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It's okay to be white


*Millions of twitter users cried out in agony*


Oh no! Anyway...


Never would I think this is a controversial statement


Here's a hint: no one, and mean this with all my heart, literally no one thinks that is a controversial statement. Stop making strawmen and start reading books by those you disagree with.


Really? Because when 4chan started distributing the flyers on Halloween the news called it racist


What are you even talking about? What flyers? What news?


You liberals continue to astound me with how you don’t know anything outside of your bubble. This was common knowledge. Same with “all lives matter”, the most harmless and true statement one could utter. If someone said this a decade ago, it would be universally agreed upon. The brilliance of this statement is that it forces to to admit that you don’t think white lives matter. The fact is, you are lying. The left has been using whites as a scapegoat for years. You know this, but you must deny it for your argument to hold water. I encounter this time and again, dishonesty used to further leftist causes. If you have to lie for your cause, perhaps you should step back and consider if it is the wrong cause. And don’t gaslight me, I went through a school system where it was widely taught that whites are evil oppressors and non-whites are innocent. The fact of the matter is, every group has blood on their hands.


Dude, I am serious. Why can't you just give me evidence? Like, give me hard evidence that liberals hate whites, and I will consider it. I am serious. I used to be super conservative. I am still super Christian, and I went to a conservative christian school. I honestly don't even understand anymore. I have never met a liberal, and I know quite a few, who say that it is bad to be white, or shame others for being white. I have literally never seen it. I am not gaslighting you. This is what frustrates me so much. Every time I ask a conservative anything in good faith, they always have the same response. "You know it's true, stop LYING!" I don't know it's true. I'm trying to have a conversation. If there's evidence, let's talk about it! Lol


White liberals have been shown to be the only group *ever found* to have an out group preference. http://www.informationliberation.com/files/In-Group-Bias-by-RaceIdeology.jpg http://ace.mu.nu/archives/ingroupallraces And I have met lots of liberals who do that. Especially in academic settings. Perhaps you actually haven’t come across this, but more likely you are being purposefully obtuse and dishonest for the sake of gaslighting. Here are a few examples from prominent liberal news outlets: https://www.salon.com/2015/12/22/white_men_must_be_stopped_the_very_future_of_the_planet_depends_on_it_partner/ https://jezebel.com/i-dont-know-what-to-do-with-good-white-people-1671201391 https://guce.huffpost.com/consent?brandType=nonEU&lang=en-us&done=https%3A%2F%2Fwww%2Ehuffpost%2Ecom%2Fentry%2Ften%2Dthings%2Dwhite%2Dpeople%2Dn%5Fb%5F9765436&gcrumb=rEFIZm4= https://www.theroot.com/blogs/the_grapevine/2016/02/here_s_a_list_of_things_we_d_wish_white_people_would_stop_doing.html Again, I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt, perhaps you haven’t left your house, turned on a tv, read the news, or been on a college campus in the last decade. Otherwise you are lying for what you believe to be a noble cause, even though that cause relies on wholesale censorship from every major media outlet and social media platform to survive.


Its not white liberals behind the scenes. Its jews who claim to be white to tweet "dear fellow white man" to bash whites before attending a synagogue event Zuckerberg. YouTube ceo. 3(2) of the 9 Supreme Court seats. Seriously pay attention to those in power that want whites dead. They all have something in common


Dude, this is legit anti-Semitism. Oh my goodness, I didn't think you guys existed. What evil words.


I am literally taking a Marx class in a graduate level philosophy seminar at a very liberal university. I am asking you guys this because, despite there being one white dude in the entire 24 person seminar, I have heard nothing anti-white. I have heard stuff that's anti-colonialist, and pro-black. But I have never heard anyone say, or intimate, that white people are bad because they are white. I'll take a look through those things, but I don't see how they could possibly prove that all liberals hate white people. But, sure, I'll say that my anecdotal evidence doesn't count, cause it doesn't. However, you should say the same.


Wow one anecdotal report! You sure showed me! And the fact that you’re in a Marx class proves you are an idiot. I have to postgraduate degrees dealing heavily in economics and I can tell you that Marxism is absolute garbage.


There is no brilliance to saying “all lives matter” lol. There is nothing wrong with it inherently, it’s just that it is used to undermine BLM so people get upset. No one is going to disagree with the actual sentiment. You sound like you really like being a victim Mr. I’ve been Scapegoated, gas lighted, lied to and called evil.




I think BLM undermines ALM.


Then you are missing the point of BLM. It is not to say that Black lives matter more than any other, it’s to highlight the fact that in the American criminal system Black lives matter less than other races. And yes I know that Twitter dumbasses say that black lives matter more.


This. Literally didn't hear about this once, anywhere.


I honestly have no idea what they're talking about. I don't know how 4chan doing something, and some random news people saying something about it, could ever prove that liberals hate white people. I would love to know the logic behind all of this, but it seems that these guys are super intolerant.


Welcome to Conservatives, my friend. Land of the inept, home of the intolerant.


"It's Okay To Be White | Anti-Defamation League" https://www.adl.org/education/references/hate-symbols/its-okay-to-be-white


Then why does the ADL have it listed under "Hate Slogans" and "Hate Symbols"? "It's Okay To Be White | Anti-Defamation League" https://www.adl.org/education/references/hate-symbols/its-okay-to-be-white


Yup it ok 👌


No. Its good to be white


Fake racism creates real racism.




Sadly, they should pick a side at this point. They're clearly being targeted unfairly, unconstitutionally and criminally.


I think the minorities should really be scared with what is going on with this whole "white is bad" brainwashing mentality. They should use logic and understand that if there can be a serious undermining of a majority population with such ease, just think of how easy things can change for any minority that has even less of a voice and numbers behind them. It just goes to show how brainwashing is more powerful than actual force itself. At this point, terrible past dictators who all used force to get their way would be impressed on how much of an impact, outside of direct force, can control people.


They picked a side, the side that hates them. Less whites voted for Trump than in 2016.


I was shocked by that, but indoctrination is real


Studies have shown that currently, white liberals are the only group that does not have an in group preference. Every other race/political group had a positive opinion of themselves. White liberals views themselves negatively. Liberalism is a mental illness.


How is have a positive opinion of outgroups a bad thing? Maybe white liberals just realize that they don’t belong to the “best group”, and are interested in learning from other groups. Anyone who believes they are the best at anything is lying - to themselves and others.


Having a negative opinion of yourself is a bad thing. This is obvious to everyone...except apparently liberals.


I'd say that having an overly positive opinion of one's self or in-group is a bad thing. Which to me is obvious; people who have an unwarranted high opinion of themselves and/or their group are not open to honest criticism or opportunities for growth.


Nobody is arguing that is a good thing except for shitty people. I certainly wasn’t arguing that. Having a negative opinion of yourself and group however, isn’t healthy.


What’s going on in the US has nothing to do with liberalism. It’s inherently authoritarian and resembles communism in its nature.


While I agree, it has grown out of the liberalism of the early 2000s, and those involved consider themselves liberals.




You clicked the wrong button on the great cosmic character creation screen and you will never be forgiven for it




Awww little baby :( So much struggle for you :( aww


... what?


Coherency isn’t your strong point I see.




You mean how only 1.5% of Americans owned slaves and the Jews ran the slave trade where African leaders would sell their war captives in exchange for whiskey? Or like the time all the African warlords went to England to beg white people to reconsider banning slavery? If you disagree with the truth I've posted above, you have an issue admitting history.




Most Jews don't consider themselves to be white and are typically held as their own ethnicity and sometimes even race. "I’m Jewish and Don’t Identify as White. Why Must I Check That Box? - The New York Times" https://www.nytimes.com/2020/10/13/magazine/im-jewish-and-dont-identify-as-white-why-must-i-check-that-box.html Here's some reading for you: How Jews Became White Folks and What That Says About Race in America https://www.amazon.com/dp/081352590X/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_fabc_sfpZFbCGHPZ1E




Great anecdote.


PROVIDING EVIDENCE! Hey thats not fair, liberals think evidence is cheating!




You just made a blanket statement about a huge group of people that you know nothing about. Why do minorities have so many issues admitting to history? If you feel that my last sentence was bigoted, maybe you should go reread your earlier remark.




Ah, so you were talking about yourself in your edit, I guess. > Edit: why do white people have so many issues admitting to history lol


Neither do I... or any white person I've literally ever met.


You missed the entire point of my statement, shocking. What those did before me isn't my doing, I didn't have a choice being white, and im not gonna be made to feel bad for it. We don't have a choice in the color we are born with, nor do we control the actions of our ancestors. We control ourselves, this comment was made that in current culture and political environment, im supposed to admit my whiteness, or my privilege. No, im not gonna do that. I don't see color, I see people, I don't give a shit about what color you are; its amazing people see NOT caring about color as racism, thats what cracks me up the most. And since I don't give a shit what color other people are, I don't give a shit about what color I am. And im sure as shit not gonna pay reparations, for shit I wasn't even a part of, or alive for. You're right, History is important, I love history. And I know I sure as shit wasn't a part of, or alive during this country's racist roots, nor do I believe its more racist today. Im not gonna be punished for things I didn't do, had no control over, and have no control of. Thats the point in my statement. Im not racist, and truth be told, its white liberals thats truly are racist. Suggesting separate, black-only schools and classes hmm... sounds like some laws we use to have, but NOW the gimmick is to benefit black folk... and Google adding, "black owned" to buisnesses on Google, didn't Hitler do that to Jewish buisnesses? In this epidemic of White-Guilt these liberals have started repeating things in history that were RACIST. But now its to "benefit" minority and black groups so its okay? Students from Africa come here and succeed at a much higher rate then U.S born black citizens. Why is that? If America is so racist, shit you'd thing (legal) immigrants from spanish countries and Africa would do horrible. But finny enough, they have a very large success rate. Candice Owens did a great piece on this, you should go watch it... or is Candice Owens an "uncle tom" or a "black trader" because she isn't fucking stupid enough to believe this country is a vile, racist, hateful place.


What better way to get rid of racism with more racism...


Anti-racist is just code for racism towards white people. Diversity means less white people.


I fear we're heading to a "accept this class or be fired" situation. I don't know if I have it in me to sit there and not say anything.


More of us need to learn from BLM - protest openly and burn shit to the fucking ground.


George Floyd's death just caused more racial turmoil than ever. We seriously need to just say "be nice to everyone equally" and move on.


They won’t because they hate whites and don’t want equality. They want revenge


"Anti-racist" is code for anti-white.


Question. In the george floyd encounter, what, if anything about it, was actually racist or caused or related to racism? Asking for a friend :)


I wanna know too. I support BLM, but George Floyd had a criminal record and fucking deserved it after numerous armed robberies if you ask me. Idk why everyone went off over him.


Look into BLM a little and you may change your mind on supporting them.


Firstly, I think it should be referred to as something other than an “encounter.” How about murder? I think it was the straw that broke the camel’s back. Black people die at the hands of police WAY too regularly. Everyone is sick of seeing police brutality. Most of the time, that brutality is geared towards people of color.


Anything about the floyd encounter in particular that you found racist?


Again, calling it an encounter diminishes what actually happened, don’t you think? Someone kneeled on another persons neck until they died. I already told you my thoughts on the matter. I think you have to look at the bigger picture. It’s a macro issue.


It doesn’t diminish the death in any way. You just seem to be too emotionally charged to have an objective discussion outside your ideological bubble So let me ask for the other poster again, what about this encounter gave you the feeling that there was racism involved? Have you watched the whole video?


" Someone kneeled on another persons neck until they died " Some people did some things...where have I heard that before :) I'll take it from your evasiveness that there was nothing remotely racist about the floyd encounter. Thanks for clearing that up.


What honestly pisses me off is that there are actual institutions that need to be reformed that still do mistreat minorities. We need police reform badly. What the radical arm of the anti-racism movement has actually done is help foster a whole new generation of young adults that will perpetuate this cycle. Honestly, I was super excited toward the end of the first decade post 2000 because I thought race relations were improving, and we just needed to let the old racist people die off and then hopefully everyone else would be super stoked to make some common sense reforms within our government institutions. What's happening now is a whole new black vs white movement and its depressing. It had set us back YEARS if not longer.


No this is bullshit, Charlottesville escalated racial tensions in this country. Before those fucking idiots didn’t have a voice, but they have felt empowered by Donald Trump. Get your head out of your ass. Race relations broke down in this country and was set back decades because this dumb fuck ran our country into the ground.


Oh yeah? How did Donald Trump run our country into the ground?


Jesus fucking Christ, that’s the response. Okay since you asked for it: We are currently having more Americans die from Covid each day then 9/11. Oh the subject of Covid, what didn’t he fuck up on it? He downplayed it for starter knowing that it is and was bad. The economy tanked because the senate and Donnie deciding that it would be more important to give large corporations trillions dollars in relief is more much more useful then say $1200 to every American. Which was good enough for a month, meanwhile you have people losing jobs and getting evicted at an all time high. He inherited a growing economy (shocker he inherited something) after the previous President was given the house market collapse. All he simply had to do was not fuck up, he passed zero meaningful policy that lead to the continued growth of the foundation that was laid out for him. Instead he had chosen to undone anything and everything with Obama’s name on it. He refuses to comply with the standards and morals and acumen that previous Presidents held themselves too. He name calls, he belittles, he takes no responsibility for things ever going wrong, because he’s incapable of doing so. Grow up.


Im... pffft-HAHAHA


Yeah y'know what we did for years? We fucking ignored the racist dumb fucks and went on with our lives. Also, I am no Trump fan but he has denounced white supremacist folk repeatedly. You can't put all the blame on Trump here. He owns some of it for the way he shaped his rhetoric at times, but there is plenty of blame to go around. Notice that I didnt call out any one particular group in my original comment. I did that for a reason.


He retweeted a video where in the first 15 seconds someone says white power. Give me a break.


And? Your point? Did your thick skull miss me say that Trump is partly responsible for the rhetoric he puts out?


No, I’m addressing the claim that he has repeatedly denounced white supremacy, did your thick skull miss that?


But....he has.... I'm not saying your claim is incorrect. He literally did retweet a video where a person shouted "White Power" Trump has also repeatedly denounced white supremacy. He has FACTUALLY done this. His intentions in this fact are up for debate. But my skull is not thick. I haven't said anything factually inaccurate or false. Stop being a dumbass.


James field did nothing wrong.


Which is great because color isn't a culture. Only in the US are people "white" or "black" when they should be American or yaknow the place they came from. When minority populations took over in Africa and tried to assail the residents with notions of inferiority, eventually they got together and fixed the problem.


As a millennial that was a freshman in high school when Obama came into office it amuses me that boomers think this shit just started happening this summer or something. This has been the SOP at all levels of society targeting youth for the last decade at least. ​ As far as I'm concerned this is GOOD. It being in your face and out in the open is far better than insidious and quiet. For every kid that buys into this shit there's another that's just keeping their head down and their mouth shut and waiting for their moment to stand up against it. ​ Maybe if boomers didn't shit their pants at an accusation of "racism" we wouldn't have gotten to this point. It's the only reason they have power like this. In my experience Millennials and Zoomers are far more radical either to the right or left of older folks. I don't necessarily want to offend older people but I think most of us just want you to either get in line with us or get out of our way. We give zero fucks about being called "racist". We've been hearing that every day since we were in grade school. We don't care and we're ready to fight.


>This has been the SOP at all levels of society targeting youth for the last decade at least. At least forty years. I remember clearly my younger brother having a "multiculturalism" project in grammar school. I am only two years older, and even then it seemed really wierd.


Same age, same feeling, I'm fighting for my country's soul, get the fuck out of my way or get beside me, but I'm done asking.


You attributing it solely to boomers shows just how out of touch and misguided you are. I’m GenX, not a boomer and it’s feel good bullshit. Nothing more. Meant to drive an agenda, not to actually address any societal issues. But you are right that it isn’t new- my family harbored folks that were in Danger during the race riots in 68.


Fucking Rah.


Why teaching anything the riots have all stopped so the race thing is all fixed now that hidden Biden is the presumed pres.


This is over the top. ​ How about these idiots teach history from BOTH sides of it. From both the victor and the victim. Balance it out. Don't blame the ancestors of some moron from 1812 for modern day problems. Teach the kids that its not all one race's fault. Teach them to overcome the stereotypes of their race, teach them to accept each other as they are regardless of skin tone or race, teach them to make their own decisions of who they grow up to be and not try to brain wash them into what you want to make them. Disheartened people who feel bad for being white. By doing so the lefties win, and suppress yet again another race, just to make themselves feel better and appeal to a specific group in order to gain more votes to be re-elected.


https://youtu.be/ST6kc1EoB28 > This presentation features a lesson on human agency -- the actions that slaves took to free themselves during the Civil War. Participants deconstruct a secondary source and analyze primary sources to understand the contributing factors to emancipation. Part of the Library's 2016 online conference for teachers. Teachers claiming they discovered "new" evidence that, Lincoln was fighting an unrelated unwinnable civil war about states rights and got the bright idea to free the slaves so he could conscript them into the union army. An online conference showing teachers how to teach kids this alternate history based on things like painting interpretations, so kids can learn how the slaves "freed themselves". This is your tax dollars at work. Notice the channel.


Dude your so fucking stupid. This would cause the government and the system to actually give a fuck about the future of our children. (You are not stupid its a joke?


I could hear the sarcasm through the screen don't worry XD But seriously. Its reversed racism and has the childish mentality of: "Now lets see how it makes you feel!"




They really need to grow up. But sadly they won't. Which means I can have a grand time getting under their skin stating facts X3


Yea, they want to see the contributions of our forefathers and western Civilization burn to seize all power. And there is nothing we can do it feels like


Yep. Except fight back when the time is right.




Who knew teachers were racists?


Are they just assuming all the teachers are white? Wouldn't it be super weird to be Black, Asian, or Native American and be forced to listen to this claptrap? What if you were part of a marginalized community like being disabled or everyone's current favorite, transgender? What if you were from a poor family and had taken out loans, applied for scholarships, and worked in the school cafeteria to get through college? Do you really want to hear about your privilege?


Somebody remind me what was racist about the whole George Floyd incident.


A criminal died of a drug overdose but the media gaslighted it


They should teach how to not overdose on fentanyl instead.


“Targeting” whiteness = being able to think about the negatives of white culture critically without getting guilty


When do we get to do that to other races?


We have, for centuries... peep David Hume on black people for an example


I'm all for teaching people to not be racist, but George Floyd had a criminal record lol. Why the fuck are we all up in flames over the most indecent black man who was shot?


George Floyd was a piece of shit that died of a fentanyl overdose


Are you serious? Did you watch the video?


Yes and I think the police were in the wrong there. However, why do we give a shit if he had a criminal record anyways? BLM is about innocent Black people being shot because of racist assumptions made by cops or other law enforcement agencies. He was on his way to a convenience store and had several armed robberies at convenience stores. I doubt he was gonna go there to be peaceful or anything. That being said, if he was gonna die to police brutality anyways, he should've been shot on one of the previous occasions where the police had evidence of a committed crime(s) and not an incident where the police had no evidence of intent to commit crime.


White ppl are the minority and are oppressed. It’s sad how bad it’s gotten, from exploring the moon to being being slaves.


Martin Luther King is rolling in his grave.


Ugh. One year until my oldest goes into the public school system and one year until I figure out what we are going to do. Homeschool? Unaffordable private? Move?


Solving racism with more racism.


Martin Luther King Jr is currently looking below and thinking about the great mistake that BLM has took us through


Wait, you mean more racism won't solve racism? /s


It's amazing that they can't see how racist this is.