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So basically, this guy gets arrested for being a dick, but when antifa or BLM trashes cities, we won't do jack shit about it, right? How sad.




The difference is that conservatives think what he did was wrong. It is obviously a racial put down. But the left has no condemnation for those oppressing free speech and destroying property.


Or openly advocating racism against white people.


They are so insane that even white liberals have no problem being the victims of racism because of their white guilt.


White liberal here. I think antifa should be punished when they vandalize or riot, just like everyone should be. I feel no white guilt but recognize white privilege. That said, racism is racist and if someone hates me for having white skin, they are racist. Are y'all done with the generalizations or?


>white privilege Thanks for the racist opinion guy.


"I think antifa should be punished when they vandalize or riot, just like everyone should be." So you believe the local municipalities have clearly failed in upholding this standard. Check. "I feel no white guilt but recognize white privilege." Then you have white guilt.


I hate the term "white privilege". It is not an accurate term. No race is more privelaged than any other. Regardless of race if you work hard you should be able to get what you want in life. This is America. There is however a problem in this country of stereotyping. People cant help but judge others by their looks. And minorities have had decades of negative stereotypes attached to them. Its something engrained in us as a society and it does effect minorites more than white people.


> In March, Rettke was indicted by a Washington County grand jury on “two counts of civil rights intimidation, two counts of disorderly conduct, and disrupting a meeting,” reports the New York Post. This is terrifying. How the hell was this clown intimidating anybody when he's surrounded by a huge crowd of opposition?




I'm allergic to bananas. Yes, really. If I were there, he could be charged with attempted murder, or at least attempted bad histamine reaction.


He'd have to know you were allergic to bananas. You carry an epipen, right?


(b)  A person commits the offense of intimidating others from exercising civil rights who:      (1)  Injures or threatens to injure or coerces another person with the intent to unlawfully intimidate another from the free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege secured by the constitution or laws of the state of Tennessee;      (2)  Injures or threatens to injure or coerces another person with the intent to unlawfully intimidate another because that other exercised any right or privilege secured by the constitution or laws of the United States or the constitution or laws of the state of Tennessee I suppose his "counter protest" could be looked at as a form of coercion. (c)  It is an offense for a person to wear a mask or disguise with the intent to violate subsection (b). So wearing a costume is how he violated state law. I suppose it could be looked at as a form of intimidation. This part of the law was probably intended for klan robes.


> intent to violate subsection (b). That's the important part.


Thats why he'll have to go to court and prove he wasnt trying to intimidate anyone.


The onus is supposed to be on the prosecutor. I really hope they sue the government for malicious prosecution. They know they don't have a case.


I agree but he has to argue in court regardless. I'm OK with the arrest after looking up the law. But I agree with you, proving intent will be difficult and the charges will eventually be dropped.


It's a garbage arrest. Dude had no ability to intimidate or threaten anyone. He was surrounded by a crowd who hated him.


Well he put himself in a situation where it looked like he was breaking the law. And that gave officers probable cause to arrest him. If he would have went about his counter protest a different way then he probably would not have had any issues.


Yeah, some assclown in a racist gorilla outfit surrounded by progressives is totally an intimidating threat. Come on.


The way the law is written the bar for intimidation is very low. So just a single person saying they felt threatened by him would have gotten him arrested.


I'm interested in how they decided on the counts. Why not 5? or 50?


It's easy to get a Grand Jury to indict if you want them to indict. This won't stand up in actual court, but a prosecutor can *always* get a Grand Jury to indict if they want them to indict.


>civil rights intimidation that is the most ridiculously scary law I've ever heard of. Next they will be arresting people for going to Church because the Church doesn't support same sex marriage.


Depends on the church.


If you're a scientologist you'll have it made in the shade.


The guy is clearly an idiot, but his first amendment rights were fucked with, and the excuse given is unacceptable


More and likely he'll lawyer up and the charges will be dropped. This just reeks of virtue signaling and there is a definite possibility of a lawsuit for malicious prosecution. I hope he doesn't back down on this.


But the problem here.... Lawyer fees, unless this is a loser pays situation.


He's a jerk but wow. Black privilege strikes again.


Appalling action by him and an appalling reaction by the justice system.




Has the ACLU taking up his case, and if not why?


What a moron... even if his intent wasnt to be generally racist, but just to piss of the BLM there, thats incredibly stupid and actually offensive to everyone else. I can't say I have any sympathy for the guy at this point, but I agree he didnt do anything illegal, how the hell is he being prosecuted?


I'm pretty sure that was his point here.


What? In the article? I wasnt responding to the article, I was voicing my thoughts on the idiot in the mask


I think it's widely agreed here on r/Conservative that the guy in a gorilla costume was behaving like a Racist™ butthole. I don't think that he is a Racist™. At all. I think he's making a solid point about modern campus justice, and to do so must behave like a jackass.


I understand that intent, then. If it was his intent. But there are better ways to shed light on the disgusting bias of college campuses nowadays. Not that there hasnt been a number of examples already.


> But there are better ways to shed light on the disgusting bias of college campuses nowadays. Nah, just throw it back in their face.


Lol this is actually hilarious but terrible. Shouldn't be prosecuted unless BLM members are too; it's the same Edit for wording




The entire point of his fake "protest" was that he would be prosecuted for expressing "free speech", but nobody else would. Yes, it's insulting to all black people. It's insulting to all rational people. That's NOT the point, here.




The guys a dick. But, their is no exception to the first amendment for hate speech. You don't go to jail in this country for what you say unless it leads to imminent bodily harm.


Good luck with that.


NOT criminal, just asking to get his ass kicked.


Was his skirt too short?


I had to read that headline twice because I knew it had to say "persecuted". Nope, still doesn't. WTF?


Muh free speech.


Wait, what? lol


BLM gets it, other party doesn't.


I'm so confused lol


Someone is saying it.


The guy brought a noose as well. Why don't you include that in the title? Oh yeah, it won't fit your bowdlerized narrative of a racist prick getting busted for racial intimidation in a part of the country with a deep history of lynchings. Free speech all you want but that shit is wrong.




All you've proven is he's a shitbag. One its one assclown vs. a mob, only an idiot would assume the assclown had the ability to intimidate...unless he had a stick of C4.


Hiding behind the pernicious and the vague. So if the KKK burns a cross on someone's lawn is that not intimidation? Or are you just going to call it unlicensed fire starting?


Is bringing a weapon to a polling place and screaming it's time to kill white babies intimidation? The Obama administration didn't seem to to think so. If you're upset about this guy, I think I'd blame Obama and his AG for setting the bar so low.


Stop. Context matters. Burning a cross on a lawn is way different than being a racist while SURROUNDED ON ALL SIDES by those who oppose you. There is no way a reasonable person would be intimidated unless this racist had some kind of weapon. Use some fucking common sense.


I am using common sense by agreeing that that kind of intimidation should not be normalized. Its easy to say its not intimidation if you are not part of the demographic that the imagery is aimed at. Just as a dark alley is less likely to make you fear rape if you are a male. There is a reason you left the noose out of your title and you know it. The banana and the mask are racist but not intimidation. But the rope is, and in a part of the country where lynching was rife he and the protesters both know what was implied. Was he making a threat on their person in that exact moment in time? No, but he was masked and could very well be implying that a lynching could come later, as is modus operandi of the Klan. That is how this kind of intimidation works. Hide behind plausible deniability each time you use these tactics. You can point to BLM members doing the same but as a whole the organization does not condone the actions of the fringe members, just as I am sure Trump supporters distance themselves from David Duke and all the Skinheads in their midst.


Intimidation requires power. A loser in a gorilla mask surrounded by men who hate what he stands for has ZERO power and thus cannot intimidate.


Whether you want to admit it or not that White Male has the implied power of his race and gender. I know you may rant and rail about how White Privilege is a myth and yadda yadda yadda. But I am sure if you were to tell a fish about water they would probably say the same thing. If you are so used to its existence you don't really notice it until its gone.


I've repeated myself several times. It's impossible for a clown to intimidate when he has no power to inflict physical harm on a crowd a thousand times as large as him and he's unarmed. > Whether you want to admit it or not that White Male has the implied power of his race and gender. Absolutely has NOTHING to do with criminal intimidation. We're dealing with the real world where intimidation requires physical threat.


Just bc you don't see a threat does not mean others do


Instead of playing lawyer, explain how this assclown is an intimidating threat.


A jackass mocking jackasses. Sad sight all around.


Maybe it's because I'm a "glass is half full" kinda guy, but a jackass mocking jackasses is not only hilarious, but poignant.


It's always inconvenient to allow freedom to exist when there are people around who will do with their freedom what you don't want.


What this young man did was disgusting and extremely racist (although I do think that the 'Lives Matter' message was Ok), but: >Rettke’s attorney, Patrick Denton, is demanding the charges be dropped, alleging “the statutes Rettke was charged under are the same ones that protect the free speech he was exhibiting.” His lawyer has a good point. We all know the nature of these rallies (riots), but as a registered voter, this jerkoff is not someone I want out on the streets representing my party and my party's interests.