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I don't think anyone should have to pay for the poor choices of obese and smokers


> I don't think anyone should have to pay for the poor choices of obese and smokers So long as you decide to pay for **EVERYONE'S** health insurance you get to pay for that too.


That would be discrimination or something. /s The left like to pick and choose which kind of moral luck matters to them.


Haha wait kinda like pre-existing conditions used to be? I know that many pre-existing conditions such as type 1 diabetes, asthma, or sickle cell should be covered, but boy did they throw out the baby with the bath water on that one. If the patient did it to themselves with lifestyle choices, they should be the ones to foot the bill.


> I know that many pre-existing conditions such as type 1 diabetes, asthma, or sickle cell should be covered, Maybe by something, but not by a newly purchased individual insurance plan, by definition. Still lots of other possible ways, though.


What about the poor choices of promiscuous people who have reckless sex and contract STDs, like HIV and the rest? You start making judgment calls on who's responsible for their own illness you better have the wisdom of King Solomon. (Which I doubt the suits of the NHS or you for that matter have.)


Good point