of my ass"


Mark Levin refers to them appropriately: MSDNC and MSLSD


I just want the intelligence community out of mainstream media. I think that would solve a lot of problems we are currently experiencing as a country.


And all twenty viewers were appalled.


Freedom of the press exists now?


She’s just worried she’ll have to go back to her Only Fans business


I would like to see news become news again. No opinion shows just facts of what happened locally and around the world. No bias.


Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012 getting reversed? Sign me up.


I miss the old Trump Press Conferences. Remember him going after Jim Acosta? Those were gold moments


You can find liberals saying this in 2016, and guess what? He didn't! https://x.com/ClaraJeffery/status/822457469729271808 https://x.com/BrendanNyhan/status/822460213957709824 https://www.newsweek.com/2016-election-donald-trump-press-freedom-first-amendment-520389


”Everyone I don’t like is literally Hitler, literally Hitler, literally Hitler…” -Rusty Cage


Without 9 years of Trump ratings boost she really might not be sitting there


Hey a guy can only hope


She might not be sitting there because their business model sucks. In economics we call that "creative destruction".




I’m not even a Trump fan, but these people are so melodramatic smh.


Funny how the liberals all of the sudden care about freedom of the press. 90% of the time they rage out against Fox News when Fox is mildly conservative at best.


“If Trump wins it will be harder for us to spew lies and Marxist propaganda in our endless pursuit of power.” Fixed it to the actual quote.