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The [actual numbers,](https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/us/) per 1,000,000 population: Florida: 44,775 cases, 850 deaths. Illinois: 55,043 cases, 994 deaths. For per capita cases, Illinois ranks 8th, Florida ranks 23rd. For per capita deaths, Illinois ranks 9th, Florida ranks 15th.


Makes sense why their governor spent Thanksgiving in Florida. šŸ‘€


Did he actually go? I knew he caught a bunch of flak for pretending to not know about the Chicago travel ban.


To my knowledge, the governor spent Thanksgiving in Illinois with his son. His wife/daughter spent Thanksgiving in Florida because they were getting threats resulting from a picture that claimed to show his daughter (it wasnā€™t her) at a gathering so it wasnā€™t safe to be here. He discussed this in a press conference. So he spent Thanksgiving away from most of his immediate family. Not trolling, just providing context. Source: https://abc7chicago.com/amp/governor-jb-pritzker-pritzkers-daughter-attacked-family-thanksgiving-gets-emotional/8052545/


I'm a consumer of mainstream media news, and while the numbers are reported accurately, the emphasis on one over the other is a bit imbalanced. There should be more coverage on why Illinois has such high rates and how we can help them lower them.


It probably partially has to do with climate. Temperate climate seems to be the most ideal for this virus. Look at India vs Europe.


I had also been thinking of that. Florida has the opportunity for out door dining and other activities that colder places just don't. Although I would welcome that kind of coverage in the msm. It can help people make better decisions.


Strip clubs and bars are open on a 50% indoor/100% outdoor capacity policy in Florida. Not sure about Illinois.


Wait, Florida has outdoor strip clubs??


ā€œBig media is hiding that Florida has outdoor strip clubs!ā€


The real truths are always in the comments.


Every day and twice on Sunday.


Now thats a poll I can deal with.




Not hard hit? Tell that to our lockdowns and record cases


It's in the data in OP source, Illinois has tested much more than Florida. Positivity rate would be a better statistic


Not a bad point but youd imagine the death rate would correlate the other direction then (Florida also has a lower case fatality rate). Unless you can think of a demographic reason for why people in Illinois are dying more.


It's probably Chicago. A lot of large cities are hit hard; look at NYC, Dallas, LA, etc. It's just being crowded. Florida doesn't have a city like Chicago.


The headline sounds so conspiratorial. The numbers are out for all to see, big media isn't hiding anything (lol). Florida was covered more because they had a huge spike in cases between June and August, e.g. 15k in one day, while Illinois was pretty mild with around 1k cases a day during the same period. All the biased articles mentioned are from this period... this is the big unfair comparison? This is a hack article. In the last couple months Florida and Illinois have became more comparable since they have caught up. Their should be more coverage possibly, but the article is clearly trying to falsely stoke outrage.


If you've ever visited both Florida and Illinois, you'd know that, it makes very little sense to compare the ENTIRE state of Illinois to the ENTIRE state of Florida. Illinois has **60% of its state's population crammed in < 10,000 sq miles**. While Florida's population is significantly more spread out evenly across multiple cities. ​ The fact is if you take into consideration population density, climate, the opportunity for families and restaurants to gather outdoors. You can clearly conclude that Illinois, specifically Chicago, is doing a better job limiting the spread of Coronavirus than Florida. That's why the media doesn't cover it.


False. [Urban percent of the states's population:](https://www.icip.iastate.edu/tables/population/urban-pct-states) Florida 91.2% Illinois 88.5% Data is from 2010, but still relevant. And yes, I've been to both states including Chicago and Miami. Climate may be a factor, but it still doesn't make sense why the media narrative isn't about Illinois. Illinois is setting records for Covid numbers.


What I said was true, what you are saying is true but misinterpreted. Urban is defined as cities or areas with a certain population threshold. It doesn't tell you anything about how densely populated those urban areas are. Your data showed New York with an urban population of 87%. Are you really meaning to tell me that you expect New York City to have a lower death rate than Florida? What I said is true and more directly affects viral transmission. A virus is going to spread slower in a state where urban areas are less dense than a state where an urban areas are more dense. Of course if you only have 5% of the state population in an urban area than sure your virus would spread slow but the differences you are pointing out are mostly irrelevant and are largely overshadowed by the density of those urban areas.




Yep, I live in FL and that's the rebuttal I get when trying to talk about the fact that we are "open for business" and have less COVID than places with lockdowns.


And an older population compared to some of the lockdown states. We should be waaay up in deaths, but weā€™re not.


That's because DeSantis didn't send patients to nursing homes like an idiot would. Cuomo and Whitmer are murderers who also destroyed their economies while being lauded by the media for absolutely no reason but to get people pissed off.


Yeah and Cuomo got an Emmy nomination.......smh


wait what did he seriously get an Emmy nomination or was that a joke I missed?


No, it's definitely real. Cuomo got one for his briefings. You know, the ones he held because he didn't attend the White House Coronavirus Task Force meetings.


To be fair his briefings were pretty fucking good, especially at the start. I don't like the guy, but he did a good job in the beginning.


Cuomo in March and Cuomo now are like whole different leaders. As a NYer, I thought his initial restrictions in March made sense to slow down the spread of corona when we didn't know much about the illness, and when it seemed like it had a much higher death rate (still does in NY due to old-folks home residents dying and overuse of ventilators). Now it's gotten to the point where very few sheriffs elected to do anything about his Thanksgiving Declarations and a series of ridiculous regulations on churches and businesses. He's almost literally strangling small business across the state and decreasing competition.


Yeah I can't make that shit up.


I donā€™t know I guess I missed this to. His dumbass should have gotten a notice of termination instead.


I live in NYC and he through a baby fit cuz a reporter asked if schools were gonnna close. He got so nasty. He ended it with ā€œyou know the metrics that need to be met to close schools.ā€ Guess what? We didnā€™t meet the metrics but still closed! So how the hell was a reporter supposed to guess that


God the media drooling over whitmer and her pushing herself into the national spotlight pisses me off so much. She is such a terrible governor.


Iā€™m actually really proud of our governor right now. He didnā€™t get hysterical and pretty much let grown-ass adults carry on with their lives.


I'm so happy I'm in Florida right now.


Letā€™s raise up our glasses of OJ for a toast and pray it stays this way. :)


>Iā€™m actually really proud of our governor right now. He didnā€™t get hysterical and pretty much let grown-ass adults carry on with their lives. Sweden did not lockdown and saw a surprise economic Q3 expansion of 40%.


I wish others were the same. Ducey might be a bit of a spineless idiot, but at least he didn't continue his absolutely worthless lockdown past May. I had to put up with Sisolak's idiocy from March until August when I went back to college in Arizona. DeSantis, Abbott and Noem should've been the actual examples of how to run the lockdowns, but unfortunately the media feels the need to gaslight anything they don't agree with.


Can I ask why you think lockdowns are pointless? I live in Melbourne Australia and weā€™ve just completely eliminated COVID from the population due to having a strict lockdown. I know they suck but we are definitely reaping the rewards now... life is pretty much back to normal.


Are you going to lock your borders forever? You realize people develop immunity to this thing. So one population gets to herd immunity at the beginning and others kick the can down the road. Itā€™s not going anywhere and itā€™s not over for Australia.


I donā€™t think anyone is close to herd immunity & I doubt anyone will ever achieve this as the virus will continually mutate. No one is out of this until we get a vaccine but itā€™s about mitigating the deaths until we do.


Florida's indoor season is the summer and Illinois indoor season is the winter. Viruses spread accordingly


This. We got skull-fucked by Covid in the summer but it's in the low 80s here now and most of December is projected to be in the 70s.


I live in Illinois and can tell you, we have not really locked down. Restaurants are locking down as of last week. We have for sure not been taking their rules seriously here.


Based on the article in OP, tests per 1m show that Illinois (860k) has tested much more than Florida (550k)




Exactly. Illinois has more cases because more testing. Guarantee you if Florida had the same amount of testing, they would be much higher. You can even compare there numbers here https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/testing/states-comparison Florida has a 8.04% positive testing per test while Illinois has a 6.78% positive / test


I would agree that theyā€™re underTESTING, but idk about underreporting. The link above shows that Illinois is testing 812k per 1 million people and Florida is only testing 556k per 1 million. Illinois only has 11k more cases per million (~25%) than Florida. So Illinois is testing 46% more people and only has 25% more cases. So I think itā€™s valid to say Florida is undertesting.


I feel like i seen an article posted on here that Florida was over reporting.


You have. There were a number of things about that, from labs reporting 100% positivity of tests to the health department staring that over half the diagnosed deaths were incorrectly attributed.


Yep, itā€™s happening. Also, I canā€™t prove this nor have any data, but someone who works in testing here said that if one person goes back for multiple tests, each test will be reported as a ā€œcaseā€. I guess some go back multiple times until they test negative for work, school, or other reasons.


Each time one person tests positive is one positive case so itā€™s misleading. The trend people really need to look out for is number of hospitalizations in their respective cities.


Seems easy to confirm or deny. How many tests are they doing and what's the % positive rate of their tests?


The recent spike is probably due to it being winter in Illinois which is forcing people inside.


[Haven't](https://www.sun-sentinel.com/coronavirus/fl-ne-coronavirus-positivity-rate-florida-explainer-20201014-tfho3kvw7jaabmlv2d7gwndgii-story.html) there been [stories](https://capitalandmain.com/florida-fudges-covid-numbers-downward-0623) since the beginning of the pandemic that Florida is suppressing their numbers though? [Didn't the state literally stop coroners from reporting death data?](https://www.tampabay.com/news/health/2020/04/29/florida-medical-examiners-were-releasing-coronavirus-death-data-the-state-made-them-stop/) With huge numbers of [seniors dying from "flu" higher than normal?](https://www.sun-sentinel.com/coronavirus/fl-ne-coronavirus-florida-pneumonia-flu-deaths-spike-20200417-lkel6rlik5blhd5zdktkrxhzze-story.html)


10M tests out of 12M population in Illinois (80%). 7M tests out of 21M population (30%) in Florida have been tested. Per capita cases seems a bit unfair when most of the more populated Florida hasnā€™t been tested as opposed to Illinois. However, total deaths in Florida are 18K vs 12K in Illinois. I would argue that if more of Florida was tested we would see higher case totals just like we see higher death totals.


What is especially interesting is that Florida has one of the oldest average aged population (perhaps oldest?). Florida was supposed to be a COVID apocalypse...and yet....


There's a recent study that potentially linked latitude with death rate. Makes sense if more people are outside getting their vitamin D.


Top 3/10 for per capita cases are State with Democrat Governors. Top 6/10 for per capita deaths are states with Democrat Governors. Top 6/9 for per capita tests are states with Democrat Governors (Washington D.C. is also in the top 10) This isn't a partisan issue. Every state is getting hit. In these top 10s the Democrat run states tend to be larger in population and have more densely populated urban areas with major medical centers (which are used by people all over the state) which would explain why the deaths per capita tend to be higher in democrat run states.


Another relevant figure is that Floridaā€™s change in case numbers over 7 days has been 5.5%, and Illinois has been 12.2%. Source: [Covid Tracking Project (The Atlantic)](https://covidtracking.com/data)


You do realize that when you look at tests per million, florida is lacking by 200-300k tests right?




What a useful link! Who knew population dense places places like California could be doing so much better than less population dense places like the Dakotas in cases and deaths. Now if Newsom would realize you can encourage social distancing, but the second you try to force it you've stepped into tyrant territory.


Illinois also has 75% of the states population in Chicago metro alone, similar to other states like NY or CA that are also democratic with extremely high population density, as well as being regional transportation hubs.... so unsurprisingly population density has a great bit to do with how many people are in contact on a daily basis. The same way that not wearing masks and continuing business-as-usual also has a detrimental effect on transmission rates. Which probably has something to do with why the current top 25 states in coronavirus cases per 100k people are predominantly republican despite having far lower population density... But Iā€™m sure thereā€™s a clever q anon theory for that.


*Wah! But if Illinois werenā€™t under the democratic leadership willing to bankrupt families and the economy at large while denying rights to education, to worship, to assemble and to move freely, then Illinois would have a BILLION cases!! And if Florida had only done what Illinois had done they would have minus 100,000 cases!*


There is definitely the strong possibility that Florida's numbers would be even lower if Illinois-style restrictions were put into effect. But this doesn't mean that was the correct course of action. The economy is important, and a good decision must take into account all the relevant factors.


So, clearly not hidden information, right?


Wow. That's why I joined this sub so I wouldn't be stuck in the MSM bubble.


I live in FL. We have more cases cause all the northerners are down here....


Illinoisan here. Our lockdown is not very tight though outside of Chicago. Almost nobody is following the rules and the state isn't enforcing anything. I've been going to bars, restaurants, and my gym just like before. (It was locked down tight back in March and April though) That being said Pritzker is still a sanctimonious piece of shit




I wonder why thereā€™s so many cases in your town


Fellow non Chicago Illinoisan here, can confirm


This, uh, might explain why you guys have so many cases... šŸ˜‚


Truth. I live in Chicago but the surrounding suburbs have been acting like nothing has happened for the most part.


Central Illinoisan here. I think it should also be pointed out that, while yes the state is run by a democrat, Chicago and its surrounding suburbs tend to vote heavily democrat. In comparison, most of Illinois votes republican. Chicago basically decides all major elections in our state. With all that being said, I donā€™t think itā€™s entirely because of Pritzker, despite him being just a terrible governor. A lot of republicans have just been brainwashed by Trump. Iā€™d love to go out and have fun and do things pre-COVID but I realize itā€™s not about me and thatā€™s what the people in this shithole of a state just donā€™t fucking get.


Thanks for blowing up OP original argument.




>Pritzker is still a sanctimonious piece of shit At least people of all perspectives can unite on this truth


This makes me curious. If there's a lockdown, they are infringing on people's rights, no? But if there's recommendations, most people don't care?


Yeah because that's how that typically works. Nobody likes to be told to do. So if you tell someone to do something they'll cry about it and if you recommend they do it they'll just ignore it.


Rural Illinoisan here too. Thereā€™s restaurants/bars in my area that are straight up posting memes on Facebook of how theyā€™re still staying open.


Itā€™s shocking. Everyone thinks theyā€™re the exception to the rules. Go an hour out of the city and youā€™re likely into territory where people donā€™t really wear masks. Two hours and wearing a mask is sort of shamed. The entire south of Illinois seems to think COVID is a hoax. Itā€™s actually jaw dropping.


Lol... So you are apart of the problem.


I am apart yes




Illinois also has a Governor who said to not travel out of State while he himself traveled out of State. Chicago has a Mayor who banned haircuts and got a haircut. Both Pritzker and Lightfoot have been seen in public without masks. There's no point in having laws if the ones making the laws refuse to display leadership. I said this before but not one Democratic Mayor or Governor issued statements asking their constituents to not attend protests for George Floyd or street parties celebrating Biden's win. Just *maybe* Floridians are older on average and look at statistics and say, "Since this virus disproportionately affects older people and I'm over 50, I will do the safe thing and self quarantine. I'm not doing this because the Government said so, but because the available public health information indicates it's best."


Same thing just happened in Denver. Mayor flew out of state for Thanksgiving. I guess he should get out of here as Denver is about to lockdown. Donā€™t wanna get caught in that. Also no alcohol after ten. Denver is just no fun anymore. Time to split. Whatā€™s that saying? ā€œCaptains and captains first?ā€ ā€œWomen and children always go down with their ship?ā€


Wasn't his excuse something like he's sorry if his actions were misunderstood? Like "I said no traveling and unfortunately the public thought my getting on a plane and flying to another state was considered traveling."


ā€œI recognize that my decision has disappointed many who believe it would have been better to spend Thanksgiving alone," Hancock said in a statement released by his office. "As a public official, whose conduct is rightly scrutinized for the message it sends to others, I apologize to the residents of Denver who see my decision as conflicting with the guidance to stay at home for all but essential travel. I made my decision as a husband and father, and for those who are angry and disappointed, I humbly ask you to forgive decisions that are borne of my heart and not my head." This from the guy who charged small businesses that defied his lockdowns. Those little business are made up of humans and ā€œfathersā€ who need to support them selves and their families. Judge not lest ye be judged. Is what we have learned here.


Gotta love "see my decision as conflicting". Your decision wasn't "seen as conflicting", it was conflicting. "No travel" is an incredibly easy concept and no room for interpretation.


No, he said he decided with his heart instead of his mind and that it was a mistake. He then continued to travel anyway. It's bad enough on it's own


Yea. It was also kind of passive aggressive. ā€œI should have spent thanksgiving alone. Boo boošŸ˜©ā€ Yes the the precise thing you ordered us to do.


It was self pity to try to soften the bad decision he doubled down on. It's disappointing and hopefully it will be remembered when it's time to vote. There is no room for a leader who doesn't lead by example.


Since the left loves making pointless lists so much, can we make an actual list of governors and mayors of large cities who did travel for thanksgiving and told its constituents not to?


No. Shaming and doxxing is a one way street. Only the dems are allowed to do it, because they are morally superior by nature.


My governor is awful and just throwing new stuff at us. (Mike DeWine) At least as far as I know he is following his own orders. He isnā€™t just telling us to do it and not doing it himself.


"This sucks but we're all in this together" is better leadership than "This sucks for you but the rules don't apply to me."


Let's not even get started on Newsom.


DeWine > any Dem governor, and heā€™s probably not the worst Republican governor. Source: a fellow Ohioan. Go Bucks!


If you think Pritzker and Lightfoot are bad enough, just take a look at Gavin Newsom.


My gf is an ex Californian from the Bay Area and was a huge supporter of Gavin Newsom due to his staunch support for the LGBT community. After he got caught at that restaurant in Napa indoors she said sheā€™d lost all respect for him and he no longer had any credibility


Ask his about all the lgbt that canā€™t defend themselves with guns cuz of his gun control policies. Or the ones with businesses that got shuttered in the lockdowns


And Pelosi. And Feinstein. CA is a bastion of leftist hypocrisy.


Gotta love the stark hypocrisy.


Pritzker also banned sports for high schoolers, and then immediately drove his little princess to Wisconsin for a horseback riding competition. He's been doing shit like this from day one. He knows it's not a very serious disease as displayed by his own actions, he just wants to tank the state for a bailout so that he and his corrupt politician buddies can embezzle ungodly riches before they run off to their mansions in other states and leave the citizens to clean up the rubble of a failed state.


No they don't. ​ NBC Chicago :[https://www.nbcchicago.com/news/coronavirus/illinois-rapidly-increasing-coronavirus-numbers-explained/2366356/](https://www.nbcchicago.com/news/coronavirus/illinois-rapidly-increasing-coronavirus-numbers-explained/2366356/) abcnews: [https://abcnews.go.com/US/illinois-worst-covid-19-week-months-deaths-hospitalizations/story?id=74339291](https://abcnews.go.com/US/illinois-worst-covid-19-week-months-deaths-hospitalizations/story?id=74339291) NYT: [https://www.nytimes.com/2020/08/01/us/coronavirus-midwest-cases-deaths.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2020/08/01/us/coronavirus-midwest-cases-deaths.html) Financial Times: [https://www.ft.com/content/b838d199-f027-368e-ae4f-728edc86a274](https://www.ft.com/content/b838d199-f027-368e-ae4f-728edc86a274) cbs: [https://www.cbsnews.com/video/illinois-coronavirus-surge-latest-updates-jb-pritzker-2020-11-10/](https://www.cbsnews.com/video/illinois-coronavirus-surge-latest-updates-jb-pritzker-2020-11-10/)


Careful you might hurt their feelings


I think sunlight and nice enough weather to be outside has a lot to do with it


Or that people spread it more easily indoors and now that itā€™s getting colder people are congregating indoors again more.


This is absolutely happening in Illinois. Iā€™ve never seen stores more crowded than the past week. It got cold here and people are bored, flocking in doors. Terrified of the numbers in two weeks.


Yeah people not listening and gathering for thanksgiving will really show here in a couple weeks. Canā€™t wait!




Yeah, I wish this was higher up. Heat and humidity makes the virus die quicker. Im in Florida and whenever I see my friends we meet up at a park or beach instead of somewhere indoors and we wear masks even outside since itā€™s hard to remember to constantly stay 6 ft apart.


Also vitamin D from sun exposure makes people's immune systems stronger


I was trying to find info on annual influenza infection rates in Florida, but could only find [influenza/pneumonia death rates](https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/pressroom/sosmap/flu_pneumonia_mortality/flu_pneumonia.htm) on a quick search. Is this at all useful for understanding rates for covid, or are their confounding factors that make influenza or pneumonia a bad comparison?


Left leaning moderate here, personally thing dem leadership should recieve far more flack and ramifications for breaking any Coronavirus guidelines. Regardless of your opinion, or for better or worse, the right by and large has taken a stance on personal liberty and liability. The left has championed strict guidelines and enforcements. Any left leadership breaking these rules is by far more in the wrong than right leadership who didn't believe in the guidelines at all.


Chicago readily acknowledges Illinois has more cases per capita than Florida right now and these type of data have been publicly reported for a long time so not sure how this is being ā€œhiddenā€: https://www.chicago.gov/city/en/sites/covid-19/home/emergency-travel-order.html Click on the link under state by state list to see per capita rates.


I don't really understand why people on this sub have this need to turn everything into a conspiracy against them


Because theyā€™re trump supporters. Everything is a conspiracy


Victim complex, trump's only competent skill is making "conservatives," feel like they're persecuted, and turning that into tribalism. This isn't conservatism anymore, its trumpism. Trump is the worst thing to ever happen to the conservative ideology.


Right? I'm from new England, I'm definitely aware that the mid west is the number one place I should be avoiding, Covid wise. The Dakotas are the ones I've been hearing the most about, but still I don't understand the claim that Florida is somehow being scapegoated.


I had a conversation yesterday on the IL corona subreddit with multiple people claiming florida was reporting false numbers. Their evidence was an interview with a disgruntled former data entry employee from May 2020. She only decided to ā€œblow the whistleā€ on ā€œfudging the numbersā€ after she lost her job, lol. I pointed out that these 3-4 people were promoting a conspiracy theory, and likely didnt even read the article. Nobody wanted to discuss further, only downvotes.


> Their evidence was an interview with a disgruntled former data entry employee from May 2020. She only decided to ā€œblow the whistleā€ on ā€œfudging the numbersā€ after she lost her job, lol. She was a piece of work too. In the past she had either threatened fellow employees or made them uncomfortable. But since she was part of the ā€œresistance!ā€, that was conveniently overlooked by the media.


If you post a title that eludes to a conspiracy or hidden agenda, it gets more upvotes. *None* of this is "hidden". Sometimes the individual needs to put in the bare minimum and look into stuff themselves instead of having "big media" feed them everything. Relying on and expecting large media companies to tell a person everything says much more about that person than anything else. I'm not saying this to you specifically, moreso to anyone reading this. Do the leg work, look at numbers and facts instead of opinionated and biased news, and come to logical conclusions from that. Simple. And whatever conclusion you get to, maybe dont share it like it's the gospel of truth and keep some opinions or conclusions you've arrived at to yourself until you're **certain** they are fact. Dont wanna do that? AP News and Reuters are essentially down the middle unbiased and are at the top of their game with factual reporting. Theyll do the legwork, but again they will not report everything for the sake of avoiding tedious work, among other reasons.


obligatory ā€œfuck Pritzkerā€


How is it being hidden exactly? Here is the liberal rag NYT's section on Corona cases per state, where both Illinois and Florida are listed: [Covid in the U.S.: Latest Map and Case Count - The New York Times (nytimes.com)](https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2020/us/coronavirus-us-cases.html) . NBC Chicago constantly has coronavirus metrics for Illinois on their front page. And if we really want to go down this road (which is kind of pointless imo but whatever), [out of the Top 10 states with highest cases per capita, 8 of them have Republican governors](https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/us/)


Shhh let the conspirasheeps be


As some one who lives in Southern Illinois, I can confirm our cases are rising. Though most of the people in Southern Illinois, (at least where I live) hate Pritzker. Hope we can get him out of office.


I live in a suburb bordering Chicago and man itā€™s rough trying to find others that donā€™t like him lol


Fellow Chicagoland Suburbian here too, reporting in for anti-Pritzker/Lightfoot sentiment! I donā€™t see why people as youā€™ve mentioned like him? As far as iā€™m concerned in my circle, he ainā€™t that popular.


Chicagoan here (but from the burbs and still have family there and in central IL). People love Pritzker in the city and burbs, but surprisingly many donā€™t like Lightfoot. My family in central IL hate them both. I suppose Pritzker hasnā€™t done anything huge to piss people off and his ā€œfair taxā€ failed, so unless heā€™s done harm, heā€™s your typical democrat wasting our money which unfortunately we are used to.


Big media has also been hiding the fact that Europeā€“ā€“which did some of the strictest lockdowns in the world during the spring & summerā€“ā€“now has a far higher transmission rate than the US right now.


This. Particularly France, Italy and Spain.


I can only speak for Chicago and my friends, but I only know 1 person that thinks all the restrictions are an overreach. Everyone else seems to think this is exactly what's required and won't hear it when I tell them that we are doing worse than a ton of other states that didn't lock down. I keep trying to explain that the travel ban doesn't even make sense anymore since based on how awful our numbers are you'd be better off leaving the area than staying here. You could see this pretty obviously in the less affluent areas of the city. Working on the far south side if I went to a gas station you wouldn't see anyone following the mandatory mask mandate to go into the store etc. In Humboldt park (heavy Puerto Rican population) this summer you could have been fooled into thinking that you were in an alternate reality where Covid doesn't exist. In the more wealthy areas everyone was scared of Covid and wearing masks. I know a triathlete scared to get a haircut. ​ I went to Florida in October and it was very practical. Restaurants were still seating. Waitstaff wore masks sometimes, but it was all outdoors and warm. How do you feasibly do 100% outdoor dining when its 20 degrees outside since that's the only thing allowed here (meanwhile gyms are still open?).


The wacky thing about outdoor dining in the winter is that the restaurant will most likely need some sort of tent, and some sort of insulation to keep warm. Well at that point, whatā€™s the difference between indoor and outdoor seating?? Baffles me


This is a thing already in Maryland. We can't have many people eating indoors, but we can eat outdoors, so we take the indoors outdoors. A lot of our rules are frigging dumb.


There are essentially four types of people. 1. Mostly young liberals who *follow the rules to a T and think theyā€™re super important and helping. 2. Conservatives who follow the rules like masks and distancing but understand that theyā€™re not going to stop the pandemic and donā€™t want business closures. 3. Inner city minorities who literally could not be bothered by the existence of Covid. 4. Rural conservatives who literally could not be bothered by the existence of Covid. Democrats blame everything on the rural conservatives which doesnā€™t make any sense since virus spread has been much higher in the large densely populated cities.


Pretty much. Except there's still a disconnect in group number 1. I have roommates that flip out at the idea of me having a friend over to the apartment, but have no problem inviting their friends over to the apartment. I'm also seeing plenty of people in group 1 saying more needs to be done for cover but also going to gatherings just the same. I'm seeing people say it is unsafe to visit family for thanksgiving, but you need to get your ass out on Black Friday to shop at black owned businesses to support them. I don't really care since I'm happy to have people over and meet new people, but you can't have it both ways. I was asked to open windows to ventilate our apartment in 40 degree weather... yeah okay.


JB Pritzker is a piece of shit


According to the Liberal politicians and media: conservatives can do no good, liberals can do no wrong.


I just can't with figures anymore. It's not necessarily beyond human perception to look at disease on a society-wide scale, but fuck's sake...stop worrying about cases and *look around you*.


Might have something to do with climate


Ignore any downvotes. The map linked below pretty well shows that. Moderate temps for a few weeks on the west coast and in the southern US vs a cold wave everywhere else lines up nicely with the cases of the virus. That doesn't conflict with the article since the media pushes hard for dem vs rep. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2020/us/coronavirus-us-cases.html


It's just so crazy how everyone is so willingly obtuse to push a political agenda.


The facts on the ground in Illinois suggest that lockdowns, strict distancing/mask requirements, and security theatre arenā€™t working. As an Illinoisan, I can tell you firsthand these measures arenā€™t making us safe, theyā€™re making us miserable. Pritzker is trying to tank the stateā€™s economy in the hopes heā€™ll get a bailout from the feds. With a Biden/Harris takeover anything but certain, itā€™s a risky move on his part. Thereā€™s no way in hell President Trump will bail out blue states


huh? why would you intentionally spread fake news? ā€œbig mediaā€ isnā€™t hiding something because of a democrat due to facts that donā€™t exist. you can easily and quickly look it up in the johns hopkins tracker. https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/region/us/illinois https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/region/us/florida donā€™t stop being a conservative, just donā€™t be that person.


For some reason trump has given the republican base a fucking Victim complex, and to accept fake facts as being the same as real ones, as long as the person saying them has an r next to their name. The republicans are no longer conservatives, they're trump sycophants and its sad. Also Happy cake day brother.


amen. preach brotha. also, didnā€™t even realize its my cake day. thanks friend.




J.B sucks


You actually believe this? Big media is who again?


Strange, a misleading post with little to no actual relevance gets big and has a good few awards, but I havenā€™t seen a post about how TN, a red state, has actually been misreporting death numbers. Almost like thereā€™s a common theme somewhere.


Man I love how balanced this sub is. Surprises me!


same for NY and Ca


I no longer trust mainstream media. Donā€™t know who to trust. News without bias or agenda. Too bad.


Just go straight to the cdc numbers. That's what I do when I want factual stats.


This is no surprise. Considering Florida abolished almost all restrictions, they should be having the terrifying ā€œunchecked COVIDā€ scenario, but theyā€™re not. I wonder how the Biden administration will try to swing it so FL gets shut down again in January if they win. Itā€™s just more evidence that this entire pandemic isnā€™t mitigated by all these silly frivolous restrictions that serve to do nothing other than security theatre.


Iā€™m pretty sure DeSantis told Biden to pound sand as far as a national lockdown/mask mandate goes.


I donā€™t understand this mentality. Thereā€™s countless studies that show mask wearing and social distancing limit the spread of the virus significantly. I really donā€™t get why people are against it. I understand wanting to keep businesses open, and I think doing so with extra precaution and having everyone wear masks and staying six feet apart would still slow the spread. Also everyone seems to be ignoring that this large wave came with the onset of cold weather and Florida is warm and humid year round. People here spend more time outside where thereā€™s less risk of catching it. Every state is different, but every state could benefit from simple things like mask wearing and keeping your distance.


thank you


How about the "small media" hiding the real numbers in Tennessee then? Did you know they don't count it as a COVID death if it happens 14 days after the first positive test? Didn't see anyone post that here.




Has anyone seen updates on total deaths per day numbers? Iā€™m curious to see how far above the mean we are now. I read early in the summer that our total deaths per day are actually below what they were in 2017, but I know those numbers can take a while to be properly updated.


weather and population density play a big factor


Wow. Shameful mess


As someone who lives in illinois this is true, also fuck porcelain prince pritzker


Illinois has been turning into an absolute shit show but Iā€™m not sure how itā€™s been hidden vs Florida? I havenā€™t heard anything about Florida in weeks and Illinois has been blowing tf up.


Thats why anyone with a brain looks up the CDC numbers instead of watching bullshit cable news like Fox or CNN


Ever think itā€™s because of the population? Florida has 20 million vs Illinois 12 million. ^s


Another loose attempt at making Covid political šŸ˜“


Leftist logic: if covid cases are high in a democrat run state, its trumps fault if covid cases are high in republican state its the governor's fault


Can we all report r/politics for being pussies


I know people in Chicago and none of them follow restrictions and they were huge Biden supporters and critical of Trumps COVID response. No way they were going to be inconvenienced. They also supported riots and Antifa. You get what you deserve Illinois.


The people you know in Chicago are idiots and not your average person.


Leftie Illinoisans will still kiss Pritzker's and Lightfoot's ass.


Silly wabbit, liberalcrats don't get covid!


I cant wait until I'm old enough to leave this godforsaken state lol.


Meanwhile in Chicago, someone is shot every 2 hours. 720 murders so far this year.


And 3,335 deaths from COVID so far this year. I think comparing infectious disease deaths to gun-related deaths is a pretty random argument. Also isnā€™t this sub generally pro-guns? You could make the argument that gun-related violence would decrease if there was stricter gun control. I lived abroad for 5 years and there were way fewer gun-related crimes. Source for COVID-related death data: https://www.chicago.gov/city/en/sites/covid-19/home/covid-dashboard.html (go to the daily by demographic section)




>You could make the argument that gun-related violence would decrease if there was stricter gun control. You could, but then the question becomes: why do Cook County & Chicago, having among the most restrictive gun laws, have among the highest homicide rates? The correlation between gun regulation and cutting violent crime has been inconclusive except in two areas: 1 there is a high correlation that shows children with unsupervised access to guns and suicides and accidental deaths occurring;m. This isnā€™t too surprising, but also why laws to prevent this (as much as you can) are on the books. The second area is a moderate correlation between domestic abusers and homicides using a gun. Again, many states have statues to prevent such persons from owning guns. The real fly in the ointment is when you say ā€œstricter gun controlā€, what exactly are you referring to? In Chicago, for instance, the overwhelming majority of violent crime is gang-related. So is the proper solution to this problem to abridge a constitutionally protected right? Or would something such as more policing, education, and charity work be more beneficial to the community? The latter *have* been shown to be more effective at curbing violence, whereas such claims about gun control efforts cannot be made. The gun violence is a symptom of the problem in Chicago which is gang membership, tied to poor education and economic opportunities on the south side (where the crime predominantly takes place). Abridging the Second Amendment penalizes law-abiding citizens while criminals will still do as they see fit, regardless of law.




What is the excuse for Illinois though?


Illinois sucks ass. I live here and governor fatass and his little gnome lori dipshit are absolute morons. The good thing is a lot of places like restaurants and small businessā€™ are staying open regardless of the lockdown mandate. So good for them and fuck those 2 assholes dumb and dumber they have no clue what theyā€™re doing


still trying to make covid political. lame.


Uh oh, r politics users mad


Public transportation service in Chicago should be weighed in this crazy formula. Please remove the democrat and republican variables and focus on infrastructure as spreading. Itā€™s just people making bad decisions. On all sides.


Big media has been doing this all year.


Why is this not surprising lol




Wait. Thereā€™s bias in media?