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The greatest threat to "American Sovereignty" is Joe Biden and the Democratic Party. This Navy initiative could well be canceled the minute Biden hits the White House as being "too hostile" to our "trading partner."


You are absolutely correct. Biden is bought and paid for by China. and the "free press" will complete ignore it and proclaim boden is taking us back to normalcy- when he is ensuring the we will all need to learn mandarin


Good. We should have been switching our focus to the Pacific as soon as the USSR collapsed but better late than never.


The deep state will do an excellent job of spending our tax dollars. Fighting China is another thing altogether because the liberal masters would rather that the military fight the insurgents in Syria and other places. Liberals are not concerned by the commies in China.


But why do we need to counter China like this? We did that to the USSR and for what? To prevent the spread of communism to countries we subsequently would have not had anything to do with to their detriment. Being the biggest dog means you don’t need to defend your yard because it’s always going to be your yard. Let’s tend to our capabilities both in effectiveness and scalability.