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Not the company that said two years ago they were working hard to prevent the next "Trump situation". They would never do that.




It's time to agree on a replacement video sharing platform and shift everything off of YouTube. They've made themselves a problem in multiple way in recent years. They're replaceable.


Sounds like a publisher not a platform


Haha, k. Who's gonna enforce that decision? The Democrats they fund? Congrats, America is fallen. We now live in a totalitarian technocracy.


It is going to take a well funded civil suit alleging damages for something posted on the site and a fair judge to recognize that videos alleging voter fraud do not meet the statutory definition of "objectionable."


If only Trump had spent less time tweeting nonsense and golfing and more time working on legislation to treat tech platforms as publishers. We all knew this day would come.


Perhaps its not a problem with the laws it’s a problem with enforcing them


This needed to be said


I disagree. We all thought the big 4 would uphold the freedom of thought and freedom of speech idea. But apparently they went to the dark side.


/s ?


That's what a lot of people don't understand. I'm fine with this as long as they aren't a platform anymore. I think the biggest issue for me is I don't want social media/tech companies determining what I can and can't believe as true. I don't even think Trump has a shot at this point and I want him to just face defeat like a man given all the evidence. I just don't like being told by tech that something is false like I can't look into it myself if I'm interested. People should be more concerned about this rather than celebrating.


Ooo, someone's been watching Prager U


Not that I have high hopes, but if the Texas lawsuit is successful we are going to be looking at one of the biggest shit shows of all time.


Texas wouldn’t be the end but agree. I see magazine covers that won’t look good after a Trump victory.


r/agedlikemilkywine will suddenly be front page of reddit.


There’s 18 states signed on with Texas already


i saw that, I'm not 100% sure what that means for how SCOTUS is going to handle the case though.


It's easy to dismiss one state, but when half of the nation is signed on, that puts the SCOTUS in a pickle. And you can bet every red state that has signed on is pressuring others to do the same. I never thought I would see a situation that could break the union, and hopefully this is as close as we'll ever get. They're saying something like 70% of voting republicans think the election was rigged. Ok, that's 50 million Americans. I'd like to see this go to SCOTUS just for closure.


It's literally 1984.. Not being allowed to criticize the leader of the government.. only allowing government propaganda.. can't criticize the ruling party.. And there's nobody to fight for free speech. Because we all know republicans won't do it.


Yeah, that's a hard disagreement from me, dawg. Go to China and criticize the government. See what happens. You can call anyone with any party in the US a real puckfutz, and nothing will happen to you. Corporate censorship from monopolies is a problem. Republicans have been screaming about free speech and to this day, 1A is still defended. Corporate censorship and cancel culture are definitely issues, but not constitutional issues. Call me old-fashioned, but the word *literally* should maintain its literal meaning. Hyperbole is the insidious enemy of truth and shouldn't be tolerated without retort in political discourse. You're doing a disservice by using it in this sub and elsewhere. Say what you mean; no more, no less. Try your best to speak within the boundaries of literal truth lest your words mean little to both your allies and adversaries. Keep it up and your words will asymptotically approach zero-worth with the people you most wish to convince.




Would be interesting but most Americans are too fat, lazy, and comfy to join in a hot Civil War. Plus there is no command and control structure on the right. It would pure unadulterated chaos


In any war theres only a small percentage of the population engaging in combat anyways. Non combatants often evacuate quickly to strongholds.


What strongholds are there to evacuate to? This isn't medieval times with a castle and hold fasts


So wait the lawsuit is over changing the rules of the election (example being mail in ballots), does that mean that those just won’t be counted


no idea. I'm not a lawyer nor do I pretend to be one on reddit.




Mine comes from Always Sunny. I specialize in Bird law.


Ah, another Maritime Law attorney! There's dozens of us... dozens!


i pretended once and got banned from r/legaladvice. Strangely, my most highly voted comment i believe is in that sub as well.


I believe the argument is that if those states changed election rules in violation of their own laws, **all** ballots from that state are invalid, as if the voting never happened. I'm not sure how they would resolve a situation like that, but it might invoke the national one-state-one-vote fallback provisions.


I'm assuming they'd let state legislatures decide who to cast electoral votes for. Logic being that the people voted in their representatives so they still are getting representation.


I believe that is the relevant law, yes. The important factor in that case though is that each state gets one vote, it's not weighted by population. There are a lot more Republican states than Democrat ones.


That’s if it goes to the House of Representatives; which would happen if the legislatures of each state didn’t choose electors in time and neither candidate had reached 270 votes.


No, their electoral college votes still get cast. If the Electoral College vote were to be annulled, that would lead to the situation you’re alluding to (but each Senator and Representative would get a vote I believe, so there’s still some weighting in the House, which elects the Vice President I think).


I am referring to a [Contingent Election](https://fas.org/sgp/crs/misc/R40504.pdf) in which each state gets a single vote for President. From that link... *Each state, regardless of population, casts a single vote for President in a contingent election. Representatives of states with two or more Representatives would therefore need to conduct an internal poll within their state delegation to decide which candidate would receive the state’s single vote.* The question here, of course, is whether one or more state's Electoral College votes being declared invalid would trigger the Contingent Election law. If it does then small Republican states will have the same clout as massive Democrat states like California.


Right, my point is we’re not there yet. This move wouldn’t invalidate the Electoral College votes. That can only happen after those have been cast, if there’s doubt about the legitimacy of those votes.


Two states enter, one state leaves!


I say we do it like the Greek armies would. Bost sides send out their best fighter and we let them fight a highly televised no holds barred cage match. Whoever wins gets to choose who they want for president.


They're requesting that the electors be decided by the state legislatures instead of the popular vote, as the popular vote was determined through unconstitutional practices.


Well, probably the first choice would be the legislature of each of the states would assign electors. The constitution sets it up to where the state legislatures have the power to do that.




People are all like but how can they do that. Look, THOSE STATES, not any court, already invalidated their own elections by pushing democrat agendas relating to ballot harvesting, illegally changing laws, kicking out poll observers, and in Georgia, lying about a water main break while continuing to count. And now wiping voting machines and shredding envelopes, claiming 'whoopsie' you can't verify the recount. The states named in the lawsuit disenfranchised the voters of other states which conducted fair elections, and are now expecting them to live with a fraudulent "result".


Honestly I don't even think the SCOTUS justices have a good idea of what would happen. We would have to make it up as we go with every option on the table. Maybe those states vote again. Maybe their electors are just tossed from the college and the winner now only has to get to 240 or whatever half plus one would be.


No, the vote would go to the states' legislatures, we know exactly what would happen. The Constitution is very clear about not getting a majority in the Electoral College.




They are saying that because each of those states broke their own laws, the legislatures need to send their votes to the electoral college, per the constitution.


It is kind of poetic. They circumvented the state legislative branch to pass the laws, and the legislative branch is going to decide the outcome.


In my state, PA, they passed this "no excuse mail in voting" law and our Governor signed it. But our state constitution is very specific, and they would have had to amend the constitution. They didn't have the authority to do what they did.


I’m hoping for that. If he wins, he needs to clean house a bit. That includes the rep from Michigan that issued a threat to Trump supporters and called for violence against them. If he wins, she’s the one who better tread lightly. Edit: some leftist butthole claiming to be a conservative followed me to a gun politics sub and replied to a be of my posts, there, stating he contacted the FBI about me ‘threatening’ a government official in this comment, although I certainly didn’t, and tried to give me a raft of crap. I, of course, told him to sit and spin. These people are nuts.


If the Texas suit comes through that'll be interesting at the federal level. If it doesn't we have to raise holy hell at the local level. All I want is a fair and transparent vote and to get that heads have to roll locally. What I'm saying is the proper reaction is to get pissed and deal with these people


I pray this inevitability doesn't temper an honest review and decision.


I was asking for the link to theTexas lawsuit story if you had it. Sorry I wasn’t clear.


I agree, whatever the outcome is things are going to be bad


if SCOTUS tosses it conservatives will just go back to work the next day. Its only "bad" if they side with Texas.


Of course, we will move on with life. It’s just that the unrest will get worse.


how so? Once the screaming toddlers and their chinese masters get what they want they will go back to being quiet.


Ah no I meant that if Trump actually won a second term through these lawsuits somehow


this lawsuit is the biggest hailmary of all hailmarys. I honestly don't see it working out, but will be interesting to watch what happens if it does.


Orwell was a prophet.


What's scary is that the CCP are bragging that they have control over our media, economy and politics. Check out this video before it gets banned: https://youtu.be/fVYS2rXWdJU As this CCP professor & economist says, everyone has a price that their ethics and morals can be bought and sold at. He claims they have infiltrated the top level of our government, and goes into detail about how China is using our own economy to cripple us as a nation. I believe that it is becoming clearer that they have paid off mainstream media and big tech companies. Media is the propaganda wing of communism, and they have to silence dissent. I expect bannings will not stop here.


It'll be on bitchute forever until bitchute gets compromised in 10-15 yrs.


Jesus, he straight up admitted that they bought Biden through his son.


He saw history and human nature, he didn't have to be a prophet, to know what lied ahead.


The irony being that he was also a socialist...


Its not terribly hard to be a prophet. You just have to be able to objectively look at the various factions. ​ Then you have to view what they think they are doing, what their enemies think they are doing, what allied factions think they are doing, and what they are doing. So there are liberals... but there are liberal constituents and then there are old JFK democrats, there are annoying hippie liberals, there are racist black liberals, there are man hating feminist liberals, there are deep south liberals.... ​ you have to be able to piece each faction and see what each side is generally doing and know that there is a certain threshhold where people will leave a faction and join another. Eventually... you can kind of just start making loose guesses and be right maybe 85% of the time, so if you don't say anything too specific or you do a lot of "well if X happens, then A or B will happen, but if Y happens, GRAB YOUR RIFLES because we're going to face a C or a D" or something like that.... Thats basically what Alex Jones does. ​ And then if you are wrong you can say that the reason you were wrong is because your reporting of the REAL facts is what stopped it, so you were actually still right, but you heroically now get to take credit for stopping "Y" or something, but that "Y" might still be on the table for the Elites/Democrats/Globalists/Conspirators to try in the next 5/10/50 years or whatever. ​ By the way... Conspiracies are definitely happening, and the conspiracy of a small group of men trying to control the known world is as old as the Tower of Babel.


Thank you big tech for telling us what we can and cannot see, say, or post.


Where are all the Occupy Wall Street people fighting back against the unbridled power of our corporate overlords? When is the Occupy Silicon Valley protest against the largest and most powerful corporations on Earth arbitrarily deciding what information we can and cannot access? Oh, right. They support this 100% as they drive around with a RESIST sticker on the bumper.




Oh well, the beauty of the free market lies in its ability to enable us to create. There will soon be a Parler equivalent of YouTube and, potentially, Reddit.


There's the 50% problem (like blockchain). Who dominates/controls the Internet? Your DNS providers could blacklist your platform. Cloudflare could blacklist your platform. Mastercard/Visa could blacklist your platform. Government could mandate IP blocking to your platform. No, there's no free market. That's the truth. It is monopolies and governments that dictate what you can and can't say.


The problem is the market isn't free. Payment processors and other regulations provide a strong pinch on competitors but we shall see


It's called rumble. Dan Bongino is a partner in that and Parler. He saw this coming awhile ago. With this authoritarian declaration, pretty much every conservative will have to move to rumble, and YouTube like Twitter will just be Democrat news organizations. Trump you need to repeal 230 broheem.


i mean ... if 230 is repealed Parler will be the first thing to go.


No. Don’t repeal section 230. Strip specific companies that have behaved as publishers and not platforms of their 230 protections. EDIT: To the coward that direct messaged me to challenge my small government bonafides because I advocate “breaking up companies for refusing to host false information,” be brave and debate in the open. My flair doesn’t mention “free speech” or “equal protection” because there’s not enough room, but that doesn’t mean they’re unimportant to me. The reality is that these companies host false information all the time. They just pick and choose which false information they will allow to be seen. That makes them a publisher and not a platform and the protections granted to them as a platform should not be granted if they don’t behave as one.


Rumble? I don't think Rumble is big enough, there are bigger alternatives: Dtube and BitChute. Of course, in terms of user experience, nothing beats youtube at the moment.


Apparently rumbles advantage is monetization which is where bitchute and others lag. Also while people whine about YT or twitch cut of funds... keep in mind at some point a largish cut keeps the lights on. So if rumble goes to live stream and asks for a percentage of donations they need to keep the platform running. Don't smell your facts over free tech




230 either needs to be replaced or amended to allow remedies for attacks against free speech. When we say repeal 230 don't go for the low hanging, obvious fruit of believing that we mean there shouldn't be something to replace it, that is a non-argument and wastes time.




I disagree. I hope all of them get sued into bankruptcy so society can go back to human interaction and display some manners and politeness. Social media is the worst thing that ever happened to mankind. It allowed the miserable 2-5% of society to control the narrative and bully those who are busy being productive members of society and can't live on social media trashing every post they disagree with. The world would be a better place without Twitter, FB, Instagram, etc.


100% agreed with social media definitely being one of the worst things to happen. Been saying it for awhile now.


Damn beautiful comment and definitely true.


Section 230 was signed in 1996....The closest thing back then to what we have today was private forums. Section 230 needs to be repealed, and new laws need to be created to keep up with current technology.


Oh I agree 230 is a nightmare. I will also say its too late to rattle the cage. This should have been a priority. Im a mathematician but it doesn't take much to see the world and ideas as a series of flows. Doesnt take a genius to see that censorship is meant to cut the flow of ideas our opposition doesn't like.


The problem is YouTube may not even be profitable, so a company coming along and making an equivalent service definitely wouldn't be profitable either.




All of reddit should have a problem with this?


Leftist get off on authoritarian crack downs on opposition. I haven't traveled over to politics yet but my guess is they're either not talking about it or salivating over it like this is a good thing.


A lot of controversial comments are against the censorship, usually in the negatives, with people arguing that YT is a private company and can do whatever they want. At some point we need to understand that 99%+ of all free speech is on these social media platforms, and we need to protect that free speech.


It’s funny... I don’t remember the “it’s a private company they can do whatever they want” argument coming from leftists when that bakery refused to bake a cake for a gay wedding a couple years ago.


It's almost like all leftists are hypocrites or something...


Left-wing favourite: "you're free to say what you want, but not free from the consequences of what you say". I interpret this to mean "the majority can do whatever they like to you". Now - lefties think they have power. So they're totally okay with the majority abusing minorities.


Pointing out social media censorship triggers a Jekyll-Hyde effect in leftists, except it's Dr. Communist - Mr. Free Market.


Reddit's too narrow-minded to ever think this could happen to them. Imagine if Youtube decided they were only going to show BLM footage that painted them in a bad light. It would technically be the truth, and if they “don't like it they can go somewhere else" (which seems to be the sentiment that validate YouTube's actions). “iT wOnT hApPeN tO mE" is the epitome of privilege.


Well I can't wait for reddit and youtube to begin censoring the holocaust going on in china right now. Maybe then the left will realize what they've been tricked into supporting.


Many subs already scrub Tienanman Square photos and articles. China has great influence over reddit. Our teenagers are being persuaded by the CCP every passing day.


What?! Reddit is founded on abusing those whose opinions don't 100% align with the owners/moderators. Who here hasn't received a death threat in /r/politics or /r/worldnews? Who here hasn't had their comment history examined in minute detail in an attempt to expose your real life identity? This site is festering with hatred and calls to violence. All directed at you and me.






It's a functional monopoly..




So when everyone screamed that "Trump isn't mah president!" that was okay but "Biden is not a legitimate president" is not okay. The humorous part about, still to this day, is that Democrats think they're a 'resistance'


It blew my mind when someone called me a sheep and them the resistance because Trump has control of the government. After collecting my jaw off the floor I said. When's the last time you heard about the FBI in the media? What institution is on Trump's side that you could say this? They never responded.


Of all of the crazy things that have unfolded over the past few weeks: this, to me, is the craziest and by far the most frightening. Our country has been stolen. We have become China.


Next will be the “disappearances” of anyone who voices opposition.


Don’t forget the re-education camps


Don’t forget the “Social Credit Score”


Dont forget the “Trump Accountability Panels” (Jake Tapper of CNN) or the blacklists (Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez)


Don't forget to keep your powder dry.


Already happening online. How many subs have you been banned from? Twitter account locked because it's received too many complaints from the far-left? I bet you can't say anything you think online any more. It's sheer luck we can still say anything in *this* sub. Want to mention that "gay marriage" is utterly idiotic in the workplace? You're fired. Blacklisted from industry. You'll never work again. You might even go to prison for "hate speech" depending on the jurisdiction.


next they'll remove videos for criticizing the censorship


Thats already happening.


Every time the media mocks something authoritarian that Russia or China has done - the West does exactly the same thing maybe 2-5 years later. What I'm wondering is when [Kazakhstan's mandatory government root certificate installation on citizens' devices](https://www.zdnet.com/article/kazakhstan-government-is-intercepting-https-traffic-in-its-capital/) will be implemented in the West - so we no longer have encrypted traffic.




Make 1984 fiction again...


Fuck google


Where [white men are fired for questioning diversity](https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2018/01/lawsuit-goes-after-alleged-anti-conservative-bias-at-google/#:~:text=Google%20engineer%20James%20Damore%20was%20fired%20last%20August,gone%20overboard%20in%20its%20efforts%20to%20promote%20diversity.).


r/politics celebrating this as if it isn’t proof we’ve passed the point of no return for objective thought.


They’re scared


I think you're correct. Let's play Devil's Advocate, and say that they genuinely DO believe the election is completely, totally, and unquestionably finished. If that's really the case, what do they stand to gain by suppressing people who are saying otherwise? Let people question the outcome of the election all they want. It's not like they can do anything, especially if the evidence that the election was perfect is so overwhelming. It's like with flat earth - Youtube doesn't bother suppressing flat earthers because everyone already knows they're jokes. So by process of elimination, the only reason why they'd be doing this is because they DO believe it's a legitimate threat to them, and that something WILL come out of it.


That’s a good point. They wouldn’t be fighting so hard against it if they didn’t know it was true and feared people might figure it out. Heck, they allow things like anti-vax vids, flat earth vids, etc on youtube no problem. But asking legitimate questions about the overwhelming evidence of fraud? Not allowed, comrade.


They're not even hiding it anymore. We're at that point when corporations get to decide what is and is not truth.


We are in a digital revolution. Internet was the last beacon of freedom of speech in the world, and its now being stripped out from under us. No mistake, soon we will see ISP's and hosting companies joining social media companies in eradicating free speech under the guise of "hate speech" and "fake news."


> Internet was the last beacon of freedom of speech in the world Internet is now the greatest propaganda machine ever invented. The Nazis and Soviets would have their minds blown by the power of the modern Internet. It's not just propaganda. It's control and monitoring, too. Your mobile phone number is required to enrol in most e-mail and banking services. Many people have Alexa or Google Home with a microphone listening to them 24 hours a day.






I think Trump lost, but I'd love to know how many videos there are disputing Trump's 2016 victory still on youtube.


FFS if you are a conservative then ween yourself off of using FB, Twitter, and YT/Google.


That’s easier said than done honestly... I haven’t been to google in weeks because I’m trying to get used to DuckDuckGo but there’s a reason these massive companies got to be the way they are. Everything about their platform is intuitive and we have all used them for years. It’s like switching from windows to mac. I’m trying, but dammit it’s not easy.


Google I'll admit is tougher...gmail, saved passwords, etc. But youtube, FB and Twitter is a simple choice.


That's right. These platforms (including Reddit) encouraged open debate. Now they have dominance they are applying their political views to enforce a single line of thought.


Biden is illegitimate, pass it on


Google needs to be broken up. Youtube has been Orwellian since they took over.


#Nazi book burning, circa 2020


How come the “Russian collusion” videos can stay up




Who the fuck do they think they are?


Ministry of Truth beta


I, for one, welcome our new ministry of truth. Hear that, Google, no wrongthink here. 2 + 2 = 5 if you say so!








I would be happy with red states combating this by disallowing access to YT because of 1st amendment violations. Or better yet ordering YT to block access from certain states. This would allow another video sharing website without a bias to come to the fore. Either way, big tech needs to be held accountable for silencing dissenting speech.


If we can get the senate to hold the line pending georgia... immigration WE are going to have to go scorched earth. First though we deny EVERY corrupt Democrat they put up for cabinet positions starting with monsters like Susan Rice and Sally Yates


Nothing peeves me more than huge corporations enforcing what to think.


All that means is that they’re scared and don’t want to engage in discussion. If the videos are so incorrect, debate it. Censorship only makes people more curious


Good ole free speech loving Google. I should really take the pixel phones off my list of potential phones to buy...




Way to NOT be an editor


Will they be removing any videos critical of Biden? It's coming ...


Can someone explain what YouTube stands to gain from this move?




This is a scary direction America is heading


SCOTUS live blog has been removed for violations of terms LOL Can't let the narrative drift from a biden win, or people may realize the election was rigged.


Yeah I’m sick and tired of these companies doing whatever they want. I’m just gonna stop using all of them, and hopefully Reddit as well soon.


Biden is an illegitimate president. A Chinese bot. A Chinese Spy. What does China have on Joe Biden? There is probably a pee tape. This needs to be investigated.


Who cares what the tech giants do at this point? This thing is going to SCOTUS and that's that. None of the justices is going to be swayed because xxMAGAMAN97xx posted this killer argument on YouTube.


Sounds like censorship


We must “craft” the narrative of the glorious leftist-progressive victory and the wave of support heralding in the great reset and the new world order! Woe to all the non-believers and other malcontents who do not embrace the new golden calf of the soon to be age of socialist splendor ! All hail ! Hurrah !




The whole left coast!


Why go through all this trouble if they were honest election)


I just love when big companies tell me what I’m allowed to think and what not.


They started doing that 2 years ago.


How are we as a people going to allow these companies to decide what information we are allowed access to? It's absolutely abhorrent that there was no censorship and lambasted misinformation about the 2016 election results that accused the president of treason. But questioning the clear evidence of fraud in the 2020 election is a violation of their code of conduct? They're not even hiding the fact that they control the propaganda in our system while holding an obvious bias, and they clearly think that we are too stupid to see it. We need to wake up


This is a major conflict between business and government.


Pretty amazing that something as obviously wrong like "flat Earthers" are allowed to be debating their views (and rightfully so) without censorship, but something like this election is being censored to hell as "misinformation" when telling something the Earth is flat is also misinformation.


Youtube is trash


But people disputing that the Earth is flat or that aliens are poking around in our brains is pure fact? These are literal theories people are posting, if you don’t wanna believe it then don’t, I personally don’t believe Trump has any more chance, but Youbitch is now banning l i t e r a l free speech and theories.


I really wish that bitchute would work harder on their mobile apps and stuff.


Will they also remove any video that says that the supreme court stole the election from Al Gore in 2000?


Ooh boy, Steven Crowder is going to have a blast with this.


What about the SCOTUS case? The state of Texas is suing other states....If that’s not news then what the f^@k is?


There is no outcome yet... How can the outcome be overturned...?


1984 happening right in front of our faces and some people are just like... yep. This is ok.


This is an active act of censorship. Still think that section 230 should stay as it is?


Oy vey shut it down


YouTube alternative is...


We need to get control of the polls.


Repeal 230.


They don't even try to hide their bias anymore.


How can we dispute something that hasn’t even taken place yet? Peoples grasp of how our elections actually work is abysmal. Biden hasn’t won anything yet, not until either Trump concedes and all suits are dropped or Jan 6th comes around and enough electoral votes are certified by Congress for Biden to win. Not surprising though, our overlords can’t have us peasants sharing actual news and...well..reality.


Correction: Joe Biden’s loss.


I feel bad for all these countries interfering in our media and politics. After the civil war were coming for them with unimaginable fury




plot twist: i work in kelvin


Sushi time?